
Hinduism Quotes

There are 311 quotes

"You are Shiva, I am Shiva, everybody is Shiva. Shiva is the ultimate reality of this universe."
"The greatest mantra in Hinduism is the Gayatri Mantra... chanted by millions of Hindus."
"We have this concept called Ishta Devata, which means 'my preferred deity,' but my preferred deity is a manifestation of the same divine as your preferred deity."
"We don't have exclusivity claims in Hinduism. It's an open architecture."
"The earliest expressions of Advaita are found in the ancient Vedas, the scriptures that are the basis for all the religious practices, beliefs, and teachings that we now call Hinduism."
"Everyone's against a Hindu president. I'm like, dude, we need to get some Hinduism going."
"If we do not find that within us, the openness of spirit, the generosity of spirit accompanied by the intellectual rigor of what is it of true Hinduism, we will continue to be a third world has-been."
"In Hinduism, the Ultimate Reality, God, is understood in at least four different ways: as the transcendent absolute, the creator of the universe, imminent in this universe, and as the avatar."
"We are not having any systematic syllabus or systematic courses to teach our students about what Hinduism is."
"Hinduism, rather than purging the Buddha, enveloped him."
"The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance."
"Sanatana Dharma survived much bigger challenges for a millennium; it will survive this phase."
"First rituals for Ram Mandir consecration begun, a major event from today till January 22nd, 2024."
"Hinduism tells me God is inside you. Isn't that enough for me to be a Hindu?"
"If I'm a Hindu, which I am, and I'm a born Hindu, do I need to be apologetic about my status? No. Do I need to be fearful? No. Do I need to suffer in order that I'm part of the majority? No. Where is the logic track in all of this?"
"Our Hindu scriptures openly talk about it. Hindus are tolerant towards homosexuality."
"Hindutva is not real Hinduism. What we believe in is acceptance and coexistence."
"Blessed be Vishwamitra, the great saint, the great Brahma Rishi."
"The multiverse in Hindu cosmology is perhaps as much a spiritual concept as it is a physical one."
"Hinduism isn't just a religion, it's a way of life."
"Learning even the basics of this fascinating and ancient religion gives us an insight into the worldview of over a billion people."
"Vishnu symbolizes kindness, morality, and mercy, the protector of humanity against evil forces."
"Hanuman symbolizes true devotion and unconditional surrender, making him one of the most revered gods of Hinduism."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"The focus in Hinduism is on developing your own thinking power, your own number of exploration."
"The center of Hinduism is an experience called moksha liberation."
"The Bhagavad-Gita is seen as the flagship scripture for Hindus. In just 700 verses, we find a neat blending together of the profoundest wisdom."
"Hinduism is an evolving, developing system of thought. It's an open system."
"The temple is built from granite and is dedicated to Lord Shiva."
"May our hearts be eternally intertwined with the Lotus feet of Sri Ram, learning to serve each other selflessly like Bharata and Lakshmana."
"Lord Vishnu is responsible for the continuation of life."
"Modi will be known for awakening Hindus, this Hindu sanatan Dharma renaissance which the world will see."
"Kailasa is the only nation for Hindus and Swamiji, the Supreme Court of Hinduism, has made it possible for Hindus to call a place our own, a country our own where we can have the freedom to practice our rights."
"Swamiji single-handedly took it on himself to revive Hinduism, to bring back its cultural, religious, political, social legitimacies back to Hinduism."
"Swamiji revived the science of levitation and conducted mass conventions where through his initiation, thousands of people used to simply levitate."
"For the first time, Hindus have a place to call our home."
"What this has done, you know, it could be Kashi it could be mahakal... a different kind of Renaissance propelled by solid Hindu political leadership is happening in our own lifetime."
"Reviving and reforming Hinduism, especially establishing the path of non-dualism."
"It's the festival of lights, the Hindu celebration of good overcoming evil."
"The Kumbh Mela is an open invitation to the world to witness social harmony prevalent in Hinduism."
"You really can't piss uh the Hindu religion off they're very peaceful very kind they're very like they're one of those people who like to like listen you out first and then like you know tell you what the [__] is up."
"There is no escape from this endless wheel of samsara, life and death, because in Hinduism, unlike Christianity, there is no forgiveness."
"Hinduism embraces many traditions and focuses on beliefs, spirituality, and stories rather than imposing ritualistic practices."
"For Buddhists, it represents Awakening and mental strength while for Hindus it embodies luck, Fortune, protection, and blessing."
