
Service Industry Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Everyone I know who's waited tables is better at being a human being."
"I tip the person who cuts my hair 100% because I want to make their day and let them know that they're a human being that is valuable."
"I wish tipping culture wasn't necessarily a thing in the United States, and we just paid for the service a reasonable amount."
"Welcome to the Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?"
"It's good to tip the people that are actually doing the frontlines work for you, incentivize them to care."
"Frankly, I love it when service workers stand up for themselves."
"You don't have to be sorry; it's 3 a.m., and you're a dry cleaner. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to be open."
"Reasons why I'm polite to waiters: because I realize they are human beings trying to make a living, not my servants."
"Now we are seeing this sort of substitution back to services where people who've been deprived of restaurants, hotels, transportation, theaters... that side of it is currently booming and is sustaining the recovery."
"A good service to choose is the one that allows you to have a price point of over a thousand dollars, ideally up to $2,500 a month, has recurrency, is remote, and is an ROI offer."
"Maintaining a good relationship with her clients is important."
"Don't think of your server as your server in this restaurant, they're your cousin or your aunt or your uncle and they're going to treat you as such."
"Nobody wants to turn away business; it's frustrating because we have the space but not the manpower."
"When his patrons get canned, they're gonna get angry."
"Japan's vending machine culture is a testament to the country's Innovation."
"Butler cafes focus on providing a top-notch experience, making you feel like you're returning to your luxurious home."
"Simple to set up, high demand, and really good profit margins."
"Most local service businesses can be run around a regular job."
"Pick a service that you're going to deliver... needs to be a skill that you already do or needs to be something you can learn pretty easily."
"Don't be put off... if there's already businesses offering that service in the area."
"I respect anyone who works for tips, like I will tip you, I'm a very generous tipper."
"I think the customers are going to love this one."
"I always try to keep it at the forefront of my mind that this is a people business."
"Treat your servers nicely, like really tip if you can afford."
"This is why you should always tip your bartenders, servers, anyone who waits on you or provides a service for you."
"What's the most disrespectful thing that's happened to you in the service industry? I'll go first. I think I might win."
"The rides are going to get more expensive, the meal delivery is going to get more expensive."
"Rey brings up the point that it is time to give the spotlight to Maids who are used to living in the shadows of their masters and angles it as a trend that could spark a revolution."
"Tipping wasn't about appreciation, it became about maximizing revenue."
"Everybody knows Airbnb, it's almost like a household name at this point."
"Being kind to people who serve you is a wonderful way to act."
"We've just made 10 quid in tips. We've only had two customers. That's amazing. Well done, girl!"
"Out Plex is a world-famous company widely recognized for the provision of customer care."
"Welcome to Quincy's Tavern. My name is Quincy, and I have the privilege and honor of providing tonight's meal."
"Sniffing someone in the service industry is always chaotic evil."
"My main focus during service is making sure that the restaurant runs as a machine."
"The only shops which really seem to have immunity are the ones which require actual human-performed services such as tattooing or hairdressing."
"Shout out to the cashiers that don't make you tip for a basic task."
"The most important person at the Keating is the guest, and I think it's all been forgotten about."
"We're not curing cancer, but we are delivering a service."
"Can I start you off with something to drink?"
"Mistreating, especially service people, mistreating them for no good reason, it's an excellent excellent mark of narcissism."
"Fiverr makes sense as one of the next big service as a product marketplace."
"Tips can be extremely generous, often tipping up to 22% of the charter price."
"It's time to start renting a bay, rent a booth, rent a bait."
"The financial industry is a service industry. It should serve others before it serves itself."
"Sustenance support - earn $20+ per hour with Instacart, an on-demand grocery pickup and delivery service."
"Bartenders don't spend their entire shift wiping the bar or polishing glasses."
"Everybody's got to work, and I've busted my ass for a Whole Decade serving in restaurants and bars, and my body is tired."
"Customer service is Paramount. I don't give a what it is, if you own a paint company, if you own a cleaners, whatever the case may be."
