
Holidays Quotes

There are 5123 quotes

"I love this time of year because it's the holiday season."
"December means it's Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate, happy holidays."
"The holiday season has officially started, and we are getting all types of gifts today."
"Thursday and Friday should have Thanksgiving rules; absolutely, people pretend to work on Thursday and Friday."
"Jay, this is Christmas. I have to have hope."
"If there's one thing I love more than spending the holidays with my family, it's spending the holidays with my family while eating delicious meat from Good Ranchers."
"If you know you're gonna fight with someone, then just wait for them to come over to eat. Don't fight, you guys, it's the holiday. It's time to be merry and loving, no fighting."
"Happy holidays and lots of love from Colombia."
"I heard that people who get excited about the holidays like Christmas and stuff are happier."
"Happy holidays from the Kerbals on the moon."
"Every year, Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Year's."
"How was your Fourth of July? Well, I am Canadian, so I quite honestly couldn't care less about the Fourth of July, if I'm being honest."
"Now I can step away from the computer... and I know that my holidays paid for... because of passive income."
"There are more babies born nine months after a holiday, and you can try to figure out why."
"It's Christmas morning and the kids are over the top excited."
"Christmas afternoon is one of my favorite things because it's just so relaxed and cozy."
"I am lightning fast. This is me on Christmas morning, waking up, getting out of my bed, and running to the Christmas tree to check on my presents."
"Why can't we just say Merry Christmas and enjoy the festive season?"
"This will be so much fun to decorate year-round, especially during the holidays."
"The holidays are real even if they are also serving other economic purposes."
"It's not another day to the other person, it's not another day to the people who know that person even if it is just concocted for greeting cards, it still has real social ramifications."
"Moving elections to weekends or holidays could help alleviate some of these issues."
"It would increase the availability of poll workers, and especially if we have it as a national holiday, it would create sort of a civic spirit."
"Thank you so much for asking. Thank you guys. I hope everyone had a great holiday week."
"Thanksgiving is almost here, and Christmas will be soon after. This time of year flies so quickly."
"All I want for Christmas is to be left the hell alone."
"There's at least one good holiday every season."
"We should look at the quarters and decide what the best holiday is for each season."
"May your 2020 Holiday Barbie doll be one more golden moment that lifts your heart and inspires you to embrace the wonders around you."
"Holidays can be hard and we really want everyone to just have a good time this year so we thought that we could maybe help out some families this year around the holidays."
"Hello everyone, this is that blue panda guy here, and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and Happy Holidays."
"Big up Halloween, you know. Big up Thanksgiving, big up Christmas Eve, big up holiday season. Them man there, you got to know. I mean, good time, let people enjoy."
"You want to be cozy and comfortable... especially as the holidays are upon us."
"It's the holidays, we're supposed to be cheery and happy."
"Have a happy holidays, subscribe, thank you guys. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, happy Hanukkah, whatever you like to celebrate."
"The present system of rituals and holidays in this country is a confused hodgepodge of cultural rituals."
"If you have a loved one, friend, family member, whoever deployed, my heart is with you, especially during the holidays."
"If you and your family are fully vaccinated, you can celebrate the holidays much more safely."
"Every single year that I pull out all of our decor, I just get an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness and gratefulness."
"Christmas is not about gifts, it's about spending time with loved ones and about realizing what you're grateful for."
"No one's mad at Christ for resurrecting on trans visibility day."
"During holidays, everybody's taking a break and you should too."
"Small acts of kindness wrapped up in spooky surprises."
"Let's have steak and lobster for our anniversary slash Christmas Eve. This is a great deal for me."
"Thanksgiving food shouldn't exist. Turkey, I mean, I do like the aesthetic of it for Thanksgiving."
"Thanksgiving is all about home-cooked food, but at the same time, we all just want Taco Bell."
"Happy holidays! May they be merry and bright, celebrated in good company. And if you're on your own, you will always be your own best company."
"Let's overtake Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving yeah Thanksgiving do it do it and we'll we'll be having our own Thanksgiving uh stuff in our faces on Thursday watching the football games."