"For an Orthodox teacher like Shankara to accept a chandala as a guru is astonishing."
"Hinduism has four main denominations: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism."
"The highest understanding of God... is most clearly found in the Upanishads of Hinduism."
"Hindu culture and human values informed all of us."
"Every temple belongs to one sampradaya or another. There is no such thing as nondenominational. Even if a temple has both Vishnu and Shiva, it will still be a Hindu denominational temple."
"God is one, sages call him by various names." - Rigveda
"It is Hinduism, it is the world's largest ethnic religion."
"Vishnu assumes different forms or avatars to restore the cosmic balance and protect the world from the forces of evil."
"Kalki is considered a symbol of hope and renewal in Hinduism."
"Hinduism basically tells us that you can have what you want."
"Religious pluralism is a foundational principle of Hinduism"
"Hinduism denies any distinction among all things and believes in pantheism"
"Although the religions of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism differ from each other, they share some key beliefs. One of them is that the vajra is the chosen weapon of the gods."
"Resembling a type of demon in hinduism and buddhism, Asura has three heads and nine swords, enhancing his cutting power threefold."
"Even Hinduism has a theological approach that is akin to negative theology."
"The Hindu reincarnation belief suggests that your actions in this life influence how you will be reincarnated in your future life."
"Is it better to follow Islam or is it better to follow Hinduism? The reply is given in Surah Al-Imran chapter 3 verse 64. May Almighty God says, 'Come to common terms as between us and you.'"
"In the tradition I'm looking at, Hinduism interests me partly because it takes precisely the mystery of existence as the core of its insights."
"Hindus believe in Dharma, Karma, reincarnation, and Moksha."
"The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Vedas, the core teachings of Hinduism."
"That is the transcendent and this infinite, the universe here permeated by that divine, Swami Vivekananda said, 'We Hindus worship a transcendent immanent God.'"
"Consciousness needs three things to happen. Consciousness can't take place unless those three things are present. So beautifully simple, but not only that, in the Hindu tradition, this is the movement of the spirit."
"In studying the philosophy of the Hindus, we have to get used to the idea that it's really an illusion to suppose that every event is motivated determined or caused by the past."
"Ultimately, Hindus are not looking to just survive, but to know the truth, to know God himself."
"In Hinduism souls are known as Atman actions of the Soul while in a body have effects on that Soul's next life."
"Hinduism's 'trimurti' consisting of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva corresponds to cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction."
"The Mandir in Hinduism serves not only as a place of worship but also a community center where various cultural and social activities take place."
"Puja in Hinduism typically involves offerings to deities and can vary greatly in complexity, reflecting the myriad of local traditions."
"'Namaste' in Hindu tradition is a respectful greeting which translates to 'I bow to the Divine in you,' while 'Assalamu alaikum' in Islamic tradition translates to 'Peace be upon you.'"
"Diwali celebrated by Hindus as a festival of lights symbolizing the victory of light over darkness contrasts with Eid al-Adha in Islam, which commemorates the Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to God's command."
"In Hindu belief, 'svarga' is a temporary heaven-like realm attained by righteous souls before reincarnation, while Islam's 'Jannah' is a permanent paradise granted to the righteous in the afterlife."
"Celestial beings known as 'devas' in Hinduism are often compared to 'malaika' or angels in Islam, symbolizing the constant cosmic order in both religions."
"The ultimate goal in Hinduism is Moksha, liberation from the cycle of birth and death, signifying a liberation from physical existence and merging with the divine."
"...the chanting of om is the voice of the god of the Gods..."
"...yoga is nothing without Hinduism..."
"This hindu spirituality is sort of making its way into our culture."
"Our goal here is to give some sort of explanation, definition, overview of what Hinduism actually is."
"Hinduism is said to be the world's oldest living religion."
"Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world, dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu."
"Underneath all the presuppositions of Hinduism is a transition from one kind of culture to another."
"Dharma, artha, kama, these three are fundamental goals in human life."
"One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is Atman, the belief in a soul, a personal soul."
"The goal is to achieve Moksha or salvation which ends the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth."
"Hinduism is the world's third largest religion after Christianity and Islam."
"Hindus generally see God in everything and everything in God."
"Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world and is often referred to as the sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Wayne."
"In Hinduism, Gods can be male and female, animal, anthropomorphic, having qualities of a man or qualities of animals, even an element of nature."
"Lakshmi, the goddess of Good Fortune, wealth, and well-being, provides all good things."
"Dharma can be described as right conduct, righteousness, moral law, and Duty."
"Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is a favorite god for many Hindus."
"God is prakriti, everything we see here as in sentient matter. God is also all the purushas, all the jivas in this world."
"There's very much a sense amongst all adherents to Hinduism of karma that everything you do has consequences."
"Vishnu, the protector, is considered by many as the most important and powerful deity."
"In Hinduism, we know of the trinity as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva."
"Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world and the third largest."
"Hinduism has persisted for thousands of years because the Dharma faith and culture have instilled in each Hindu a unique and strong sense of identity, family, and spiritual purpose."
"The Bhagavad Gita not only tells us about the theory of Hinduism but also how to put it into practice in our daily lives."
"One thing I find fascinating about Hinduism, I don't know if you know this, is the life cycle of Brahma."
"Vishnu is defined as the peace-loving deity of the Hindus, the preserver or sustainer of life, representing the principles of order, righteousness, and truth."
"The Kalki Avatar is known throughout the Hindu tradition."
"In the Kali Yuga state is when the Kalki Avatar will come."
"The last state of humanity is called the Kali Yuga."
"Hinduism is a conglomeration of very different religious beliefs and practices, a vast array of cultural ideas, originating from what was then India."
"Yoga is inherently a spiritual practice, it's inherently Hindu, you cannot dismiss it."
"I am continually amazed by how much literature there is in Hinduism."
"Most Hindus believe that the effort and exertion of a long yatra purifies your mind and heart, preparing you to receive abundant blessings when you reach the temple."
"As a Hindu, I don't believe it's intrinsic to Hinduism and it should not be seen as such."
"Bali is a special region that is Hindu so and it's actually a different Hindu than in India it's Balinese Hinduism which is a bit different."
"One of the things that is very very interesting about this Temple is that unlike the previous temples which were mostly dedicated to Shiva the god, this one is dedicated to Vishnu."
"Kashi was the dear land of bhagan Vishnu and he gave it to bhagan shiv because he liked it."
"In very simple terms, Hindus generally believe in one god named Brahman, who is refracted into many different aspects."
"...and blood and sword are not for the Hindu whose religion is based on the laws of love."
"Hinduism is the oldest religion still in existence."
"Bhang is also the preferred food of Shiva, the main god of many Hindu sects, and even earned him the name The Lord of Bhang."
"If you get rid of that, then by the general Hindu structures, you will be considered to be enlightened."
"Shiva is a powerful figure in Hindu religion, he is viewed as a god of both rebirth and of destruction."
"The Vedic civilization is named after the Vedas, which are the oldest scriptures in Hindu literature."
"Hinduism is not a homogenized religion."
"The Hindu tradition of the Yugas... inspired the Greek idea of different ages of men."
"The Shiva linga actually symbolizes the coming in or going out of the divine manifesting energy of Shiva."
"Wow, these sacred idols are representations of the god Shiva."
"The beauty of Hinduism lies in its diversity, its breadth of philosophy, and its acceptance of multiple paths."
"The major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is that Hinduism believes in the concept of a soul."
"It's the beauty of Hinduism that it doesn't matter tomorrow there could be a dalit prime minister."
"Our Upanishads give a lot of clarity on this; our Vedas and Vedanta give a lot of clarity."
"A devotee of Shiva is Shiva himself."
"In Hindu scriptures, the elixir of life is known as 'Amrita' and is described as a substance that the gods and demons fought over in order to gain power and immortality."
"The Bhagavad Gita seems to be a synthesis of all of these different Indian belief structures."
"The Upanishads present the highest philosophical teachings of the Vedas."
"The Vedas are the literatures of ancient India and they give information about all kinds of topics."
"In this talk, we will explore Hindu ways of thinking about conversion, change, and transformation."
"By following their Dharma and avoiding six temptations, a Hindu can break the cycle of rebirth."
"Ganesha is supposed to be the God for good luck."
"It's a really important temple, thousands of Hindus make pilgrimage to come visit this temple every single year."
"We're going to be comparing the differences between the Buddhist and the Hindu religions here in Kathmandu."
"Who is the Hindu god of the sun? It's Surya, that's his name."
"He's perhaps one of the most revered deities in the Hindu pantheon."
"The goal of a Hindu is to attain liberation."
"Hindus developed four major denominations, some of which have their own subdivisions."
"In our religion, in Hinduism, everything has two or many faces."
"I had been very much influenced by reading the Vedas and studying some of the great Hindu time cycles, the Kalpas, the Yugas."