"They can't offer you services you don't need and we can look into that if they feel like some of their rights were violated."
"We're going back to like it was in the 50s where when somebody walked through the front door you had to know their name, their families, and what their butcher order was."
"The Demanders are shoppers who demand, demean and order you around like you're simply a slave."
"Shout out to the drivers - Uber driver, Lyft driver, truck driver, taxi driver."
"The nicest, easiest, just genuinely good and fun humans that I would serve for free because I just enjoyed getting to talk to them and hang out with them."
"Bartender... you can make really good money."
"Waiter... you can make really good money from tips."
"At the end of the day, happy guests, that's what it's all about."
"The best way to get in good with the service folks is take them donuts once in a while."
"Why would you get tipped for doing your job in this case as an owner of the property okay but it goes beyond the landlord thing right no I'm done with it guys I'm done with it okay the whole thing about tipping everyone and everything."
"Here's a bonus cheese for you, there you go."
"I didn't expect them to come here. We're very, very clean, the food's good, it's beautiful, and that's not what I saw in the show."
"If you don't want to do the service, I actually think you should have the right to deny service."
"Being consistent is good for latecomers who work late shifts and can't make it early to market."
"At the end of the day, people want to buy services and help them grow or avoid boss or do what their competitors are doing or just because they believe in it."
"Shoutouts to the postal workers who watch this, yeah, you guys are the real heroes."
"Treat fast food employees with respect and human decency."
"First and foremost tip the hell out of your service workers and look for mindful ways to contribute."
"Having 28 service industry jobs over the course of 7 years is pretty impressive when you think about it."
"Best service, five-star. They need to make a six-star because I give such good service."
"Most Detailers build detailing businesses around constantly getting new customers... it legitimately does not make sense."
"Don't get in a hurry when you're out to eat—service takes time."
"Generously tip whoever's delivering your groceries."
"If every time she walks you get up and answer the door, you mean she's making sign money as a kickstand?"
"I think that the waiters should be paid minimum wage or you know a wage that... I don't think there should be an exception to paying waiters a minimum wage."
"Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable."
"Passengers are never satisfied these days. You give them one thing, the appetite actually increases."
"Kudos to all you service workers who put up with these insufferable people."
"Nothing's more beautiful than a happy waitress."
"Nothing is as beautiful as a happy waitress."
"Tipping is defined as a small present of money given directly to someone for performing a service. As with most gifts given someone, they're not mandatory."
"If I did more work than you, you're not getting a tip. I do ask for tips, but obviously I don't expect any because I understand the nature of a self-serve restaurant."
"The porter will probably be standing outside in front of the hotel."
"They were shopping, they're patrons, they're spending money in your establishment helping pay your wages."
"Giving a big tip is always nice, because I know that's going straight to the person who needs it and who's working hard to earn it."
"I felt really bad for her. She was clearly busting her butt, so I left her a really good tip—three times the usual amount."
"This bothered me as I was paying for a custom tattoo design and I feel the price I was quoted four thousand dollars reflected this."
"Bear Robotics restaurant robot: freeing up workers' time for more important jobs."
"Never be rude to customer service/retail workers."
"It's my way of saying to my server, 'Hey, you did a fantastic job, keep up the great work.'"
"I can make a list of the people that I served in there. It was the best fly on the wall job I've ever had."
"They offer 25 commissions on their cut of the booking fee."
"Creating an intimate experience for our guests where you get to stand by them very close and personal."
"I have a great deal of respect for strippers... I'm not about to tip no lazy [__] there's no time."
"I've always thought it would be fun to open my very own restaurant... as for serving people probably."
"I will blackmail you to within an inch of your life if I see anything less than five stars, or 30% tip."
"The top people in the drop servicing space are actually hitting that five figure month mark."
"Don't quit, big boy, do not quit. You never ever throw the towel in on service."
"Thanks for flying, Aracoca Air. Something to drink? Peanuts? Rapier to the gut?"
