
Body Image Quotes

There are 1772 quotes

"We shouldn't go around shitting on fat people just for their existence of being fat...it's just a respect thing."
"Showing your body and showing your skin or not should not take any respect away from you."
"Associating a lean body with a clean diet is no longer aspirational but a flux of good genes, being privileged to have access to good nutrition and resources."
"You cannot determine someone's health just by how they look."
"I agreed with a lot of what she said, and I disagreed with some of it as well. I really wanted to give my perspective from someone who struggled and still struggles with body image and eating disorders."
"I'm sick of the media dictating what we are supposed to feel about our own bodies, about our own skin, about what we think is beautiful."
"For an increasing number of men and boys, this otherwise benign desire to be more attractive transforms into something categorically disordered."
"Anyone can get a body that they're happy with."
"Do not let the number on the scale or your clothing size define who you are or what you are capable of."
"I don't think that FaceTuning a picture will ever heal the problems that you have, the body image issues that you have; it's never gonna make you feel better about yourself."
"Skinny don't automatically equal healthy, but we know for damn sure fat ain't healthy."
"It's important to remind yourself that not everybody's looking for that and really very few people should be looking for that. If you're not a competitive bodybuilder, then why do you want your glutes to be well-defined? It's too much."
"My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony."
"It's incredible if someone has a goal of what they want their body to be, but I don't think just body shape is an indication of health."
"Why is there still this fallacy that men like skinny women? It's totally women doing it to other women."
"Before you take the black pill, before you want to be an incel, try to build a 10 out of 10 body... and then just see how you feel after that."
"Accepting the way you look is probably the best thing for everyone, but easier said than done, right?"
"Gratitude is a very underrated thing, especially in the context of body image and insecurities."
"I could probably trick a few people into thinking I'm really lean but in actuality, I'm probably between twelve and fifteen percent body fat."
"I struggled with an eating disorder because society makes it really freaking hard to like the way you look."
"Trying to be so skinny and whatnot, it's just all, especially with girls... it's not healthy."
"Your body weight is not a sign of your worth, and if you increase your body fat percentage a little bit, it's not gonna make the people who love you love you any less."
"It's really important to reflect on why there is a tendency to give ourselves this filtered look in portion to goad out social media; it doesn't do great things for our self-esteem and body image."
"Women's attitudes towards their bodies and feelings about sex changed much more fundamentally than men's after the sexual revolution."
"The truth is, the expectations set [for women's bodies] is not reality."
"Why are we killing ourselves trying to force our bodies to be something that they physically can't?"
"According to social media algorithms, there is actually only one correct human shape."
"When I was removing my body hair, I actually felt so much more unconfident in my body."
"My priorities changed; I cared more about how I felt rather than how I looked."
"No matter how skinny I will ever get, it doesn't matter; at my smallest, I was less than a double zero and I still had hips because that's my bone structure."
"I honestly think it's really messed up that we live in a society where people judge you if you gain weight."
"Being skinny does not always equate to being healthy."
"You can be healthy without being thin, but you can't be healthy feeling bad about being fat!"
"I wholeheartedly believe that there is too much emphasis on a perfect body."
"I have to admit that I had gone up sizes... I started dressing to what actually fit me rather than trying to force myself to be a size I wasn't anymore."
"I wanted to be a whole person aside from my body... I'm so much more complex than that."
"Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a rare condition in which there is a mismatch between the mental body image and the physical body."
"Instead of only curing the symptom, a causal therapy should be developed to integrate the alien limb into the body image."
"The gift and the curse of body image is that if it's in your head, it's not going to get fixed at the gym; it's going to get fixed in therapy."
"Body image issues in men can manifest quite differently, often focusing on muscularity rather than thinness."
"Muscle dysmorphia is where individuals are overly concerned about their lack of musculature."
"My mom telling me that Barbie is going to give me body image issues actually gave me body image issues."
"Leg lengthening surgery could be an example of an emerging type of body dysmorphic disorder."
"I would rather be a healthier, fitter me and just have a little bit of loose skin than still be overweight."
"I don't think I look gross or less feminine. I just think I look like a strong woman."
"If I just sit around all day hating my body, it's not gonna do anything for me; nothing's gonna change."
"Body image issues aren't unique to queer men, but toxic thoughts pertaining to self-worth and physical care are dangerously prevalent within the community."
"Expecting that people in larger bodies just need to pull up their bootstraps to eat less and exercise more without addressing the underlying trauma is not only clinically unhelpful but it actively can do more harm."
