
Mutual Support Quotes

There are 970 quotes

"If you pour into someone, you should always be maintaining yourself. I've never dealt with a partner who has poured something into me and felt like they were losing themselves because it was mutual."
"Mutual charity is good, and the issue here ultimately is very bad faith."
"I care about America not being such an embarrassment to the rest of the world. I care about my fellow Americans, and I feel like we're one big community and we have to help each other."
"You've got to have the solidarity of loyalty and support of your partner, working both ways."
"Everybody knows everybody and everybody takes care of everybody."
"Were we successful 'cause we had a great idea? Or are we successful because we had each other?"
"Trust me, I've got your back, and I need you to believe and trust in me."
"No matter what happens next, we can count on each other."
"Learn to invest in people that invest in you."
"It's not about being the best; it's about bringing out the best in each other."
"We are a team. Y'all uplift me, I uplift y'all, and without each other, God knows where we would be."
"You have to fight for yourself first. There's a lot to fight for each other."
"I'm very proud of the energy that we share and how we choose to raise each other up."
"They take care of you whilst you take care of them, it's equal."
"You guys are gonna renew hope in each other's life."
"Being there for each other is part of who Canadians are and also how we're going to get through this."
"They've noticed that you really help them. You guys can do a lot together."
"A relationship only works when two people are working at it and want the other person to be happy and feel fulfilled."
"Make sure you're not just keeping people around because they like how you fill up their cup. Make sure they're also trying to fill up your cup."
"You're going to help each other heal each other's broken heart and come into that heart like dreams coming true, being uplifted."
"Communication-wise, like on the same page, it should be understanding where it's like, I want to uplift you, you want to uplift me."
"We care about each other because we have each other's backs."
"Look after your dragons, and they will look after you."
"I'm so thankful for the support you guys have given me, and I want to support you guys back."
"Find yourself a person who's not afraid of the same things you're afraid of, and everything's gonna be all right."
"We are at our best when we enable each other's best."
"Now, do you see how maybe important it is to have a partner when it comes to this?"
"Gift-giving on the one hand and mutual support on the other are both the key predictors of the longevity and success or otherwise of an intimate relationship."
"Take care of yourselves, take care of each other."
"I want a relationship where we're both happy and joyful and supporting each other."
"Stevonnie is a great representation of a budding relationship of any kind: new, exciting, unexpected- each of you provide characteristics that help to balance each other out."
"Every relationship is made up of three relationships: the one you have with each other, and the ones you have with your purposes."
"One to pull yourself up and the other one to pull the next guy up with you."
"Relationships are compromised, they're giving things up, but when they're right, they give you something back that is so much bigger than what you give up."
"I feel like everybody in my life truly right now just wants what's best for me and I want what's best for them and it's so incredibly healthy and I think it all stemmed from also taking care of myself and putting myself first."
"We can constantly reinforce through each other of course you can do it."
"You two look like you are figuring out life together and you guys feel like the world only makes sense when you're together."
"When the rubber meets the road, it's about caring for each other, not about flag or country."
"You both help each other find your place in the world and accept yourself... this person was someone you knew from your past life."
"When you find someone that complements your imperfections, you're not only gonna help each other grow together and individually but you're also gonna help balance each other out."
"Companionship is the offspring of pity and empathy. It reflects the wish to protect and to shield each other from the hardships of life."
"You're like a guiding light for one another, almost undeniable."
"We gotta start saying how did we get here before we abandon each other."
"That, she says, is how we take care of each other."
"A relationship is meant to drive and push each other to a better place than you would have been if you would have just been by yourself."
"We're all in this together and we need to take care of each other."
"Each of you is a solution for the other. Everybody plays a role here."
"Hey, I guess we really are better taking care of each other than we are taking care of ourselves."
"It's a film about women lifting one another up so that they may thrive."
"Everyone wanted the best for everyone every time."
"We gotta work together, yeah. You help me, I help you. You gotta work together, yeah, we're rotors, that's true. You know what I mean?"
"We're constantly feeding off the positivity of each other."
"I'm not one of those insecure brothers that's scared of his greatness thinking that it's going to Sully mine no irons sharpens iron we Elevate one another."
"A healthy happy success relationship is two people pouring into each other."
"Building a community where people fundamentally take care of one another."
"I hope we continue to grow and elevate each other over the next few years."
"We will help each other to work hard and to become a better version of ourselves."
"Having understanding and giving understanding should be a mutual goal and responsibility in relationship."
"We have each other's back like we really do, like no matter what, it doesn't matter, like we're here for each other."
"Help your fellow entrepreneurs get coverage because they will help you get coverage."
"Just know that I'm valid and you are valid and anybody else in this situation is valid."
"They make each other better as people, they inspire each other, they complement each other."
"We help them out, they help us out. It's a hand-in-hand relationship."
