
Healthcare Crisis Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Alzheimer's direct cost 305 billion, indirect cost 240 billion right now, and it's climbing up to 1.1 to 3 trillion dollars directed indoor by 2050, which will collapse our system altogether."
"Knowledge is power, but I've realized that it's not the full story. Even with the knowledge... if knowledge was the answer, we wouldn't have a healthcare crisis."
"The many layers of management... there are simply too many suits and not enough nurses and doctors' uniforms."
"We live in the most advanced era in human history, yet the health of the average American is plummeting."
"Many, many, many Indians are dying not from COVID, but because the health system has been betrayed by a monumental series of policy mistakes, incompetence, callousness, ignorance, and even now, the wrong decisions."
"It's so odd that people act like healthcare is not an issue in this country when non-profits that normally operate in African nations literally come to the U.S. in the Appalachian region and set up shop inside of stadiums to offer healthcare."
"The coronavirus pandemic might have been a moment of reckoning for the nursing home industry."
"20 million people losing their health insurance during a global pandemic is heartless and unexplainable. It's a lack of leadership." - Dr. Leon McDougall
"Everybody who is on the front line supporting us as a country through this crisis must have the equipment that they need."
"Canadians deserve to be supported during a health crisis."
"We're the only country where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness."
"We're in a very, very tenuous, dangerous situation, and what I think everyone should be able to agree on is that we cannot let our hospitals get to the point where health care is dramatically threatened."
"The influx of patients is growing by the day and the lack of treatment and resources affecting American families."
"There's not enough ventilators, we need thousands." - Governor Gretchen Whitmer
"It would shut down our healthcare system and lead to a massive increase in mortality, including suicide, overdose, heart disease, and countless other physical and mental harms. They're doubling down on suicide today."
"When these numbers continue to rise as they have been, people will have to be triaged out of help to make way for others who are even worse off."
"We have a shortage of life-preserving equipment and you're putting out a call-out on gumtree. I thought we were supposed to be a leading economy. This is insane."
"Patients that need intensive care have to wait... most of them have died already."
"Roughly 100,000 Americans are currently awaiting a kidney donation every day ten of our fellow citizens die waiting many many people are dying while they wait."
"They targeted the hospital, executed patients on their beds, and arrested medical staff."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"The scariest day of my life... we were going to be needing 130,000 ventilators... this is the system we inherited."
"The scariest day of my life was about a month ago when after a long day of meetings my team told me that we were going to be needing 130,000 ventilators."
"The 30 litre tank just cures a fair bit of that I mean that's a big tank and yet you still have this kind of feeling of agility with the bike."
"Hospitals are out of basic supplies, they're out of anesthesia, they're out of needles, they're out of bandaging equipment."
"What I see in BC right now is a system that is collapsing, and it's very tough to see because there's real human consequences to this."
"People are dying unnecessarily as a result."
"Australians are having to make up things on their registration forms to get vaccines. I mean, effectively they've been given the choice of lying or dying."
"This is a president who has lost his political ear at the worst possible time for him politically, but for the rest of America as far as health care issues go."
"The reality is that not only is the medical system in metropolitan cities close to collapse, but the outbreak has spread like wildfire to the rural areas of China."
"The result was often hysteria. This was the space suit era, when nurses and doctors, even some clergy, wore gloves, masks, and gowns to approach anyone suspected of having AIDS."
"Never again in America does anyone go bankrupt just because they got sick."
"We have an opportunity to take action to stop this maternal mortality crisis."
"The fight against SCH community needs to involve everyone."
"People are dying and having to resort to GoFundMe in order to pay for health care while these health insurance companies are making record profits."
"There are people that literally have their lives ruined in the United States because they can't afford health insurance payments."
"Why haven't I ever seen a damn riot around the healthcare racket? A million families went bankrupt last year due to medical bills."
"For the first time in British history, a nurse had been found guilty of murdering children in a hospital."
"We haven't even talked about important issues like health care and the fact that we have a crisis in our schools."
"The next few weeks are absolutely pivotal... It's not over for hospitalizations and deaths."
"This vaccine, even though the rollout's going well, is not nearly soon enough to save the NHS from the human catastrophe it's currently facing."
"The idea that people, children might have actually died waiting for care that they were supposed to receive is heartbreaking."
"Patients are dying because of a shortage of oxygen in India."
"Many hospital staff members are threatening to quit their jobs in the coming months."
"The problem right now is that everybody is focused on the crisis of price and it is a crisis but what has been ignored in this is the crisis of quality."
"The NHS facing its greatest existential crisis since its foundation."
"We have the highest health care bills on the planet and the worst outcomes of any industrial nation. It's bankrupting us. 80 percent of that is from chronic disease."
"We're in this state of a mental healthcare crisis."
"Nurses are trying to go, they're getting laid off like suspended from their jobs because they went to work and they were supposed to have four patients and they had 13, and that's not safe, and people are dying."
"People are dying, and this is not safe because we don't have enough nurses."
"The scale of the task is huge, the past year has seen ambulances queuing for hours outside hospitals, waiting lists ticking towards seven million people, and demoralized staff leaving en masse."
"It is completely unacceptable as is people dying because of inadequate healthcare."
"There is a huge crisis... and the National Health Service also needs urgent attention."
"What can we do about it? How big a disaster is this going to be? How big a problem is the hemorrhaging of doctors?"