
Justification Quotes

There are 2462 quotes

"It's the adventure of your life that justifies the catastrophe of your life."
"The bomb provided the non-military Japanese leadership with an excuse to proclaim defeat that didn't involve blaming or shaming their proud military."
"Notice what your mind says and what behaviors you justify by using the word 'eventually.'"
"See then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."
"I'm not in any pain because the behaviors that I'm performing feel justified. They feel like I've earned them."
"If God is perfectly moral, then any evil he allows to exist will be justified."
"Good people can do bad things...They're justifying a bad thing, but that doesn't make them a bad person."
"Wants are not good justifications when it comes to the exploitation of others. The want in and of itself shouldn't make it morally permissible."
"You will always justify the decisions you made. It's very rare to find human beings who look at the decisions they've made in their life and say, 'You know what, really botched that one. That was a mistake.'"
"Make sure you like your reasons, and then you don't have to justify your decisions to everyone else."
"You can't use religion as a means to justify your crazy behavior."
"A man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
"Everything has to be justified morally, of course."
"Just because I like it, I don't really have to justify why I like it."
"Force needs to be analyzed at every moment, and it can't be the case that previous justification of force then justifies everything and anything."
"I never thought that I was cheating or getting away with anything... I really believed in myself and what I was doing."
"We need to get what happened on October the 7th right because it's being used as justification for this and it will reverberate for decades to come."
"Fascism can perpetuate itself best in conflict because conflict seems to justify a lot of the more extreme things the state asks of you in a fascist system."
"Every bad person in history has said... 'I have certain ends and those justify the means that I'm using.'"
"2015 was the year that the Year itself became justification for anything that you wanted. It's 2015; it's time because it's 2015."
"No amount of justification put forth by the state can justify the total stripping of that fundamental right."
"People sit there and they will justify their beliefs, justify that purchase, just because they want it."
"I feel bad, but it was... it was for science, okay? I did what had to be done."
"The Scriptures make it very clear that by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified."
"Misinformation spread about individuals' pasts is often used to justify their unjust treatment."
"Human nature is such that when something adverse happens to someone else, the human mind looks for some justification."
"Extraordinary harm and mistreatment require extraordinary justification."
"You do what you need to, queen; you had a good reason for it."
"Every country that's invaded another country has always had a good reason to do it."
"It's amazing how easy it is to justify all kinds of abuse when you believe your righteousness is beyond question."
"Authority and domination are not self-justifying; they have to justify themselves, and if they can't, which is usually the case, they should be dismantled."
"Both sides are guilty of this they use the most extreme case of whatever it is to justify whatever point it is that they're trying to make"
"It's easy to see how, with the right justification, even people who think of themselves as moral can commit atrocities."
"Your opinion is rooted in something beyond just the entitlement of being able to say whatever we want to say."
"We are justified by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone."
"Fair enough, any reason to block is good enough."
"The fear is justifiable, but it's not a sufficient reason to retreat."
"But the reason I feel like she is telling the truth is because that was the root of it."
"Self-defense is justified. If someone attacks, you've got to defend yourself."
"The evil of the world cannot justify another act of evil."
"The Christian faith boasts in the fact that though we were sinners, God justified us."
"The moment you trusted in Christ, God legally or forensically declared you to be right with him."
"To go to war, you have to have a reason, an excuse, a casus belli."
"The reality is that war, not peace, is normal over history and is really constant, and people will always wage war and they just happen to justify war with whatever matters to them at the time."
"Anything could be justified morally if it meant stopping [climate change] from happening."
"I mean, it's kind of true with the juggalo makeup," in public he's trying to make up some story about how actually there's a good reason why I did that," another commentator remarks."
"What I have to amplify is the reactions to the decisions. Are the decisions good and are they defensible?"
"If it had no effect, there'd be no reason to smoke it."
"Certainly a weapon that has been used for a long time to justify a lot of corrupt religious leadership."
"That's just not a good justification to use a slur at somebody right."
"People are slow to admit anything but quick to justify everything."
"She's actually right and let me tell you why she's right."
"Every horrible thing he did was necessary to bring him to this very point."
"I'm assuming because they asked that, the grandma's always said it. Obviously, you're in the right. Don't show this to your grandma."
"The end justifies the means. What I’m doing, I’m doing for posterity. To save the world."
"Whenever I do something bad, I just say, 'But I had to,' in a fancy James Bond voice, and I feel all better about myself."
"I try very hard to just be giving the reasons that I have for loving or hating something."
"Any act of revenge, any act of anger is fueled by a passion that feels justified."
"But why start a fight that you might lose for no damn good reason you start a fight you better have a damn good reason to do it."
"Instead of truly owning up, he tried to justify it."
"The violence is justified, these are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is unceremoniously and viciously stripped away."
"For some, House Davion is seen as a 'father knows best' state, which has many times but not always been justified in its actions."
"You went for a reason, you won your games, and you know they wouldn't be here if they don't deserve it."
"Human beings make decisions emotionally, and then they justify them rashly."
