
Spiritual Freedom Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"All the spiritual paths are paths to freedom. Freedom is our true nature, which is beyond this confinement of samsara, beyond this confinement of body and mind."
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
"If you let go of all of them, you're completely free, and you can enter Nirvana because you're done."
"Having that enslavement to Allah frees you and elevates you."
"Enslaving yourself to Allah is the true freedom."
"God wants you free from the things that you feel like you always have to be chained to."
"World of duality leads to bondage; non-duality leads to freedom."
"You are not the body, neither is the body yours. You are neither the agent of action nor the experience of the results of action. You are consciousness itself, ever the witness, freely in freedom, go about happily."
"And you will know Jesus, and Jesus will set you free."
"The Holy Spirit...the broken hearts healed, the captives are set free, those who are bound will find their freedom."
"It's time to break free from these chains and live in the fullness of life with peace and joy that Messiah provides."
"Beyond the door there is freedom, new power, and deliverance in Christ."
"If you're willing to see what I have done for you, you'll be free from your lesser gods forever."
"Once you have freedom that comes through a connection with God, then and only then will you experience enduring joy and lasting peace."
"Jesus paid a price so that you would be set free from sin, not so that you could sin freely."
"People are dying physically dying because pastors aren't willing to Proclaim there's freedom and deliverance for you."
"When you get set free from the need for the approval of people, then you can receive the approval of God."
"It's a relationship with Jesus that sets us free from the power of sin."
"Jesus comes to set us free from the enslavement of worldly pursuits."
"The only way for you to be free from the bondage and the deception is for you to walk in union with our Father."
"He first sets us free so we can set others free."
"I'm no longer a slave, I'm a son now, a son of God, I'm free through Christ."
"The New Testament talks about the truth setting you free, about the glorious liberty of the children of God."
"Knowledge becomes the antidote to breaking free from spiritual imprisonment."
"Thank goodness that God frees us. The Bible says the love of Christ compels us to love other people."
"Jesus can set you free from any temptation or addiction."
"There can be no freedom without spiritual freedom, without human beings being able to choose." - Mikhail Gorbachev
"This allows you to be of the greatest service to the most people it allows you to have the greatest freedom to follow your spiritual path."
"When one accepts the higher wisdom of this mysterious love, one is a servant yet one is for the first time entirely free of the prison of flesh and bone, life and death."
"You can be a complete, wonderful, perfect person without the fear of eternal damnation and torment."
"The Gregor is seen in occult circles as an energy form which, according to the martianist order of the Knights of Christ, aims to set the human being free from the hold of the prince of the world."
"Vedanta is not meant for wiping out the experience of the world it is meant for making you absolutely free Fearless while experiencing the world."
"You don't need man's permission to make disciples, to share the gospel with the world around you."
"Truth isn't just a concept, truth is a person. His name is Jesus. He'll set you free."
"Release your captors, let them go by the power of God."
"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
"Only Jesus Christ has the power to set you free."
"With so much fire and air, there's liberation of spirit and a spiritual revolution."
"I declare your Liberty in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Lucifer, the lightbearer, endows Humanity with the gift of freedom and the flame of self-awareness."
"God did not save you to tame you. He saved you to release you to be everything that he created you to be."
"The more energy and intention I bring to my faith, the more fearless and free I am."
"That is the liberation that comes from no longer being a slave to the price and the cost but embracing it as part of your god-given existence."
"Jesus forgives, restores, and offers a new life of freedom."
"If the Son sets you free, you shall be free forever free."
"Break free from whatever belief or indoctrination that holds you back from your spiritual gifts."
"Freedom by the Spirit brings deliverance from bondage."
"True spirituality is about being absolutely free including from yourself."
"The scripture tells us how to be set free it says John 8:32 and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
"True spiritual beings are free to do whatever they want."
"Lord set us free to live, to walk, to run after you without the fear of what other people think about us."
"The world needs to understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus."
"Freedom is possible, that is what is moksha, nirvana."
"I declare that I am free from every stronghold of self-condemnation and poor self-perspective in Jesus's name. Amen, amen."
"The ultimate freedom is the movement towards God."
"Father, your word says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is liberty in you, King Jesus."
"So much freedom in the fifth dimension frequency."
"You hold the power in your soul to let us be free."
"Jesus delivers us from bondage to sin, and if we truly know Him and truly walk with Him, we will experience freedom."
"This person is truly bringing enlightenment with them. Very cool. Aries Leo Pisces Scorpio coming in."
"Watch for the protests, anywhere you see protests breaking out is where the Lord is about to set the spiritually oppressed people of the earth free."
"There is therefore no condemnation in Jesus Christ."
"Biblical meditation will set you free and it will keep you free."
"Trans people just want to live a normal life, start a family, and not be claimed as a political pawn."
"We as Christians are free we're never so deeply kind of immersed in the world or lost in the world that we can't find our way through we can't find our way out because our Lord Jesus Christ has provided us a way through or out in his flesh."
