
Portfolio Quotes

There are 724 quotes

"Lead with your strongest work. It's your portfolio. You're in control of what people are seeing. It's how they're perceiving you."
"Have a portfolio. Your resume is one thing, sure. But you want to be able to bring them your GitHub that you have X,000 projects or a dozen or so things that you've hacked on or open source contributions."
"Your portfolio should be a reflection of the type of work that you want to do."
"Having a strong portfolio is crucial; it's your visual resume and speaks volumes about your skills and potential."
"The idea behind this website was to build a portfolio for myself to just display some of my work, showcase some of my articles, any past projects and just build a platform for somebody to be able to come in and get to know me a little bit better."
"A good portfolio is important whether you're going to get a job at a company or you're looking for clients."
"I'm glad I finally did this and made a bit of a portfolio for the style of Animation that I like the most."
"The hero section sets the tone for your portfolio."
"Understanding what it takes and how are you gonna build up a portfolio if you are starting because it's very easy to get lost on things like this."
"Use your finished projects for a portfolio to start applying for jobs."
"Ubisoft has one of the industry's deepest portfolios."
"You have to decide what's best for your portfolio."
"This is a beautiful overview of your entire portfolio of work and what you've created as a student."
"Portfolio building is without a doubt one of the most important things I'm going to talk about today it is absolutely crucial."
"I love watching the concentration of his stocks; it is truly awesome to see the portfolio that they have put together."
"Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana are my three big bets."
"I would also have a gold and a bitcoin allocation in that portfolio."
"Your portfolio is what you're saying to the world: 'Hey, come look at my work, this is what I want to show off.'"
"My portfolio is on my profile for a reason and that's the quality I provide."
"Your portfolio should be more about the work you want to get and less about the work you've already done."
"This is a stock that has been hitting a home run for everyone and heating up everyone's portfolios and making their pockets super full of money."
"BNGO is a very good play to have in your portfolio especially if you're underweight on healthcare and you're underweight on genomics."
"Our goal is to have you buy our stock put it aside in your portfolio never have to worry about it because we're a bond with an equity like kicker."
"Allocating one to ten percent of your portfolio to smaller riskier bets is one of the best ways to position your portfolio for success in the next run. If they go to zero you don't lose much but if they 100x you start to make life-changing money."
"Almost every investor should have index funds in their portfolio."
"Create smaller portfolio projects. Demonstrate different skills."
"A diversified portfolio can shield you from selling assets at the worst times and opens up opportunities for dynamic investment strategies."
"Build your portfolio, become an experienced developer, and get hired."
"Your portfolio is going to be the judgment of your values as a graphic designer."
"If I had to break it down to one single important feature, it's like the portfolio."
"It's really important that you'll not only have a github but something that can show what you know."
"Your portfolio is your most important asset. It's the reason why a traditional degree doesn't even matter anymore."
"Showmanship goes a long way in your portfolio... Just make it sexy."
"Consider this as a portfolio. Make sure the video shows your best parts as a streamer because that is the job you are applying for."
"Bitcoin will disintermediate about 50 percent of his portfolio."
"It's kind of a little portfolio that shows off the stuff that you've done."
"Certifications and a good portfolio prove what you know."
"Three apps in your portfolio guarantee you an amazing position or freelance contract."
"You need your work to speak for itself, and oftentimes that means creating free work to enhance your portfolio."
"Investing is about being consistent over time because the way you make great returns is by consistently adding to the size of your portfolio."
"By the end of it, you will have a pretty cool portfolio piece to add to Dribbble, Behance, or your portfolio."
"An income Factory would be a portfolio that you've invested in various assets that generate high current yields on a regular basis."
"My portfolio is turning into a dividend kingdom."
"This is something you want to have on your portfolio."
"Let me know how you would build out your million-dollar portfolio."
"The dividend stocks in my portfolio are what I like to call sleep well at night stocks, or Swan stocks for short."
"The idea here is that let's say you're investing in a bunch of different companies, if one company goes bankrupt, you're totally okay because you have so many other companies supporting your portfolio."
"Having social media as a supplemental form of your portfolio is going to be helpful to showing who you are as an artist."
"It's all about building a portfolio, not closing a deal."
"This is an absolutely amazing project to add to your portfolio."
"Build your portfolio that way, and you will like it a lot more."
"Diversification is key in building a robust investment portfolio."
"I firmly believe that options have a place in every Investor's portfolio."
"You've got to stay flexible with your portfolio."