"Thanksgiving is the better version of New Year's Eve. Thanksgiving is like the door guy at the Christmas nightclub."
"Thanksgiving is wonderful. It is one of my favorite holidays."
"This is the largest display of Christmas lights on an artificial tree..."
"I treat myself, can't lie. It was my Christmas present to myself."
"The holidays are fast approaching and everyone knows it's the most expensive time of the year."
"well friends that is a wrap on my best of the holidays video here in walt disney world"
"until next time i'm molly and it's magical and holly jolly"
"But I think what I love most about the holiday is that it brings people together."
"Christmas is starting now everywhere in Orlando."
"I think I found the true Christmas spirit at Universal Studios."
"It's a good little spot. Get me excited for like Fourth of July, Halloween, yes."
"The best thing about the holidays is the reflection."
"In The Sims 4 Seasons, there is a Santa-like figure called Father Winter."
"It's hard. I think birthdays, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, they are fundamental to probably every family who celebrate holidays."
"Guys, I love this Christmas tree, I truly do. I think it's a fantastic project."
"I highly recommend that anyone that hates Valentine's Day just do something wild on Valentine's Day and make it that anniversary."
"The best way to help your kids have a peaceful joyful Christmas is for you to have a peaceful joyful Christmas."
"I've had the best holiday ever with Kylie Kangaroo."
"When you see them setting up the Christmas decoration in October, you know Thanksgiving is getting close."
"The Philippines has the longest Christmas season out of anywhere else on earth."
"Happy holidays was a welcome addition to Merry Christmas."
"Fourth of July dude, that's the time to shoot someone. That or New Year's Eve, shoot them right when the clock hits."
"So when it comes to Christmas parties and celebrations usually the more the merrier."
"The actual day is pretty great. You take the day off from work to eat pie and argue with the elderly."
"The best gift you can give this Christmas is Surfshark to all your family."
"I love how there's two big holiday things with gifts right in a row. It's wonderful."
"Christmas is such a special time of the year that brings families together."
"The failure of Mother's Day and at times even International women's day in actually meaning anything for the status of women particularly stay at home moms who Society claims are so important just speaks volumes to me."
"Merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy New Year."
"New Year's Eve, worst bar night of the year."
"Happy holidays from all of us here at Team Four Star."
"The holiday season is quickly approaching... we have to talk about new Nintendo Switch games coming out in the month of October."
"Memorial Day has to be about more than only hot dogs and beer."
"Christmas gave people some rare time for recreation."
"Don't forget to like and subscribe, happy Halloween!"
"Enjoy whatever holiday you celebrate, and if you don't want to be alone, find some time to spend with somebody else."
"Valentine's Day is honestly kinda just a holiday that somebody made up to have you buy more things."
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart, in the very next day..."
"Happy Easter! Oh my God, what in the world, guys!"
"It's Christmas time, as Tom used to say in Parks and Rec, treat yo'self."
"The most common day of the year where UFOs are seen: July 4th, Independence Day."
"Stick with me and you'll be ready for anything when the stuffing hits the fan on Christmas day."
"This is the best time of the year and I'm spending it doing what I love."
"Halloween is whatever the hell you want it to be."
"Make those reconciliations if you need to do that, this is the time of year to do it."
"Gifting someone a candle is a fantastic way to bring the holidays to life for a friend, a family member, or a partner."
"The second part of the month becomes a great time for more fun, festive enjoyment, holidays, and entertainment."
"Wouldn't it be better for people to actually have proper amount of money to get them through the holidays?"
"Best case scenario the holidays hit I'm lying down I got my laptop and I'm just playing an endless mission for all the loot."
"We're gonna treat this holiday like it's the best holiday of the year."
"Make it about family. You definitely don't want to be sitting by yourself during the days off."
"I think I would be Christmas. Christmas is the best."
"You still have your job, and yeah, it's costing you more for gas, but guess what, you're still going to take that holiday."
"Tomorrow would be Christmas day, and she had only $1.87 cents with which to buy Jim a present."
"So we'll just shift from S&M to sugar cookies, okay? With little turkeys and some pumpkins."
"Saint Monday was kind of an unofficial holiday where absenteeism was permitted and even expected on the first day of the work week people were still flush with cash."
"Merry Christmas everybody! Hope everybody has opened up their presents."
"It is time for self-care bubble bath and some holiday cheers."
"Thanksgiving... it's the one holiday that hasn't been successfully commodified yet."
"It's the best holiday because I get to hang out with the best people."
"Believing in Santa actually means in believing in what he represents: generosity, love, and kindness."
"I mean, I wouldn't mind a holiday season full of ports of really great games."
"Happy holidays, or dare I say merry Christmas."
"I guess what Mike's saying is that you don't have to do that you would just wait to hear it but you're still wondering about that thing."
"Lonely veteran asks for just one person to spend the holidays with, entire town shows up instead."
"Just have a great Mother's Day, okay? Enjoy yourself."
"Stay safe. Holiday weekends are always weird."
"It's still like okay, there's still, you know, it's the second Thanksgiving without my uncle and without papaw, Nanna's lifelong partner."
"Merry Christmas and happy holidays and happy new years as well."
"If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest, you can also go to a Christmas party. You can celebrate the holiday of Christmas, and you can do it responsibly."
"Enjoy your holidays, cook and eat and have a good time."
"Thanks for watching and listening to me talk about the most cringy things but what better time to spend the holidays than talk about that."
"So yeah, I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday and I will see you all in the next one so peace out and stay home some vicious."
"Hanukkah really needs a glow up when it comes to its coverage on the internet."
"2021 has been an interesting year but we are all looking forward to spending some time with our friends and family once again this holiday."
"Merry Christmas and season greetings to all of you."
"Despite the cold weather, what matters the most were not the presents but being together."
"It's holiday season... we love a cornucopia."
"It's not what's under the tree, it's who is around it that matters."
"Being with the people you love is what the holidays are about."
"Let me know in the comments what you want for Christmas this year now me personally I just want some socks because you can never go wrong with socks."
"Christmas is a celebration of people and connection."
"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! And with Christmas comes lots of gifts and presents and things."
"True hearts day, a holiday that used to be celebrated in the fairy tale world that encourages us to follow our true hearts desire."
"It's a holiday for me and I feel like a lot of holidays around the world."
"Guys, make sure to get Lanky Box merch for the holidays."
"Christmas is now just around the corner, okay cool, I love Christmas."
"Forbidden power bar Easter makes more sense to dress up as zombies than Halloween. Love it."
"There is always something special about Thanksgiving."
"It's going to be amazing, because you're going to eat everything you want at Thanksgiving, and none of it is going to go to the fat cells."
"I prophesy nobody is going to fight at your Thanksgiving meal because you're going to keep your mouth shut when they say stuff that makes you mad."
"Visiting family for Christmas is supposed to be one of the most magical and exciting things this time of year."
"We're all going to take some time off to be with our families for the holidays... just not think about Diablo 4 for a little bit."
"There's no excuse for celebrating pagan holidays."
"Hopefully all this negativity hasn't ruined your Christmas, lighten up 'tis the season after all."
"I hope everybody got their chocolate bunnies."
"Hope you guys had an amazing, amazing Christmas."
"Why am I so excited about this? I just love Christmas."
"Thank you all for watching I wish you a wonderful Christmas holiday whatever you're celebrating all the best and we'll see you soon."
"I got us all matching pajamas, what, no way what did you say what did you say and I almost did that, I got us all matching onesies, bro to be honest y'all ain't ready for the Christmas that I created."
"Christmas is the time of giving and unwrapping presents. Players, time for receiving gifts from World of Tanks!"
"Christmas is a time for joy, charity, and being together with those you love."
"A fantastic Christmas rematch with Michael and his necron unfestive machines."
"Merry Christmas! That's basically what these guys are screaming."
"We're getting ready to celebrate the new year, Christmas, and finish this year out strong."
"What days are likeliest to end in death? Christmas, the next day, and New Years’ Day."