"There is a body that will finally and fully give us freedom, but it's not our own."
"Being demon free doesn't make you problem free."
"Jesus can set you free. It doesn't matter the hold that sin has on you; there is wonder-working power in the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The gospel delivers freedom from shame instead of endless cycles of guilt, fear, and regret."
"God is love, and His grace frees us from bondage."
"If the son sets you free you'll be free indeed."
"Some of you have been complacent with being saved but you're not free."
"God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race."
"Have the freedom to choose, and trust that God is big enough to guide you back if needed."
"It's for Freedom that Christ has made us free."
"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there's Freedom."
"Your body is no longer a prison, the limitations have been taken off and you're free."
"Freedom is not the length of time between sin cycles, it is when the cycle is broken."
"Grace isn't a license to sin, it's the ability to live free from it."
"You're finally breaking free of this devil energy which has been restricting you."
"The spirit of life, the words that I speak unto you, is to set you free, give you liberty."
"We thank you for the miracle power of Christ that can set the captive free."
"I operate within my Metron with freedom and liberty, operating in correct Spiritual Protocol."
"God sets people free, and we believe there will be more areas that need to be set free."
"Freedom is not only possible for you but it is what God intends for you."
"There's power and freedom in speaking the truth that God should not hold you prisoner any longer."
"Your chains have been broken, every curse dispelled."
"Satan can never hold you in bondage while you are walking in freedom."
"Sometimes you need to take the action of releasing partnerships and even friendships that aren't fully respectful to your sovereignty and your spirituality."
"To be nothing is fantastic because it's utter liberation from self."
"The blood of Jesus is enough for me. I am at liberty through the blood of Jesus."
"You were bought with a price: do not become slaves of human masters."
"Jesus has already paid the price for you to walk in freedom!"
"Whatever you've done, it can be delivered and you can get set free right now."
"Prayer can shatter the shackles of misery and habits that enslave you."
"God wants you free today. That's why you tuned in to give them heaven."
"I've delivered my soul, I'm free now. I can sleep. I'm thankful to God for his calling on my life."
"When I say somebody has been set free listening, when I say that, it is so freaking powerful."
"The greatest thing you can do is love God and do as you please."
"Souls do not come here to experience all of this good only to be controlled."
"Jesus Christ is the greatest, he came to set the captives free."
"You have the right to be free. Like a free man walk like a free man even if you have to walk in yourself you walk like a free man a free woman one who's been declared to be free by God."
"Your god-given right to be free to be released from illegitimate bondage to pursue your calling under God and okay what the devil has told you and who he's used to speak it that's a lie that's a lie your bondage is a lie."
"This is called perfect love that casts out fear."
"What Jesus said - 'Am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth?' - sets you free."
"Your will is defined. Well it's all truth and the truth sets you free."
"Why fill my mind with things Jesus paid a price to do away with?"
"We don't have to be slaves to our flesh anymore. We don't have to be trapped and caught up in a cycle of sin."
"True deliverance, true freedom. Any chains holding you down are destroyed. So break that cycle, choose God."
"If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciple and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
"You don't know freedom yet until you tell God yes."
"God's about to set you free and he whom the son sets free is free indeed."
"Your freedom is not based on you; it's based on what Jesus did."
"There's a generation coming that is going to have to know how to set people free."
"Though Peter's body was bound, his spirit was not bound."
"In removing limitation and taboos of all kinds, the aspirant finally has the opportunity to experience the total freedom and expression of their own true nature."
"No longer slaves to fear, because you're a child of God."
"You can get free from anything when you change your mind, when you choose Christ."
"Thank you, Joshua Movement. Love this brother. So glad to see you setting the captives free."
"Our liberty indeed is found in surrender to Christ."
"Every chain has been broken, every shackle has been broken."
"There's nothing like God's people getting free."
"Believers are free of grief and despair, free of the spirit of fear and set free by knowledge of the truth."
"Empower us to live a life free from the hold of sin."
"Freedom from suffering, it's bright, it's beautiful, it's life-giving energy."
"Repentance is a key that unlocks a door into freedom."
"We have not received the spirit of bondage to fear."
"All of religion: books, temples, doctrines... they are all secondary details. The thing to do is attain to freedom."
"Salvation is not about the next life; it's about Freedom now."
"We're just jumping into this... but I believe tonight in Jesus' name that there is freedom, breakthrough, deliverance."
"When you are full of the Holy Spirit, chains and addictions that have bound you for years are broken."
"Don't be intimidated by people who are upset by your spiritual freedom and want to kind of push you down into 'this is right' and 'this is wrong.' Let them do whatever they need to do, let them live their life, and let yourself live your life."
"It's finished. The end of sin reigning over a human's life has been broken."
"Grace is not a license to sin, it is freedom to walk in faith."