"...one that looks very, very professional and is a beautiful place to show the world your work."
"As your dollars get bigger and as you start to build a larger portfolio, you're going to need to think about not just having that single exposure, that asset class."
"Important to showcase your skills, your portfolio work on your own website, and use your social media platform to direct traffic to where you can best represent who you are as a photographer or artist."
"...whether you're wanting to create a portfolio, a personal blog, or an online store, they've got a wide selection of beautifully designed templates to get you started off with a professionally looking site."
"This is by far the most underutilized option strategy in your portfolio."
"Make a significant impact in your industry by building your portfolio."
"How you can generate a few hundred if not a few thousand dollars worth of income in your portfolio."
"Creating your portfolio in Canva because you can create a website, a landing page in Canva, it's free."
"In the days before the internet, makeup artists would have to get their portfolio images printed and bound into a physical portfolio."
"There is nothing wrong with automation as long as it is part of a portfolio of technological changes."
"The one fund portfolio really solves for three major problems when it comes to investing."
"Any portfolio that allows you to just set it and forget it and let you compound those returns is very solid."
"Is it still the king since it's the perfect portfolio to buy, hold forever, and minimize a ton of other decisions? Yes, it is."
"Successful investing is about creating a community so the members of that community are the companies that the portfolio is invested in. Those are your investees."
"It's a good way to build something for your portfolio."
"It's really important to have a good portfolio, just show the world what you're able to do."
"Hi from Austria! I'm currently finishing my portfolio for art school. Thanks for inspiring me."
"A great data analyst portfolio should clearly communicate and reflect the skills, knowledge, and experience you have to both technical and non-technical audiences."
"My top tip on building your portfolio: make them visually appealing, aesthetically pleasing visuals, code with clear comments and spacing, good-looking readme files can easily separate a truly great data analyst portfolio from just a good one."
"Good-looking readme files can easily separate a truly great data analyst portfolio from just a good one."
"This will be a game changer for your portfolio."
"The time to buy this thing, I really do think, if you're going to go long term into a portfolio of some sort, I think like you know three o'clock, two o'clock, something in the afternoon."
"You don't need to have previous work to make a demo reel. All you need is a camera."
"A portfolio is showing multiple pieces, especially ones that are specifically the student's work."
"It does have some learning curve though and once you have client project put your client project into a portfolio and then use that as the case study to present in job interviews."
"It's never been easier to build a portfolio you believe in."
"I built that site knowing hey, I've never landed a 4k project before so if I build this site I'll have this as a reference point to use for my next client when they come and they say how much do you charge."
"The goal isn't just that one thing, the goal is to demonstrate in your portfolio what you're capable of."
"When you're finished, you'll have a portfolio of work, a polished resume, and interview skills to support you as you apply for jobs as a UX designer."
"A portfolio is a collection of work that you've created that shows your skills in a certain area."
"You want your portfolio to tell a story and grab the user's attention. This will help you stand out."
"The Rothschild family diversified its portfolio investing in sectors that not only grew but also withstood economic tremors."
"You probably don't need more than that. I personally have a large portfolio and I only have 13 single stocks and two exchange trader funds."
"The aim is overall to get to a healthy, diversified, strong portfolio."
"Because this is a dividend portfolio, one that's going to provide you income over the long term."
"We're expecting the longest crypto B ever and want to make sure we're positioned to maximize this and get the 10 X's the 100 X's the Thousand x's in our portfolio."
"My portfolio if I was to have my All Star team, go US dollars, gold, some silver, some Bitcoin. Why not?"
"It’s time to get your portfolio website up and running!"
"Make sure to build a comprehensive portfolio to establish yourself as a competent data analyst and attract potential employers."
"Your portfolio serves as tangible evidence of your skills demonstrating your ability to extract insights from data and solve real-world problems effectively."
"The three fund portfolio completely bypasses this individual stock risk because its foundation is based on low-cost total market index funds."
"Diversification is a big objective whenever we are investing."
"Could be a great option for your portfolio."
"It's really not that hard to construct a portfolio."
"Just by virtue of having a portfolio, you are at least unique and will probably stand out because the majority of new candidates don't have portfolios."
"Building a portfolio is probably the best chance you have of standing out."
"Quality is much better than quantity when it comes to your portfolio."
"Add exposure without adding a lot more risk."
"When I think about my Berkshire position, we try to make it 20% of client capital."
