
Political Events Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"January 6th was an act of criminality, an act of evil."
"Obviously going to be an incredibly emotional day not only for the President but as well as for all of the people in Uvalde hurting right now."
"The events of January 6th were an assault on our democracy and the rule of law."
"I just remember that moment when the New York Times needle went to the middle and said 50%, and then I was like, 'He's going to win, isn't he?'"
"As shocking, deeply disturbing, and frankly saddening as that event remains, we've also seen this week that democracy is resilient in America, our closest ally and neighbor."
"Paddy Power actually was paying out Hillary Clinton bets before the election."
"I want to understand white rage... what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?"
"January 6th attack on the capital was the first Act of open Insurgency."
"This could be your backyard next week, next month, next election."
"It's Friday, October 2nd, we are 32 days from the election and I think that today's news would qualify as an October surprise." - Jennifer Horn
"Early voting begins today in Texas and Florida."
"There has been a clear correlation between Trump campaign events and incidents of prejudiced violence."
"Expectations that this Summit would be a failure were very widespread in the media."
"I think you can simultaneously criticize the BLM riots and the damage cost in cities while also acknowledging that January 6 was a uniquely horrible event in U.S history."
"Even if the news cycle of talking about it has gone down a little bit, um, I think a lot of members, staffers are very, very concerned still."
"If you went back to 2018 and told your friends and family in a few years time after Don... president Donald Trump will contest the results of his reelection Campaign."
"We are standing by for pardons tomorrow, expecting massive dumps of pardons from Donald Trump."
"I made a speech. I said walk peacefully and patriotically."
"A coup in plain sight... brings Clarity to what was quite a complex and confusing couple of days."
"Watching the RNC was powerful. It was powerful."
"The impeachment hearing will be challenging for a skilled trial lawyer."
"They're playing a game here. If I say Antifa came out in Portland and attack people, I'm talking about Rose City Antifa."
"It's crazy to me it's been six and a half years since I'm like sitting there watching Hillary Clinton announcing she's gonna run and then the 2016 election cycle."
"Cities erupt in celebration after Biden beats Trump."
"He lit the fuse that led to the horrific violence of January 6."
"One of the most amazing things that I saw him do was during one of the January 6th hearings..."
"America's reckoning of Donald Trump will come in just a few weeks' time."
"These are the times you'll remember from this election."
"We may be witnessing the 'it's happening' moment of the 2020 presidential election."
"Donald Trump's behavior on January 6th was campaign activity... it falls outside even the outer perimeters that could be subject to immunity in civil cases." - DC Circuit Court of Appeals
"The capital riot wasn't people being at each other's throats. It was Donald Trump propagating a conspiracy theory about election fraud and then instigating an insurrectionary attack on the capitol."
"This is a moment that the White House is celebrating."
"Sure does feel like January 6 was a Reichstag Fire 2.0."
"January 6th apart from anything else leads directly to the war in Ukraine."
"Trump's rhetoric was the cause of the insurrection."
"What happened in the capital riots was almost the start of a rebirth of this nation."
"They're using January 6 to lump in anyone that believes in conservative principles."
"One person was killed at the Capitol on January 6, and that is one too many."
"The 2020 election is right around the corner... ramping up to."
"If you're playing five-dimensional chess, the Capitol event was the dumbest thing you could have possibly done."
"Bring your tumblers to collect leftist tears because there's a tidal wave over the weekend."
"President Trump's rally was a good moment for Trump."
"The media cover the funeral for Soleimani but not the bravery of Iranian protesters."
"So, we've seen business owners, millionaires, QAnon cultists, white supremacists, and literal Nazis in the crowd at the Capitol."
"But after several days in Walter Reed, President Trump would be released and would return to The White House."
"It's wild what's going on... I may have mentioned this before on the RNC night, we had a bigger audience than the Trump official YouTube channel on some of the RNC nights. If you guys can imagine that, it's insane."
"K-pop stands and tick-tock users claim credit for low turnout at Trump's rally."
"Facebook was instrumental in the election of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines in 2016; it was instrumental in the Brexit referendum in 2016."
"Remember that bill that passed when everyone was outside screaming at them? Stuff like that shapes the narrative in the long term."
"You'd expect with so many Democrats in both audiences there'd be a lot of shouting or booing."
"I had hoped like the election would teach us all a lesson. It would be like a lightning bolt, a wake-up call that we would lose our false innocence and we would build a more humanly, I would say, caring society."
"More Americans are concerned about inflation than the January 6th circus."
"We were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie."
"My point is this: nobody should be violent. January 6th should have never happened."
"January 6 was an act of domestic terrorism incited by Donald Trump. His supporters who attacked the Capitol are terrorists."
"I completely condemn the violence in the Capitol."
"Everywhere you look, there are signs of the ballot battle ahead."
"And then, at about 11:30 at night, all of a sudden, it was announced that, in terms of electoral votes, Trump had just eked out of a victory."