"These authoritarian tactics, like unprovoked invasions, or sanction regimes or censorship, or de-platforming, or selective prosecution, these things are all justified in the name of democracy."
"When it comes to the military, there are ultimately no limits on the type of training that's done if the end result justifies the requirement."
"Believing matters and God says that you are justified by faith, not by works."
"You stole and then you paid because you enjoyed the product so much."
"Was all that necessary in a space adventure film for all ages? Well, technically yeah, because this is a story that shows how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader."
"They're still trying to figure out how to justify, right now they're just relying on 'I'm white and I say so.'"
"It's like it's like they don't think before they do, they just do it and then we criticize them and then they want to ignore the criticisms and then justify those mistakes."
"The covert narcissist will be an expert at justifying their bad behavior so a covert narcissist may tell you that they cheated in a past relationship but there's always a but they did it because of X Y & Z."
"Anything that becomes necessary is justified and legitimate on the angles of morality."
"No matter what someone did in their past... it does not justify stalking them for years and years and years."
"You can have a reasonably justified belief that's independent of whether it's true."
"Sometimes I'll go with the easy way on this one... helps you justify the pick, right?"
"Hierarchy, domination, control are not self-justifying. They require a justification."
"There's nothing you can show me that would justify that action."
"Is that justified? Well, I think some people in that process might say yes."
"People can really convince themselves of anything. They can justify anything if they want to."
"Sensory pleasure justifying what we do to others makes it seem so trivial, which it is."
"Does the enjoying of something justify the consequences of it?"
"I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself shall be a paste and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
"Even in cases where killing is justified, you must check your soul's response."
"The frustration is actually about something right."
"This is probably the best way you can try and deal with the rule of cool: get the cool idea and then justify it."
"At the end of the day, you're just seeing me making decisions that I know I can justify later."
"I believe that atheism is a justifiable position to hold."
"It's insane how much control they have, and so they're trying to justify it through all these different misinformation campaigns."
"It's okay when the good guys do it, right? They thought they were doing just right for themselves."
"Father Connell believed it wasn't warranted."
"It doesn't get better than that, that's why we do it."
"He did what our ancestors would do. He didn't do anything wrong."
"If you're going to have it, then I think it should be defendable. I think it should be a lineage."
"My overall impression of FM 23 so far is that the backlash is mostly justified."
"Krombopulos Michael was likely taking out targets that needed to be taken out."
"I think e-gear is always forgivable on mercies but in these it there's enough cool stuff about it being an SV that it's totally forgivable like you know."
"Racism is a constant that some people need to justify their place in society."
"You aren't breaking this guy out unless you have a really good reason, and the reason would be the most, the only reason on the table right now is love."
"If something seems like it is the case then we at least have prima facie justification that it is the case."
"All you need to do is think to yourself, at least we're helping Ukraine."
"Prove to us why you deserve to be here today."
"Clearly there are instances in which lies are justified."
"Everything Trump does that is bad is justified by some of the things that Trump does that are good."
"As humans we justify our own behavior in the moment and only on reflection do we maybe see that it might not have been the best course of action to both Daniel and Adam the ends justify the means."
"If the truth can destroy something, it should. It deserves to be destroyed."
"Self-justification when it comes to buying a car is not really a problem."
"If someone abuses you, they will justify why and for that reason they will feel no remorse."
"You cannot be justified in front of God by keeping the law."
"There is good cause to expedite this appeal for several reasons."
"What justifies you before God? Jesus Christ."
"For someone who has been pressured to back out of her competition, I think South Africa has done enough justification why she deserves to be at least in the top 16."
"For that kind of money, people can justify literally anything."
"Were the crusades justified? I think the important thing is to look at what medieval Latin Christians thought about the crusades and did they think they were justified?"
"Ultimately, what we did in the past shouldn't be used to validate the continuing existence of that action."
"Was the Vietnam War Justified? Oh my God, from the beginning, that is a bit of a crazy statement to start with but genuinely that is a real and genuine question."
"Define your why and make sure everything you do justifies it."
"Their lying is better than if we were to end up doing this sort of thing."
"I think this was a screw-up...but I do think that a lot of the initial reaction was justified."
"But it's clearest in the finale: Hoshi even uses the saving the world excuse to justify his cheating."
"The Bible is so pliable that men of every opinion can historically have found verses and passages to justify every behavior imaginable."
"Miracles are incoherent philosophically for you to have a justification for your claim."
"Jesus blood justifies us. What does that mean? To have Jesus blood to justify us means his blood makes it just as if I'd never sinned."
"But after we learn Victor bred that enslaved him and killed his girlfriend and unborn child, he seems pretty justified in what he did."
"Not everyone believed him, not everyone believed that he wasn't really behind it because everyone else also thought to themselves well there's actually a good reason like there's a good case for Ben being the guy who's been turning him in."
"Vindictive behavior... is actually worthwhile and justifiable."
"If you're going to displace people from their neighborhood... then it better be for good reason."
