
Emotional Pain Quotes

There are 858 quotes

"No matter what, I think emotional pain hurts more than physical pain."
"When you experience true heartbreak, it is one of the most devastating feelings in the world. You're a zombie; you're dead inside."
"It hurts because they meant something to you. It hurts because you saw a future with them because you shared memories with them. Of course, it's going to hurt."
"That's the worst thing, right? Not knowing what happened to your daughter. I can't imagine anything worse."
"The anterior insular and the anterior cingulate cortex are the parts of the brain which activate when experiencing physical pain. They also get activated when experiencing emotional pain, i.e., being wrong."
"They're totally heartbroken without you or the thought of not being with you."
"The longer the space between what happened and your next right acts of integrity, the bigger the pain."
"I hope all of this backlash is just an ounce of the pain that I felt."
"The greatest pain a human can face is not physical pain, it's neglect."
"You are the pain body. You are the old emotion that lives through you."
"The absolute worst kind of loneliness that you can ever experience is that loneliness that you encounter when you're with the people who are supposed to love you."
"That loneliness, that feeling of just crushing aloneness and that nobody gives a shit about you... it is the worst feeling there. No other feeling comes close to it."
"Pathological loneliness is bone-achingly painful, it feels like a physical weight and stress."
"A friendship breakup is 10 times worse than a relationship breakup."
"What hurt the most, though, wasn't saying their name but was saying how they died."
"If you've ever experienced the feeling of not being a worthy human being, it is very extreme, very painful, distressing, and you want to avoid it obviously as much as you can."
"Don't try to numb the pain; that may just delay the healing."
"I just want her back, whatever that means, just, I just want her back."
"Mild rejection actually creates a hypersensitivity to pain, which means the slow-moving emotional starvation type of rejection that we see used by narcissists, for example, may be more physically painful than a sudden departure of a romantic partner."
"The fear of rejection and the intense pain of not feeling good enough are what they're trying to get away from."
"To lose a father who is still alive, to grieve a parent that is still here, leaves a person with a deep wound."
"Whether or not you understand what happened, it still hurts."
"I can't turn off my life. I can't turn off my memories."
"To live for a thousand years meant bearing the pain of a thousand years of partings."
"Most people would say I'll take the physical pain because when something breaks, it is very painful for a few moments, but emotional pain lasts and lasts and lasts."
"A wound that isn't cared for festers. It deepens, spreads like a virus under the skin, eventually reaching the brain and suffocating it."
"People with borderline personality disorder, their experience of life can be incredibly painful."
"The heartbreak is palpable. You really don't get over this stuff. You don't get through it. I mean, you just continue to live with it on a daily basis."
"The pain that we feel... stems from our perception of what they could have been rather than who they actually were."
"Psychological or emotional pain is often more painful and lasting than physical pain."
"Stop ignoring the pain that you all have because it's killing you."
"I have a tortured soul...sometimes you try and numb the things that hurt your tortured soul, but in reality, you can't. You have to face your problem."
"Even when we expect it, death is extremely painful because the idea of losing someone isn't the same as actually losing them."
"When this nightmare happened, it killed me inside. My heart's been broken; it will never mend. All that's left is a big empty hole."
"You tore my soul apart. I feel like Voldemort right now."
"Men don't blow their brains out because of anger; men blow their brains out because of pain."
"Leaving my community and my faith was emotionally very painful for me because it meant leaving the faith that I loved."
"I'm hoping that you just heal from it and not have this sense of 'Well, it could be this, it could turn into this, or it could go in this direction,' because if you keep lingering on it, it would end up hurting you again."
"You disappeared, you made me cry. You didn't think you should explain, like I don't care, you're kidding me."
"It's really difficult watching somebody that you love go through that level of pain, because it doesn't matter how unrealistic that is, it's real, it's absolutely real for that person."
"Someone may have been trying to make out like they're okay, but deep down behind closed doors, they're crying, they're in a lot of sadness."
