
Knowledge Management Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"AI is a way of understanding knowledge and managing knowledge more effectively; it's how we use the technology that's going to be the issue."
"The mind is like an attic; it gets full. Why would I fill it up with stuff I don't use?"
"Logic is just one of the tools of rationality. To do logic, you have to do something that can often be quite irrational: namely, forget everything you know."
"What we're talking about is actually that we know that we lost it... It's better to deal with known unknowns than with unknown unknowns."
"Some of you all are swimming in an ocean of information and drowning in ignorance."
"The overabundance of information is not necessarily a blessing. It's also a curse."
"You have to know not only what you know, you have to know what you don't know."
"Success has to do most importantly with how you handle what you don't know rather than what you do know."
"The thing that really opened my eyes as I was using Dendron was this concept of really like taking advantage of DRY (don't repeat yourself)."
"It's terrifying. You have to come to a place where you realize they know everything, and then it's actually easier to deal with."
"This is an extension of your brain it's doing what your brain doesn't do bringing ideas and information and resources to light in the right context in the right place is what makes them valuable."
"This becomes so incredibly valuable this becomes the center of all the ideas you're exploring and it just never stops the degree to which this becomes a resource to draw on for ideas insights and execution."
"Build the specific topic categories here, read and research the information, bring those sources into these other vaults think about it enter your ideas and notes as you have them."
"Obsidian is the master of backlinking with their Knowledge Graph."
"Many people consider this like creating a second brain because it can easily handle a huge amount of knowledge and also remind you of connections between those topics very effectively."
"In my opinion, it's very satisfying to start building up your personal knowledge base using the tools that org-roam provides."
"Most people take notes for the short-term. But to me, when I put in that effort, to me, I was creating this lifelong treasury of knowledge."
"I predicted we'd need search engines in the late 1990s because there'd be so much knowledge on the web."
"Knowing how to find information is infinitely more important and valuable than actually having it."
"You don't have to know what everything is worth you only have to know how to price check it."
"If you're trying to do Knowledge Management, Apple notes is probably the best option."
"The demand for continuity of knowledge is useless."
"Given my background, I would start an AI company that whose goal would be to teach computers how to read so that they can absorb and understand all the written knowledge of the world."
"We selectively distill, organize, and abstract the body of knowledge from the real world."
"Find good lessons and learn good lessons, discard the bad ones."
"There are two secrets to success: one, never tell anyone everything you know."
"What I'm saying is that there are known knowns, and that there are known unknowns, but there's also unknown unknowns: things we don't know that we don't know!"
"Make the distinction between information and data."
"Information is wealth if you know how to utilize it."
"X-Protect and X-Share: groups maintaining UFO file secrecy and pushing knowledge."
"Don't try to learn everything. Keep a running tab of what you don't know and revisit them when it's appropriate."
"Start creating a knowledge base for yourself... make it part of your holistic foundational training... every time you touch a note, you make it better."
"The internet is gonna be big, it's gonna change the way all knowledge organizations do their work."
"Knowledge Management with applied AI is not new, but with the power of AI, the scalability and effectiveness is exponentially higher."
"The easier it is for you to capture your ideas and the knowledge you come across, the more dots you're collecting."
"The best way to build a second brain is to use the information you're already encountering every single day. Use it more effectively, intentionally, and systematically."
"My ultimate goal is to make everything as simple as possible so that I can help all of you be as successful as possible in setting up your personal Knowledge Management System."
"Knowledge is a much more comprehensive database of the different questions that customers have and it's meant to be exposed publicly as well as internally for online users to search."
"The more dense the connections to a note, the more useful that note is going to be to you."
"It's a platform for solving Knowledge Management problems."
"It's important to use the same digital knowledge management practice in your personal life as you use professionally."
"The most important assets of your company go home every night is what they do and the stuff that lives in their heads."
"This is the most powerful feature of Obsidian and the fundamental pillar of zettelkasten system itself."
"Putting knowledge in the SRS is like putting your money into the bank. It's gonna be safe, no matter what happens."
"Knowledge Management Systems create, store, share, and use information, knowledge, and experience."
"So yeah pretty much a notebook for all those kind of pieces of information that I've taken in here that I want to reference more permanently and kind of have in my knowledge base."
"I always try my best to make sure the things that I've learned actually stick and have a place that I can refer back to them easily."
"Nothing is more fundamental to linked-based Knowledge Management than the backlink."
"Collaborative Knowledge Management is definitely Tana's forte."
"An evergreen note is something that is established, it is always there, present."
"A knowledge article can be assigned to only one knowledge base and only one knowledge category in each knowledge base and category can contain many articles."
"Before we jump in and create a new knowledge base let's look quickly at the attributes being stored that make up each knowledge base record."
"To create a new knowledge base we can navigate to knowledge Administration knowledge bases and click the new icon."
