
Anti-materialism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Life is about people, it's about families, it's not about acquiring stuff and individualism."
"The most important thing that I learned in all this is that material things mean absolutely nothing. It's the memories that we make that are going to sustain us."
"Hip-hop embodies the idea that material success doesn't define your worth."
"The Shabbat is a protection against material slavery, striving after success, prestige, and wealth are put aside so the people can meditate on the spiritual side of life."
"To the Amish, jewelry is something that can draw attention and encourage pride."
"I'm not all about the money. I'm not all about the bullshit. I'm gonna try to put stuff out there that has a purpose."
"I'd rather be hanging out with the people that support me the most, not the people that's cloud chasing."
"Life's awesome, even without fame and fortune."
"Happiness isn't solely measured by materialism."
"It's moving in a decidedly anti-materialistic direction."
"You can't have materialism in the field of spirituality."
"It’s better to live with little luggage. Just the minimum necessary. No material complexity."
"Remember a blessed life is like the blesses please remember that please don't ever confuse what I share with materialism or a hyper prosperity message please ever confuse that because that is not my goal at all."
"I'm confident in saying I enjoy being halfway up the grass is not greener elsewhere not for me now..."
"Many young people are showing less interest in material possessions, wealth, and consumer culture, choosing instead a simpler lifestyle."
"We actually have to dedicate ourselves to learning our individual truth and the collective truth, and we have to be willing to release materialism to learn that."
"The source of happiness in their philosophy of life is not materialism."
"Avoid affluenza; it makes me sick. Materialism blinds Christians so much so Jesus said, 'I will vomit you out of my mouth.'"
"A place where the children run free, where the Earth provides everything you need, and where money is meaningless."
"It ain't about the money it's about the people."
"No one is covetous because they always have what they need. They don't have to pay anything for it; just bring home what you need."
"I just wanted to escape, I just wanted to get out of this boring contrived typical life and spend less time working and make less money and need less money and simplify my life."
"The tiny house movement helps make the world a little less materialistic."
"I don't even care about materialistic [__]." (Okay, I paraphrased a bit here.)
"Absolutely free, free from the grinding wheels of commerce, free to shake off the bonds of our greedy materialistic society."
"The purpose of life cannot be about making money; it's not about consumption."
"The relentless progress and materialism of the 1950s was replaced with a yearning for a more authentic and natural way of life."
"Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions."
"To be happy, no stress-free, like nobody really cares about the money."
"I don't equate happiness with stuff; I don't equate having a life by square footage."
"...they wanted a richer, fuller life that had less to do with materialism..."
"The goal of life is not to work and pay taxes and commute."
"Some people really don't care about money, and you can tell. They live simply, they're happy, they're not stressed, which is fantastic."
"Never work for money; you are never created to pursue money, riches, honor, and fame."
"What would you like to do with money or no object? Forget the money, because if you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time."
"We both think that materialism is simple and wrong."
"Shedding world materialism and just going one with nature."
"I plan on ridding the world of all materialism and consumerism-- the very things that ruined my life."
"Money made me into a person that I don't want to be. I'd rather keep my dignity and self-respect than be rich."
"If you drove a beetle, on some level you were saying I'm not taken in by all the excesses of capitalism."
"Christmas is about generosity, not greed."
"The less stuff I have, the better. I don't want things; I don't want stuff."
"We reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions."
"The practice of Simplicity is the antidote to combat the heart of greed."
"Shout out to eternal happiness and no materialism."
"Not everything in life is about money and greed."
"Spend your money on travel... it's way better than material things."
"I'm here for God, I'm not here for greed."
"Life for me here is a lot simpler. I'm not worried about keeping up with the Joneses; I'm not worried about the rat race."