"If you are a Hindu from the sun-scorched plains of India, and you desire, as all good Hindus do, to perform the pilgrimage to the age-old shrines of Kedarnath and Badrinath, you must start on your pilgrimage from Haridwar."
"Mahakaleshwar is the radiant sign of the almighty Shiva himself."
"...emphasizing the devotional love and service of Lord Krishna."
"The Upanishads are the essence of the Vedic literature."
"The entire Sanatana Dharma is based finally on the Upanishads."
"We are going directly to the source of Hinduism."
"Creation had begun by the Om sound of the creator Brahma."
"Om Nama Shivaya, I bow to the great god Shiva."
"The vastness, the vacuum is Kali."
"Everything is one. Hindus at the deepest level believe that all their religious scriptures and all their great saints have said everything is one."
"Hindus don't believe their God is better than yours."
"In Hinduism, there are no false gods, at least not if your prayer to God is sincere."
"Hinduism is a live religion so you will get a more contemporary vision of Hinduism."
"The entire process of creation... is just a single breath of Maha Vishnu."
"The stories differ, but primarily it's Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh who are the holy trinity."
"Hinduism has more than one gods, and yet the universe functions quite nicely and smoothly."
"Within Hinduism, it refers to a Divine descent when a deity manifests in a new form on Earth in order to restore order, defeat evil, and protect the virtuous."
"Sanatana Dharma is a very large umbrella that includes many very diverse and sometimes even contradictory spiritual paths within it."
"Visitors can witness the island's unique Hindu traditions as they come alive through colorful processions, intricate offerings, and ancient rituals."
"The Atman, the true self, is a part of the cosmic self, Brahman."
"Ganesha is known in Hinduism as the remover of obstacles."
"When we look at the pastimes of the Hindu gods, they end up displaying the most fallible and human of qualities."
"Reincarnation... it's a very commonly accepted principle of Hinduism."
"It's a very interesting kind of temple, looks like a Hindu temple."
"He knows who Vishnu is, he knows what the soul is, he knows what the subtle body is."
"The number four is considered sacred in Hinduism because it's like complete."
"I am the son of Parvati. You are the gunners of Shiva. You must carry out his orders, and I hers."
"The Rigveda is the oldest known scripture from the Hindu religion."
"Devout Hindus believe that if a deceased one's ashes are laid here in the holiest of the seven sacred cities, their soul will be transported to heaven and escape the cycle of rebirth."
"The Hindu religious literature... is very intriguing."
"The highlight of the site is a giant statue of a Hindu god reached by climbing 272 steps to the Cathedral Cave."
"Bringing a Krishna murti or Radha Krishna murti or Guru saheb and all that is very good."
"Any kind of Deity Murti you can begin and bring, start a proper aradhana, do everyday Puja and all that."
"The whole project of the Bhagavad-Gita is enlightenment, God realization, Moksha."
"The central message of the Bhagavad-Gita is nothing other than the central message of the Upanishads."
"Probably the Bhagavad-Gita has emerged as the most representative text of Hinduism."
"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheswara."
"The Hindu good news is that there is no original sin. We are originally divine."
"Krishna is the final conclusion of the Vedanta."
"Ganesha: Clearing away obstacles, protection, guidance."
"Even going to heaven is time-bound in the Hindu tradition; heaven is considered a temporary condition."
"For the Hindus in Himachal Pradesh, Navaratri is a huge celebration; here the celebration starts on the tenth day when the festival ends in other states."
"If you remember, I keep talking about the trilogy of deity Supreme deities in Hinduism: Vishnu The Protector, Brahma the Creator, and Shiva the Destroyer."
"Brahman is greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest."
"Hinduism, the devatar tradition, is one of the most important aspects of the tradition itself."
"There are some gods that are representation of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, and they are Shiva and Vishnu."
"...the avatars represent certain values of Vishnu."
"Hanuman is regarded as being the incarnation of Shiva."
"Pramukh Swami Maharaj was not only a firm believer in Hindu values and traditions, he was their torchbearer."
"Caste has dictated almost every aspect of Hindu religious and social life."
"Hinduism is worth attending to; it's a rich, complex tradition whose influence permeates non-Hindu lives."
"Bangalore has everything going for it to lead the Hindu Renaissance."
"The Bhagavad Gita means literally 'Lord's song' -- like the Lord's prayer in the Christian tradition -- the Lord's song."
"Shiva came to be known as Chandra shekhara, meaning the one with Chandra mounted on his head."
"Hinduism isn't a religion, it's more of a philosophy of life."