
Judaism Quotes

There are 463 quotes

"Judaism does not revolve around death... This is a tradition about life."
"The name of the Jewish people, the chosen people, is 'struggle with God'."
"Christianity was, at least way back then, fundamentally Jewish, and was building on a solid framework of Jewish beliefs."
"The focus of Jewish faith is the betterment of this world, to help your neighbor, to love your neighbor."
"The focus of Judaism is on this world, and all of the commandments are focused on how to make this place better."
"The Zohar is the name in Hebrew and it literally means radiance."
"Where did they come from, and if they weren't given their religious code directly from God on Mount Sinai, then how did Judaism originate?"
"The Jews were never chosen as a form of favoritism; it was to spread the light of God and laws of God to all the inhabitants of the earth."
"In the Jewish faith, the most important ritual of all is the Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual enrichment when all else is set aside."
"Life here is strict, but to them, this is the purest form of Judaism, practiced to the letter of the Torah."
"Judaism, as we know it today, is based on traditions that go back thousands and thousands of years."
"We've got a text now that shows us this notion of a suffering messiah who's raised from the dead is already being developed within Judaism."
"The Jewish way of mourning is one of the more beautiful parts of my religion actually."
"Here you have this guy from the line of Cicero, starting really kind of the founder, you could say, of rabbinic Judaism today."
"I've come here to meet Yurum Hasani, an expert in the politics and theology of Judaism. I want to know"
"I don't care about ethnic Judaism I care about actual practicing Judaism."
"Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of people who, as committed Jews, believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah of Israel, of whom the Jewish Law and Prophets spoke."
"For a Jewish man to become Prime Minister was something sensational."
"The days of conflating Jewish people with the state of Israel will end."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"Being Jewish is not exclusive to you. You don't have to believe in Judaism to be Jewish."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls cast new light on the emergence of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism."
"Jesus Christ grew up in what was then Judaism."
"Blessed are You O Lord our God king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine."
"The destruction of the temple in 70 CE forced both Christianity and Rabbinical Judaism to evolve."
"Who said you need to do this stuff for a year to become Jewish?"
"Everyday Jewish people in Israel and the nations of the world pass into eternity without ever hearing a clear presentation of the gospel."
"Judaism and Zionism were very much two sides to the same coin."
"It's urgent that today's Christians understand the crucial role Israel and the Jewish people play in God's plan."
"People have conflated Judaism or Jewishness with Zionism to the point that if you question the logic of Zionism or the state of Israel, you're seen as a traitor."
"Julia Hart is lying about Judaism. What is Judaism really like?"
"When you're davening it's really more about you than it is about God...I connect more with the intellectual side of Judaism."
"Methodology: Tracing evidence of widespread Torah observance back through the first century CE to determine the emergence of Judaism."
"Jesus is our Messiah; he's everything Judaism has been hoping for."
"Beloved, this is considered in Judaism the most sacred holiday of the Jewish year other than what Jewish people do every week, which is celebrate the Shabbat."
"Christianity and Judaism in most of their main philosophies have an awful lot in common."
"The rebirth of the Sanhedrin is a slow ongoing process."
"If all scripture is good for teaching morality and righteousness, then it is there, it is the Jewish law in the Book of Leviticus."
"God is not done with the Jews, they're going to come back to God eventually."
"We are blessed, we are seeing the Jewish people and the Christian people more and more come together in one family for the glory of God."
"I just knew that he is Moshiach. I never felt more Jewish."
"We need to understand that Judaism is not an evangelistic religion."
"The foundation for both Christianity and Judaism contains the five books of Moses."
"...but for one offshoot of Judaism and that's Christianity it was to be a very different story."
"The Jewish people focused on spiritual health as the underlying basis for physical health."
"Jewishness goes beyond mere genetics; it is expressed in beliefs, practices, traditions, and a shared experience."
"Judaism is closely linked to a sense of shared history, culture, and traditions that all connect back to the Jewish people."
"What Judaism is about: caring for each other, looking out for each other, not just Jewish people but everyone."
"Monotheism in ancient Judaism and earliest Christianity is a completely inappropriate term to use."
"The only two religions that are mentioned are Islam and Judaism."
"It really doesn't seem like Russia's a great place to be Jewish."
"Both groups claimed to be true followers of Judaism, but their beliefs were considerably different."
"Belief means that I accept it, because you say so. I know there's a God. I know my Judaism is real."
"Hasidus is the ultimate secret part of Torah that should no longer be a secret."
"When we talk about the secret part of Torah, we're talking about the most personal and the most intimate part of Torah."
"Jewish history is the most amazing history on the planet."
"The Covenant that God made with the Jewish people by the giving of the Torah and received at Mount Sinai will never be changed nor become obsolete."
"In a Jewish mindset, you have two clear lines: those who are of the seed of the sons of God and those who follow the God of Israel."
"Paul's point is that you don't have to be Jewish in order to be a Christian, so that works of the law then are not good moral works but Jewish specific boundary markers like circumcision and food laws and the Sabbath."
"Judaism does not proselytize. We believe that not only Jews have a place and a purpose in this world, but everybody and the entire human family has a place in this world, has a key role to play in perfecting the world."
"An African being a Jew should not be surprising; anyone can be a Jew."
"I am your last chance, too, Jews."
"...it is not the thought that is the essence but the deed. Right in Judaism the action is way more important than the thought. Sins of behavior are far worse than sins of thought."
"It's important for me to be a testimony in the earth as a Jew that you can be a Jew and believe in Jesus."
"The Sabbath day was to the Jews only and has done away with in Christ, the first day of the week is the Lord's Day and is given to Christians."
"...Zionism is a hijacking of Orthodox Judaism."
"We're a very gentle totalitarianism for Jews."
"The first Jews who came to rebuild the second Commonwealth were largely non-religious."
"This incredible golden menorah embodies the fervent hope for the Jewish Temple's return."
"Imagine the moment the priests ascend the temple steps in Jerusalem's future, ready to kindle the flames within this sacred vessel."
"Tomorrow's Judaism is more vibrant than yesterday's Judaism."
"Jesus had always referred to God as his father and the Jews didn't like it... God was not his father in their mind but he always referred to God as father."
"They want to bring people into Judaism because that's part of how they do their, that's how they're going to redeem the world."
"Astrology according to Judaism, of course in astrology we are taking apart all the signs and showing the strengths and weaknesses so that we can better understand the human soul."
"Christianity separates from being a sect of Judaism to a separate religion."
"The holiest place in Judaism is the Jewish Home. The mother."
"Most people don't really realize that Jesus was Jewish all his first followers were Jewish."
"If you become the ideal type of Noahide, you will be doing a greater service to humanity than by converting to Judaism."
"In Judaism there's a say, 'He who saves one life saves the world.'"
"Judaism is relationship. It's the means to have a relationship with the creator of the universe."
"The Torah is really about establishing that relationship. That's really what it is."
"All the mitzvahs are vehicles to connect ourselves more deeply to the source."
"The Ten Commandments are actually the source of the entire Torah."
"If the purpose of Judaism is to have a relationship with God, or to have relationships in general, then the Ten Commandments must be the vehicle to establish that relationship."
"So, it's a polemic written by um written specifically by jews but in second people in second temple judaism who are um uh opposed to having statues in worship right."
"I was born a Jew, and I will die a Jew."
"For many Jewish leaders who had faced these persecutions firsthand, the answer was obvious: return to Palestine."
"If the New Testament so demonizes the Jewish people then why does so many of you here are Christians love the Jewish people and stand with Israel?"
"The New Testament is a Jewish book about the Jewish Messiah that tells the truth."
"So Herod was an Idumean, or in other words, an Edomite noble whose ancestors had been converted to Judaism."
"Most Jews believe that the birth of modern Israel and the return of the Jews to the Holy Land Herald the imminent Advent of the true Messiah who would rule the world from Jerusalem."
"Being Jewish is nothing to be ashamed of. It's something to be proud of."
"Christianity completely supersedes Judaism, it's a full frontal attack on it."
"The Quran makes a crucially important statement concerning certain Christians and Jews who would eventually emerge in history."
"We saw them bringing the Jews back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own, and then its State of Israel was born in the Holy Land."
