
Public Interest Quotes

There are 1442 quotes

"Debate on matters of public interest should be robust, uninhibited, and wide open."
"We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"The more we move into the perilous times spoken of in the Holy Bible, the more people are becoming interested in the prophetic aspects of the Bible."
"It's in the interest of the social good to have safe transportation systems that people survive."
"You've got to have personality as well. You can't just knock in century breaks; the general public don't really care about that."
"The public has a strong interest in the foundational principle of our government that the will of the people, as expressed in the Electoral College vote, determines who will serve as president."
"Prosecutors are expected to assume a role beyond a mere advocate for one side and must make decisions in the public's interest, not their own personal or political interest."
"I know there's a lot of people following this very closely, wondering when they're gonna have money in their pockets."
"We Americans do deserve candidates who take our interests seriously and if those candidates cannot rise through our parties then they must rise outside of them."
"Astronomy sells, and in particular, cosmology sells...these are, as I say, the grandest questions."
"Journalism is conveying information to the public that is in their interest."
"People become more invested in your relationship than in you individually."
"Genuine public interest exists in what Grand jurors found after they sifted the evidence and heard from all the witnesses."
"It's a soap opera... brilliant for the average person."
"We invite them to work with us on the agenda moving forward because clearly the bill that the President just signed into law is something that the American people are excited about."
"It's time to say we want to do things that are really in the best interest of the American people."
"The public might want more, and the families...it's reminded them of a very sad time in national life but also happy memories because she left an incredible legacy of her 70 years on the throne."
"Democracy does not have to be a blood sport; it can be an honorable enterprise that advances the public interest."
"Hopefully, with this kind of opening of mistrust, it leads to a better form of ethics, a better form of medicine, new institutions or reformulated institutions that actually serve the public interest, not the bottom line of pharmaceutical companies."
"You might have seen him on the news getting interviewed by a news person lady, or you might have seen him in a little holding room being interviewed by an investigator. Those videos always go viral."
"Populism is... a way of collecting the public's interest."
"All know that the evolution of human nutrition is an extremely popular topic."
"The release of this report is an important step in providing the public answers to many of the questions that have festered for far too long."
"Missing Kate Middleton isn't just a PR crisis; it has sparked a sinister search party."
"In essence, nobody cares about the topic. They care about how anything and everything will benefit their life."
"It doesn't really take very much if the signal is consistent, it doesn't take very much to drag belief... into some territory where it serves a private interest at the expense of the public."
"Metroid was back in the public eye, and positive reception towards Samus Returns got people excited once again."
"The enormous interest in this hearing today underscores the importance of a fair and open look at the evidence from witnesses."
"It's ridiculous to suggest you can't say things that obviously are of public import."
"I'm happy to report that there's an appetite for the cosmos out there."
"This is a public concern and it should not be sealed."
"What Chelsea Manning did was brave and in the public interest, and I'm grateful for it."
"It seems like love and relationships is the biggest thing that people want to talk about, but your message in health was especially... it just seemed to hit them in a different way."
"Whistleblowing is... to try and provide the public information that it is in the public interest to know."
"People are interested in science not because of me, but it's what I symbolize."
"The interest of the American people is to fight, to take your government back from Wall Street and make the United States a force for progress in the world."
"The fascination with the identity of the mysterious killer never really ended."
"UFO transparency movement is driven by public passion, enthusiasm, and desire to understand the nature of reality."
"This is something that's a little bit exciting, and I think even the biggest skeptics kind of want to believe. There's an element of excitement; there's an element of, well, all of this bad news, but we have this interesting, potential interesting UFO news coming out of the government. Maybe this will give us something exciting to focus on, something really fun that's new."
"That building should stand as a warning to every government to everybody in every town and every city in this country of what happens when you give up the public good, the public interest, for private gain."
"The monarchy exists not in the interests of the monarch but in the interest of the people."
"We can really care about something together; that we do have the ability to shift public focus."
"The real life drama of the defamation case between Amber Heard and her ex-husband Johnny Depp captivated millions of people around the world."
"Ever since this creature was discovered nearly 100 years ago, it has captured the public's imagination in new and terrifying ways."