"Your health is so much more important than the number on the scale."
"Don't tie your self-worth to what you look like because...if I get really lean and I'm putting up photos and videos...it's pretty hard not to let that get to your head."
"Just remember that the naturally thin people aren't super humans with special eating powers."
"I've always thought of my body as a journal...no one should go back and rewrite their journals."
"So many male celebrities have opened up about their struggles with eating disorders, body image issues."
"Stretch marks are mainly genetic, and therefore you can't really control whether or not you get them, but we're all going to try our way."
"It's like what does an Asian woman look like? What is her body like? She's thinner, she's more petite, she's flatter."
"When you say it's all about calories, and therefore it's all about willpower, and therefore your thinness is a reflection of you as a person, that's where the fat shaming comes in."
"This trend for tighter clothing inspired men to keep a slim physique."
"Exposure to media, and particularly social media, can have serious negative effects on self-perception, body image, and general psychological well-being."
"This is my body, this is the only body I'm gonna get in my whole life, so I need to kind of accept it real soon."
"Real life, how many people do you see in real life that look like the models on social media? Not very many."
"Everybody is too focused on being self-conscious and worrying about themselves to judge how you look in a bikini."
"I'm not trying to be fat. I'm not trying to be smaller. I'm literally trying to live and be healthy."
"I know the pressure to look amazing is strong, that you have to look great, and that the leaner you are and the more muscle you have, the better the thumbnails look and the more you get shown to people. But enough is enough."
"Everyone wants to have single-digit body fat despite the fact it's not healthy, and they're doing so for social media."
"Working out isn't about looking sexy, it's about feeling good. It's about making sure your body is physically fit, physically competent."
"I feel like my muscles when I eat this are just expanding."
"Constant gaslighting... like 200,000 other higher weight girls were in line right behind you."
"It's freeing because I don't think about what I look like."
"Just because I don't have six-pack abs doesn't mean I'm not capable of telling other people how to get six-pack abs."
"Every day in your life right now if somebody came to you and said Nick you can be as big as Ronnie Coleman or as aesthetic as Chris Bumstead okay I'll pick him that's one side you look so much better."
"The reality is that being fat is not as good for you as not being fat."
"We're not the ones fat shaming. It's disgusting. I hate fat shamers so much."
"The only thing complimenting someone's weight loss achieves is reveal how truly little you valued who they were before."
"Why does it matter so much what somebody's body looks like?"
"Every time that you focus on thoughts that feel good around your body, you will attract that good feeling body."
"You are more than a number on a scale you are more than a pretty face you are more than what anyone could perceive you as as far as your exterior goes."
"So if I could change myself, well, in terms of physicality, I know there are a lot of things to improve on, but I wouldn't want to change anything because I want young girls to feel beautiful in their own skin, no matter what they are given."
"Skinny equates to happy and healthy? Actually, no."
"Respecting yourself enough to say, 'I don't need to show that part of my body because that's private.'"
"You are not your body, you label this as your property, as your little work of art, you need to stop."
"There's a lot of evidence that shows that exporting western culture leads to an increase in body dysmorphic disorder."
"We care more about our faces, our boobs, our bellies, and our butts than we do our brain. How insane is that?"
"The quality of your food is a separate conversation that pertains to your health. You can lose a lot of fat and be lean and not healthy. You can also be overweight and be way healthier."
"People don't talk about this enough but body fat is a huge part of proportion. If you looked at two pictures of me when I was training the same way, same muscle development, one at 13 percent body fat, one at 7, the proportions are crazy different."
"If you can't deal with that phase of being a little bit softer than you like, then [forget] man, you're never going to be bigger than you are now."
"Cycling shorts: 'Feeling good about your body has an aesthetic component too.'"
"Don't wait till you lose the weight to love yourself."
"To the modern educated mind, what we see when we see a tiny waist is someone who has pulled a corset so impossibly tightly that they must not be able to breathe, they must not be able to eat, they must be on the verge of fainting."
"Isn't it healthier for a person, regardless of their body size, to be first of all loving and accepting of themselves?"
"Could you imagine how frustrating it is to be in a body that you think isn't yours?"
"It snapped me out of anorexia...and it gave me this new relationship with my body."
"We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls."
"Maybe if the physiques were a little bit more streamlined and a little smaller we would get more people involved."
"Your body is either genetically prone to an hourglass shape or you get surgery—those are basically your options."
"I'm six three, I could afford to be fat. That's part of my mental health routine."
