
Mantra Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"The greatest mantra in Hinduism is the Gayatri Mantra... chanted by millions of Hindus."
"The mantra for this reading that I was getting was: Pour into yourself because you will never regret it."
"Shanor's crew viewed their ship as lucky, a kind of talisman, adopting the personal mantra 'Shanor ever onwards.'"
"Pick a one word mantra. Something that resonates with you, like 'one' or 'peace' or 'love.'"
"The mantra today is I am strong, but not in just the physical body, in mind and spirit."
"Whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever it takes."
"You are a tenner all [expletive] times, bro. All times. This is your mantra, my darlings."
"It's like controlling the mind through mantra truly liberates it."
"So, verbal meditation or mantra meditation, according to this verse, is 100 times more powerful than silent meditation."
"When there is audible utterance of a mantra, then the person who's chanting and the person who listens to the sound both get spiritually rejuvenated and purified by that sound vibration."
"Om Namashivaya is the seed syllable, believed to be the primal vibration that's set into motion the universe as we know it today."
"If you make it here, you can make it anywhere. Really that's a mantra."
"Maybe embracing the mantra, 'Everything is as it should be.' Everything is as it should be."
"You can say a powerful mantra, something that that reminds you or speaks protection over you. 'I am protected, I am whole, I am healthy, I am well, let nothing touch me.'"
"Measure twice, cut once: a mantra for precision and accuracy."
"Slow is steady, steady's fast. Piece of cake, piece of cake."
"Power isn't just my mission, it's my mantra."
"Trust the process, everything's gonna be okay."
"You can realize this mantra and comment this mantra below, or just write it down somewhere: 'I'm good either way.'"
"Mind, body, and spirit. Everywhere you go, you hear it."
"When you have got the Mantra from your Guru, know that you have got God."
"After you start using your mantra, you get into a worry-free zone."
"The mantra for Pisces energy is 'I believe'."
"My Mantra: Pain plus reflection equals progress."
"Learn any 'Sahasranama' mantra by heart and your life will completely change."
"I am powerful, that's your mantra for today and every day."
"The power of a mantra comes from repetition."
"Ellen lived by the mantra of be kind to everyone."
"Pray more, worry less, that's always a good mantra."
"Our mantra is the human touch powered by technology."
"Reunite with yourself, that's a good mantra you should."
"Have fun and enjoy having a spiritual practice if you decide to commit to the mantra: EGIPTO."
"That’s been one of my mantras—focus and simplicity." - Steve Jobs
"the mantra of access consciousness is all of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory."
"Mantra is that which, when contemplated, reveals the Ultimate Reality and quiets the fractured universe we live in."
"We're specifically talking about under the mantra of brain health."
"Emma's mantra was 'don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today,' and I know that resonates with a lot of people."
"Mantras and meditation are not exactly the same. Real meditation is not something that you can really do; it's something that happens."
"I must not fear fear is the mind killer."
"I've got a mantra, it's a song by Chumbawamba called 'Tubthumping'."
"Shukracharya told the king... I will tell you some secret mantras... you become very powerful... you become so powerful that you become master of the three worlds."
"He wanted to make Bali the king of the worlds... he did all these mantras and things... and he became all-powerful."
"Focusing on what you can change is the mantra."
"Tantra means body liberation, mantra means mind liberation."
"Love is always loving you. It's one of my favorite mantras now."
"I just follow one simple mantra and that is risk what you can afford to lose."
"This won't happen to you," I repeated in my head like a mantra, trying to hold onto hope.
"Put it out there what you want because once you say it, it kind of helps it materialize because it becomes a mantra."
"I wanted to keep things simple... that's kind of my Mantra behind decorating in general."
"Bless and block girl, that's my motto."
"What's your biggest regret? No regrets, that's my mantra."
"Errors as values. You must maintain that as your mantra."
"Let there be peace, let there be peace. Om shanti, shanti, shanti."
"Quitting should never be an option unless it's life-threatening of course, that's my mantra."
"Our church is pursuing the mantra of love beyond,"
"Strength and courage. Strength and courage."
"Slow down to speed up is my Mantra when it comes to working with high performing clients."
"So, I really invite you to find that mantra for yourself."
"Mercury Ranger rule 23: 'Rangers don't cry.'"
"Positive Mental Attitude, it's my new mantra."
"We're never really ready till we have to be. That's just going to be his Avatar mantra."
"One simple thing you can do is chant the mantra to goddess Mahalakshmi."
"...mantra literally means repetition of the mind remembrance..."
"Our kind of Mantra, our strap line underneath, through dark his Endeavor through adversity."