"Jesus can set you free from your addictions, from porn, from cigarettes, from marijuana, from homosexuality."
"Until you are free spiritually, you're not free."
"He gave me freedom, that's the thing I love in Christianity."
"Freedom is best experienced in God's hand and according to God's plan."
"God did not create you to live in bondage. God did not intend for you to just go from Deliverance to Deliverance. He wants you to go from glory to glory. He's called you to walk in Victory."
"You are no longer tied to karmic issues, you are going to be free."
"True freedom is freedom from the temptations and desires of the world."
"When you turn to the Lord, boom, there's freedom."
"And you have heard the truth, and the truth has set you free!"
"Now that you're in a slower dimensional plane, you're free from the suppression of heavenly rules."
"The truth sets us free. That's not a saying, a slogan. That is the truth of what the gospel says to us."
"It's like you're set free from sin and when you're tempted, you have a way out."
"Everything that we need to know about walking in Freedom is found in scripture."
"We are free in Christ, we are free in Christ."
"God's word is truth, and God's word sets us free."
"Liberation means becoming free from the basic structures of body and mind..."
"Every chain holding us back is broken in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"I just think that is a basic human right that we all should have the ability to believe what we want to spiritually."
"He whom the son sets free in the courtroom is free in the deed."
"2020 was such a good year for me personally because I discovered the amazing freedom of just choosing to worship anytime I felt afraid."
"In Jesus, true freedom and deliverance can be found."
"He died and rose again for you to live in full freedom."
"We are now free to become the children of God as the Lord intended us to be."
"As you said, this young guy found freedom in the faith, he found the answers, the life-giving answers he was looking for, and is freed from the bondage of sin."
"God is about to set somebody free, God is about to liberate somebody."
"Thank you, Lord Jesus, for my freedom. I receive my freedom today in your precious, mighty name. Amen." - Fernando Perez
"God wants to cut the bungee cord, break that legal thing that the enemy is using to keep you out of the fullness of destiny."
"When the Holy Spirit illuminates something dark in our soul, don't bury it, don't suppress it, let it unfold and let it bring you to a new place of freedom."
"Choose today that your mind is going to be free and that Jesus is going to reign in your mind."
"I'm so glad that God freed me from religion."
"God can deliver me God can set me free I don't have to be an unbeliever even a Christian can get free praise the Lord."
"True freedom is found by dying to the self and trusting in the saving work of Jesus."
"If the Son will make you free, you should be free."
"Realize that you're free from the mysteries and the fears on the moon, and you have the net of cups."
"Possibilities and opportunities abound... I will guide you to personal and spiritual freedom."
"God is setting you free right now. Doors of opportunity are going to open to you, and the mistakes you've made in the past, you're not going to make in the future. You have a new road before you in Jesus' name."
"Religion keeps you in Chains beloved, but Christ has set us free."
"By submitting to His sovereign will, we find true freedom, not the freedom to do whatever we please, but the freedom to live within the secure boundaries of His perfect will for us."
"Until you confess your sin, you will never be free from sin."
"I believe it's the Glory of the Lord that breaks us free."
"Jesus Christ will never ever lie to you. If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed."
"Deliverance doesn't necessarily bring complete freedom if wounds aren't dealt with."
"Satan doesn't like it when people are broken free from the stupid Religious lies about the Holy Spirit."
"The practice of the moral life, animated by love, gives us spiritual freedom as children of God."
"Seek God's presence... For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
"The ultimate goal of Buddhism is, in other words, Freedom, often translated as Liberation, but Freedom defined in a very sophisticated way."
"You are free indeed from all forms of attacks and manipulations of the devil and his cohorts in Jesus' name."
"Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed."
"Believers in Jesus have been freed from the eternal penalty of sin."
"The gospel will set you free. Taste and see that the Lord is good."
"Embrace the freedom to walk in the light of truth."
"Praise God, Jesus has set me free! Give the Lord a hand clap in this house today!"
"God wants us to be established in freedom, not just to be delivered from a spirit."
"I call on you to set me free Lord because whom the sun sets free is truly free indeed. Set Me Free in my body from the clutches of the enemy."
"To really see through the illusion as what's really needed to truly free yourself."
"Learn to forgive as only forgiveness can set trapped souls free."
"Free us, set us free to glorify by your name and love our neighbor."
"Understand this, if nothing else: spiritual freedom and Oneness with the Dao are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution."
"Your freedom in God is more important than being validated by the person sitting or standing next to you."
"God wants people to be uncuffed from every bondage barrier and chain that has kept them from reaching their full purpose."
"We have bad theology in the church. We tell people the demon's just outside of you, as if it's better. It doesn't really matter where it's at, just get me free from it."
"No matter where you've been in Him, you can be free."
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - Jesus
"Religion presents God as a god of limitation but not liberation."
"Woman thou art loose has been such a generational curse breaker."
"The number one lie in life is that people in the world think they're free and people in the church think they're locked up."