"I'm glad we're finally getting out of this idea that like the customer is always right."
"We need to talk about people treating front of house staff members with dignity and kindness and understanding."
"It's not nice that entitled parent didn't tip my very thoughtful waiter."
"If you cannot afford to tip, don't order the food."
"It's really about the customer going to a place and having a bad experience."
"The restaurant's revenue increased and naturally so did the service tips."
"Starbucks notoriously, in comparison to other service sector jobs, have always provided a shitload of benefits."
"Every manicurist has a different comfort level of what they're capable or willing to do."
"If you ever want to make any real money in tips, you should never judge a book by its cover."
"Good food, good service, a bit of atmosphere, and enjoy what you're doing. It's not difficult."
"Major service-providing firms now accept digital assets as payments... If you're in Slovenia, can you confirm any of this?" - Speaker
"Everyone and I mean everyone should have to work in the service industry at some point because it teaches you how not to be an [expletive] to restaurant and retail employees."
"You deserve it. I hate that people have to tip."
"The common idiom of the customer is king would suggest it's always better to please a customer than to leave them angry and unsatisfied."
"Anyone who's rude to service workers or waiters, you have a very special place in... I'm not going to finish that sentence but you know."
"Not one single person who's ever worked in the service industry would agree that being a waitress or retail worker is an easy job."
"Screw literally every single person that doesn't believe in tipping."
"Your experiences at restaurants and bars will be way better if you start tipping well."
"Tipping is more of a please-don't-spit-in-my-food-the-next-time bribe."
"Y'all doing these surfaces on dirty ass hair... and then to top it off the attitude the customer service the whole experience."
"Can a culture of care change the service industry? Yes, it can because care is at the core of every service initiative."
"I almost snapped my ankle running to the front to serve him with a smirk."
"Eighty percent of America is service-based but every CRM on the planet calls them products."
"Tipping wait staff for other people in the service industry is known worldwide, but few countries have embraced the concept to the degree the U.S. has."
"Honestly, it's just really nice to not have to tip because I also, I'm like okay, I know we're getting paid a lot better here."
"Yeah, dude, let me tell you, nothing is better than a waiter on their way out not giving a [ __ ]."
"My first one's going to be restaurant-based as well. Tipping for a table."
"So please for the love of God tip your servers because that happens so much not the kicking thing that only happened to me once but you get stiff so often."
"Individualizing care is 99% if not 100% of what almost every job does."
"Ugh zero dollar tip on a 700 bill guys oh my goodness, that must have been a slap in the face for the person who was waiting on their table the whole night."
"You know what I would do if I won the lottery? I'm going to repay the service industry for all the [ __ ] they've had to take. I'm going to open one restaurant. It's called 'Thank you for calling, how may I help you?'"
"Tip your servers. Someone had to say it."
"Everything's about customer service."
"The Square iPad just makes us feel like a cheapskate if you're not tipping when there is a tip option."
"Tipping historically has been a way to reward really good service. But now, it's turned into just a way for employers to get away with paying their staff less."
"One of the best ways to generate wealth is in the service industry."
"I'm not your child's speech therapist. I'm your server and my section is erupting into chaos while Little Miss Mckenley struggles to tell me if she wants Ranch with her chicken tenders."
"...the service industry is based off of humility and I think we can dive more into what's going on in Atlanta specifically."
"...getting one wasn't a problem—all the bars were well staffed."
"I also didn't get a tip from that table. Big surprise."
"The money's not in the service, it's in the selling of the service."
"Make sure you tip your Starbucks baristas. I used to work there for five years and I remember how much the tips really mattered, so just saying."
"It's still at the end of the day a service industry. Like yes, you're an artist but also just be nice to people. It's such a simple thing."
"So, we need to create more jobs like that and also jobs of happiness. A wonderful concierge, a good tour guide, a wonderful masseuse, someone who comes and helps clean up your closet every season, someone."
"Nobody that ever earned tips for a living complained about being too busy."