"Buy once, cry once" - a mantra for quality purchases.
"Live in the moment too that's my new mantra like don't be so caught up in the future that you up Live Now."
"Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the mind killer."
"Try and live life to the fullest and a bit more healthy and happily. That's my mantra this year."
"May this mantra from the heart of Saint Francis, the ascended master Kuthumi, become your perpetual mantra of joy and blessing to your twin flame."
"Whenever you are threatened, instead of running away, stand firm, stay in touch, but repeat the mantra ‘Rama, Rama, Rama’ and this will turn your fear into courage."
"If you want to stop that thinking mind, interrupt it with a mantra: 'not mine, not mine, not mine'."
"The mantra of walking: 'Walking, walking, walking.'"
"I think chanting of a mantra can induce you to calming the mind, and meditation is calming the mind, at least to start with."
"See if you can reduce it to just a few words to form a mantra that can take you into a deeper connection with the essence of your purpose."
"Peace and love, peace and love, peace and love."
"The name is the first mantra, the name is the first mantra diksha. Every time you say your own name, every time somebody calls upon you, it is like a mantra which you are reciting. That mantra is with you all the time, every day of your life."
"People will have their feelings and you will have your feelings, and they don't need to be the same. Before I say no, I often repeat this to myself. It's like the mental Mantra equivalent of the superhero stance for me."
"Isn't that the mantra for today? Wow, oh my lord."
"Peace in the streets, peace peace peace peace peace in the street."
"Enjoy the rest of your night and remember, it's eat, sleep, and make beats, and as usual, love one another."
"I want you to make that your new mantra in life."
"I think that's my mantra and uh, why I'm probably not that anxious. Is nothing really matters that much, yeah, right?"
"The best mantra to live by really is 'little and often.'"
"The cosmic vibration of Aum is the voice of God."
"Remember, no hate needed, just love."
"Some of the most successful organizations... tend to have like a mantra."
"In this world, you never say never."
"But since you told me, when we talked, the seven-word mantra, 'but it didn't want to hurt me,' I say that out loud. Even I say it in my mind, and I say it out loud, that helps a lot."
"I am getting better and better and better and better."
"There is the mantra of transcendent wisdom, the mantra of great science, the unexcelled mantra, the uniquely universal mantra."
"The mantra that eradicates all suffering, it is not false and should be known as truth."
"The customer is always right, right?"
"Even repetition of a mantra, they realized they needed it."
"The mantra of the perfection of wisdom is a great mantra the mantra of great knowledge the unsurpassed mantra the mantra equal to the unequals the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering it is true because it is not false."
"You know what their mantra is: the toughest team wins."
"Remember our mantra: just keep rocking."
"Living with courage became like my life statement."
"You need to know that you're enough. A mantra that has now ingrained itself so deeply within me that not a day goes by without hearing it chime in my head."
"No limits, ladies and gentlemen, that's our saying."
"Reduce, reuse, recycle, that's all I have to say."
"On Manny Padme Hum means 'Hail to the jewel in the center of the lotus,' they're basically talking about the higher mind awareness that we've been talking about."
"Look good, feel good, do good, got good; she gonna be good, that's all I'm saying."
"It's a comment that still is with me to this day and is kind of like an unofficial mantra for me."
"Plan your work today and every day, and then work your plan."
"Winners don't lose; it's my new mantra."
"Just unbelievable. I don't know how better to say this: refuse to lose."
"Feeling good, feeling good, feeling good."
"Allowing the universe to move through you is probably the best mantra for the month of April."
"The city is filled with the chant of the great five-syllable mantra, Aum Namah Shivaya."
"The awareness 'I am' is the original and primordial mantra."
"Take care and keep creating, this is the way."
"Good fighters, great fights - that's the mantra over here."
"Happy wife, happy life, that's where this came about."
"Straight no weakness, shock of the ocean, believe it, achieve it, become it."
"Positivity, positivity, positivity; repetition, repetition, repetition."
"Row the boat is a never give up lifestyle; it's a never give up mantra."
"Don't worry, be happy, happy, happy, happy."
"Slime Time Live fit Nickelodeon's 'for kids, by kids' mantra more than any other program shot there."
"Health is wealth, baby, health is wealth."
"Look good, feel good, play good, win good."
"My personal mantra is to also help those less fortunate."
"Perfect practice makes perfect, that's what I always say."
"Keep those Positive Vibes on repeat."
"It's so important that you do you. Let's let 'you do you' be the mantra for this video."
"Let's go, champ! That's our mantra."