"Suddenly realized that Donald Trump was going to be president, those two hours were the equivalent of an IED in Iraq."
"There's not more that they could have done heading into January 6th." - Aaron Davis
"President Trump will not attend Biden's inauguration this Wednesday, making him the first president to miss his successor's swearing-in in more than 150 years."
"Even on inauguration day, Washington DC was in flames."
"That night, everyone watches the president announce the start of the experiment."
"Isn't that beautiful? And you know what? It coincides perfectly with the midterm elections. Funny how that works."
"Banner day here in DC with the return of former President Obama to the White House."
"The Proud Boys didn't go away after January 6th."
"Lee Chang's son reveals that they're going to the president's office."
"38 million people watched the speech, a number that's comparable to Trump's final state of the union."
"Two things can be true at once: the actual riots were really bad and the media blew January 6th out of proportion."
"I think what we saw on January 6th is not necessarily a big name Pastor inciting people to go to the capital... it's a question that they haven't answered."
"Recording a speaker at a political event can be a way to preserve a memory, not just to supplement one's own self-image."
"The police acted badly. This is one huge angle of January 6th that needs to be told."
"This special election is not really a special election, it's a runoff election."
"Biden's performance Tuesday was so spectacular I just can't wait for Monday to end so Tuesday can be here."
"Trump himself is scheduled to make a border visit this week."
"From start to finish, a clown show on the part of the Trump lawyers."
"The unraveling has taken place tonight in Georgia, and the things that they will find when they wake in the morning is a pile of string at their feet that has no use."
"It's been a horrible year, hasn't it? It began with an insurrection and it ended with a 4 am adjournment."
"Knowledge is power, and you're going to get a lot of empowerment if you come on January 6."
"Imagine how I felt when I saw Donald Trump post a video of my friend giving people money for supplies and asking them to move picnic tables."
"This Trump rally was a celebration of a domestic terrorist attack against the United States."
"So we have an event taking place which might have been staged by the CIA but eventually, Putin just gets shot in the head and that kind of ends Russia's authoritarian regime."
"The election was obviously really crazy, oh my gosh. Who saw that coming? I honestly, I'm a little bit speechless still."
"Judge bowsberg affirmed the idea that Mr. Pence had some protection under speech or debate based on his role in overseeing the certification of the election inside the capitol on January 6th."
"This is a revolutionary process we're watching unfold in Haiti."
"If all of this stuff comes out and is understood and presented well to the American people about January 6th."
"Law enforcement officials have opened at least 25 domestic terrorism cases related to the January 6th breach of the U.S. Capitol building."
"He seemed to have a pretty good idea of what might have happened on January 6th."
"The real divide of what happened at the Capitol is chaos versus order."
"First and foremost, there's the U.K. election, which is fascinating and a total shocker."
"My fear is that what happened in Charlottesville is now going to be conflated with events that are not alt-right, events that are not white supremacist."
"Trump came back of course after deleting the tweets that got him temporarily suspended and after posting some tweets showing support for his supporters and saying he wouldn't be attending Joe Biden's inauguration."
"The question is will Donald Trump be on that stage because he has said at this point he's not taking part in this that he shouldn't have to because his lead is so big that it should be a coronation and not a nominee."
"This January 6 psyop was largely manufactured by the intelligence community like they do all this stuff, was there to make Maga and Trump and his followers unacceptable in polite society."
"The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin. That's a big deal."
"Zeta is a long-term gain focused platform with additional rewards and incentives for loyal holders."
"The fact that he did that in person standing next to Putin that shook the country."
"It just feels like it's all been leading up to this election."
"I firmly believe that everything that has happened with Donald Trump is happening for a reason."
"Something politically has happened for Xi Jinping and it's worth our attention."
"2020 was an outlier election in terms of voter turnout."
"The January 6 attack on the capital by rabid Trump supporters may have embarrassed some Republicans but it didn't shift their political calculus."
"Trump's events feel more like rock concerts with adoring crowds crying out for his greatest hits."
"Joe Biden's going to be sworn in on January 20th."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene has been doing press conferences throughout the trial and there's always been protesters behind him trying to distract him from what he's saying," emphasizing the disruptive nature of the protests.
"We're in a war. We're not taking this like it's a war. We're taking this like, oh, we're in a presidential election."
"The citizens of the UK went to the polls to vote on whether or not to leave the European Union, shocked the world when it came back in favor of the decision to leave."
"The race for 2024: President Biden sharing the stage tonight with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton at a star-studded fundraiser."
"President Biden attending a star-studded fundraiser in Manhattan with two of his predecessors."
"Amongst that was a whole lot of irrational and a very, very loud call that [ __ ] was going down on the sixth."
"The confidential human source is reporting the following: 'The Proud Boys were not involved in nor did they inspire the breaking of the barriers at the U.S. Capitol Building.'"
"The crowd was shouting 'Stop the vote,' they made their way into the Capitol building. There were no overt threats of violence made at that time."
