
Human Need Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Humans are designed to be valued. I need to value you for you."
"All of us need to feel needed, wanted, loved. Amen."
"One beacon of someone who is listening to them and is signaling to them you matter like that's all a human being needs."
"There is nothing that mankind needs more than Divine Mercy."
"Humans need to create meaning in their lives."
"Contribution is a human need. We all need to give."
"No one deserves to be alone, and no one wants to be alone."
"His last words were, 'Can I have some water?'"
"Everybody just wants to feel special and respected."
"Under socialism, the driving factors for developmental new technologies, techniques, medicines, or whatever else are human need and human creativity rather than profits."
"Hugging is healing and human, a strong need for the vast majority of people."
"People have to have something to believe in, they need something bigger than themselves."
"The house is what mankind relies upon most completely."
"Having a purpose in life is a fundamental human need and it's the other cornerstone to a successful retirement."
"Validation: every single person needs to know they matter."
"Everyone loves to feel wanted and desired."
"We have a deep need to feel significance."
"Needing other people isn't weakness it's actually a basic human need."
"We as humans need attention. It's a human need."
"The doll fulfills that very human need of giving him something that he can love."
"Men share their purpose, women have a purpose and we need each other. We need each other and it's like, yeah you don't have to, but we're like, what's that word, like human beings need community, you need others. We need each other, we need each other."
"Finding love is a deeply human need that is not going away, regardless of how frustrated we get with the dating process."
"We all need connection, we all need friendship."
"Sex is a basic human need. It is a physiological need."
"Craving physical touch is a completely normal and reasonable need. Humans crave touch."
"It's a very common human need to feel understood."
"I think the number one thing that I would like to have in terms of housing is certainty. Just to be certain that I have a place where I can stay. I think this is just a human need."
"Our need for love is fundamental and universal."
"Making and experiencing beauty is really a basic human need."
"One thing across every culture, just the human race, is that there is an inherent need to be around and have a social environment with other people."
"There's one thing we all need for sure and that is connection."
"It's a real human need to have spaces where we're listened to, a really deep human need."
"Our deepest longing is to belong."
"Being alone really does go against what we want on a fundamental level. We need one another."
"Beauty has been an essential human need from time immemorial."
"Ultimately there is something in us that needs to experience unconditional love."
"Humans are supposed to have intimacy, touch, and connection."
"Rootedness in place is one of the most important needs of the human soul."
"Everyone truly is walking around with this sign, this invisible sign around their neck that says 'Make me feel important'."
"Closeness is the number one need of a human being."
"Every human being wants to be seen."
"We all have a deep need for love."
"The deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated."
"Deep need will have to make human beings search for spirituality, a true one."
"The new experience of the Christ will arise out of the attunement of human souls and out of their need."
"Social connection is an essential part for humans to thrive."
"A person is in need, he's in need, and that's that whether he's worthy or not has absolutely nothing to do with it."
"At the end of the day, we all want to know that we matter."
"Every human has the need to love and share that love with others."
"We need a starry sky in our being."
"We all have a fundamental need to take a break."
"I think everybody needs a hug sometimes."
"Everyone yearns to have a hug and when you don't get it or when you don't feel it, it doesn't matter who it's from, it's a feeling you want to feel accepted and seen."
"Since the dawn of time, humans have deeply needed communal storytelling experiences."
"Expressing the need to love and be loved."
"We all need to be held sometimes."
"Everyone needs love... People want to feel love."
"Attention, the need for it, the need to give it and receive it, is a sort of nutrition."
"It is not good for us to be alone."
"Purpose is very central to human need to be fulfilled and engaged."