
Beginning Quotes

There are 6429 quotes

"Maybe this is where our story starts, maybe it was written in the stars."
"Let's start from the very beginning and just assume that we don't know anything and we're just going to do some inquiring and let's see how far we can get."
"Let's get this show on the road. Cheers everyone!"
"Every disaster story clearly has to have a beginning."
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
"This is just the beginning... This is something to understand, that this is going to be incorporated into everything."
"Where certain people stop, that's where you begin."
"Every journey begins with a single step. But you'll never finish if you don't start."
"Persal's Journey starts off a bit slow but he is soon on the Move."
"Do not despise these small beginnings; the Lord desires to see the work begin, and he will lead you."
"This is the start of something amazing, let's celebrate the fact that we're on this journey together."
"Life's biggest adventures begin with a single step."
"You're more than you imagine, and this is just the beginning. There should be more coming through for you."
"After nirvikalpa samadhi, spiritual life begins."
"Make your purpose to find your purpose. That's where it all starts."
"In the beginning, God was the spirit of all that was to be, but He had not yet moved upon the waters."
"I thank you for every broken spirit, because I recognize that brokenness is not the end; it is just the beginning."
"The longest journey begins with a single step."
"I'm so far off from being perfect, but I'm starting to understand that, and that path starts here."
"Little did I know, this was only the beginning."
"This could be the start of a dynasty in Phoenix."
"The moment you start feeling whole and in gratitude, your healing begins."
"The greatest amount of friction for any type of task is in the beginning, in the starting."
"It's going to be a very good journey with this team, and it's just the start."
"If everything goes perfect, this should be the start of the run."
"My beginnings in triathlon were very humble, but I loved it."
"That's how every lad, every good thing in this world started with a dream."
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth... God began the beginning."
"Innovation often begins in a small business."
"Our quest for understanding these is only just beginning."
"You can't underestimate how difficult getting the rock to move in the first place is."
"If you write...and you would like to be an author, man, that's where to start. Just write."
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth... And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
"This is the end, Leer, this is not the end, this is just the beginning."
"We like to think of walking away from our religion as the end of a journey, like 'I'm out now; it's over.' But in a lot of ways, it's just the beginning."
"This is just the beginning of a much larger fight."
"Every masterpiece begins with a single stroke."
"The release of the game marks not the end of development, but rather the beginning of a new phase."
"It feels like to me like we're just getting started."
"The amazing part of the story is just the beginning."
"We all have to start before we're ready. We all have to start poop our pants scared."
"Take the first step, the rest will reveal itself along the way. Keep going, you don't need to see the whole path yet."
"I don't feel like we're at all actually anywhere. We're not really angry; we're alive and we're speaking and we're just starting."
"I'm about to do something new, see I have already begun."
"Start and post as soon as possible. That's what it is. Don't expect perfection."
"Start where you are; start with pain, start and fail, start with discomfort, start with the little things, start by sipping tea while watching the snowfall."
"The moment of truth comes after you started."
"The beginning phase is not having a perfect plan. The beginning phase is just building some momentum."
"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step."
"I just hope that people view this as a starting point for a journey of discovery."
"Stay healthy and stay hydrated because we are just getting started"
"The story doesn't end here, it's just the beginning."
"It's a step in the right direction, it's not the end all be all, but it's better than nothing and it has to start somewhere."
"The enormity of what we've done together, it gets me sometimes. And every time I talk to the father about it I hear, 'You're just getting started, son. You're just getting started.'"
"That's as far as I got in my story. It's pretty epic, it's a strong opener."
"It's time to start talking about the story itself."
"Nobody starts their fitness journey already being fit."
"Yeah this is quite the game and it's only just beginning."
"Our incredible journey is only just beginning."
"This is far from over, we are just getting started."
"This is just the beginning, the whole world will be watching."
"There's never been a better time to get started."
"There's no quick fix... but you've got to start somewhere."
"This could just be the beginning of an epic journey that's going to last a long time."
"Don't rush or be rushed. It doesn't have to happen right this moment, just get started and see what's out there."
"The conclusion of the Robert Mueller investigation is the end of the beginning."
"For aspiring artists who are lucky enough to be hand-picked for the trainee program, their work is only beginning."
"Mass adoption is coming, it's here, but it's just beginning."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."
"It's just the beginning, it's just the beginning."
"It's a step in the right direction, it's a confirmation box, it's not the end, it's the beginning, baby."
"This is the first sliver of what will grow into the Last Alliance."
"This might be the moment of transition, but it is just the beginning."
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
"It's all about things starting to come together."
"As with all great discoveries, this is just the beginning."
"The most difficult step in learning something new is just getting started."
"Whatever you've accomplished there is just a massive world of opportunity ahead of you and that you've only just begun to crush it."
"Praying with me is not the end of what God's going to do with your life; it's just the beginning."
"It's already a crisis. And by the way, we're just getting started."
"This is just the beginning of what God is doing in his ministry."
"Anything could happen; Rob could come running over that hill and just kill me right now."
"Honestly, I'm addicted already. It's just this is where it begins."
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"Trust me when I say it's only the beginning."
"The greatest cultural battle of our lives doesn't end now, it begins."
"Let's follow through now, it's the first step on a massive journey."
"We're just at the beginning of unpacking this."
"This is your moment, this is your class, and now it starts."
"That’s what really like, sparked my interest into it."
"It's not over, it's not over at all. I mean, theoretically, we just got started."
"Your dreams and desires are calling you to action, the journey begins today."
"These numbers are staggering. It's large. And I don't think we're done. I think we're just getting started."
"Alrighty, where do we begin? So this story starts about 10 months ago."
"That's the location that got me believing from the start."
