
Self-responsibility Quotes

There are 433 quotes

"You're responsible for your own happiness, and you do not own people."
"If you create a demon, only you can chase it away."
"The only people responsible for your performance is what's looking back at you in the mirror, not what's on there."
"We're all responsible for our own happiness."
"I think everybody needs to take responsibility for themselves."
"Women taking personal responsibility for themselves is how dignity and freedom will be achieved."
"People's superpower is self-responsibility. People become very disempowered when they're trained to be obedient to rely on external powers."
"Your heart, your life, your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone."
"Take radical responsibility. Nobody else is going to change your life for you."
"You're the greatest architect of your own discontent."
"The greatest gift you have as a human is choice. You have a choice. Nobody makes you a victim."
"We are not victims of financial markets; we are just victims of financial ignorance."
"Don't become a victim of yourself. It's possible to become a victim of tragedy, it's possible to become a victim of gossip, but here's the most important thing: don't become a victim of yourself."
"It's on ourselves to really take each turn and opportunity and make the most out of it."
"If it did happen right now, then it is a realistic situation... we got ourselves here, we should learn how to play out of it."
"I am taking responsibility for my own life and decisions."
"It's responsible for me to make myself happy, not somebody else."
"We are in constant creation; we are creators. We are in control of our own life, responsible for our own existence and the creation of our reality."
"We always look for somebody else to blame, and again, as I've gone through my life, I realized you need to own up to what you really are and what you're doing in order to move forward."
"The source of all your problems is you, not somebody else."
"You have to take responsibility for your own awakening, much like you have to take responsibility for your own happiness and success."
"What worked best was people taking responsibility for themselves and their neighbors."
"The constant redefining of existing language, ignoring self-responsibility, constant pathologizing, oppressed vs. oppressor mentality, and the pressure to conform and comply... it's exhausting and honestly, I have better things to do with my time."
"Self-responsibility is a superpower for Freedom lovers."
"Nothing truly changes in life until we take the self-responsibility piece."
"Where you are in life right now... it's solely you who did it. You're responsible. It wasn't anybody else who did it; you did it. It's all your fault."
"You're not a victim of your ignorance, Logan. You are suffering the consequences of your ignorance."
"Take responsibility for yourself. That's the best thing I can do."
"The mind is so powerful, it's so unique, it could do many things, and you are the one that is responsible for the thoughts that enter your mind."
"We're not really good at taking responsibility for ourselves; we're really good at blaming people."
"The only person that can really derail me is me."
"People need to be able to be responsible for themselves."
"You are whatever you are because of you. People don't want to take responsibility. I'm saying take responsibility for who you are."
"I'm responsible for me. I'm responsible for the things that I'm bringing to the relationship. I'll take care of me for you, you take care of you for me."
"You are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are."
"I made a mistake, I'm responsible for these mistakes."
"Self-responsibility is the source of the prosperity of the English-speaking world."
"You owe you nobody owes you anything but you owe you everything."
"You are 100 percent totally responsible for yourself."
"Now is the time to let go and to move forward, let's stop making excuses, let's take responsibility for where we are in life right now."
"Self-responsibility is what we're talking about, and that is at the heart of a spiritual path."
"You know that your happiness and your emotional well-being is your own responsibility. No one can make you unhappy unless you allow them to."
"The burden is on you to make the most of it. Take control of your own happiness."
"I am NOT responsible for other people's opinions of me."
"You gotta tell you that you owe you something."
"We're not here to play the victim by no means."
"I think that we're taught wrongly that it's other people's responsibility to give you, to make you, to do you, to make you, but everybody it's really easy to find an excuse not to show up."
"You only control two things in life: your actions and your reactions."
"Do you know how liberating it is when you realize everything's your fault?"
"Certain self-accountability, that's what it is."
"You're always responsible for your own emotions."
"Happiness is within you, that's your responsibility."
"That's a good way to look at it, you're only doing good for yourself or evil against yourself."
"Don't cut the brake lines on your own car and then complain when you crash."
"It's time for you to take ownership. It's time for you to own the fact that you're the reason."
"This is a self-inflicted wound on our nation."
"The quality of my year is on me not what happens to me."
"Spirituality is concerned with qualities like love, compassion, and responsibility for your own actions."
"If you want to look for the person that's responsible for all your problems, you have to look in the mirror."
"Nobody set out to destroy you, you destroyed yourselves."
"You are responsible for how you feel about yourself ultimately."
"You are only responsible for your own happiness and it is important in this life that we remind ourselves of that because that is the case for everyone."
"You alone are the cause of all that comes into your world; you alone can change it."
"Take full responsibility for every single part of your life."
"The only person to blame is the one who looks at me in the mirror."
"You're taking accountability for your own actions."
"Accept where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself where you want to go."
"Stop putting it off, stop making excuses, stop with the victim mentality."