"I'd love to get to the bottom of January 6. I got a lot of questions about it."
"Can you imagine a hundred years from now them looking back at the record? It's real, this happened in Washington D.C."
"It's actually going to be called the whole Bay of Pigs thing."
"That was the first time I watched an election map and I was like, 'Oh God, oh [__].'"
"I'm trending during the Republican convention. That's the funniest thing."
"January 6th reflects the dual nature of democracy: its fragility and its strength."
"Hunter definitely got there and um you know he knew so much about January 6th I did too and we we sort of had a meeting of the minds."
"A disaster for the UK Prime Minister tonight."
"If this was a Trump supporter, remember when uh, Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked? They wasted no time saying it was an extreme MAGA extremist."
"Remember just 11 days before the election FBI director James Comey announced that the agency was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton."
"The stock market continues to hit new records, even after the violence at the U.S. Capitol."
"Why does it take the election of Donald Trump for this actually to be news?"
"January 6 was deployed... to shut down civil liberties. And my point is that one can see January 6 having served the same purpose."
"Evidence of January 6 rioters planning... they would go to Washington."
"It's all centered around Donald Trump. He'll be the keynote speaker on Sunday. I just can't even imagine the level of crazy that we're going to hear."
"If we lose everything and we got very close to that on January 6."
"Sanders events are huge, they have incredibly high energy."
"Ever since last year's assassination of the president of Haiti, we've seen increased international attention on much of what's going on with Western intervention there." - Lance Gross
"Did your college football opening day have the same energy as this Donald Trump rally?"
"This has been an extraordinary week for democracy."
"There's a difference between the former president and what he did on January 6th as the president of the United States."
"History will not be kind to what transpires today."
"The January 6th insurrection scared the out of certain Republicans and even those nut bags couldn't pull the trigger on Trump's scheme."
"What they do? Well, one guy in Staten Island, for instance, he uh, impeachment Jeff Van Drew switched parties and then just won his primary in a landslide."
"Denver city council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access."
"Turnout for the Iowa caucuses could be an issue."
"Something is great again see a lot of that being shown in the November 8th election."
"Did you have confidential human sources dresses Trump supporters inside the capital on January 6th prior to the doors being open again."
"Again, it's just funny because apparently there's backlash because Tucker was basically revealing the truth about what happened on January 6th."
"Welcome, folks, it's Independence Day—you just got your independence back. This is the new American revolution, and for some reason, almost nobody's talking about why this is such a big deal."
"These are people who livestreamed their crimes, beat up police officers, some even defecated in the halls of Congress, and yet only a handful were put in the back of a police cruiser that day."
"Remember what we're seeing is foreshadowing and mirroring of what is about to come."
"Should we have the same open-mindedness about Americans' views on 2020 events?"
"I don't think people understand how close we were... to a mass casualty event."
"This is spooky and like you said, it's been a long time since we've seen someone defeated on the first ballot or any ballot for leader." - Mondale Robinson
"But by the way Bernie you learned a lot about people's character in moments like that right mag Republican senator Mullen wrote that out Bernie had no clue that that was going to happen right."
"This election has huge international significance."
"It's impossible to understate the importance of this moment as an inflection point in the path of the United States of America."
"When it really matters, like on election night, you know we're gonna be in position to really have the best ideas."
"Let me see what I can do, but I want your word. That's the day Sam Giancana is elected too."
"We have incitement... that led to the insurrection."
"The beauty of that night was that citizens showed up and demanded democracy prevail."
"It's super duper Tuesday by the way, so you know, keep that in mind."
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I pray we even make it to the midterms."
"It's not possible to get a fair trial for any January 6 people."
"Comey: I was sure Clinton would win election when I reopened email inquiry."
"Tensions are heating up as Taiwan broadcasts are saying that Nancy Pelosi will be landing in Taiwan late Tuesday night."
"What happened on January 6th was wrong. I don't know how much more strongly I can say what happened on January 6th was wrong."
"The real impeachment is, you know, that's what happened with Trump."
"He acknowledged talking to Trump on the day of the attack on the Capitol... So we obviously would like him to come in, but his decision not to, not all that surprising."
"Our democracy was threatened here on January 6th... the effort to overturn an election... has to come with the highest level of seriousness and attention."
"Some of those people clearly came to Washington we now know with plans and intentions to engage in the worst kind of violence we would consider domestic terrorism." - FBI Director Christopher Wray
"People lose friends over fifty dollars. People lose friends over lots of things. How do you not lose your friend over an insurrection?"
"If Trump hadn't gone over the top, January 6 would have been an obvious tragedy."
"I can remember being a child and going to like various political events in African-American community."
"For weeks we've watched the politicians slugging it out; tonight at last we hear the voters' verdict."
"It's going to be a very, very exciting political night."
"Will we be live streaming the democratic debates? Yes, and I think that will be very funny."
"America had just endured a broad attack on democracy."