"It's not called a heartache for no reason. Your heart physically hurts."
"I really think it was just my heart was broken or I was just suffering from a broken heart."
"A song so wracked with pain and heartbreak that its major release would cause its author to take his own life."
"This is a woman who clearly has some love for him still and is very, very hurt."
"Revisiting the interview, it's distressing to think of the pain she was concealing behind her smile."
"The pain of exclusion is a very powerful thing in the world."
"She never thought that losing him would hurt so much."
"I feel terribly for anybody that goes through that."
"Boredom is possibly the greatest pain of them all."
"Pain comes from expectations unfulfilled. I will from now on have no expectations."
"Broken is the promise, betrayal, the healing hand held back by the deepened nail."
"Every character wants to see themselves are directly affected by how other people judge them, and their failure to live up to that idea brings great pain."
"I feel like someone's really hurting over the fact that there's not more stability in this, basically."
"Love can tear you apart figuratively, but a one-sided love might end up tearing you apart literally."
"The heartbreaking hurt goes far beyond any number of tears we could ever cry."
"No no no no, I can't lose both of you in the same day."
"Breaking your heart means disappointment that is painful yes disappointment essentially somebody disappoints you."
"I don't like seeing her hurt...but she somehow believed him."
"It still hurts dearly, to this day, to know that I left Bunny there in Singapore."
"They ain't truly in love with you. I think they led you on."
"Attachment is what brings all of our pain when we have expectations of how we think something should unfold or the way things should be."
"I'm still desperately longing for you, I'm still tormented by this connection."
"At the end of the day, my [ __ ], like, this [ __ ] really hurt...you know, Harlem [ __ ] ain't gonna do nothing to that man, you feel me?"
"Your heart really can't be ripped out any harder."
"Remember, death leaves a heartache that no one can heal."
"Hurt people can only hurt people. Hurt people cannot heal people."
"I stopped believing in love altogether. There's no point to hold faith in high feelings when the girl for whom I was ready to give my life for turned out to be just an opportunistic monster."
"I remember being on the floor in my apartment and just thinking, how could this happen to me again?"
"It hurts so bad, like why does everybody I love die on me?"
"A broken heart is one of the most painful things a person can endure."
"I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars." - Angelina Jolie
"Being cheated on hurts, okay? It hurts way more than someone just breaking it up with you."
"Peter was the future... losing Peter feels like it's the thing that kills him."
"The most devastating part is feeling alone; nobody understands the invisible wounds."
"You're not supposed to outlive your kids, you know? And that's like one of the worst things that you... I could even think of feeling in my heart."
"Allowing yourself that kind of vulnerability means sometimes things hurt, sometimes things don’t work out, and sometimes we never know why."
"Divorce feels like a hand was burned on the stove, divorce feels like your soul was dragged over coals."
"Limerence almost always causes inescapable suffering: either infatuated with someone who will never feel the same, or when they do, it usually doesn't work out."
"Imagine wasting your gift of love on somebody who wouldn't show up to your funeral."
"Losing someone you love is the worst [ __ ] in the world."
"What hurts worse, being alone or being mistreated?"
"I'm begging you to help me because I'm as much as you're hurting inside, I'm also hurting inside."
"The greatest pain a man will ever go through is the disconnection of a father when you know he's living."
"If the scars are still painful then they are still begging to be felt by you, they are still begging to be seen by you."
"It hurts so much to think of you with someone else."
"Suppressing who you are is probably one of the biggest pitfalls in in pains that a human can experience."
"Grief is one of the worst emotions, if not the worst emotion that we have to deal with."
"to live is to change the old adage time heals all wounds is only partially true the pain never goes away"
"That pain you feel is how men feel when you sexualize yourself."
"My heart breaks for the little boy that couldn't ever feel the love in return."
"Communication can be very painful because it's very vulnerable."
"You have no idea what loss is everybody I've cared for has either died or left me everyone except for you."
"Did I ever really love Big or was I addicted to the pain?"