"Everybody has their own motivations and you know are somewhat justified in what they're doing to some extent."
"Violence is justified when all other options are exhausted."
"Looking at these usages together, I am hard put to see how anyone could justify."
"He justified his manipulation and violence by appeals to communism and Soviet glory."
"You really could split push for 25-30 minutes and it would be totally justified."
"It entertains people, it entertains me, and therefore, why wouldn't you?"
"He put there also as his sort of example as to why she's the right person for the job the apparently extraordinary success of the test and trace system..."
"All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convinced me that in what I have done, I have not prevented a single murder."
"Normally when I think of justified drone strikes, it's usually like these people are militia members who are literally right now planning future violence against civilians and against America."
"Faith is the word people use to justify having a belief that they don't have good reason for."
"Anything can be justified if you can justify the killing of the innocent."
"Just because somebody else does some wrong shit doesn't justify you."
"The moment you believe savingly in Jesus Christ, God legally declared you to be right with him forever."
"How can God be just and the justifier of wicked people? Because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for wicked men."
"You can't justify doing bad things just because you do good things."
"We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. We follow codes, orders."
"Justification is even a daily event. So, we wouldn't just speak of justification in the past tense but even in present tense."
"Charity does not get you into a state of justification. Charity flows from the state of justification."
"As long as we have faith, we are united to Christ and receive justification."
"If the lockdowns save just one life and it will have all been worth it, right?"
"There shouldn't be a war machine; there should be military activity only when there is real justification."
"Sometimes you've got to do something wrong to make it right."
"There's a good twist I thought that was well Justified."
"Such were some of you, but now you are washed, sanctified, justified in the name of Jesus."
"It's not murder if you're simply making the world a safer place."
"Civil disobedience is a category that can be okay and can be necessary."
"If she killed him, she must have had a good reason."
"It's not cheating if it's in the game exactly."
"The accusation that 'all there is is power' justifies the use of power."
"The impeachment of mayorcas is Justified historically legally I think you could say persuasively and politically."
"Lazy? Blazed? I'm not being lazy, I'm being prudent and smart."
"Having given himself over to God's Grace, Lutheran believed that no action he took in God's name could have been wrong."
"The ends do not justify the means; evil manipulative actions are never justified."
"I feel like this revenge is warranted though, you did like kill three of them."
"It is the blood of justification... justified by His blood."
"That makes sense, it's motivated, it's fully justified."
"Reservations for SC/STs is absolutely justified in this country."
"Cyborg definitely had more reason to be there."
"Whatever decision you make with your design, just make sure that you're able to defend it based on your research and the use case."
"They're justifying sabotaging the situation or they're justifying divorcing because of one argument."
"People are capable of committing all manner of sins as long as they're convinced that they're doing it for the greater good."
"Justified people are always repentant people."
"Rationalization is the act of applying logic or Reason to justify something you already believe."
"I know what I did was wrong but I only did it for you and the kids."
"It's always about the lie justifying their goal yeah like it was obvious that masks did help to a certain degree mm-hmm."
"They see it as a justifiable means to an end."
"There is no better reason for someone to kill than to protect their home, possessions, and family from attack and destruction."
"It's like a thief saying I will take your jewelry because it looks better on me."
"Sometimes you've got to do the wrong thing for the right reasons."
"The vast majority of that protest was right."
"I've never been malicious towards anybody, and if I do it, it's for good reason."
"It's okay to be called a hater with a cause, with a cause. You're a hater with a cause."
"You better have a pretty good reason for this."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"Within every Market move, a market make framework can be justified or seen."
"Government secrecy... was absolutely warranted."
"The rule of cool: if you want something cool, you need to justify it and explain it."
"Yeah, but like if they did something, then I would be like okay, I at least understand why they're teabagging, but I just don't."
"Fanservice is totally fine when it serves the movie, and this scene did Big Time."
"But I think that if he wants to apologize for that, he's got a really good reason to apologize for doing that."
"They always find ways to rationalize violating international law."
"Legislation can be justified if it has positive outcomes on the world."
"Therefore since we've been justified by faith... we have peace with God."
"There's three reasons why I bought that piece of equipment. The first reason is because I wanted it."
"If something is natural and humans have done it historically, then it makes it okay."
"The lunatic always sees their actions as being right or good or justifiable."
"I feel no guilt. Oh no, no way. Some people are like, 'Oh, you know, all you cheesed it, you didn't really play the game.' I'm like, 'Uh, did you see me? I played the game and then I won. [Expletive] like [expletive] don't matter."
"I'm sorry, it's for safety reasons, you know? Some situations I need to have a little push."
"So that's why it works, that's why it's good."
"Just like it is put there for the lions and tigers to eat, it is also put here for me to eat."
"She needed to make sure everyone understood that what happened to her was not her fault."
"Why spending $2,000 on graphics cards or $500 on an online training course or even $200 on a plugin is not only acceptable but in some cases if you're not doing it you're actually shooting yourself in the foot."
"Your anger is always to me um indignation it's righteous anger right."