
Visual Arts Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"Photography is about telling a story with images; it's not just about one solid image."
"The production value across the board is impressive, with fantastic visuals and top-class character performances."
"As I played it more, I really began to appreciate the enemy placement, the music, the aesthetic, the themes. It's just a beautiful game from all aspects."
"Achieving this look wasn’t about developing some new, never-before-seen technology. It was simply a matter of applying the same tech we use for everything else toward a different visual target."
"His work is incredibly stunning... Ansel's work is meant to be seen."
"Imagination's more powerful than your actual visual. This, I kind of agree with."
"I just respect art, man. Artistry and when artists take it visually, they try to make it a whole experience."
"Soft light creates light with soft edges, less defined shadows, and fewer specular highlights."
"To understand composition, I think, is huge."
"Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I quickly loved about Barbie. I mean, just visually, it's a triumph."
"The most successful color work is when color is integral to the composition, not just dependent on it."
"It's absolutely stunning and I really, really enjoyed the show."
"It was so different than anything that I have done so it was really fun and I was really happy to like the colors and just the look of everything is so much different, it was really a cool experience."
"I want you to see what it says to you more than what it looks like. Yeah, you know, I'm prepared."
"Male gaze is the act of depicting both women and the world at large, in the visual arts from a masculine, heterosexual perspective."
"Good films are where great storytelling and beautiful visuals meet."
"This is like the cover of a graphic novel I would have seen in Borders." - Julia
"In terms of a graphics of the Year award I think that I'd probably give it to Avatar."
"Don't underestimate the power of color correcting."
"Adolescence is a fascinating film, it was an early example of how good digital animation could look."
"Visual effects artists are artists after all, they pour their blood, sweat, and tears into these stories that capture our imaginations."
"This woman isn't ugly, this is one of the most desirable and alluring women in art."
"It really makes the puppets pop out and me kind of recede in a way that makes me even like well."
"Understand the dominant directions in your pictures."
"A picture that behaves like a skipping stone."
"There's so much dynamism, so much amazing cinematography that we haven't seen yet in the MCU or in Spider-Man yet."
"NAR box... significantly faster... unbelievably easy to use."
"That's most common, start life like, and if I want to put in the colored background, okay, we put in just a big rectangle."
"Visually, it stands out compared to some of the previous Batman movies."
"His genius extended beyond music, to wordplay and visual arts."
"There's images that intentionally make you feel an emotion you simply cannot describe this is what I feel about bone man."
"Just stare a little longer at something that you've overlooked because that desire to connect and the depth of that desire, you can see it in everything, fonts."
"Photography can be the linchpin between painting and movie sets."
"Wide-eyed quirky drawings, statues with long limbs, jaws full of teeth... better fit for a haunted house than a carnival."
"The visuals and sound design have improved tenfold compared to the old YBA."
"For most of human history, if you wanted to know what you looked like, you had to get your friend to smash up some blueberry and rub it on a cave wall."
"You want to get a good grasp of your line confidence, your line weight, and having a good knowledge of what lines can do by themselves visually."
"The color, just like in special effects and in sculpture, can enhance or really detract from a piece."
"The first impression that Scorn makes with this visual presentation is remarkable."
"Expect something spectacular visually... the film industry... gaming industry."
"You made it look like bone, it doesn't come off as rocks. More than anything, you really surprised me, and it's a great surprise."
"Props are an excellent opportunity to add narrative to your character."
"Advent Rising’s story is, in a nutshell, the interstellar conflict and space magic of Mass Effect merged with the colorful animated look and heart of a Pixar movie."
"Visually, I think they did really, really well."
"I want them to see beautiful work and go holy cow that gal is really good at what she does."
"Consider color relativity; some colors play off of one another in unique ways."
"Honestly, this is a tour de force for both the artistry and design work of Gorilla Games and the power of the PS5. If you have a PS5, you are low-key crazy if you are not picking this one up. It's genuinely unmissable."
"White balance can make or destroy your photo."
"If it's not visible enough, you don't have drama, we want drama but if it's too visible it looks completely fake."
"It's a wonderful effort, very beautiful figure drawing. Kudos to the artist, and keep up the great work!"
"Filmmaking isn't a medium that lives on the page. Films live on the screen in image and movement and color and form and sound and music."
"You can create some really cool stylized cartoony looks."
"Point Blank is just a really a visual masterpiece."
"Amazing music, themes, characters, visuals—all things that can keep a film afloat even if the story is weak."
"A character's appearance is as important as their characterization, especially in a visual medium."
"It's a bittersweet one, like this is taking our number one spot for the most impressive visuals of the year."
"With those illustrations, these tales are just too disturbing to read in the day, never mind in the dark!"
"Photography in general is incredibly important."
"I love these images." - "I love absolutely love these images."
"The most visually immersive of the bunch when it comes to the expressiveness of its characters."
"The term visual masterpiece is very frequently used in application to this film."
"The textures, colors, shadows, and lines speak of a life once lived within the confines, and the absence is as empty as it is filled." - Mike Corral
"It's literally just a different art style, like it doesn't have to be better or worse."
"The amount of detail put into Elita's character design is incredible."
"Understanding how light and shadow works can help you shade things properly"
"One of my favorite places to observe all this light and shadow play is at the threshold of an area where the light from outside is just being obscured."
"The Turner Prize is recognized as one of the most prestigious visual art awards in Europe."
"It's a perfect blend of 2D and 3D, perhaps the most critical piece of this visual puzzle."
"Color is an excellent visual tool to illustrate the complexities, depth, and humanity of life."
"This is some of the most impressive animation recently I've seen."
"Grain is the reason that I like to shoot film to begin with as opposed to digital because of the unique and randomness of the grain that I get."
"It's like an art exhibit. Yeah, I could see this in the MoMA just being like permanently strapped to the wall."
"Create stunning sci-fi scenes effortlessly with AI prompts."
"There's no denying that it was an extremely well-crafted work of art."
"They're almost like a painter or an illustrator to give a look and a feel to a game."
"Soft colors and varying tones demonstrate how much of an impact Sig had left on the world."
"Every little detail is setting up this character through a visual medium."
"The color grading change was so much better this time around."
"There's something visual about her that they want, like you're front and center, you're on stage, it's visual, visual, visual."
"The art by Felix M is obviously something else. Love it to pieces."
"Creatively, visually, stylistically, Hoecake Island was some of the best this series has to offer."
"The developers already achieved so much in the visual Department and the music just ties it all together beautifully."
"In an era in which we are bombarded with images, it is more important than ever to stop - and look again."
"As incredible as the technical and visual aspects are, you never lose the emotional component."
"This harsh lighting conveys a very sharp and powerful tone."
"There are so many cool and many you have not seen at all costumes that are extraordinary."
"Look at that, see, it brings it all together."
"This piece is so sick, I love love the shades of kind of jade green and red."
"But what makes Villa day memorable today is how shocking it is, especially with the quality of the 2D animation itself."
"It's animated with flash noise and movements are almost too fluid for Butch's style."
"I like the colors. I like the art. I like the contrast. I like the composition. I like the characters. I like the music."
"Color grading is all about setting a mood, like a canvas. Let's go."
"He makes it pretty hard to resist snapping a photo of each one of his works."
"I love trying different options and testing what else we can do to make it more interesting."
"Adding a person to a scene usually gives you a little bit more interest."
"The show's art direction has a level of polish that's often picturesque."
"Music alone can make you cry. So music on top of some really solid visuals, that's gonna knock it home."
"Appreciate what you see, man, it's a beautiful art form."
"It's good. I want to see it in situ. That's what really makes it for me."
"Character designs from Akira to Bebop are some of my all-time favorites."
"I always just really loved the look of these big Oni, demon-like guys, and I thought it would just make a really striking, powerful image."
"When a viewer sees an image, they don't see detail first, they read emotion first."
"The fight scenes were choreographed so beautifully to show the masculine and feminine style of fighting."
"A great shot has a narrative. There's something in there that tells a story."
"Beautiful animation is not just the means to tell him a story but an end in itself."
"The movie itself is beautifully done... it's necessary to watch."
"The animation especially going back to season 4, the animation was spectacular."
"Lighting can bring emphasis to something or take it into the background." - Ted Forbes
"It gives me an appreciation... I can see a scene and go, 'Oh my god, I remember reading about that.'"
"...send it back to audiences in the form of something truly eye-catching and different..."
"The Mandalorian is pulling off visuals that impress me. Movie quality, insane."
"Your art is really good. It's some of the best Baldy art I've seen thus far."
"There's nothing more beautiful than the woman's body. You got New York City there."
"I just love the storytelling in this, both visually but also musically."
"Your image should read graphically and 2D patterns and also 3D space."
"It's constantly surprising and constantly delighted awesome visuals, a creative story, and memorable characters."
"Everything within it is literally dead, and what follows is this really fascinating style of cinematography."
"I just think of you know later we kind of see some imagery."
"Completing the scene is just a matter of patience; the more effort you put in, the better it looks."
"The shots told stories, they also made comments... they had purpose, they had beauty, they had a soul."
"Elevates visual reading to a completely different level."
"Big thanks to Jeffrey Palmer who does the living card animations."
"Can we just take a minute to appreciate how good these puppets look?"
"One of its binding threads is ballet excitingly linked to the visual arts in a number of prestigious commissions." - Fran Lebowitz
"It's a brilliant movie, visually incredible, so I think it deserves the praise that it's getting."
"Legendary camera work... a master of composition."
"We're on the cusp of a time when copyrights in a range of visual Works will expire."
"Not only do you get to frame your picture... you get to let them travel through each focal plane experiencing an entire environment in a new way."
"I thought that this show was absolutely stunning both in the writing and the filmmaking."
"This picture is one of the greatest things ever done because it makes us, the small people, feel great."
"Love the detail and the shading and the shine on all their art pieces."
"Smackspur, an absolutely incredible artist, very very detailed."
"I always feel like you know probably the biggest part of you know an artist identity is like their visuals."
"Brightness, contrast, and color--these are the elements that can really help you establish your own style and tell the story that you want to tell or build the world that you want to create."
"These paintings are possibly my favorite piece in the pack I love them they serve as a tile they look so good when you sights them up the frame isn't too big that you can't and they look really good together as a set so nice."
"That's creativity for the desktop wallpaper."
"The mix of the visuals, colors, and fight choreography make us all ready to upgrade to an 8k TV and watch the film in all its glory when it's finally released on home video."
"Colors don't look right if you don't have the whole spectrum."
"Pay attention to light and shadow, you'll find really interesting things."
"Wow, that is absolutely stunning... You're so, so talented."
"Honoring the intellectual property of artists is a logical thing to extend to visual artists, not just musicians."
"This movie looks incredible. Stanley Kubrick was able to bring things to life in a way that nobody else really was."
"This one feels like you used like 12 different art supplies."
"I like the flames, the watercolour flames here."
"It's probably still my favorite... it's absolutely gorgeous."
"The camera work in general is exceptionally good."
"There's quite a lot of perspective going on."
"Look at that art! That's sorry I like Keith Haring."
"The lighting is amazing, the detail and the texture throughout the piece is fantastic, the composition very simple is really effective, absolutely stunning."
"The Apollonian principle of art prevails in plastic arts, associated with the visual, the figurative, and the imaginary."
"The way that she uses that one form, which is a sticky bindi, to create something that's so extraordinary and appealing."
"Eyes painted in, we get loads more character."
"Focusing it more and more towards the base down here."
"Composition and placement are key for creating balanced images."
"Art is a language. You're telling a story with every drawing, with every line, and with every color choice."
"One does character dialogue cinematography color and lighting so much better than the other and the social critiques are tighter on House of the Dragon." - Matthew Medina
"I'd probably give this a one star, maybe a half star depending on my mood."
"I've been streaming for about like five and a half years now, I am an artist, I body paint, I paint on canvas."
"Your nose is very large, we are gonna have to move her mouth, her nose is literally covering her mouth, can't have that."
"This was exceptional it's fabulous creative it's a visual show."
"Light from above, unless you're trying to make things deliberately scary or bizarre. Soft light, use it to show form and gesture. Harsh light, use it to show detail."
"Scott's images always had depth, even if someone was pressed to a flat wall."
"Wonderful job, Dollar 261-210... beautiful and well done."
"It's a good area for experimentation too different visual styles."
"Definitely pay attention to your reference photo when you are working on something that has detail like this."
"Our artists are so amazing, you see concept art and pretty much everything looks just like the concept."
"Just tweak the exposure just a little bit to give me what I want."
"Framing: trees working together to frame the scene."
"The art team knocked it out of the park; it just looks incredible."
"When we create environments, background images, we create visual highlights."
"I love sculpture and this is as close to sculpture as you can get in two dimensions."
"There are scenes from Mulholland Drive that have influenced movies and other forms of visual art from around the world over the last 20 years."
"Every single frame of that was so beautifully animated."
"I do agree with the art being really amazing."
"Kosimo Kaifa makes his artwork come alive in 3D form."
"The lighting in Ruby has been one of the greatest marks of improvement in the show throughout the years."
"How you would fix that is you would go to this, and you wanna just change your highlights, your midtones, shadows, and adjust all those so that it looks as clean as it can."
"What is the purpose of collage? Collage brings together images, colors, forms, textures, and text that might all start out as separate, individual entities, but come together to explore their overlapping, often otherwise unseen commonalities."
"The euphoria of watching your work being loaded on the big screen is unparalleled."
"Graphics may age but art direction is timeless."
"The musical score is also fantastic in this film, truly complementing the immersive visuals and really being able to give this film so much more energy and life."
"The judges want a full body pinup up from head to toe, so that's going to mean that the faces are going to be a lot smaller than some of the other competitors are used to doing."
"Let's just take a moment to celebrate the palette art. Like, are you kidding me? This is freaking beautiful!"
"I love this piece by Randall. I think it's my favorite that he's done so far."
"The dark moody atmosphere of it, which is absolutely beautiful."
"And as you can see from everything you've been looking at in this video, the game is one of those visually striking and stunningly original pieces of art that ever existed in gaming up until that point."
"When it comes to colored pencils, I want to be able to pull out not just the low lights and the shadows, but also the bright highlights too."
"The character design art is really good as well."
"The blur reflects the eyes simply passing over it and moving on."
"The animation is buttery smooth in its execution."
"I thought the cinematography of the whole thing was really, really nice."
"When approaching the redesign for the 7 Remake, the character designers took inspiration from ballet dancers."
"The art is just absolutely amazing like objectively so."
"This movie pays visual tribute to a number of Monsterverse moments."
"It's still like freaking amazing watching it all animated."
"Anybody that says Crisis was just about the visuals, look at that second mission and just think about what they're doing with that space. It's an absolutely brilliant level."
"Color mixing: primary pigments absorb, resulting in black."
"Visually, they've done an amazing job at all of these."
"I will say the art in this movie is amazing."
"That's professional quality, just the angle control."