"Most fat people aren't fat because we eat more than thin people. That's not actually how it works."
"Is there any part of you that when someone says, 'Yo Bert looking skinny,' where you're like, 'Yes, but also don't know where I live?'"
"Please, please, please do not be afraid to lift weights. You are not going to bulk up, you are not going to lose your curves."
"Being a fat person with an eating disorder sucks, being anyone with any disorder sucks, being fat with any disorder like double sucks because you don't look like you have an eating disorder."
"Your self-worth has nothing to do with the size of your legs. You are lovable."
"I think she's a great role model for a lot of young girls who are struggling in a world obsessed with diet and appearance."
"You can be underweight or you can be overweight but you can't be white."
"Maybe you can let go this idea of the size of your pecs equating to some self-validation."
"I'm addicted to the scale now and it's like ruining my mood."
"Plastic surgery and tweakment can become kind of addictive it's like Pringles once you pop you can't stop."
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"Don't do well when people talk about my body in a negative way. Like I really don't do well with that. Unacceptable and also that is the part of my brain that gets defensive for me but also gets defensive for other women."
"The idea of like an irrational dissatisfaction with your body is a basically ubiquitous human experience."
"We're meant to look exactly how we look; I don't need to change anything about ourselves because it's what makes us us."
"I had to adapt to my surroundings, and that's why I got my body done."
"The body's a sculpture that's living and breathing and bleeding. Think about it."
"Mirror, mirror on the floor, give me a more manly jaw."
"Someone has some hang-ups in the bedroom about their body and performance."
"Dad bods... if a dad gains weight after just being a dad... ooh sexy dad bod."
"Being trans is bad actually look at my ruined body here's an example."
"Your body is not your own and anybody can weigh in."
"Go easy on yourself, you're a small tub of lard, not a big tub of lard."
"Remember, you don't have to be assigned to having big biceps are great. You definitely need them if you're a superhero in my opinion."
"Ain't nobody gonna tell me that Wonder Woman's body looks like it can lift cars. You will not change my mind because you'll get canceled."
"If being fat is your number one biggest fear you are going to have a rough time being an adult."
"People pay good money for big boobs. I'm gonna let y'all stop making me feel insecure about my chest. Ain't nothing I can do about it, they ain't going nowhere, so it is what it is."
"Just because you're lean outside doesn't mean it's... the internal stuff."
"One major one was self-love and body image, love and body dysmorphia. I developed that at such a young age."
"Critics of uzaki's body type along with her face type as unrealistic would actually offend women like me."
"You can have a great looking physique at nine percent body fat."
"Once you become a specimen it's hard to lose that you want to be that specimen and that's when the dangers can happen you might resort to dangerous dieting habits or even use pd so be careful."
"Toxic diet culture language fuels unrealistic body expectations."
"Her entrance line was, 'Don't be fooled, the camera adds 10 pounds,' and I thought it was good."
"Your happiness should not come from how you look on the outside but how you feel on the inside."
"They're more interested in my 40 21 35 than they are in me." - Jane Mansfield
"I feel like I'm in control of my business career. I feel like I'm in control of my love life. I'm madly in love, and I am not in control of my weight and how my weight is playing out in my life and the happiness around it."
"Your abs show, veins start popping up, and your body is at peak physical attractiveness."
"Your success and your happiness and your relationships... they don't rely on you looking a certain way."
"Comments online about your body make you insecure."
"Do comments online about your body make you insecure?"
"You may likely get all of the results that you want in your body composition, your health, and your performance without ever having to track a single number."
"The fact that one, I was going to start my period and so I was bloating and then two, I wasn't eating as great as I could have played factors in that, yet I still lost an inch and a half around my waist so that was really dope."
"Celebrating Adele's weight loss promotes fat phobia and misogyny."
"You just don't let men's physique ever dictate how powerful, especially height, dude."
"Nutrition alone and leaning out is not going to give you a crazy shredded six pack."
"This is not showing people who suffer from things like bulimia and anorexia what a healthy weight is; this is, in fact, glorifying obesity."
"We're not trying to be nobody but ourselves."
"It's so sad that society has brought you to such a low level that you think the only thing you have to offer is your body parts."
"I'm vegan, my love. Just 'cause you're vegan don't mean you ain't got no belly. Look at that [ __ ]."
"Diet culture diet losing 5 pounds before summer that is toxic."
"Dysphoria is the sort of sadness that takes over you and you become very aware of everything that you feel is wrong with your body."
"Throw away the scale or at least put it in the back corner."