"I don't think it needs to be more complicated than that. I think if you have fewer knobs to fiddle with in your portfolio, the less odds you have to inject bias into your decision making."
"Now, let's go ahead and start with a stock purchase because every stock portfolio needs to first start with the purchase of some securities, whether that's a stock or an ETF that you want to own."
"I first built my portfolio using Squarespace's platform because of their templates that are stylish functional and easy to customize."
"This new regime has a lot of implications for portfolio construction."
"Projects serve as evidence of your skills."
"Do I have my small mid-cap? Do I have my non-U.S. exposure? Do I have my energy exposure and my inflation hedges in my portfolio? Because it is possible that we are living in a higher for a longer inflation period."
"Creating a demo reel can sometimes feel like a daunting task but it really doesn't have to be."
"...everyone needs an online portfolio to showcase what they're working on and what they're doing and to sell your artwork and your merch and everything as well."
"Portfolio construction: a 2% allocation to Bitcoin outperforms."
"Projects like loan approval prediction, fake news detection, and personality prediction are great for building a strong portfolio."
"Having a website is just more professional, and will let art directors and clients know that you are serious about your work and hireable since you have invested the time and money to build a website."
"Your portfolio isn't meant to be a piece of art or some kind of masterpiece. It's a tool for getting people to see what you do, contact you, and hire you."
"As a designer, you're only as good as the weakest or the worst example of work in your portfolio."
"No matter what happens, you'll be relatively happy if you're in a high quality dividend portfolio."
"Creative professionals are judged on their portfolio and their references and their body of work and their skill set, not on when they went to school."
"Building a personal website or just a developer portfolio in general can help you showcase previous work and even your personality."
"You're gonna see the benefits in five to ten years when these rookies now have massive portfolios."
"London Bridge is falling down but your portfolio doesn't have to."
"Crafting out a portfolio that exists of the total U.S stock market, the international stock market... picking three different low-cost index funds."
"It's important that you use your portfolio to tell a story."
"Your portfolio is also a great opportunity to show potential clients what it would be like to work with you."
"I advocate looking at your portfolio as a whole, not as taxable and tax advantaged."
"I'm working towards having a solid portfolio. I have 14 now, I would like to take on less but take on more strategic."
"Before you create a portfolio, you again are making sure you hit your ROI goals."
"Where's the portfolio right here it is."
"Try to have a cohesive collection of work. You want to give a person a reason to remember who you are."
"The link is in the description on my Instagram, but a lot of my current work, Steve, is literally on Instagram."
"It's nice to have a home for all of your work to be showcased in a nice and professional online space."
"Make a YouTube channel. It didn't have to be something like I've created, it can just be a portfolio place for you to keep all your work."
"Once you're at about four or five positions in different Industries, you're already quite diversified. Once you take that number up to 10, that's a significant well-diversified portfolio."
"...just have a good diversified portfolio that's appropriate for your risk level and stick with it."
"Creative coding: unlimited possibilities. Use it for your coding portfolio to impress potential employers or just as a coding exercise to practice your vanilla JavaScript and front-end web development coding skills."
"We haven't seen that movement of Western societies and not just them but really traditional portfolios is starting to look at gold as a defensive asset for their own uh for their own allocation."
"The real risk on your portfolio is that energy prices shoot up."
"Building a portfolio is a powerful tool. Start a page just to take finish shots of the work that you create. It's a really powerful tool. It gives you a lot of credibility and it really shows your ability right away."
"I would say someone that has been employed as a writer and has a body of work to show is a writer."
"Having an online portfolio is important because it's your little corner of the internet that you can arrange however you like."
"This fund does not hold anything fancy like crypto, penny stocks, speculation stocks. They're mostly blue-chip value and growth companies in the US. That's definitely reassuring."
"It has sample portfolios as well, multiple sample portfolios for different investing styles."
"The average investor holds the market portfolio."
"So, in short, I think that the Canoe EIT Income Fund belongs in every Canadian's portfolio."
"So, that's one more thought too, as you carry your thoughts forward and you still have this vo in your portfolio over a long period of time, when you actually will exit that position."
"So I came up with five profiles and built a $10,000 portfolio for each specific profile."
"...Instagram is not your portfolio you follow me for a very long time I always tell you this and I will never get tired of saying this because everyone is very lazy many people want to become a professional photographer and they don't want to build a website..."
"If people want to sort of keep track of your work, what's the best place to do that?"
"Your resume should be well-formatted and clean, just like your portfolio."
"Even when you do retire, it is important that you have a core to your portfolio."