"It's possible for a Barista to have a significant job they still have to serve exactly the right cup of espresso right but they can interact with the customer in a way that only they could that's significant."
"I've never seen so much energy and enthusiasm in a waiter in my life."
"Be nice to your servers, folks, and they will have your back."
"Door Dash wins, the miserable customers that don't tip win as well, and some Dashers will lose."
"The entire service industry is literally shut off right now. And it's the same thing with card stores."
"Happy drivers mean happy passengers."
"...tipping in America is a must do you cannot go to a restaurant and not tip the waiters a nice amount of money you know because they're making most of their money from tips..."
"It's important to pay a living wage, not just rely on tips."
"Is it appropriate that we treat the people who serve us well? Yes, I think it is, and I think they've been unappreciated for a long time."
"I think people would like to know if you're supposed to tip or not tip a taxi driver."
"Traditionally, I think the majority of people do tip. I suppose ten percent is pretty average."
"Yo, shout out to anyone who's in the service industry. Bless your hearts."
"Don't want to F with the people who serve your drinks, Lowell."
"I feel like there should be a special layer of hell for people who abuse their waitstaff."
"Well, they're more demanding. And what do they demand? New car hops? Ugly car hops?"
"Arm The Waffle House waitresses. That's who needs a firearm. Waffle House waitress, that's so true."
"I always think of the people who do housekeeping."
"Unless someone's having a major style change which I should be charged extra, an hour is plenty for any haircut."
"Something worth noting that we learned in our food tour is that Medellin servers are known for just being super friendly."
"India's huge English-speaking population has helped it develop a presence in major service industries."
"True breakfast restaurants don't close."
"The robot's range of applications could be expanded in both industrial and service sectors."
"Please consider tipping generously all those that provide you great service."
"I know waiters depend on their tips to survive as they get paid rubbish."
"I love it when my clients are happy... it makes my day."
"Tipping though, it helps with people's income."
"Waiting tables gives you a newfound respect for how hard it is, how stressful it can be."
"It's 2023, does the $20 tip still work? Absolutely, and it's not going anywhere."
"Thirty to forty percent of the people I called would call me back to pay for the service."
"The difference between doing something for a job like cleaning a pool and owning a business that does a service like pool cleaning are almost completely different things."
"There really are four different phases when it comes to a service business."
"If you're wanting to start a business, you want to start a service business preferably a service business that has something to do with real estate."
"I always try to go the extra mile when someone is genuinely kind to people working at the worst places."
"In an age of persistently high inequality, work catering to the whims of the wealthy has become one of the fastest-growing industries."
"It feels pretty safe to say that there's never been a worse time to have the job of providing service with a smile."
"She mentioned how much she enjoyed interacting with customers because she takes pride in our business."
"Respect people in the service industry."
"It is really service jobs that will not be replaceable by AI because the human connection required."
"If someone is working in the food industry or service industry, they're primarily working for tips, so you should tip people."
"Working as part of a professional services company is very much about being good and working on a team."
"Everyone should be a waitress or a waiter at some point in their life."
"Instead of tipping a miserable server, Cosmax could completely reinvent the niche."
"Instead, why not learn a valuable service that so many people need but that nobody's offering?"
"Don't mess with the people who handle what you eat."
"Service robots could number a billion worldwide."
"Keep the change. I know how hard your job is."
"Being a flight attendant is about being a servant leader, not a boss."
"I worked as a waitress and I worked very hard and people were very kind to me."
"Being proficient about wine will make you the top waiter in your restaurant."
"Bartending is all about the hustle."
"We want our sailors to have a good time; that is it. Do your job, make sure they have a good time, go above and beyond."
"Remember to tip your bartender well, folks, they deal with some interesting situations."
"You're not just making burgers; you're helping this person find a little bit of margin in time and eat so that they can be with their kids."
"Service workers are some of our most underappreciated people."
"We've got good food, I've got good service, and I want a lovely big smile."
"How I really love my job, handing out smiles and slices of pizza doesn't get any better than this."