
Environmental Warning Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We are in an escalating series of crises... the canary is not even chirping anymore."
"Your planet is overpopulated. Warning, it is almost to the point of being too late."
"Only when they caught the last fish and cut down the last tree will they realize they can't eat gold."
"We could see fishless oceans by 2048 if we carry on the way that we do now."
"We're on a highway to climate hell, with our foot still on the accelerator."
"When the animals start dying, know that the humans are going to start dying next."
"Scientists suspect that we have already passed the tipping point for this climatic death spiral."
"War means actually stronger on land than over the ocean and warming is stronger in the arctic than in other places around the planet oh that's just bad news."
"It was as if the beings were trying to warn the children of the future of the planet if humanity continued its devastating policies towards the environment."
"The Heisei films serve as warnings to humanity, putting a giant, colorful magnifying glass on our abusive relationship to nature."
"If we genuinely want to reduce our risk of zoonotic diseases developing... we simply cannot continue to ignore the elephant in the room."
"If the bee goes away, we're done as a society in the world, that is a really good in distress he made that point."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"Oregon governor calls wildfires a bellwether for climate change this is a wake-up call for us."
"Golden eggs fueling modern and comfortable lives sounds much better than telling them that collecting them will spell their Doom."
"Our planet is on the verge of self-destruction, and Humanity only has a few years remaining to avert some pending catastrophe."
"If we don't figure out a way to make our lives better, we are going to destroy each other and we're going to destroy this planet."
"Drought indicators showed a potential worsening in the coming weeks."
"We're racing towards the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it." - Ian Malcolm
"Climate change is deadly serious. We are sort of at a break glass moment."
"You've always sounded the drum... but your warnings are more dire, louder, more direct."
"This isn't a portent of bad things that might happen in the future this is the bad things happening right now." - Professor Stephanopoulos
"Returnal issues a warning about its challenging environment from the get-go."
"We are currently knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe, and we need to be reducing our CO2 emissions instead of greatly increasing them."
"You're killing your planet, your planet is dying."
"When we look at Venus, we are not just looking at a world gone wrong, we are looking at our future."
"These wildfires are blinking code red for our nation. They're gaining frequency and ferocity."
"The insect apocalypse is coming to your neighborhood."
"Because they say early on that like earth is dying..."
"World taps on world will drown, it's terrifying think about it."
"We're at one minute to midnight." - Pastor Barry Stagner.
"Bikini Atoll is a place of pristine beaches and swaying palm trees. But don’t let its idyllic appearance deceive you."
"I want to be wrong, but it is a warning shot fired against the bow of humanity right now."
"The canary in the coal mine is dead, the bellwethers are warning you."
"Our species is doomed for extinction here's proof."
"Don't let the beauty of this place lull you into complacency. There's a reason this place has come to be known as Skull Island."
"The human race must completely and immediately alter its current course."
"We are literally on a trajectory that could turn this planet into a true sister to Venus in the geologic blink of an eye."
"That's climate change, it means we're headed for disaster."
"Life on Earth will become impossible due to a rise in temperature."
"Earth is about to enter a thirty-year mini ice age as the Sun hibernates, scientist warns."
"Mother Nature has Only Just Begun her Wrath."
"That is a crisis that's headed towards the ecological disaster."
"The case of the Aral Sea serves as a stark example of the environmental consequences of unsustainable water management."
"The collapse of the Larson B ice shelf served as a wake-up call, a visual manifestation of our world's ever-changing climate."
"We are always warning most of us, including team were the first one really to put together all the tipping elements for decades already."
"There won't be a third world war, but if you continue polluting nature, it will destroy us."
"Venus serves as a strong warning for Earth, highlighting the devastating effects of greenhouse gas accumulation."
"The demise of the Julian Sphinx Moth is just another quietly stated, subtle little warning from nature: pay attention now."
"Venus is actually quite a good warning for us because it does show us what happens when CO2 goes out of control."
"If you kill all the trees, you kill the planet, and then you kill us too."
"All the wealth and power won't matter if we starve or roast or freeze to death as the planet dies."
"James Hansen has warned that if the tar sands oil is fully exploited, it will be 'game over for the planet.'"
"We're watching these changes; these are a canary in a coal mine."
"This won't be here fifty years from now if we don't do something."
"You watch, our water levels are gonna rise because the polar ice caps will be melting."
"The area will soon be entirely underwater."
"Rachel Carson’s famous Silent Spring, which is credited for inspiring the western environmental movement, warned us of the pervasive impacts of these chemicals way back in 1962!"