"Take charge of your life is our mantra because we want people to be empowered about that."
"Fine balance, what a good mantra."
"Let's go above and beyond, plus ultra."
"Always remember and to never forget."
"I think that's a good mantra for life, to be honest."
"Happy wife is a happy life, absolutely."
"Protection, reflection, connection, direction."
"Spread love and positivity, baby."
"All are one, you and I are one, Jai Sairam."
"Believe in yourself as a default."
"The impossible is possible, the impossible is possible."
"Let peace be your mantra; let peace be your yantra."
"Every day, in every way, getting better and better."
"Mantras are protection for the mind; mantra means mind tool in Sanskrit."
"You've got to listen to my brand-new mantra: shop less, wear more."
"The pony mantra is New York, do work."
"I inadvertently landed on what I want to be my new mantra because I excel in chaos."
"Do the thing, it's always do the thing."
"The philosophy is 'Go beyond plus ultra,' a mantra to go past your limits to emerge victorious."
"Stay lean, mean, strength machine."
"Of all the mantras, His names are the highest; for all the personalities, Krishna's the topmost; of all the activities, service to His lotus feet is the best."
"Life Goes On, which is that motto that as a family we all literally stick to it, don't we? I mean, that's his mantra, the 'Life Goes On.'"
"Easy to learn, hard to master, right? It's our ultimate mantra."
"Eat a taco, calm down is now going to be my new mantra."
"That which liberates you just by thinking of it is a mantra."
"Focus, strike fast, keep moving," the simple words sounded in his mind like a mantra.
"The letter Om is all that there is."
"Confidence is key. Confidence, confidence, confidence."
"That's all you need is love, love, love, love, love. All you need is love."
"I always say it: P.R. Preparation."
"It's all about love, love, love, love."
"Because the customer is always right."
"The mantra of optimization: always keep in mind, is it worth the price at all or not?"
"Our mission is just to live, laugh, love."
"Just be yourself, be yourself, be yourself."
"Speed, power, belief – it is the mantra of Team Fat."
"We have a saying, it's called 'Win the day'."
"Live life and love. Live, laugh, love."
"Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM."
"We let our mantra be that we were going to obsess over our customers and not our competitors."
"This is a perfect time to use the fourth mantra: I suffer, please help."
"Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra can be practiced anywhere, and we can all feel happiness and bliss."
"Attention to detail is a basic aviation mantra."
"Using a mantra for meditation is actually the most effective way of improving your brain health."
"The sacred syllable 'Om' is the ultimate mantra that relates to every single path and there's a deep significance behind Om and its meaning within the creation of the cosmos."
"Never say never is a mantra I carry forward."
"Be your own best friend, yes, this is like a mantra to live by."
"Customer is always right, you know."
"We should stand firm towards a mantra of leaving no one behind."
"Guru is such a strong, it's a mantra, it's a tantric word, you have to use it properly."
"Failure can be fun, failure is fun, and even to this day he carries that mantra with him."
"Write down this mantra: observation without judgment."
"Every day is a school day is my mantra."
"Therefore, one should know the prajnaparamita as the mantra of great knowledge, the unsurpassed mantra, the mantra equal to the unequaled, the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering."
"The best mantra is 'I am the Self. Everything is myself; everything is one.'"
"Everything's a blessing, that's your mantra."
"Stay calm, stay smooth equals power and speed."
"I gotta go back to my 3 C's: cool, calm, and collective."
"If your mantra throughout your process to get to where you want to be is 'I am always going to put my health first,' this will prevent you from making those decisions that would otherwise cause you to approach fat loss or building muscle in an unhealthy way."
"Om shanti shanti shanti Anand. Peace."
"You see how profound these mantras are, worth listening to again and again and contemplating and just hearing and staying with it."
"Balance is my whole mantra to my life."
"Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps is really kind of just a mantra of mine because at the end of the day, like, you can have people who love and care about you, but the only person that you can really rely on fully, 100%, is yourself."
"First time I practiced the next mantra, and a mantra is like a religious chant that you say over and over again."
"Live, laugh, love all day every single day."
"Remember to always stay blessed and never stressed."
"Confidence is always, always, always the key."
"Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the [expletive] up."
"He had this mantra that he was going to kill poverty before poverty killed him."
"And remember to always stay blessed and unbothered."
"Hustle and heart, hustle and heart, hustle and heart."
"Hope for the best, forget the rest."
"Surpass your limits, go beyond, plus ultra."
"I've always lived by the mantra that for a dream to become reality, you have to make it real enough to believe in."
"This Mantra announces: Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha."