
Informed Consent Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Every action has a risk, but we have to consider if people truly understand and consent to those risks."
"How 'Happy Death Day' is a great demonstration of how to show informed consent within a time loop."
"Well, consent has to be documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"You can't have informed consent if you're not informed."
"The Belmont Report does not stop with this abstract principle. It explains a way to implement respect for persons: informed consent."
"There is such a thing as informed consent when it comes to medicine."
"If government, in a democracy, is intended to be mandated by the consent of the governed, but we don't know what it is that they're doing, then that's not consent, or it's not informed consent. Consent that is not informed is not meaningful."
"If we were told 95 0.7 percent effective depending on whether or not you're looking at relative risk or absolute risk reduction then people are going to start to go wait what."
"When you compel somebody without transparency, you will violate two words primary in the medical community: informed consent."
"There's no stronger moral belief than informed consent."
"Informed consent is one of the ancient rights preserved under the ninth amendment."
"Shouldn't people have informed consent? Nuremberg Code of 1947 was all about medical choice, medical freedom, informed consent."
"We need to honor the principle of informed consent. Let people choose, trust people to make choices about their own body."
"I'm neither pro-vax nor anti-vaxx. I'm pro-informed consent."
"Children have the right to make that yes because they make informed decisions because when you're seven years old you really understand the full scope of a Barren womb when you're 28."
"Rogan is helping those questions be answered by presenting so much data and information and letting them decide what actions and moves to make for themselves with informed consent."
"No child can actually choose this path they don't have the psychological and emotional formation required to make an informed decision about fundamentally altering their identities."
"Moving towards a system where informed consent HRT and surgeries are more available and gender incongruence is accepted as a condition of sexual health, not as a mental disorder, would allow for trans healthcare to still be covered by insurance."
"A year later almost 30 million known infections have taken place and 526,000 people have died in the United States alone. A whole lot has changed, everything has changed."
"It's informed consent, not uninformed control."
"Part of what we try and do is not necessarily get people out of Mormonism per se, but just help them wake up to what they're a part of so they can have informed consent."
"Parents must be informed if their child wants to identify differently, but nothing to be said about consent."
"The ethical principle of free and informed medical consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration was abandoned."
"You can't have informed consent if you don't tell your patients of the risks and benefits."
"Privacy means people know what they're signing up for in plain English and repeatedly."
"The ethical principle of informed consent becomes a civil, human, and parental right that must be safeguarded."
"Nobody is forced to transition, you have to give informed consent."
"It's all about patient autonomy informed consent."
"Signing up to such ideologies needs to be a matter of informed consent."
"There's literally no other argument that could be made past this: Does the child give consent? No. Can the child give consent? No. Informed consent? A child can say yes, I want to, that doesn't mean that they can give informed consent. That's it."
"If your doctor isn't informed, then you can't consent."
"Informed consent is just so crucial, isn't it?"
"We have a right to informed consent... we are not being well informed and we are not being allowed to give our consent."
"The principle of informed consent requires that the patient must be capable of making decisions for themselves."
"Fundamentally, constitutionally and historically, informed consent was always established."
"Be informed, have informed consent about what they're getting into."
"I am absolutely for choice. I am against medical tyranny. I am for informed consent."
"Anything to informed consent, anything that consenting informed adults do together that doesn't cause any lasting harm is positive sex, is a good thing."
"Providing patients and the parents of pediatric patients with accurate information about the benefits and risks of a vaccine is important for both ethical and legal reasons."
"This should not be about forcing people to take a certain shot but offering and making sure that people are aware of all of these protocols that are out there."
"We do need everyone to get vaccinated, but I hope we can make that a choice for them and comply with that principle of informed consent."
"Informed consent... You do nothing to a patient until you have explained explicitly the risks and the benefits of the procedure."
"This is about informed consent and choice, and the choice not being in the hands of the powerful but in the hands of every ordinary person."
"You don't have to take a forced medical procedure without informed consent."
"The church needs to be transparent and the individual is entitled to or deserves informed consent to decide."
"There's a thing in medicine about informed consent. Like you can't consent to certain procedures until you have all the information."
"Participation in research is totally voluntary so we want to make sure that you're as informed as possible when you make the decision to enroll in a study."
"I think it's really important that the decisions that you make that you make are with full informed consent."
"Informing consent whenever we start any new hormone medication, supplement, anything, we have that conversation. And the main two concepts to be sure we talk about here relate to testosterone or cardiovascular risk or not risk, and prostate cancer risk or not risk."
"I'm gonna try it, I understand it's a risk, it's called informed consent, right in medicine, here are your risks, here are the benefits."
"I want you to know what questions to ask, that you don't have to fall victim to uninformed providers, especially in this realm of psychedelic medicine."
"It denies an investigator's informed consent to know what they're joining and that's problematic."
"Our patients can have discussions with their Physicians about the pros and cons of the therapies that they have at hand, be well informed, and make their decisions for themselves based on these data."
"More and more people are switching to an informed consent model, which treats the patient like someone who can make their own decisions."
"Guilty plea and that waiver... waiver is only valid if it is voluntary and knowing."
"Patients should have access to information to make informed decisions."
"The role of this webinar is about expressing freedom to choose and ensuring informed consent, regardless of whether one decides to taper off medication or not."
"We're big fans of informed consent."
"Informed consent is going to be super important as a medical professional."
"I would want to have an honest discussion of the risks and benefits associated with dental x-rays."
"It's a huge part of the informed consent because then we know all of the pros and cons."
"If you go to a doctor and they only talk to you about one way to treat something and they don't go through all the risks and benefits... I don't feel as though they have given you the full picture."
"All recruits of clinical trials will receive full information disclosure."
"It's very important that there's clear communication and informed consent."
"Informed consent means telling your patient clearly what you're here to do and giving them time to think and say yes."
"The patient informed consent form must contain all of the information needed so that the patient can understand what is going to happen to them."
"Informed consent document only serves as evidence that a process took place."
"Informed consent means you must inform the patient about the diagnosis, the nature of the procedure, the pros, cons, and alternative treatment options."
"I understand the risks associated. I freely and willingly desire to participate."
"Understanding the risks, being informed of those risks, and then choosing the decision for yourself—that's the beauty of informed consent."