
Ultimate Reality Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"You are Shiva, I am Shiva, everybody is Shiva. Shiva is the ultimate reality of this universe."
"The ultimate reality is not an object... According to Advaita Vedanta, all of these are objects, and what are they an object to? That is the reality."
"The ultimate reality is not only there in any supreme place but also here, equally here and now."
"That thou art - You are that ultimate reality; realizing this solves all problems and leads to fulfillment."
"It's only in samsara and for the purpose of liberation from samsara that the ultimate reality is expressed through words, Sat-Chit-Ananda."
"The ultimate reality beyond Maya being time, space, and causation creates this entire universe."
"You are one with God, you are the ultimate reality."
"The ultimate reality, the pure consciousness, Atman, Brahman, God, Turia, whatever you call it, is available right now, right here, and it is myself."
"The ultimate ground which is outside of time...has an infinite capacity to reveal itself."
"There are three candidates for what this ultimate reality could be: the deepest laws of physics, some kind of god or gods, or a universal cosmic consciousness."
"The Vedic tradition is truly founded upon the complete knowledge and practical utilization of the ultimate reality, which in the modern scientific language we call the Unified Field."
"Existence consciousness bliss, non-dual Brahman, that's the only reality. There is nothing else apart from it."
"Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door to Ultimate Reality."
"Everybody is fundamentally the ultimate reality, not God in a politically kingly sense, but God in the sense of being the self."
"For something to be the ultimate reality, it is the highest form of existence."
"The Ultimate Reality could include personal elements but not be defined by them."
"God is synonymous with ultimate reality, the one, the monad."
"Ancient myth was a representation of Ultimate Reality."
"Everything is known to that, it is omniscient but not like us, we know things with our eyes and ears but that ultimate reality knows everything directly as a manifestation of itself."
"The Ultimate Reality is Consciousness, God, Brahman."
"In the Changes, there is the great ultimate."
"In the end, God will be all in all."
"You are beyond Maya, the ultimate reality."
"Consciousness in itself is the ultimate reality, Anubhava Mottram param brahma."
"I am Atma Brahma, the ultimate reality of the universe."
"You are that, that would be the ultimate reality of the universe which is existence, consciousness, bliss, and you are that."
"Our minds, our scientific theories, cannot be the final reality."
"Ultimate Reality, Consciousness, is not limited by time, space, object."
"The Ultimate Reality is beyond this universe, time, space, and causation."
"The Ultimate Reality is a community, but a community that is constantly giving away to each other all that it has."
"You are all that is, your Ultimate Reality."
"The real self, the real you, the ultimate reality is none of them; neither world, not individual, not God is the ultimate reality."
"If you analyze yourself, you will know the truth because the self itself is the ultimate reality."
"The ultimate reality is a non-dual reality, that there is only one reality without a second."
"The reality is Turiya, not the universe."
"The ultimate reality is potentially the source of the entire universe."
"You have access to all of Ultimate Reality, past, present, and future, through that 'I am-ness,' through that awareness of being that you really are."
"Power through weakness, dramatized in God on the cross or the lamb on the throne, lies at the very heart of ultimate reality and even of the being of God Himself."
"This is that highest being, the highest reality."
"The central teaching of all of these texts is that you are the ultimate reality."
"Once you realize that there is an Ultimate Reality, then the door for realizing 'I am that Ultimate Reality' becomes open to you."
"A mind that is in service of the Ultimate Reality, God, truth, love, however we like to conceive of it."
"God is kind of like the North Pole of Reality; by definition, he is the ultimate source of anything else there is."
"The reality of everything is known once you know Brahman."
"You are always the tattanya Brahman, on which there is an illusory appearance of a human being."
"God is the greatest reality imaginable, there's no greater, not at all."
"There is one God, Brahma, the ultimate source, the ultimate reality."
"Somebody knows the ultimate reality to be Saccidananda, and another person also knows that but knows it as Vishnu or Narayana or my mother Kali."
"Absorbed in Supreme Brahman or Prakriti? Technically Prakriti, but really ultimately it is Supreme Brahman alone."
"The ultimate reality is non-duality or Advaita."
"The Oneness is the permanent Ultimate Reality; it is the truth of Life, the essence of creation."
"What would your ultimate reality be? What change do you want to see in the world?"