"That's what it would take because that's what can start the healing process."
"It's fantastic, it's about time, and it's the beginning."
"All of this, it's like an intro, it's a prologue to our ark. We are the main characters in this world."
"Let the anger float. We're just getting started."
"As you enter into the world of Vera, you are in a way empowered with the spark of life."
"Being a perfectionist is what's blocking you from just beginning the process."
"Keep your eyes peeled, keep watching cuz we're just getting started."
"I think you've really achieved a lot, and this is only the start."
"This is the beginning of the possibility of that dream."
"Let's start this journey just like any other, with an idea."
"This is the beginning of the beginning, the beginning of the great mass movement."
"This is the day that everything changed, the beginning of the end".
"Death is the beginning, so the stagnation or the dead end... just the beginning of something new."
"Start, period. I know sometimes the first step is the hardest one."
"Hold fast for your ordeal is only beginning."
"Tonight begins Chris Danger's road to the big leagues."
"This is truly the beginning of Danger's legacy."
"This is only the beginning of the end of the beginning."
"We're just getting started. We are just getting started."
"This is lap number one, minute number one, 24 hours to go."
"You can always try something else later, but now is the time to begin."
"What a fantastic time to start... it's just you don't have to be a genius, you could just have a five-year horizon."
"We are not alone, but the search is only just starting."
"You're still just beginning to discover what's out there."
"This experience starts the moment you enter."
"On the hero's journey, the first step is sorting."
"He's got everything he needs, he's got that rose of hope and that's all he really needs to carry himself forward into a brand new beginning."
"We should keep in mind that we're only at the beginning of what AI can accomplish."
"This is the start point of the real acceleration."
"This was a great start though, incredible start."
"It's surpassed all of our expectations already and we're just getting started."
"Enough of that, let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial."
"In the beginning for YouTube, that's not necessarily true."
"There is no hiding anymore and we are just getting started."
"Get ready because this adventure starts right now."
"You just figured it out! Boom, start baby, a brand new world, a brand new series!"
"Every opportunity represents the scratch, every opportunity represents the light."
"Don't let step 100 prevent you from taking the step one."
"Once everybody's ready, the gate will open and allow you to start your journey."
"Every story has a beginning, and this story begins where it ends."
"Put your seat belts on, we're just getting started here in chapter 14."
"We are not part of the establishment, we're one of you, and we're only getting started." - GB News promo
"This is the start of... significant focus on transportation."
"The first step is always the hardest right, and it's the most uncomfortable step."
"I think it's vital, but I think we're just a bit on the beginning, the starting point of that."
"The beginning is always kind of slow so anyway we are in a different town."
"The scariest thing in the world to me at least is that first initial stage."
"More tricks and methods to learn; this is only the beginning."
"We're just getting started; positive change doesn't occur overnight."
"His story begins during the raid on the Pillar of Autumn."
"It's been an incredible journey, and we're just getting started."
"Every journey starts with a single and simple step."
"Do not fear, because that just means you're creating the space for a very potent and magic new beginning."
"The best hasn't come yet. No, you're just getting started. There is so much more to come for you."
"It is now time to start this process all over again."
"Thank you guys for staying a part of this journey. This is just the beginning."
"You just got started and you realize this is hard."
"So now let's get into the first steps of this transformation."
"This is the beginning of something beautiful and dark and spooky and scary."
"The circus is just beginning." - "the circus is just beginning."
"The truth has come out today, but this isn't the end, this is the beginning."
"The first step starts now, it doesn't start tomorrow."
"For The United States Of America The Second World war had begun."
"It's Showtime! You're off to the races, ready set go, and you're out the gate."
"Bewildered but serene, Jacob sensed it was about to begin."
"Already the true adventure is about to unfold."
"All that really matters is that you're inspired to get started."
"You just need to start. That's the secret. Just start."
"You have to take the first steps on faith. As Rumi said, 'As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.'"
"In the beginning, there was nothing but us in that pure state of unity."
"Last call, last call. Okay, roll in the intro!"
"It's life-threatening, but bowling with hope and despair has begun."
"We just gotta make it to the castle. Plus, I mean, this is just the first session."
"Transforming Sport and just getting started."
"This is just the beginning of the Starship program."
"A dollar is not the end, it's just the beginning."
"Let this represent the beginning of your research, not the end."
"This is just a stepping stone, just the beginning."
"Time starts when the screen goes fully white."
"Creativity begins with connection, without boundaries, without limits. Creativity begins here."
"It's not over yet. Mission complete is not what I'm here to say. The real mission starts here."
"This is not over, in fact, it has only begun."
"I bought a general store, so this is the kickoff series."
"Take the first step and try, that's why we have the fool here."
"Capturing the beginning of the investigation."
"Do not despise this small beginning where the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin."
"Every journey begins with a single step, even amidst chaos."
"This is going to start the process and the progress in your life which is going to change so so so much and this is only the beginning."
"We did it! One run, laser, five subscribers."
"Even the longest career begins with a single race."
"Nostalgic memories pave the way for new beginnings."
"Well done magic man we're just getting started."
"That is the start, you guys, that is the start."
"Our work on this movement is now really just beginning."
"This appears to be just the very beginning of what might turn out to be a very long process indeed."
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Anonymous
"This is gonna be like the new beginning for you."
"We're just getting started we have such potential such potential."
"Every subscriber is a brick in the wall of radical politics, and we're just getting started."
"Once the programming ends, we can begin to influence the collective."
"The end of August is going to change your life, it's just the beginning."
"This game is only the beginning it can only get better from here."
"Well here we go then, boys and girls, it is new save o'clock."
"We are at the very Genesis of all of this starting."
"It's just the beginning, there's nothing that's going to stop us."