"The love of your life, healing soulmate connection, you have the key to their heart space, they have the key to your heart space."
"Shout outs to India, I know a lot of y'all rock with me heavy and I [__] with y'all to death for it."
"He has made a choice on how he's going to respond."
"Supportive of each other, not necessarily because of any man."
"There is a power in each and every one of us that lives by turning to every other one of us."
"I think it's fabulous that men have to open the doors and women have to turn around and start taking care of each other."
"If you help me reach those that matter to me, I will raise up those that matter to you."
"Celebrate your success in the success of others."
"Black men having black women's backs, black women having our backs, they know that's our strength."
"Certainly, you should be spending time conquering your own problems and becoming the hero of your own story, but you should also be building a team of people around you who will all fight for each other."
"I think to me that's how we make great things is that we challenge each other we inspire each other and we also elevate and help and lift each other up."
"Believing in yourself as much as you believe in others."
"This is you healing just as much as it is you healing others."
"Let's care for each other and appreciate that we are because of who we contribute to the community and society and be equally responsible for each other's lives and well-being."
"Women supporting women - we lift each other up."
"Men and women together could also be healing."
"It's someone who challenges you in the right way, in the positive way. You raise each other up."
"Interact with recent posts, and they'll do the same to you."
"Let's figure out how we can help each other way more than we are."
"We will help each other go to that next level."
"Women take care of your man, men take care of your man."
"Start rebuilding our own communities and practicing quid pro quo with each other."
"He made sure I got the same love I gave him back."
"You kind of wanted to feel equitable, right? You kind of want to feel like together you're stronger..."
"You're helping each other to reveal your true selves to yourselves and to each other."
"My stability is your comfortability, my comfortability is your stability."
"None of us covered ourselves in glory... isn't it great that we can all root for each other's success and go on and do new things now."
"When someone that you believe in believes in you, that helps you to believe in yourself."
"You can overcome anything, you can also help each other through something challenging."
"Rediscover each other's needs and be willing to serve each other."
"True strength lies in understanding and supporting each other."
"The unit gives you more than you ever give it."
"He deserves to have a safe space too. He wants to be ours, so I wanna be his."
"Let's all like do this together and stay on track anyways it's okay if you're still just figuring it out it's okay just as long as you get back on track is what matters."
"As iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen friends! Choose your friends wisely!"
"We all invest in each other, motivating each other."
"You two find each other... is significant and you are helping each other on your spiritual journey."
"I think if all you're trying to do is meet your partner's needs, then all yours will be met. They just will."
"You know we're all going through the same thing as just human beings regardless of religion ethnicity and race you know so it's crazy man."
"The least that we want to do is to tell each other that at least we gave it our best."
"Seeing a relationship just work and seeing them be happy for each other... It's very nice to see."
"Let's take care of ourselves, take care of each other, because this is all we got."
"Carly Bravo and Shaun Dean are a team that I mean, they really complement each other so well." - Complementary Teamwork
"You give us the strength to keep going all the time. It's a symbiotic thing."
"For however long that is, I can't know what the future holds, Elsie. But I do know we'll face it together. I don't know what the future holds either, not anymore, and I'll be honest, that terrifies me."
"Being with someone that understands your vision is like huge. That's energy, that's being open-minded as well."
"For as much as Nick encourages Orlan to get help, Orlan is equally encouraging to Nick."
"BTS said many times we are BTS and you are our ARMY, but at the same time you are our BTS and we are your ARMY."
"Words are like spells, and the spells that you cast on other people could be the spells you're casting on yourself."
"Our basic humanity and need for mutual recognition can be our saving grace and foster connection, even in the worst of circumstances."
"If we help each other, we both are successful."
"I think at the end of the day it's you know you're a team it's teamwork it's about you know supporting each other it's about compromise and whatever works for like your situation."
"Don't give up the habit of meeting together, encourage one another."
"They want to really encourage you, they want you to encourage them, so like a mutual support team thing going on here."
"Revival of energy, ascension, uplifting each other, healing of inner child."
"I feel that you overall, you guys are pretty good for each other."
"In a healthy relationship, both partners support each other's success."
"Everybody starts somewhere. Help your opponent out and let them help you too."
"It's an energy of two people who are building each other up, collaborating on something creative."
"Two people who build each other up, you know, and not tear each other down by rejecting each other, ignoring each other."
"If you have the guts to go all-in, I got the power to go all-out."
"You've healed this person; they've helped heal you."
"It's about two people coming together who look out for each other's best interest."
"Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, solidarity forever."
"I accept your advice; from this day on, heroes will always look out for each other."
"No matter what lies ahead, [they] will stand together and fight the odds while fighting for each other."
"It's okay to rely on you. You've already relied on me."
"When you become that sort of friend, you will get that sort of friend and then you guys can be a team, a bond that lifts you up when you're feeling down."
"What's so bad about caring for someone who's taking care of you?"