"Jews weren't interested in making converts in the ancient world any more than Jews are interested in making converts now."
"Literally by looking at your tzitzit with the gematria 600 and the five knots and the eight strings, you have looked at and remembered all 613 commandments."
"1 and 1/2 wandering Jews return to their natural coasts to resume old acquaintances."
"Christianity is the Fulfillment of Judaism they are not two religions it's one"
"The synagogue is a very important institution... for the spread of Judaism."
"There's always this idea that Matthew is the Jewish gospel because it brings in so much of the Hebrew Bible."
"Judaism is a living religious culture."
"The gospel is the good news for the Jewish people, as it's the message of the restoration of Israel."
"What the scriptures have given us is that the Jews are chosen people, the apple of God's eye."
"Christ was a Jew so why are you a Christian"
"The most important scripture of all is what the Jewish people call the Shema."
"Zionism is just an aspect of Judaism but Torah."
"Zionism is all about let's bring the Redemption let's end the suffering of the Jews in Exile let's come back to our land let's reclaim Our Heritage let's rebuild a proper Jewish Kingdom."
"Zionism is just an aspect of Judaism cuz it's Central to the Torah is the idea that the Jewish people belong in Israel."
"The genius of the Jewish tradition is expressed in the word Torah."
"Jesus was a Jewish reformer, but it's Paul, Paul the Apostle, that made Christianity a movement."
"Ezra could indeed be called the father of Judaism."
"The Rambam held that Aristotle was like the greatest wise man that ever lived, essentially, at least in the among the Gentiles, and he integrated the philosophy of Aristotle and showed how it doesn't contradict with Judaism."
"If any one group of Judaism was perched and prepped for conversion, it was them."
"It's really nice, I was not raised religious at all. My parents are Jewish, but I was raised with no religion at all."
"...if someone does convert to Judaism we regard that as that they essentially were always Jewish..."
"...Judaism is very much about not changing anything..."
"Marx was not a racist like Hitler but he hated the Jews almost as much. He wrote the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of humanity from Judaism, from huckstering and money."
"As much as I hear from my friends there, there are hundreds of thousands of Jewish people who are strongly against the Zionist state of Israel."
"Everybody just became yehudim and so this we see this clearly in meil."
"All of our spiritual blessings come from one nation the nation of Israel and one group of people the Jewish people."
"There must be a regathering of the Jewish nation, a departure from the truth, and globalism in place for the events of the end to take place as the Bible describes them."
"Because the Jews were commanded to remember the Word of God and keep it as a remembrance on their arms and between their eyes."
"Paul did not want new Gentile believers to be tempted by Judaism."
"Every Jew who doesn't learn Torah and doesn't learn at least the basics, the defining principles of Judaism, how God created the world, is doomed to fail."
"We have a much much much more important job, a much more prestigious job. We are raising the next generation of Jews."
"It's the pillar of Jewish continuity and survival and that consistency within a Jewish home every week of doing something spiritual and meaningful not just on occasional Rosh Hashanah."
"This concept of giving is so fundamental to Judaism it's our food it's our bread and butter it's who we are."
"Jewish women lighting candles not changing why because we were we are and we will always be the one entrusted with that ability with the capability and with the responsibility to add that flame to add that light in our homes."
"Kabbalah is Jewish mystical tradition that uses symbolism to understand the manifestations of God in the universe."
"I think it's utterly ridiculous for anybody to believe in replacement theology. I think it's just silly and horrible for anybody to come along and say there's no such thing as Jews, nation of Israel doesn't exist, there are no Jews."
"...how can he reign over the house of Jacob forever if Jacob no longer exists? Have I made my point? I think the Bible clearly teaches that God is not done with the Jews."
"...God's not done with the Jews. Replacement theology is a lie. It does away with the promise of God and makes God a liar, and I just don't see how anyone could believe in replacement theology."
"The Bible very clearly teaches that in the end of days there's going to be a gathering of the tribes of Israel."
"It was a great blessing for God to give to the Jewish people his word."
"Shema Israel, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."
"...in essence, what Rashi is saying is that the most important statement in Judaism... is the belief in the coming of mashiach."