"So we've created a knowledge base to publish useful marketing information we've added a couple knowledge categories to help organize that information now comes the good stuff the Articles the content."
"Each knowledge article is stored as a record in the knowledge table."
"The actual article body field which stores the article content."
"A knowledge database can be linked to a project, filtered by that project, so that you just see everything you need that may be relevant to it when you need it. It's at your fingertips."
"Knowledge management helps knowledge to flow freely throughout the organization."
"Knowledge management is not just by wishing it to happen, it's by an organized effort that's planned out."
"So hopefully you can see the benefit there that if I hadn't done this long-term curation of important things to know, I would forever potentially have separate bits of knowledge about gradient descent."
"We can’t un-discover it of course. We have to... we have to grapple with that knowledge now and... and... and find ways to use it responsibly."
"Knowledge management with remote teams and a paperless office is important that everyone has the same information."
"This is going to be a great tool in your knowledge worker toolbox because of its unique approach on organizing information."
"It's useful just for journaling or just for cataloging your actual journey through knowledge curation and personal knowledge management."
"A knowledge management system is a set of policies, procedures, and tools that organizations use to implement effective knowledge management."
"The primary benefit of knowledge management systems is that they help to maintain organizational knowledge."
"Robust knowledge management systems reduce the time spent searching for information dramatically."
"Knowledge management refers to the process of enhancing company performance."
"It's about getting that knowledge out of people's heads, documenting it in a way that's versioned, and now putting it into something that can be automated."
"Knowledge management is not here to manage the knowledge per se; it's there to manage the processes and the enablers and the approaches that support that knowledge flow."
"Knowledge management approaches are almost universally true across the board."
"The creative spirit comes through in the use of knowledge management for your innovation offerings."
"Organizations with standard methods to capture and retain valuable knowledge are much more successful at reusing knowledge within domains and business units than organizations that don't."
"Knowledge management is about systematic processes and systems that help knowledge flow."
"We have to manage knowledge because it's going to have an impact on our business."
"Everything can be stored in one of these categories: projects, areas, resources, and archive."
"That is the ultimate purpose of personal knowledge management."
"The discipline involved in really maintaining the knowledge and the availability and the transparency to do things asynchronously is hard."
"It will be the source of truths for your technical writers, for your support people, to know what was actually built."
"More than 90% of my team's knowledge is documented because that's what scales."
"The most important kinds of knowledge in organizations is often ignored because it's tacit."
"Using this as a way to improve your documentation, your underlying documents, that can be very powerful."
"We have created a different type of knowledge articles like FAQ or frequently asked questions."
"Juju helps this by encapsulating the operations knowledge in components called charms."
"We're in the midst of a series on how to capture knowledge and make it accessible and help us get smarter."
"The way we manage knowledge, the way we innovate, one thing won't change: that's people."
"Coding is not about knowing everything; it's about knowing where to find everything."
"An Evergreen note is something that you might return to over time, improve it, add new content, new links, update it."
"Emacs has a long history in being really good for knowledge management tasks with Org mode."
"We'd want fast and modular knowledge editing."
"You need to take into consideration two things; your knowledge management and your information management."
"You can connect internal and external knowledge bases for both your company employees and external clients."
"When you're taking these notes, you can actually use them as the building blocks and as a kind of personal knowledge base or second brain for anything that you want to access in your life."
"I don't have to rely on what's at the top of my mind anymore, I just look at my knowledge base, my second brain."
"The conversations that you make are not lost and you can search any of your conversations and knowledge at any point of time."
"Viva Topics is trying to gather all of the organizational information knowledge and put it into some sort of categories for you."
"Keeping things in plain text, in Markdown, in Obsidian is a great way of future-proofing your knowledge, your work, and just keeping it simple."
"It's got a whole systems thinking approach as to how to capture and intake information and knowledge process it."
"Personal knowledge management is a topic that's still pretty new to me, so I'm kind of a noob in this area."
"You should consider to reuse existing ontologies and of course only if you don't find a suitable ontology or if the adaption of an already existing ontology is too complex, then you should create a new ontology."
"This knowledge map can be built using many different types of software."
"Zoho Learn is a complete knowledge and learning management platform designed to help you capture and retain your team's knowledge."
"A wiki is a powerful way for easy use for us to be able to share with someone, 'Hey, this is the answer to this common question.'"
"A good Wiki can show changes over time, think of it like field history tracking for your Wiki."
"When everyone in your organization knows exactly how to find or discover content and how to understand and use it, it drives an increase in productivity."
"What Rome is really about is supporting thinking and personal knowledge management."
"It's really difficult to know what information is reliable and trustworthy and how to use that information."
"You need to know where to find the details, not the details themselves."
"It's going to prevent the loss of intellectual property, improve knowledge capture."
"Documentation is not an end in itself, it has really turned into a thinking tool for our teams."