"Proper exercise and fat loss... are the two biggest things that are going to help you see a more defined six-pack."
"Chris Pratt was initially rejected for being too fat."
"Your belly is great, no matter what size it is, no matter how soft it is or how firm it is, it is valid, and it is amazing."
"No one's body looks like this in real life, and it's all in the editing."
"I'm not going to be a Debbie Downer about it. I'm going to be like, 'Well, I'm small but I'm [expletive] fine as [expletive].' That is literally my mindset."
"It's crazy that people still think you need to have a BBL to be a successful female rapper."
"BBLs have definitely hindered a lot of things for women."
"Read the room: BBLs may not be praised in the near future."
"My legs have been one of my biggest insecurities all my life."
"People who look great are not driven by the look or the looks of their bodies, they're driven by how they feel."
"There should be no pressure on women to lose the baby weight after they give birth. The focus should be on the baby and on their own mental health."
"There's a lot of self-esteem issues and also a lot of shame, a lot of guilt, and embarrassment about your skin."
"I want people to know that I look this way because I want to and not because I was unhappy with the way I looked before."
"There's such a stigma around like being nude cuz it's over sexualized and people are like oh I'm being accosted by someone's penis or boobs but it's like everyone has them."
"If you think I'm fat, I wouldn't use the word fat, but I do think I could afford to lose a few pounds."
"The number on the scale isn't always going to reflect how you actually look or feel."
"I'm actually very comfortable being an adjustable six but as much as I'm like I just want to wake up and be a 10 tomorrow it's never gonna happen you get the genetics that you get."
"People get fixated on this idea you have to look a certain way in order to be happy and it's not like that at all."
"Being fat tends to make people unhealthy but is not unhealthy in and of itself."
"You can be as healthy as a skinny person who weighs 80 pounds less."
"Don't let underarm insecurities keep you at arm's distance from the ones you care about."
"Remember to love yourself, do not compare yourself to other people's bodies."
"The vast majority of people simply do not respond to body shaming as a way to lose weight."
"In her video on how she loves her body, she shares that when she stopped seeing her body through an aesthetic lens, she was really able to get on a path towards self-love."
"You gotta go compact after all the weight you put on."
"Being thin does not guarantee your happiness... when I was super thin, I was miserable."
"Why do people feel like they have the right to comment on someone's weight?"
"I never loved the idea of reconstruction, I never wanted implants in my body, but I also really struggled with the idea of being flat-chested."
"Good for him for Thor to come down that much size and seems like he is pretty content with how things went."
"Everyone has struggles with swimsuits. It's hard. It's hard for everyone."
"People don't understand how huge you actually are when they see this stuff."
"Diet culture is so ingrained in how we view ourselves and others that even when we're alone with no one to impress, we're measuring our bodies."
"People think it's okay to hate themselves for gaining weight, they think it doesn't affect people around them but it does."
"I don't wanna waste a day of my life caring about the way I look. That's such a waste of time."
"Who doesn't love training biceps... triceps are a bigger muscle group so your arm looks even bigger."
"I am who I am man, you know what, it's what the good Lord gave me. If my forehead is big and it bothers you, it's what the good Lord gave me. It is what it is, what can I do, man?"
"It is true that there's a wide range of what healthy looks like."
"BBLs are seeing a dramatic increase but the physical result of them are changing. We are seeing a more slender natural shape starting to emerge from celebrities and the everyday woman."
"Looking perfect is something all celebrities struggle with." - Caption about body issues in Hollywood
"You do not have to calorically deprive yourself all the time in order to maintain a lean physique."
"Love and appreciate our bodies for everything they are."
"My physique isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's okay, my physique is my cup of tea."
"If you desire to change your physique, that is fine, but also understand that you're a human being with actual real-life responsibilities."
"If you're getting messages from social media, from TV, from the internet telling you that you have to look a certain way, I'm here to tell you that that is not the case."
"Fat chicks with pretty faces are like one of the best kinds."
"Dude, this thigh gap is unrealistic beauty standards."
"My weight does not define my worth in any way shape or form."
"You should be bigger, like, really. From all the food you eat, you really should."
"They're just not as aesthetically appealing as a normal six-pack."
"While it's okay to improve your body in reasonable ways, one should never pine after the body of another so much that they do surgeries to try and obtain it."
"What might be even worse than the distress of not feeling like the way you look is having done something to your body and never being able to go back."
"By all means on this body, I think it looks really awesome."
"Ain't no woman hips or breasts or legs should dictate what come from up there."