
Worries Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"95% of all worries don't materialize anyway."
"You're going to be healing any sort of anxieties or worries that you've had in the past."
"I wouldn't want to live so defensive and worried about stuff that's outside of my control."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, just don't worry about it."
"I've got all these worries... but in the bigger picture... I'm living it."
"What you're worried about may never happen, or it may happen and not be as bad as you thought."
"I wasn't living at all, just living to worry about everything."
"What you're worrying about tells me what's most important to you."
"What worries you the most when you think about the future? What do you hope for?"
"It's like you're letting your worries out from the day."
"Break Every Chain, Break Every Chain, future. It's not my future I'm worried about, it's everyone's future."
"I put my head on the pillow every night and don't have any worries."
"You actually have angels that are asking you to release your worries and allow them to take away some of your burdens."
"Lynn thought that if he could make friends with her, then he wouldn't have to worry about his future anymore."
"What keeps you up at night? What worries you most? What do you dread when you see it on your calendar or you get an email in your inbox?"
"I surrender all my worries, fears, and concerns to you."
"There's just so many concerns around AI right now."
"Just don't take yourself so seriously. Those little thoughts we have, our worries, our doubts, and our fears... when I put that against seven thousand years of history, it doesn't mean very much."
"What worries you? What do you think about daily?"
"It's okay to feel worried, thoughts and feelings are not reality."
"If you're worried about it you haven't committed it."
"Let this be the end of your worries when it comes to lead generation."
"I remember having a conversation with a friend once when my daughters were like three and two and disclosing to her that every single day I worried that one of my children might die and I just worried about and she looked at me and she was like what are you talking about."
"There's a lot of sadness about money."
"Putting Faith before your worries."
"Anxiety usually just expands and just becomes more and more worrisome."
"Do we relate? Do you have a lot of clothes and every time you go somewhere you don't have nothing to worry?"
"Since having children I realize that I sort of fretted about things that didn't need to be fretted about."
"Must be nice. I'm over here worrying about an oil leak on my car and the repair costs."
"Most Formula 1 teams are doing great that there's no Financial worries at all... So what's the worry here? You feel like actually these teams are actually getting more money than they ever had."
"I worry about the social conditions of the western world. I worry about the state of the western economy or Eastern economy. I worry about the state of water."
"I worry that people are gonna... did I live up to whatever they think I am?"
"Life is truly about being happy, and what's making us unhappy is our mind - the constant worries, overthinking, insecurities."
"The only [__] he's really worried about is his daughters and them babies."
"Most people are worried about the EMFs."
"What are we worried about most of the time?"
"Most of the time, the ego worries about what is useless."
"It doesn't say cast most of your care, some of your care, but all of your care."
"I'm worried about a lot of these venues."
"The only thing that worries David Foster Wallace more than success is failure."
"It makes me realize that the things on my mind and the things that are worrying me are really not that big in the grand scheme of the universe."
"We worry about stuff that never actually happens."
"We'll share some parental worries now that we're a parent, you know."
"Most things that we worry about on a daily basis in life are wildly unimportant."
"The more you get rid of all these worries, thoughts, behaviors, the more energy can flow in from the Divine."
"I am letting go of all my worries and fears."
"I'm an old man, and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."
"Life is filled with worries; we all just need to look around."
"My prime of Youth is but a frost of cares."
"Old worries are so far away yet so close."
"Categorize your worries and cares into three categories: items that can be dealt with after Ramadan, total nonsense, and items that need immediate action."
"Don't wait for your worries to disappear; they'll be gone in a hurry if you tell and share."
"The sins of our pasts and the worries that we hide with a smile every day."
"Let go of any worries or concerns that come up, send them down past your feet and away from you."
"Life is so short, it is so precious, and the stuff we worry about is so senseless and useless."
"Everything that I'm worried about not being able to achieve in my life comes down to brain plasticity."
"You need to let go of worries because it's not helping you out."
"What you worry about the most reveals what you value the most. Also, what you worry about the most reveals where you trust God the least."
"Better days will come; all the worries that you have right now, let's just pause them."
"It's like when you got nothing, you're worried you got nothing; then when you got stuff, you're worried how to keep it."
"For a brief moment, all of our cares, all of our worries, all of our struggles are gone."
"98 percent of everything you worry about never happens."
"As you get older, what you're worried about now is not what you're going to be worried about five years from now."
"It's the perfect escape from the day-to-day worries."
"...he was relieved that he could continue his relationship with lit and she would no longer be tormented by those worries."
"Life always has worries, we all have worries, we have stressors, but we learn how to manage this."
"It's okay to lay down your worries; you've done your part for the day, now it's time for rest."
"It's time to release those worries and fears, plain and simple."
"The trick is to put a bit of space between ourselves and our worries so we can get on with enjoying our lives."
"Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have its own set of problems, we're not even promised tomorrow."
"All the things I'm worrying about, they mean absolutely nothing."
"Whatever your worries are, your fears aren't facts."