
Change Resistance Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"It's the fact that we have lost the ability to... admit that it's happening because the change that would be necessary to address it is almost unfathomable."
"Why fix something that's not broken? You're trying to add these things and ruin our game."
"We often want to deny its validity because if we acknowledge the facts, it requires change and for many, this is something that is not desired."
"It's impossible to convince everyone to switch defaults."
"There is always resistance to change because people, once they are happy with an established understanding, do not want to change."
"The establishment's beliefs only change one funeral at a time."
"He's just you might be good now but I left I left the house because I was like I can't hear the same song over and over I left took a shower took a [ __ ] and shaved came back I was like change the [ __ ] tune bro."
"My view is this: If it ain't broke, why fix it?"
"Fear is more powerful than the optimism of disruption."
"He laughed at Galileo, they laughed at Copernicus... so anyone who laughs at Solar Roadways must be afraid of change."
"It's almost like you're delaying and you're delaying an inevitable change Libra because you have already grown some form of situation here but now you're in a space of trying to be cooperative trying to do the right thing."
"For some, these major or minor changes in the character are loved; other times, fans are upset with the whole mentality of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.'"
"I'm probably gonna turn some people off but like you, that's the one thing more so than anything personally that I don't want to see changed."
"Once the public gets used to something that really is in the public's interest, it's very hard to get rid of it."
"People don't like to admit that they'd like to change something, so when somebody changes that thing, there's kind of like that inherent rejection."
"When you standing your ground and doing what you know is right, the man knows that you're doing right but he's not ready to change."
"Stubbornness is when the world has changed, but you don't want to accept it."
"Make Instagram Instagram again. Stop trying to be TikTok."
"I think that's the biggest mistake we women make."
"We want everything to be exactly as it was before."
"I don't think the harm here is so obviously obvious and avert that is uh requires a change in policy."
"The people that are threatened most by incumbent technologies are the ones that are going to be the biggest critics."
"Change, grow, evolve. The problem with science can be that it fights change."
"Things will not change in terms of the structure wages."
"Why would you change something that isn't broken? The fanbase seem to love it and you guys know the mean by now: 'This isn't even my final form.'"
"Change is blocked by rigidity. Stop trying to tell me how to so much on Sam."
"Some will not embrace this change not yet anyway and there is loss here to heal from but the potential is the healing."
"It's just as dangerous to chase every new thing than it is to hold on to every old thing."
"Sometimes we're blinded by our own nostalgia... it's hard to keep an open mind toward new things."
"We're just not losing the old Tom-Tom, you know."
"The main problem with 40K and it's something that you'll never be able to fix until Games Workshop except..."
"People do not change for carbon copies of something that they already know."
"People sitting at the top of the tree very rarely decide to suddenly wake up one day and say, 'I've seen the light.'"
"Some teams... there are gonna be some pretty angry pros and staff about this change, I guarantee it."
"Our system basically keeps real change from happening and reproduces present patterns of distribution into the future."
"Consumers think companies aren't willing to change."
"No changes until there's a change that we really want, right?"
"Some things are better left undone, you know, they're just better left where they are because it's classic for a reason."
"Don't turn this into let's make it what it used to be."
"As long as we go along with the program, the program will not change."
"You're moving on and there's something or someone that just is like 'don't, don't do it like please don't leave.'"
"We should be very skeptical of attempts to change it rather than the situation we have now."
"When you make changes there's always going to be people that aren't going to like it."
"Individuals rarely change; therefore, history tends to repeat itself."
"People like certainty more than they like improvement."
"It's important for us to recognize that when we have built walls... they don't come down very easily."
"The political establishment in Washington... an impediment to the sort of change that we need."
"It's the fear of trying a new thing, it's the fear of consequences, it's our desire for certainty."
"It's hard to change a person's mind when they're emotionally connected."
"Give up hope of change? Well, that's just defeatist or negative."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's been the same for 25 years. It's fine."
"There's nothing wrong with resistance. Every movement in society, companies included, blockchain technology included, do it in one of two ways: either they go with the trend or they go against the trend."
"Just because we did it doesn't mean we should continue doing it."
"I don't think a filmmaker would go back and change their story."
"Any solution that in any way involves their systems or physical... is never going to come."
"My strategy is certainly a lot different, but it's not going to change."
"Culture plays a very important role. A lot of resistance would come across to adopt the new way of doing things."
"The early critics might simply be railing against change and not least because Bremont is setting new standards for British watchmaking and for watchmaking more generally; they're challenging the status quo."
"They say if a person don't want to change, you can't make them, no matter how hard you try."
"The only person in this world that really loves change is a baby in a dirty diaper."
"Money, money, money never change me."
"Culture in that sense is like personality or character for an individual. Once you've learned to be a certain kind of person, that is you in all aspects of your functioning, and you don't want to be any differently, which is why culture is hard to change."
"Tradition is one of the most stubborn of barriers when it comes to the truth."
"If you keep doing the things you've always done, you're only going to get the same results."