"This fake world is temporary my pain is true... this relationship of ours is a delusion like a mirage."
"Ayo, when you love someone and they don't love you back, damn."
"Nobody is unaffected by hate, insecurity, and the pain it causes."
"It hurts just like it did the first time, you see the pain is reminding the [ __ ] machine what it was once like to be a virgin, hence like a virgin."
"As a survivor of abuse myself, seeing someone make false allegations about something serious hurts me deeply."
"Some scars you see, some you don't, but they all hurt."
"I'm so devastated by what's happening. It's too painful. It's too painful. That's the only thing worse than being the addict is being the family member."
"His constant attacks on his ex-wife are hurtful and causing further pain to their family."
"When you don't have nobody, that's all you have."
"It hurt a lot when you love somebody and they don't be there for you."
"They feel like you did them dirty, like you really betrayed them and abandoned them."
"She's your little girl... when you tell me she's not mine, it feels like you're taking my mother away from me again."
"I didn't just want the pain, but I did say if that's what you're after, if you just want to feel something, like, I respect that."
"My heart physically hurts just typing this out."
"Hope. It burns us. It burns the flesh, I know, but it's important to have it every once in a while."
"It's like your relationship is dying by a thousand paper cuts."
"There's a lot of pain, a lot of suffering there."
"You're starting to ask yourself why are you holding on to something that continuously breaks your heart."
"Hurt people hurt people but healed people heal people."
"My chest physically hurts to not be able to tell her that I love her."
"Losing a child is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most painful thing imaginable."
"Survivors of abuse are most afraid of emotional pain, terror, and shame."
"The inner child figure as a piece of the psyche holding on to past pain and wounds."
"It's just the ugliest thing, ugliest feeling, like knowing that people are trying to hold on to her for their own lives."
"One of the worst feelings that you can experience as a human being is heartbreak."
"I just want to feel better, man. I don't want to [__] feel like this anymore."
"No parent should ever have to outlive their child."
"Accepting things can be painful. However, what we don't accept we cannot change."
"Sora tries to smile despite fearing for his friends. This pain is present throughout the series."
"Sora doesn't believe in himself, and the pain of losing his friends is something that hurts him deeply."
"It was like having a bandage ripped off a deep and open wound."
"I feel incredibly rejected, but I somehow feel as though I deserve this."
"I forgive him... but love heartbreak is more painful than physical pain."
"It hurts my soul man. It's like watching your best friend just turn evil on you."
"There was an event that occurred between you and your person that definitely brought some heart pain, some heart ache."
"Most of us who are really suffering don't even realize that the real reason we feel so much pain is because this is the situation that we're in, a situation where we feel like we have absolutely no control."
"They've hurt you, but they're also hurting right, they're only hurting themselves by showing up to this connection in this way."
"Nostalgia is about the pain you feel while remembering."
"Even if she did forgive him for cheating, she's still dying inside."
"Personal crises, like loss, can be deeply painful."
"I never thought that loving you could cause me pain."
"It's hard to have your heart and dreams played with like that."
"It's the worst kind of loss you can imagine."
"I crumpled to the floor while he spoke, the news singed every nerve in my body."
"Your smile makes me melt, I want to be with you and I don't want to keep hurting you."
"Scripture does not say to have real grief over real pain is illegitimate."
"I won't forget. I won't give up. I'm still hurting and praying for your return."
"There won't be nothing that will compare to the pain and the heartbreak."
"Simple displays of affection became a foreign concept, a painful reminder of what I had lost."
"I think he got it. He understood the hurt. He understood the pain."
"There's no other pain like it. To know that your woman willingly allowed another man to enter her body, there's no other pain like it."
"This person was hurt... Hurt people hurt people... Insecure, operating out of a very toxic energy."
"You see all this violence, it's because of pain. Pain you see, on violence. Pain, pain."
"This hurts me way more than you can possibly imagine." - Biggie
"It was all about connection and finally meeting someone but you can't have them."
"You are not too much. Whoever told you that was a liar, and they were also in pain."
"It feels like a really shitty thing not to listen to people when they're like, 'You're hurting me.'"
"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
"I'm being lashed by the mounting storm, yet all I feel is the old pain from a ward in our grinder and from watch and I became Rivals."
"You're fed up with not feeling good enough for someone."
"Someone hurt you, and it feels like they don't even care that they hurt you."
"No matter how much it hurts, I would want the person to let me know."
"You can feel unwanted for a year versus not knowing for a year and at the at that year you know the whole year that they never wanted you to begin with."
"You want me to stop? What are you getting from Satan when he tells you to kick the door, huh? Nothing but more pain." - Ruby
"Betrayal is the worst thing that can happen."
"There's no feeling worse than seeing happiness disintegrate in front of you."
"They think you've thrown your hands up, some of you they know they hurt you."
"You can dry your tears with hundred dollar bills, but if you suck, that hurts even more."
"It still hurts to know of what could have been."
"Grief is so much worse pain than any physical pain that you'll ever feel."
"There's like a phenomenon where you become addicted to pain."
"If it hurts me, let it hurt me, then heal me at the end of it. But I can't keep living like this."
"But then they just let it go. It was painful, painful."
"I'm not a poet but I love my daughter, I miss her and it hurts, and it won't go away." - Wesley Hadzell
"The thing that hurts your heart so much... it becomes so clear to avoid it that your life becomes easy."
"Secretly in love and broken-hearted, reading your old messages."
"It's sad when somebody chases after somebody else and that love is not returned. It's hard and it's very hard."
"Struggling but working through it and facing it, even as horrible and painful as it may be."
"What hurts us most in life is not the lies Judas tells us, but the lies we tell ourselves."
"Attachment leads to expectations and expectations lead to your feelings getting hurt."
"For years, I avoided the details of that night because they were just too painful."
"Everything hurts. Like, waking up hurts, going to bed hurts, making breakfast hurts. Not making her breakfast hurts the most. And yeah, it's [__] awful dude, it's awful."
"I've never really opened up until today about the pain that man went through mentally."
"You are giving more than you are getting, and that hurts so bad."
"So, when I lost that, I ain't going to fake, I lost a part of me. I'm like, damn, that [expletive] hurt. Like, that [expletive] really hurt. Like, that [expletive] really do feel some type of way, bro."
"Without desire and hurt, you don't go anywhere."
"Dragging out Ochi's death feels more like torture to me."
"Most people who hurt others are hurting themselves."
"It hurts but at the same time it's the stuff that hurts that you know you need to rise above."
"Sometimes we might hold on to pain hoping to gain acknowledgement from a certain person who may just lack the emotional capacity."
"Only someone who hurts inside would hurt another person in their family."
"This is not like any other breakup ever, not even."
"I hate to see people suffering and you've hurt long enough."
"And she would just cry and cry and cry because she couldn't understand it, she couldn't remember it... It was like, okay then you too my sweet love are now keto."
"The ideal image of their partner feels painful as narcissists' vision of their perfect partner deteriorates, their hidden shame increasingly causes discomfort."
"This is what families have to deal with years and years and years later and I am sure at this point some family members have died before they got to see Lawrence receive his full punishment and that's just so backwards."
"I just keep going though I've been so broken these [__] don't change yet they knocking my flows in or smiles can't tell that my heart just been frozen."
"Time heals all wounds, but it doesn't listen to pain."
"I don't feel too great, I don't know why I wasn't enough."
"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."
"Farewell to the love of my life. My heart was crumpled and in pain, but I felt a sense of accomplishment at the same time."
"I miss her, she don't miss you. I can tell you that."
"The most painful betrayal comes from betraying oneself."
"My life is great. I understand that. I'm so happy that the 30 years of hard work and just hanging in there it's kind of feel like things are happening but other shit's happening that I'm taking personally and it hurts me."
"It's not the addiction that's the problem, it's the underlying pain."