"Remember not to include anything confidential in your portfolio."
"Diversification: You're getting a basket of companies with this single investment."
"From 1 lakh my portfolio size went to 10 lakh during The saam Saga and the Leman crisis."
"...this is what I would recommend you doing: your LinkedIn branding and your portfolio need to be on point."
"You are not shooting a portfolio. What you're shooting is a book."
"Imagine this: starting with zero clients, you can build a freelance portfolio that earns up to ten thousand dollars a month."
"Blogs on your portfolio website showcase your expertise and can even generate income."
"Stand out with a blog on your portfolio website - it shows you can teach and write."
"Building a high-earning portfolio website is within reach - start now and watch your freelance business soar."
"You definitely want examples of your work in your portfolio."
"Do we see this being a potential strategic buy for us would it fit into our PE forms portfolio?"
"Just have one or two portfolio projects that really stand out and kind of show off all of the skills that you're trying to communicate."
"I already invested $25,000 in the Ether ETF, $20,000 in the Bitcoin ETF, which makes up about six, six and a half percent of my overall portfolio."
"Crypto, guys, is simply another asset class to diversify portfolio. The more diversified you are, the safer you are."
"A cross-chain portfolio tracker for tracking cryptocurrency portfolios."
"...in today's video where we're going to be looking at four dividend paying stocks that will have us earning one thousand dollars every month and again this is a four stock portfolio."
"You should absolutely make personal projects and they're going to be key to building up your early portfolio and landing those first gigs."
"Add additional yield to your portfolio."
"The portfolio should be well balanced and linked with the company's objectives."
"Regularly making portfolio modifications as needed, such as putting projects on hold or terminating projects, assures that projects are still aligned."
"The portfolio is the ticket to landing these roles."
"The number one thing you'll want to show off in your portfolio is your ability to solve real-world problems with instructional design."
"Your success depends on the strength of your portfolio."
"...it's time to start building some projects and putting them on your portfolio website because this is the real money maker."
"This video won't cover that stuff. This video is more for if you're at the point where you're actually building a portfolio and this is just to help you along with stuff you can be thinking about in your design process."
"I'm stacking it long term on every dip I'm putting money into it in my long-term portfolio."
"You have to have a little bit of everything so your portfolio, you're not just all in on real estate or on health or whatever, you got a little bit in each."
"This is the type of stuff you'd want to put on your portfolio. Heck, I might even put it on the portfolio and this is just for a tutorial."
"How do they construct this portfolio?"
"...it really gives you the most possible deep dive you could have about your portfolio."
"The community pies are those from people in the Trading 212 Community where you can literally copy and paste their portfolio as it is presented."
"I also have a stocks Insurance Isa with two different index funds in them."
"Managed to increase the return of my portfolio by over 59% in just one month."
"Metamask portfolio is your One-Stop shop to navigate the world of DeFi."
"You need to decide how much bond and how much equity to have in your portfolio."
"Bitcoin reduces your portfolio volatility."
"Incorporate more than just digital design into your portfolio."
"The reality is, if you look at my business portfolio, you know for a fact what we do as a company."
"when we were doing purse trading we were doing purse trading with two stocks right we were buying one stock and - gamma of the other stock right that's like having a portfolio with two components and with weight one and minus gamma that's an important realization"
"As I'm working with this, because I kind of storyboarded all the content for the portfolio, it's no different than creating a storyboard for an e-learning course."
"Anything is possible, keep hope alive but keep your options open, diversify your portfolio."
"This portfolio that we're building looks like something you paid a professional coder to build but you built it in 10 minutes using Squarespace."
"The best portfolio project is less about doing fancy modeling and machine learning and more about working with interesting data."
"Consuelo Mack: Is your portfolio out of date for the New World Order? Are you holding the winners of yesteryear instead of the winners of future years? Well, you probably are, according to this week’s guest."
"But when it came to the portfolio, I feel like there was a stronger emphasis on showcasing your foundational skills, your skill level, and showing people that you can draw."
"Your portfolio is your own branded corner of the internet."
"Creating personal projects is so important to build your perfect publishing portfolio. Kind of like, fake it till you make it!"
"The most important thing you need is a good portfolio. This is the foundation of your career and is how you’ll be finding work and presenting yourself to the world."
"Try to maybe add another page with previous client work and testimonials that people really enjoyed working with you."
"I want to start creating my portfolio of homes and properties that would easily just be like two properties under my belt."