"The true change comes from you, the true change comes from within us, that's where it comes from. Each individual taking ownership of what they need to do in life, period. That's all it comes down to."
"The world owes you nothing, start taking responsibility for your life."
"’Cause you’re your problem, Annie. And you’re also your solution."
"Our destiny is very largely in our own hands in two ways: how gradually and cautious we are and how well we can finish the job of the vaccination program in adults. It's as simple as that."
"Blame yourself first. It's always your fault."
"In the makeshift happen paradigm, we're taking full responsibility, and it's amazing."
"Taking responsibility for your healing is crucial."
"It wasn't that my body was making me unhappy, my choices and mindset were not allowing me to live happily."
"Stop blaming everybody else. Look in that mirror, look who's staring back at you and do something about it."
"Anybody who believes anything other than 'this is all my responsibility, that I can change and get a different result,' if you believe anything other than that, you're never going to reach your full potential."
"Be only responsible for yourself and what you can do in this world."
"It's you. What can you do to change things? It's not blaming everybody else for your [ __ ]. Come on, Monique, it's getting old."
"Busting through fears and taking responsibility."
"I'm taking responsibility for my own life and decisions."
"Personal responsibility has to be taken also."
"Nobody's making us suffer except ourselves." - Swami
"It was a self-inflicted wound from the beginning."
"The only person that could kill you was you. It's true."
"You're taking more ownership over yourself and saying, look, the buck stops with me."
"I can only be responsible for myself, my energy. I'm not going to accept responsibility for people who aren't aware of that for themselves. Period. Done. 2020. I'm not doing it anymore. I'm done. I'm tired."
"The key to happiness is self accountability."
"Everything begins with the self. If you are unhappy, it is on you to recognize it, acknowledge it, and then have the nerve to do something about it."
"We all get what we deserve because we get what we allow."
"In order to regain your power, you have to be willing to take responsibility for yourself."
"I'm responsible for everything in my life; I can achieve anything I want that's going to be healthy and good for me."
"If you're not happy with yourself, that is your problem, no one else's."
"Taking responsibility means that once you know you have that power, you also come into the knowledge that you are the powerful one."
"I honestly think the only people that can cancel are themselves."
"These two words can change your entire life, your entire mentality of where responsibility exists, and it is not out there, it is within."
"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves."
"America will not be destroyed from the outside if we lose our freedoms it will be because we've destroyed ourselves from within."
"Before you criticize your social structures too intently and not to say nothing of the structure of being itself you should try to put your own house in order."
"I am responsible for me and my choices because it's my life and nobody else cares as much about your well-being as you do."
"You need to open your eyes and take responsibility for your own destiny."
"You are no longer responsible for other people's emotions."
"We good at blaming the school system, the government, our parents. We don't have high expectations on ourselves."
"It is my responsibility to say I don't want to subscribe to that anymore."
"You are not stuck with anything, you're making a choice."
"It is better to do nothing than to do what is wrong. For whatever you do, you do it to yourself."
"This is a powerful place to be. You are owning your power and taking responsibility for your life."
"Your mental health is never anyone else's responsibility."
"Be sure you are in control of your own emotions and take ownership and responsibility for your loss of control of your emotions."
"Accept full responsibility for your reality."
"Take 100 responsibility for whether you're going to apply this protocol."
"Stop externalizing responsibility and take control."
"Maintain accountability and responsibility for your own emotional state."
"You can only blame yourself if you think that you were the one in control when you understand hukum."
"If you want to be successful, then take 100% responsibility for yourself."
"You owe it to yourself to have better health, you know, that's a big thing to like I don't I see this meme all the time, you don't owe anybody health, you owe it to your fucking self."
"I won't be pleased with myself, but I'll leave furious with anyone else I could possibly blame."
"If you continuously see the worst and interpret it as something personal, I can't change that for you. That's down to you, that is your choice."
"You are in charge of your own life, your destiny, and all of the manifestations that you create."
"There's a beauty in taking responsibility for yourself."
"At some point, you have to realize that it's not your responsibility to put on the captain save-a-ho hat."
"My emotional reactions to situations are my responsibility and my responsibility alone."
"95% of what befalls us that is ill falls us at our own bidding."
"Victimhood: Making someone else responsible for your life kills your inner game."
"Some people you can't help them because they'll put themselves right back where they were, they will always be where they've always been because of themselves."
"No woman can make me happy. You are responsible for your own happiness."
"You can blame the past on a lot of things but you can only blame the Future on You, Yeah, Fair absolutely."
"Complaining has no value and if you complain about not having enough money, work more. If you complain about not having work/life balance, spend more time on vacationing and your family."
"An expert trader always manages his risk, knows where his stop loss is, and takes responsibility for his own actions."
"There's nothing sadder than people who think they have no obligation to themselves to improve their own lives."
"Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing."