"The weighty public ramifications of the conduct described warrant disclosure."
"How many Americans even care about what really happened on 9/11 or what really happened in Florida?"
"The US government can't be trusted to look out for the people's best interests."
"Their groundbreaking findings sent shock waves through the scientific community and ignited public imagination."
"More people are interested in Miss Gadot and then Miss Heard on social media. It just tells me a lot. People are interested in these actresses as opposed to Miss Heard. More of a following, scores well liked, less disliked."
"A majority of the Americans...want to understand what happened, they want to get to the bottom of what happened on January 6 and they don't want it to ever happen again."
"In the annals of True Crime, few cases have captured the public's attention quite like that of Jeffrey Epstein."
"The popularity of Taylor Swift's legs over the Arctic melt is not just a passing journalistic problem; it's a problem for our democracies, it's a problem for our societies."
"Whenever there's a story like that where David can beat Goliath, people like to be a part of that."
"He was always the guy in every meeting who asked how's this helping regular folks."
"Attorney Ben Crump will be dropping by for the latest on the trial of former Texas police officer who shot an unarmed black woman."
"Nobody cares about your opinion that the kids don't go outside, nobody cares."
"The prosecutors would like it to begin this summer, summer of 2024."
"The fact that it's become salacious I think is because of the specific people involved in this case."
"No other woman in modern times has ever commanded so much attention as Diana, Princess of Wales."
"Does this serve the interests of the many? Is this based in the world that most human beings have to live in?"
"I think this mission raised some awareness of that side of going to space as a private citizen."
"It's a real-life mystery, and I believe that people are following it because Gabby could be anybody's friend, sister, brother."
"We need complete data transparency for all studies. We need it in the public interest and we need it now."
"Hundreds of thousands of purported Bigfoot sightings each year in the United States of America alone."
"The birth of Prince William marked the high water mark of the marriage."
"With all the scandals surrounding Diddy, people are now wondering if Jay might be the next one to face scrutiny after they are done with Diddy"
"Everybody loves space. Even the flat earthers love space."
"There's not much that people like more than a good True Crime Story."
"That's an illustration of how this subject appeals to the public."
"It's probably nice to have a break from this particular defamation suit for everybody."
"It makes absolute complete perfect sense why people would be more interested in negative content over positive content."
"The reason I think talking about the Tom Cruise story is important it's not just because it's sensational or tabloidy this really is the most dis for I have said."
"People no longer care about economic issues, they care about politics."
"An ex-president playing golf with his friends is not news, but when you write the headline in such a way, people think it is."
"Every part of the process can be something that somebody's interested in, you know, like for a while people just thought it was just the images."
"Donald Trump speaks in a way that holds people's interests."
"People are in fact interested in those experiences."
"At the end of the day, like everyone's wondering what's going on."
"The Great North American Eclipse of 2024 promises to be one of the most widely observed eclipses in history."
"Excessive secrecy breeds more public interest."
"She's relevant again... people care about you."
"We'll keep an eye on this case as it continues to progress and to any more developments that we hear on the Brian Butler front."
"People power public interest can defeat vested interest this genuinely is a watershed moment."
"If Matt had just gone on making his cringy videos, no one would have cared."
"It's hard to gain as much traction because it's not as controversial."
"This case is being watched, discussed all across the country."
"Confidence is the single biggest topic that I'm peppered with in terms of questions."
"Everyone loves a comeback story, and what they love more than comebacks is they love betrayals."
"Political campaigning began in the first place because people wanted to know where their candidates stood on the issues."
"I think it's very clear that so many people care."
"I appreciate the fact that so many people are interested in what I do."
"There are sketches of men wanted in the abduction of Madeleine McCann. It's almost freaky how much they look like the Podesta brothers."
"The Oscars have been kind of out of touch with what the American people are actually interested in paying money to see at the theaters for a long time."
"I'm sure you'll be quite happy about this because people like to see what's inside these things as well."
"Compromise should be based around what the American people want, not what donors want."
"I think it's all about Jenna Ortega. She's on fire right now, and people are excited to see her."
