
True Nature Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"All the spiritual paths are paths to freedom. Freedom is our true nature, which is beyond this confinement of samsara, beyond this confinement of body and mind."
"The recognition of our true nature is unshakable peace."
"This treasure is our natural state of felt oneness with being, our true nature beyond name and form."
"Our real nature is Brahman, the absolute reality; realizing this solves our deepest problems and ends our suffering."
"Our true nature is immortal; what are we worried about?"
"He's a guy you'd smoke a joint with, using his goofy antics to distract from who he truly is at his core: a greedy, rich oligarch."
"Love is our true nature, and anything we're thinking or believing that goes against our true nature takes us out of being connected with that."
"He calls himself Betty now, but he's still the same. He could put on a new face all he likes, but underneath, he's still evil."
"Swami Vivekananda's story of the lion... is our true nature."
"Over the last decade, many Hollywood stars have had their masks ripped off to reveal the monsters they always were deep down inside."
"I think all Harry did was show his true character again."
"I might seem intimidating, but deep down I am a nice soft person."
"Turiya is not a transient state or a temporary experience, but rather, it's the limitless, transcendent, unchanging consciousness that's your true, inner nature."
"You really get to see people's character when things get hard."
"Beneath Susie's seemingly misguided tough exterior, she really is just a sweet and romantic girl at heart."
"He was able to maintain this double life, essentially, the devoted family man, the nice neighbor. But underneath that, he really was evil."
"Look at how people deal with the waiter, that's their true character."
"I am the resurrection and the life symbolizes the transformative power of Awakening to your true nature."
"Monsters are still monsters, but at least they aren't pretending to be anything else."
"In circumstances like this you see people's true colours."
"In the final moments, people show you who they really are."
"You can always tell at their core who they are."
"The best way to find out a person's true character is to watch them and their interactions with others who they're not trying to impress."
"The higher vampires are well and truly out to play, revealing their true colors in a fresh, bloody crimson."
"It really does seem like they're starting to show more and more of those true colors..."
"Like almost everything in this universe, its true nature hides deep below the surface."
"Money and success doesn't change you, it exposes you."
"Stop being blinded by beauty, stop being blinded by facades, you have to get into the core of that woman."
"Are you about to see someone's true colors? It's like when you get so confused or you think to yourself, I know I'm not crazy."
"You are truly love, and thus love is the true nature and peaceful state of mind."
"Give a man a mask and he will become his true self."
"Underneath that rough exterior beats a heart of gold."
"People show themselves eventually for who they are."
"Just to sit with a firm conviction in our true nature is enough."
"If something exists, it has its own true nature, its Buddha nature."
"Someone's true colors are being revealed."
"Someone's true colors are going to come out."
"Don't suppress your true nature or you will regret it."
"Beverly Allitt, a seemingly caring and compassionate nurse, would soon reveal her true nature as the angel of death."
"The handsome footballer with the picture-perfect family was just a facade. Chris Dawson was capable of pure evil."
"It's a real black snake again, showed its true colors."
"His true nature John was most struck with the simplicity."
"Nothing can entirely disguise its true nature."
"Discovering my true nature had revealed itself to me."
"Your true nature isn't something you find and grab hold of, you hold fast to it by letting go and relaxing."
"Sometimes the real monsters are not the creatures in the shadows but the ones hiding in plain sight."
"Indeed, it is not a matter of replacing these Lords with something else but rather of Awakening to a higher awareness, a deeper understanding of our true nature."
"The appearance of Bodhi is true suchness."
"Once we really connect with our true nature, there's a real joy that comes."
"Finding peace, happiness, success in your true nature where they are natural attributes of who you are."
"If everything changes, then what is really true? Is there something behind the appearances, something boundless and infinitely spacious, innately loving, in which the dance of change and impermanence takes place?"
"The self is everyone's true nature; it's what we really are."
"Awakening is Awakening to your true nature or the true nature of reality then it has to be completely immediate and completely unconditional."
"You already are your true nature."
"Awakening is causeless and completely immediate because you're already it."
"We're all actually already resting in our true infinite nature all the time."
"I'm just glad they showed me their true nature once again and didn't waste my energy."
"May all beings realize and trust the loving presence that is their true nature."
"We are all the manifestations of our real nature being non-dual Consciousness."
"If they treat you well but treat random people like crap, they aren't good people."
"You give a man power and they'll show you their true colors."
"You investigate your true nature, you discover the nature of yourself that it is eternal, infinite, inherently peaceful, unconditionally fulfilled."
"That relief is the peace of your true nature."