"Your life is not going to change until you do."
"When you accept responsibility for everything, now you see opportunities and you see things that you can do."
"It should never be a point in your life where you don't get no money. That's because you did something wrong."
"Take full responsibility for your life. Accept where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself where you want to go."
"The storm is self-created, and the peace and the calm are self-created."
"Our very future depends upon it... unfortunately, the only people who can change the situation is ourselves."
"Take full responsibility for where you currently are in your life."
"You are the only being in this universe who is responsible for assigning a meaning to the experiences that happen to you."
"You are responsible for our own happiness, we are responsible for the way we feel, and that's always a big pill for people to swallow."
"Core of this whole thing is 100% self-responsibility, not outside authorities telling us how we must live."
"The illusion of being trapped: accept responsibility for your situation and then make choices that support your path to happiness."
"You have to realize that you are the ones that are going to have to do it."
"Your decision really is what you have the control in."
"You are never a victim of your own circumstances."
"You want to be happy, just blame yourself for everything then you feel you're in control then you can fix it and life is awesome."
"A lot of problems we have, they bring them upon ourselves."
"If downfall ever comes to America, we ourselves would be its author and finisher."
"They're ready to take self-responsibility, to be more mature."
"Don't play the victim to circumstances you created. That's really good."
"God ain't doing nothing to you, you doing it to yourself."
"You can't blame something outside of you anymore 'cause you have it all."
"Stop blaming other people when you don't achieve your dreams."
"The quality of our relationships and the quality of our consciousness that's our responsibility the quality of my health is my responsibility."
"It's not anybody else's responsibility to make me feel a certain way. It's my responsibility to make me feel a certain way."
"A grown woman holds herself accountable. She is accountable. She holds herself responsible for the things that she does for her behaviors for her actions for the words the things she says to people."
"A good amount of the responsibility is on me."
"You gotta take life into your own hands, you gotta be responsible for your life."
"You are the cause of everything and the effects that appear in your life are really just the extensions of Who You Are."
"Never blame yourself for the actions of someone else. You're only responsible for your own actions."
"This person's energy says, 'You know what, at the end of the day, no matter what goes down, I'm responsible for me. I will always be my own best investment.'"
"It's not somebody else's responsibility to be attracted to you... it's your responsibility to make yourself attractive."
"Boss energy: taking authority over your life, no more excuses."
"It's important to be able to account for yourself and take blame."
"The man who blames himself is halfway there, and the man who blames no one has already arrived."
"You can't expect God to fix something you keep destroying."
"The only thing that I can really control is what I contribute."
"You're responsible to yourself to do the right thing by yourself."
"We've got to stop blaming the external world for what we are experiencing internally."
"It teaches absolute self-accountability, which is something that we need a lot more of in the world today."
"We can't blame others for our own hesitation."
"Most of us are responsible for how our life goes." - Hitchcock 45
"Make better choices for yourself. No one is going to do it for you."
"I think, yeah, taking ownership for your own feelings is important."
"You are the one responsible for your happiness, not the person you're dealing with."
"No one will ever restrain you or impede you; you'll blame no one, you'll have no enemies."
"The healing for me is my own burden and responsibility to move forward." - Daphne
"No person truly is responsible for my happiness. Happiness is an inside job."
"Recognize that you're not a victim; you're the one that's creating this reality through your mind."
"You're ready to take accountability for your own happiness."
"He had it coming, he only had himself to blame."
"That accountability and ownership has brought me a lot of peace in my life."
"The only way things change is through taking personal responsibility. That's the only way things change."
"Stop playing the victim to circumstances you've created."
"The only way to freedom is by taking self-responsibility."
"For the most part, you create your own personal reality and we create our own collective reality."
"It's your responsibility to heal you; no one's going to come and rescue you and fix it."
"The only person who is truly responsible for your well-being is you."
"Each one of us is responsible for our own joy."
"I am responsible for me, and right now I am not going to dump another thousand year old complex on you or anybody else."
"that's the best we can do as a school show you the pathway and give you the tools to do it but you have to do it"
"You didn't ruin Karen's life. Karen ruined her own life with the decisions that she made."
"You are in charge of your own health."
"Don't close. Don't expect somebody else to protect you so you don't close. Don't expect somebody else to open you after you've closed. This is your inner environment. You are responsible for it."
"You're responsible for yourself... obsession with trying to change the world without doing the work of changing the self."
"...I'm the only one responsible for my happiness and that there's actually a lot of joy in the journey and there is no destination that you can reach..."
"It doesn't really serve me in my life to be the victim I don't need to hold grudges I take responsibility for me and I just think it's important for each and every one of us to do that and to understand that they're all learning experiences."
"You first have a responsibility to yourself, to make yourself happy."
"I never got down on myself because I always kept thinking, 'You signed up for this, no one made you do it. You make your bed, you gotta sleep in it.'"