"For the first time, there's excitement, buzz, freshness."
"Just because something is trending doesn't mean it matters."
"People have been buzzing about him over the past two years."
"We want some more royals on the way up because these children and these teens are fast growing up, aren't they, my loves?"
"I think it's been something people have been sort of waiting for to hear what football players' responses to it will be."
"These missions really can inspire those that have not yet become enthralled with space and space travel."
"The majority of your base is very passionate about police brutality and police reform."
"Is this the time for us to stop focusing on what the media wants us to look at... and start focusing on the interests of 99.9% of everybody else?"
"A 60 Minutes interview with stormy Daniels who is of course the porn started the trumped is on its way but that more journalistic work needs to be done on the story."
"That's why this movie is going to make so much money."
"It all began with great expectations, outside this Charmed Circle is new territory. What will happen to the first female ex-royal? What does the future hold for Fergie?"
"The British royals are more of a soap opera."
"People just love when celebrities do the thing that they're famous for."
"Real journalism exists but it's just boring."
"This was the moment we were all waiting for."
"The future is bright for American soccer, does anybody care? I think we do now 'cause we've got the guy."
"Beautiful news, wonderful news, lovely news."
"The Ukrainian war is once again drawing public attention."
"There were some very, very questionable actions that happened in this case... I do think the American people deserve answers."
"The unavoidable conclusion is that people are kind of over the superhero genre now yeah declining quality and Market saturation definitely hasn't helped but really all it did was speed up the inevitable onset of superhero fatigue..."
"Their breakup was like the Talk of the Town but also they were very quiet about it."
"The story of Jeffrey Epstein is one of the most misunderstood of our time. Between the conspiracies and the truth, we have questions."
"This one is for interest but also for shame."
"These are huge scale movies and a lot of intersection is happening in these films and so it's they're big movies and you know so it's of a scope that everybody wants to see in these films."
"The public interest is in free and open discussion."
"The press of course ate all of this up. The story of an incorruptible squad of agents tackling the biggest mob in Chicago was enticing enough."
"Hospitals have a history of paranormal activity, and stories like this one continue to captivate the public's imagination."
"In the age of social media, chilling encounters and unexplained phenomena have a tendency to capture the collective imagination like wildfire."
"Bitcoin price has actually been trending today on Google searches with over 2 million people searching for bitcoin price."
"You have to find who made this; it just exploded. Nobody wants to see something that you did; they want to see something that you found."
"There's people out there that want to know about Becca, don't you think? Oh, thanks, I like her. Everyone's like, 'Famous, oh yeah.' She's like, 'I'm so nervous.'"
"Iron Mike Tyson... made it impossible for us to look away."
"There is one name that is going to start getting thrown out... Jim Harbaugh."
"It is in the public interest to have the courts resolve this legal question."
"Suddenly, everyone everywhere was talking about Mel's mysterious hole."
"I think people caring is normally live scandals."
"Rooney succeeded on truth but failed on the public interest."
"Clearly this is not the last we have heard of this issue."
"All caused by a government acting against the interests of its own people."
"I really am humbled that so many people wanted to see what was going on inside the courtroom."
"We need new political systems that genuinely represent ordinary Americans."
"You have politicians who are not interested in what's good for the people."
"When covent first happened, I wanted to hear what Alex had to say."
"The next parliament should be about the recovery of the economy, the NHS, education, all of the issues they care about rather than simply the division and disunity that will come from having another independence referendum."
"When the president says one thing and his former national security adviser says the opposite, this is a matter of interest to the American people."
"I thought it was interesting when the Pope came out and said he believed in aliens."
"Digital privacy doesn't always make headline views unless of course celebrity nudes are leaked or compromising corporate emails are made public."
"I firmly believe there is a true hunger for knowledge on this once people realize that there's something to it."
"The Public's right to know trumps all that shit. The Public's right to know the information is the most important thing and not lying to the audience. That's why we go undercover, that's why we use pretend, that's why we're gorilla."
"Lots more attention is going to be coming to that, that's a good thing."
"I'm a reporter who happens to be interested in UFOs. There's a difference, and I think it's a legitimate news story."
