
Presentation Quotes

There are 7382 quotes

"Lead with your strongest work. It's your portfolio. You're in control of what people are seeing. It's how they're perceiving you."
"Suspension of a player's disbelief is a difficult job, one that's bolstered heavily by a game's presentation."
"I've done my homework, I've finally put everything together into one beautifully distilled FORTY EIGHT slide PowerPoint."
"Truth is truth, regardless of how you present it."
"The biggest improvement over the last five years is just the raw feel and presentation of the match engine."
"Never simply show data, but rather make data a pivotal point in an overarching story."
"People only know you for what you show them."
"Good art is part of a good presentation, and presentation is part of design."
"The showcase for 'No Rest For The Wicked' from Moon Studios was very well done. They spent time walking players through the various features."
"There's a huge amount of stuff coming out, and I'm very excited to show it all off."
"Don’t apologize for the meal you’re about to serve and don’t lead by pointing out your own mess-ups - it’s better for everyone to let the audience come to their own conclusions about it."
"This is your one chance to make a compelling case well, it's the one chance you know you have to make a compelling case of why you're a great fit for the position."
"He was not quite yelling, he was not quite speeding through the script, he hit it Pitch Perfect."
"I'm the host, of course I'm going to ad-lib even though I have a teleprompter, a cue card, and a 97-page script."
"Thank you so much for coming out tonight, thanks for coming to my TED Talk. You've been a great audience, everybody."
"Put yourself in the reality you believe in. If you think you're supposed to be well-known, start dressing like it, start talking like it."
"Presentation is everything. You know what you're doing, you know what you're saying."
"If you want your resume to be seen and noticed by these companies, by these hiring managers, you have to know how to present yourself as a superstar on paper."
"It's all about presentation. You know, it's all about the illusion."
"Everything you present should mirror everything you are."
"Presentation and taste are the two things that we are judging you on today."
"The book is magnificent in its presentation and design."
"I'm excited about what I'm going to share with you today."
"Sit down and buckle up, folks, because there's a lot of stuff to cover here."
"The finish is everything, right? That's the closing of the deal."
"It's not polished. It's pizzazz. And pizzazz is what you show to people."
"Just breathe, remember to blink, flex the corners of your mouth up, lift your chin—not too high. Don't let them see your empty eyes."
"The presentation of your packaging is so important. You want it to be fun for the person to open."
"The only thing that matters is how good your art looks in your website."
"All keynote is is it's a tool for giving a presentation. Personally, I just believe it should never be the presentation. You, the presenter, are the presentation."
"This version of King is a close examination of what it means – and what it costs – for people of color to code switch, or change their style of presentation to fit the moment."
"What an honor to be doing a talk for the Royal Institution."
"The biggest advice I'd give anyone who wants to start a YouTube channel is to get comfortable in front of the camera."
"I'm going to do my best to present the facts to you with as little bias as possible."
"Trust and Betrayal is masterful at presentation and the little details, whether they be visual, auditory, or a combination of the two."
"The chef drizzled the syrup over the pancakes."
"Presenting and conveying your ideas concisely and clearly in such a short amount of time is an art."
"The diversity is unbelievable, the presentation is phenomenal."
"In 5 steps, let's go from having raw data with no visuals to creating an awesome dashboard to impress anyone."
"Marry all of your talents and your skills and your best qualities into one and be able to present your best self."
"I'm Michael Gavin, 17 years old, brown belt from Green Yard Fight Sport. Basically, my Jiu-Jitsu style is the old Jiu-Jitsu and the new Jiu-Jitsu, tries to always stick for the submission, I always try to make it look good on a fight for someone who never watched Jiu-Jitsu before."
"I imagine it as having a really nice tie... but if you're wearing it with a T-shirt or if you don't know how to tie it properly, chances are somebody isn't going to compliment you on it."
"The problem, sometimes called the opportunity slide, should be simple."
"Thank you for being here, ladies and gentlemen."
"This is a stunning game in general that uses a wide variety of effects to deliver a fantastic presentation."
"And that is it, our Nashville hot chicken is done and looking absolutely stunning."
"The apparatus was controlled by Arrius, who joyfully announced to the heroes the presentation of his new masterpiece."
"If you have a concept you want the audience to feel is a big deal, then you have to show us it's a big deal."
"You don't have to explain plot point for PowerPoint."
"He has to present as somebody who has a plan."
"The spectacle of the food is almost as important as the way it tastes."
"Hopefully that was useful, maybe a little bit rambley, hope not."
"And on that quite literal bombshell, that's it for today."
"The general game presentation feels very next gen."
"Titles help emphasize different points throughout the video."
"Authenticity ladies and gentlemen. It matters."
"Michelin Presents Tech is next on RS2 IMSA Radio."
"What an intro! That energy is mad, I love it, absolutely." - Callum Nicholas
"Prioritize clarity over creativity. First impressions matter."
"Thanks everyone for tuning in and allowing us to share with you the fruits of labors."
"You get up, you dress up, and you show up." - Eddie Hearn
"There's powerful blogging tools to showcase your project photos, videos, and progress updates."
"Anything I present gonna be high on the metaphysical level."
"It's probably a good time for people to get those ideas ready for mass presentation."
"The presentation of these fights is also spectacular as these cutscenes really show how menacing these bosses are."
"Stalker 2, which actually did get an extended, certainly looked for the all-time presentation, it looks quite phenomenal."
"It's respectful is basically noting an unintended byproduct of the way it's presented essentially."
"This presentation is actually not bad at all... the games shown so far are very interesting."
"Your primary goal with your audience is this: to Delight them."
"From a presentation standpoint, they're unquestionably perfect."
"Season one feels like it's trying to earn your respect and show you everything that the show has to offer."
"You want to nail the intro within less than 30 seconds."
"But I think for many of us, yeah, this was pretty disappointing and I think it's reasonable to have that opinion based on the way they presented everything."
"Horizon Zero Dawn, especially in the trailers, made its combat seem as though it was an elegant dance between Aloy and the monsters."
"They showed off so much and there was really something here for everybody."
"It shows the potential employer or potential client that you're thinking on a little higher plane, right?"
"Your breath gotta smell good, your teeth gotta shine, you gotta be your beautiful most whole self you can imagine."
"It's not the most flattering, but it's the most informative."
"We have some pretty bombastic cinematics which you're going to see later."
"So that way you know you have this nice beautiful piece of meat."
"You got to get on camera and you have to be on topic."
"Hip-hop has been served in a greasy brown paper bag and it was time to serve it on a silver platter."
"Thanks so much for being here with us today."
"Confidence is really key because when you walk into a room, you basically have to sell."
"That's what girls do, they can give you the information of whether what you're doing is working or not."
"This session today was brought to you by coffee."
"I think having a debate about the ethics in which we present information and the best way to do so is extremely important."
"Horror is all in the presentation...it's all in the presentation and leaving things up to your imagination."
"Food that looks and tastes a million bucks doesn't have to be complex."
"The presentation of this game is one of its biggest strengths."
"That is legitimately a LOT of great presentational changes."
"So dress professionally, nothing too fancy, and articulate your thoughts well, and be confident about whatever you are putting it across."
"Grammar is professional... good grammar is like showing up for a job interview looking presentable."
"You've got to calibrate when you present these things to kids."
"Present your plans to the world and launch that ship."
"Let's go ahead and put this up on the screen. Huge disparities." - Crystal
"Whatever your strengths are, whatever it is that you're trying to do with the book, whatever where you're laying your focus, if your skill is going to be in your beautiful or silly writing, just put it on display."
"I'm interested in just presenting something and letting people decide for themselves what they want to look at."
"The most important thing is the intro... if you don't hook them in good at the intro they're not going to keep watching."
"At the end, really send them away with food for thought, inspired."
"There is no powerpoint presentation that you're going to put together that is going to eliminate those indisputable facts."
"Look how great that looks. Tell me that doesn't look amazing. Get you closer take a look at that. It's absolutely outstanding."
"Excited for this event and...presumably they'll be kind of showing it off and talking a little bit more about it."
"The magic and the personalities coming through on those plates."
"Fix your posture, fix your crown, fix the way that you walk and fix the way that you position yourself."
"If you're putting up something that's going to be seen by everybody um you have a responsibility to make it like in like something you can engage with right."
"Your thesis, if you will. What do you want your audience to take away from what you're saying?"
"If you're passionate about it, that passion will shine through and you will just have a better presence on camera."
"I mean honestly look at that plate... it's disgusting pinwheel."
"I don't even know if it's the speech that like the ideas themselves but just like the way that they're always delivered."
"Always find ways to garnish to make things look a little nicer."
"You're the perfect person for this, I really feel like you guys are gonna show off too, I see a lot of peacocking."
"Without further ado, I'm very pleased to present chapter one of Lords of War: Kargath."
"The presentation, the creativity, the taste, and of course, the most important question, is it a cheesecake?"
"Rubin is also able to present his ideas as new and, in some cases, revolutionary."
"You want to make sure they're placed in such a way where there's a nice flow to which one's read first, second, third, and all that."
"All right now taking a closer look at these crispy deets."
"Present your best self to the world."
"Clients see the photos on the big screen: they're more impressed and motivated to participate."
"Well, I think that's all we have for today, folks."
"It's impressive stuff I think uh I think people are gonna be happy with it."
"Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you’re enjoying my narration."
"So close strongly and leave your cards on the table."
"Vampire tales was an incredibly important comic for a couple different reasons and it wasn't really even a comic it was a magazine."
"If you are going to adopt a persona online as a presenter, then surely, it's better to adopt a persona that is nicer and kinder than you are in real life."
"The bodybuilding pictures are like the applesauce."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am John Campio, show special correspondent."
"There was no fun being had. I, you know, thank you for your enthusiasm, thank you for doing your best for the handoff, but let me tell you, there was no fun in that previous segments long awkward pauses."
"You better have your points organized because otherwise you're gonna look like and be an absolute idiot."
"You're over here first, here's another Mr. Excitement."
"Without further ado, it's my honor to present the Violet Saber for anime of the year to... Shoujo Kageki Review Starlight!"
"I started the book with that story purposely... I had to put on a game face of sorts, I could not show horror because I was just in the middle of this tour."
"The game is even so broken and arrogant in how it presents itself."
"Canvas Curse's presentation cannot be beat, and to do it full justice, let me talk about its finale."
"The presentation here in this game looking pretty darn good."
"You need to get good at explaining your game in a way that people with no context will understand."
"What is already proven to work for mass audiences is the most attractive thing a business can implement into its presentation."
"Your job is not to show them how you're different, your job is to show them how you're similar."
"I love doing these live because I feel like I answer...I forget to say so many things."
"Endless Space 2 has far and away the best presentation of anything in the genre."
"Make yourself seen extremely valuable, because you are. You have to make yourself seem extremely unbothered."
"They had a good presentation, they showed 60 games, game after game after game."
"I think it was a good presentation, overall."
"What an opening, huh? I mean, that is a claim."
"It's so good, it's amazing, let's give you a good look at it."
"Introducing the speakers that we have today."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"I promised you that I wrote the text of this presentation myself with the help of a few other human beings... but can you be absolutely sure that this is the case?"
"Hopefully you guys have enjoyed this and found it fairly informative."
"As long as there's food, who cares what it looks like?"
"If you don't love what you're talking about, why should the audience care?"
"Now I don't know how to end the show should I push buttons."
"I think there's a lot of important information here that I'm going to be discussing today."
"Swagger is how you wear it, how you drive it."
"It's not about the punches, but how you react to make it look good."
"I never thought the presentation for these games lacked in any way."
"The defense is better off being able to show the defendant in a positive light."
"When you're trying to sell something, you actually should try and make it look attractive."
"I feel like this is the part of the Steve Jobs Keynotes at Apple when he goes wait but before we go one more thing."
"Hold that thought if you like what you've seen here today."
"You could sell this as a Switch game, and no one would know."
"All right, I'm going to start the quirks and features of the new RX with a little overview of exactly what this vehicle is."
"Each of you are going to present an interesting historical fact or fiction."
"You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have."
"Dragonball Fighters is showing a level of craftsmanship in its presentation that is unrivaled."
"It's all visual! It's like how do we— Food is art! This is show business!"
"Learning how to communicate will help you present your idea, articulate that to others, as well as ask really good questions."
"The delivery is almost as important as the message."
"Telling a story whenever you present or build this stuff."
"It's a great cheat sheet if you're reviewing this with a client."
"The show blended spectacle with thoughtfulness."
"Crysis 2 is a masterpiece of presentation and gun handling."
"This one matches these earrings that I showed you in the beginning."
"Number one in the world, it's gleaming, it looks great."
"Everybody was very happy when they actually saw the presentation at the end of the night."
"When you can't see my hands, you wonder, What is she doing back there?"
"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me direct you to the Magnet fruit."
"Yes the dancing and bombast of the follow-up to Final Fantasy 10 is fully intact and presented in glorious full HD 1080p."
"Wow, this looks so yummy! The chicken is starting to brown up nicely."
"He really did put in the work before delivering his thoughts to the world."
"Empathy is the biggest thing you can have as a journalist, as a presenter."
"He's incredibly intelligent and he's putting us on the spot because presentation matters."
"Everyone thinks wow, that's so much, well, we got one more thing."
"Don't give in into the unkempt and ungroomed culture... Presentation is very important."
"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, my senior thesis presentation regarding how to grow a YouTube channel using Facebook advertising tactics."
"Hopefully we will continue to do this show in a way that you can't really tell."
"We produce a plug-in called call-outs, and what call-outs do is they allow you to highlight things in the frame, make you know magnify things, make lines with like text to come those so."
"Literally a five guys burger looks like you gave them a burger and right before they served it they took out a sledgehammer and went [__]."
"The paper tag for the set looks perfect in the context of the set."
"Keep your back straight, shoulders back, chest up the whole time that you're speaking to them."
"Let's work much harder at presenting the faith in a way that younger people are gonna find intellectually satisfying and compelling"
"This is going to look right and taste amazing."
"Finally ready to roast in a 450-degree oven for about 10 minutes or so."
"Not only does this look visually impressive and like it was super hard to make, but your guests have to do virtually no work getting this on a fork and up to their mouth."
"Tesla AI Day is probably the greatest technology presentation since 2007."
"I'm excited for y'all to see what I have for the hot cocoa."
"It was terrifying, but if you haven't joined us before, today we will be going over."
"Thank you so much for letting us be one of your presenters." - "Thank you so much for letting us be one of your presenters I thought that was really good and we will see you in the next one."
"You present anyone with these facts and you understand why this is going to take off."
"When you're out to impress, food needs to look great."