"You and your person, you were meant to be together."
"It's healthy and sort of supportive way that we are growing together."
"It's okay, as long as one of us lives, yeah. We both live, it's okay. You'll come towards me, oh no."
"Support your sisters and allow support to come your way as well."
"It takes two people to come together to build each other up."
"You will lead one another along this journey."
"You were saving each other, even from toxic connections."
"I just want to have a nice positive talk and just try and help each other as much as possible."
"Ask for help if you need it. Help others if you can. This also pays off in a nice way."
"We're at a point globally where we have no choice but to bring each other along and support each other."
"Having a friend to help each other out... is going to help you stay sane and organized."
"It's very difficult indeed to get a completely clear picture of what's going on in Vogladar."
"Aligning with the love of heaven can be as simple as putting spiritual goals and mutual love first, looking in the end to serve rather than exclusively be served."
"Support companies who support you. Patriot Mobile, they've got very reasonable prices, they've got 100 US-based customer support, and you will be able to support an organization that supports you."
"Let us do what we do and protect you, and you do what you do and share your wealth of knowledge."
"Ultimately, we have the same goal in mind, and we're completely supportive of one another."
"then they fist bump over the fact that they lift each other up"
"If your marriage builds God's kingdom, God will build your marriage."
"Your love is real, authentic, and can actually lead you in a direction where all of us are empowering each other."
"Being able to go along with each other is beneficial, helping make life easier and more sustainable."
"Love is an act of will; it's a choice. It's not merely an emotion. The fuel is the choice you both make to serve each other, sacrifice for each other, and remain loyal and faithful."
"Even when it's rough, we still loved each other."
"They love you, and you guys are both really working through this mirror."
"You guys are going to be loving and giving, but very powerful together."
"You inspire me to keep going, we inspire each other here in the star fam."
"Look for one whose goals you'd want to see achieved and would support you in your endeavors."
"You want somebody to give you attention and you want to give somebody equal amounts of attention."
"Our future holds many things, and I can't do this without you."
"BTS taught us to love ourselves despite everything let's do the same for them and also for each other."
"We've suffered enough let's just try to be human for each other again."
"This is what's gonna make a relationship last."
"We need to treat each other with compassionate respect, look out for each other, and get through this together."
"We're not a community unless we're actively helping one another try to achieve a better standard of living, a better way of life, security, and opportunity." - Royce White
"Each of them are each other's biggest cheerleader."
"I have faith in you because if I can do it so can you."
"Philip’s armies would be joining the war next year."
"Hannibal would use the events in Sicily and Macedon to attempt to maintain the initiative."
"You know, if your equal partner that's equal to you... you gotta set each other up for success."
"Life is uncomfortable and life is uncertain... But we need each other."
"You're always going to work hard for each other."
"The deeper relationships require partnership skills. How are we going to be there for each other in our lives? That is the true serious relationship."
"Each one teach one, we all can grow, one hand watch the other both hands watch the face, let's be great."
"I am a friend of God. If I am a friend of God, He is a friend of mine."
"This symbiotic relationship between the BTS Army and BTS... they build each other up."
"BTS and army continue to lift each other up."
"BTS and Army continue to lift each other up, fighting against prejudice, just as BTS does."
"We're not here to judge each other; we're supposed to be helping each other."
"Together, you help each other grow, help each other expand."
"At the end of the day, we want the best for each other."
"Let's keep helping each other until one of us is on our deathbed, can't do anything, and we go, 'You know, he was a good guy.'"
"You gotta meet his effort with a willingness to warn if he's falling short."
"Share your trials as well as your triumphs, your stories benefit you and others in the hearing."
"We humans coexist with Pokémon as we both help one another to live and thrive."
"I've had a lot of ups and downs throughout our careers and our lives and we're always there for each other."
"Come on now, you, we can, we can, we can just agree right now, forget the past right now. Let's agree. Let's do the right thing to help each other and our neighbors. I agree. I agree. Well then we should do that, no doubt."
"The whole point of being a country is to pick each other up for natural disasters."
"We're in a spiritual initiation right now and as you and I know, um, those can be buggers...but you know, we're here for each other..."
"Keep on praying for us, we'll continue to pray for you guys."
"You can be my wingman any time. You can be mine."
"Nothing but love and respect for them out there."
"We're all here to help each other get everything through."
"It is their nature to aspire to grow to such magnificent Heights... they must grow up in community and they literally intertwine their roots into a net below the floor of the forest and literally feed and support each other."
"He has these men and women; they love each other. It's like family when you're into JS."
"Helping other people and letting other people help you can give you a very good feeling."
"The two of you are helping each other through something."
"You need to combine it together and make the strongest team that builds each other up."
"Address it and heal and move on, grieve, talk to each other, and support each other."
"The Believers, believing men and women actually, men and women, explicitly, men and women, both of them are allies of one another."