"My favorite thing is the little candy corn stash for decor."
"I don't need any presents, as long as I spend this day with you."
"The secret behind any good Christmas is in the organization and preparation."
"Happy holidays, you guys! How are we feeling about the holidays? Do we feel anxious? Do we feel unnerved? Do we feel excited? Do we have solid and healthy Dynamics with our families?"
"Tube Nation baby, we're in this together. We got this. We're gonna get through the holidays. We got this. We got this."
"They reneged on that whole thing and we were told that you can only have christmas day that's the only day that it's safe."
"Enjoy the holidays, enjoy New Year's, be safe most importantly be safe."
"Happy Christmas, happy Kwanzaa, anything that you're celebrating or if you're not celebrating anything just you know be safe out there."
"It's mid-June... just wait till Fourth of July."
"The wheels of justice turn and grind, bringing some great holiday cheer."
"I hope you all have a lovely Christmas if you celebrate it, and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a lovely day!"
"I actually really enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies."
"What are your hopes for this Christmas season?"
"Things are looking pretty festive out here in Florida."
"I hope everyone has a good Halloween, and you know, if Halloween is canceled this year that's okay because you can have Halloween on your own painting your nails in the dark."
"Seven dead bodies. And then they have to go back to the police station and get to work, trying to solve the murder of this whole family on Christmas day knowing that like, their wife and kids are at home unwrapping presents, without them."
"We're gonna be talking about a lot, so happy holidays if you guys are watching this within the next few days."
"Are y'all ready for the holiday season? I'm emotionally ready."
"Every year mom and pops do those stocking bags and that's just so sweet and such a fun tradition."
"So wrap yourself in a big old cocoon of warm theory goodness this holiday season."
"I hope they have a very happy Thanksgiving and they enjoy their families."
"The kids will not know which type of gift they are opening."
"I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, I know I did."
"Christmas time is going to be a big deal for you guys a lot is unfolding major energies during christmas bless that's beautiful."
"Can't wait for the five ingredient cookbook. Buying professionals for Hanukkah, I'm so excited!"
"Toy Day drops on December 21st and Jingle will be ringing it in with you, this thing is a super fun one as you get to play Santa Claus and deliver toys and gifts to your villagers."
"Stay off the news and enjoy your family. The holidays are here."
"I think it's such a special time of year, and it's all just about having time with your loved ones. It's not about what you spend."
"Halloween's supposed to be fun. We're getting too serious about it."
"Concert tickets...such a good Christmas gift."
"My favorite thing ever is hearing them from upstairs dumping out their um stocking and laughing and like looking at the stuff and just like getting all excited."
"Maybe you got a bunch of gift cards piling up. We don't judge."
"I'm going to commit to a handmade Christmas this year."
"Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or happy Kwanzaa! I don't care what you celebrate as long as you enjoy it."
"Merry Christmas to everybody, I know y'all got computers, I know some of y'all got competitors, merry Christmas all y'all!"
"If you got in trouble for forgetting Valentine's Day, just tell your significant other literally everybody forgot about it."
"Halloween's my favorite holiday ever since I was a kid, beg my parents even if it's freaking July, can we go to the Halloween store year-round?"
"I think that Star Wars did a really good job with making Christmas and the holiday season synonymous with Star Wars released and that was what was exciting."
"The best gifts are the ones that you gift yourself."
"Remember the word, remember we started five years ago and I said you're going to be saying Christmas again."
"Christmas is for everyone, telescope, a deck of cards, a packet for my buddy, a soccer ball and dinosaur, lots of toys is what you like, but what about giving, what about caring?"
"There's just something different about Christmas, it just feels so magical."
"First up we have these pretty Minnie Mouse holiday plaid ears."
"So if you're alone this holiday season, maybe feeling a little down, remember that everything we do for Christmas really has nothing to do with family. It's all about a cheating man, child abuse and demon goats."
"Stay awesome, Merry Christmas, and I'll see you in the next one."
"Hope you're having a fantastic holiday and you are just like that woman said, Happy New Year guys!"