"Our true nature isn't a condition; if our true nature was conditioned, then there'd be no possibility of ending suffering."
"We are becoming established in our true nature; we have come home."
"Realizing our true nature, that I am the passenger in the chariot, sets me free."
"Our own real nature, pure consciousness, that's freedom itself."
"Enlightenment is their true nature that we begin to realize."
"You may get the impression that Fred's all mouth, but deep down inside, he's got a heart of gold."
"Take inspiration from the manifestations of your true nature."
"You are just awareness without thoughts; this is your real state."
"The peace of your true nature is ever-present, independent of the conditions of that experience."
"Our true nature is to be blissful."
"The true nature of our being is beyond this ordinary ideas of pain and pleasure but its nature is wisdom and compassion, clear seeing."
"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes."
"Just the sense 'I' is the untangling factor, relaxing into your true nature as the space of awareness."
"People show their true colors when times are bad."
"Self-realization is simply knowing one's true nature as the infinite timeless being."
"You are clarity, that's your true nature."
"It's the fact that he showed his true colors at the very end."
"Pure, unblemished Consciousness is our true nature."
"Insight Meditation aims at seeing, gaining direct insight into the real nature of things."
"The very nature of the knower is consciousness itself."
"Realize that your true nature is that of pure light."
"Buddhism is very much based on the view of the discovery of the true nature."
"My innocence, the love that I am."
"On the battlefield, you got to see what someone really was."
"When people start putting in the effort, then you can see their true colors."
"The task is not to get rid of our true natures but to rediscover what we are really supposed to be."
"It is a fundamental statement about the nature of true love."
"People may never tell you the type of person they truly are, but they almost always will show their true face if you pay attention."
"Our true nature is without attributes; it is almost the non-entity."
"Recognize that you are without requirements; your true state is spontaneously there."
"By the very nature of that realization, I realized my immortal nature."
"Your true nature is independent of both your body and consciousness."
"Meditation is your true nature. You call it meditation now, but there are other thoughts distracting you."
"When somebody shows you their true colors, believe them."
"I guess a person's true nature comes forth during times of adversity."
"Love, peace, joy, and freedom are our true nature; they are what we are."
"Your true nature as Paramatma is always free."
"The only part of the mind's activity that goes away on the recognition of our true nature is that aspect of our mind that rises on behalf of the sense of separation."
"Peace and joy are the very nature of our being, not something that needs to be acquired or achieved."
"You are immortal in your real nature."
"You knew that the ogre wasn't the real bad guy in the stories."
"You try to disguise it, but basically, you're a very kind-hearted person."
"You cannot judge a book by its cover because you never know what's underneath the clothes."
"My true nature is exempt from all mundane objects of attachment or desires."
"Time reveals the heart, and adversity shows one's true nature."
"His true colors came to the forefront."
"...after you recognize your true nature, you're automatically going to manifest this the way it's always been wired."
"Our true nature does not know that it is."
"The veil never is; it is only your desire which hides your true nature."
"Our peace is the peace of our true nature, prior to thoughts, feelings, activities, relationships."
"Our true nature has no attributes; the ultimate truth, Paramatma, has no caste or creed."
"My true nature is prior to that which supports the news of being or consciousness."
"Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary, but you have to look past that and learn who they are inside."
"Love lives within us as our own true nature."
"Once you see through all the false projections that are concealing our real nature, that is considered to be the ultimate realization."
"You will remain in your real nature, the infinite existence Consciousness Bliss, which you are right now."
"Maintain that undercurrent of joy, which Master says is our true nature."
"We're trying to get back to our true nature again; however long it takes us, we will eventually get back home."
"People may not tell you who they are, but they'll always show you who they are."
"You must bear in mind that you are the pure consciousness."
"Stay to yourself most of the time because it seemed like as soon as you let somebody in your life... they True Colors always come out."
"I am affirmations are an expression of your true nature."
"The only thing we've ever known is our true infinite nature."
"A bad circumstance will reveal the true character of an individual every time."
"The false belief of what we are means that our true self is not known."
"Our real nature manifests as formless, bodiless, and mindless."
"Your real Guru is your own true nature."
"He's a nice guy in heart of heart."
"You're aligning perfectly with your spiritual nature."
"You're not as bad as people make you up to be; you're actually a nice person."
"That is when you see their true colors, not when it's smooth sailing, but when you are going through a storm."
"If you wait long enough, you'll see people's true colors."
"Meditation is about waking up to our true nature."
"Real love gives back of its own free will because it's love."
"Our true nature cannot be harmed. Our true nature is always connected and free and full of love and joy."