"The story about Area 51 got out anyway, and I remember in the beginning, man, everybody made fun of it and made fun of me. But eventually, as we'll talk about, the whole world beat a path to Area 51's door."
"It's frankly, it's pretty bad for the Republican Party that this is the case because it's leading them to be just completely unable to discuss issues that the broad scope of the American populace wants to know about."
"That's huge. That would be of interest to everyone."
"Everybody was buzzing, was talking about it. They all had their own theory of what happened."
"She stunned fans when she returned to acting in 2015 but disappeared again the following year. We haven't seen her in anything since."
"Seeking confidence and what's best for the people."
"The whole saga has been deeply compelling; whether one loves or hates the Pauls, few have been able to resist feeling something about their fights."
"Why do people care so much about somebody's sexuality?"
"A lot of people want to see justice in this case."
"It appears that this investigation is full steam ahead now we have a bit of a timeline for it tick-tock." - Rachel Maddow
"The mission is to uncover urgent stories of public interest."
"No one's gonna care, but look how long the Lukaku deal has taken."
"When people want to own more of it, it becomes a very, very highly charged story."
"Modern Royals may have evaded the official observer but they have hordes of probing eyes in a different guise to contend with."
"There's been a starvation for truth and for information... and people are attracted to it."
"Join us as we explore the heartbreaking, tragic life of Shiloh Pitt."
"It's like just this beautiful entertaining trainwreck."
"The opioid crisis is one example of how lobbying by wealthy companies has clashed with the interests of the electorate."
"Normal people don't have those photos... it's insane stuff."
"With fans eagerly anticipating his future projects."
"All of that public interest on him is what keeps his university out there in the mix."
"For someone so dangerous and so important, we know surprisingly little about him."
"People love compelling true life stories. Especially when it relates to public figures, and most importantly when that story is a tragedy."
"It's incredible to see how many people have an interest in paleontology, Evolution, and the natural world."
"Access and public access to the courtroom is a needed thing."
"Needless to say, it re-sparked interest in the mystery centered around her death."
"Watching the trial was really fascinating... It feels like a watershed moment in the country."
"Mainstream media... starting to take an interest... a good sign."
"The only thing that seems to drive mass adoption for crypto is hype."
"People around the world are fascinated by this place not just stalkers."
"The enthusiasm for what happened on Demo Two was extremely robust among people within the U.S. government, of course; among members of Congress that found that."
"Frustration is an outgrowth of passion... if you make something and no one talks about it, no one cares about it..."
"The way they flock around every person who's involved in this trial is just despicable."
"The spectacular rise and fall of Meghan Markle is rather fascinating."
"It's the title not the person that the people are there to see."
"It's cool to see so many people excited about space flight."
"The second amendment is the very product of an interest balancing by the people and it surely elevates above all other interests the right of law-abiding responsible citizens to use arms for self-defense."
"Public perception plays a crucial role in the progress of spaceflight."
"Trump is obsessed with ratings. Even bragging about the number of viewers his daily coronavirus briefings drew."
"OJ Simpson's trial wasn't just about him, it was a spotlight on the flaws in our justice system."
"You do not get to determine what is best for the country or the American people."
"We're going to be seeing more and more truth coming out and we're going to see more and more Americans looking for people that have the courage to be able to articulate what that truth is."
"There's compelling reasons if they have that stuff that we should release it to people."
"A real public appetite to get some sense of what life was like for our soldiers."
"Subsequent orbital imagery of the Cydonia region of Mars have attempted to debunk the face as just being a product of light angle. However, thankfully people did not let these debunking efforts dissuade them from further investigations of the area."
"It's the most popular thing that we've seen in a while."
"It's going to be interesting to see what the jury thought of this."
"Forget movies, forget video games, forget sports. The most hotly anticipated spectacle this year is one that hasn't even officially been confirmed."
"If you represent us then you have to figure out what is in our best interest."
"Every day of my life is kind of out of the ordinary that people I think would be interested to see."
"The most common day of the year where UFOs are seen: July 4th, Independence Day."
"Nobody really cares about the scandals. People really care about the games."