"There's complete unity in Judaism, everything is controlled and designated by God."
"If you've ever practiced Kabbalat Shabbat, congratulations. You've engaged in Kabbalah."
"Kabbalah is going to become a completely integrated part of Jewish theology, philosophy, and Jewish law."
"God chose the Jewish people to bring forth the law and the Oracles and the Messiah. Think carefully, the Jews are chosen to be unique and special but also they're chosen to bring forth the Messiah."
"This is a huge wrestle, I know, by so many Jewish people, is the suffering of their people throughout the centuries. And so Tishbav sadly is this day in history that so many different things happen to the Jewish people."
"The essence of Torah Judaism is that the Jewish people received the Torah."
"What Jews will do is they'll take their manuscripts that have problems errors and mistakes and they'll bury them."
"No jew lives as good as you. You're gonna throw it all away."
"Prayer in Hebrew is called tefilah and on the most basic level is a mitzvah that was given to us by God to cry out to Him in times of need."
"Origins of prophetic terminology shed light on the evolution of Jewish prophecy, distinguishing it from pagan practices."
"It's not all the Jews, it's actually a very small group, and they were the ones who had everything to lose."
"God intended to reveal himself to the world through the Jewish people."
"Judaism is not a religion, it's a relationship."
"If somebody today wanted to be a true advocate of Jesus, he'd be a Jew."
"The week is elevated to being cosmic and divine within Judaism."
"The Jews were chosen to be a light to the Nations."
"If your mother is Jewish, you're considered Jewish. And you could actually track the DNA and everything else like that."
"It's important to remember that Christians' comfort with Judaism was greatest in the absence of Jews." - Professor Craig Wilder
"Bundism as an ideology was born out of the specific circumstances of Jews in the Russian Empire."
"Christianity evolved monotheism out of second temple Judaism."
"Matthew's gospel is often seen as the gospel written to the Jews to try and convince the Jews that Jesus is Messiah."
"So the story is from the Dead Sea Scrolls then that Jews have always believed Judaism... and they say then to make a long story short, the Sadducees formed... and the Pharisees believed... but according to the New Testament, that would be wrong."
"This book reflects an author who has had interaction with Christians and Jews."
"What was once supposed to be the divinely gifted Jewish nation."
"Who would most benefit from this new form of Judaism?"
"Some have even suggested that Hadrian ejected the Jews from Jerusalem and imported Christians to take their place."
"I was born a Jew, which made me realize that being a Jew is not this like secondary religious belief, it's the core identity of who I am."
"It was the first and most radical Christian affirmation of Judaism in its day."
"The Jewish High Priest has his key from God."
"Rabbinic Jews believe that God gave Moses two laws: one of them was the Pentateuch, the Written Law, and the other one was an Oral Law."
"...it wasn't that hard for my father because my father never knew that I became a comedian I kept lying then because my father was living in his own world of of the rabbinate about the Ducks Judaism..."
"It originates with Judaism. What Christianity did is it took over the world, and so this Jewish idea of love your neighbor as yourself became a dominant paradigm in the West."
"When Gentiles became enamored with one particular Jew, they became enamored with the sacred text of the Jews."
"Read Jewish resources. The Jews were the original oneness believers."
"Judaism and first century Roman Palestine was incredibly diverse."
"These Yoruba Jews claim that their ancestors were driven from Oasis to Oasis by Muslim persecution."
"Jesus's teaching and ministry could be understood only in relation to his Jewish heritage."
"The incorrect stereotypes of Judaism, stereotypes this lectionary threatens to reproduce and disseminate, lead to Jew hatred."
"I have a problem with Jewish spirituality."
"The church's distinctiveness from Israel, a concept illuminated in the Book of Ruth."
"There's a concept in Judaism called tikun Alam. It's about fixing the world."
"Zionism is a political philosophy which is racist, illegal, immoral, unjust, and is therefore Zionism must not get confused with Judaism."
"Don't ever say Jewish people are Satan, bro, it's not [ __ ] true, okay? It's not."
"Rabbi Richard Bloch speaking on the changing Jewish landscape reflections on a career in the rabbinate."
"Jesus was a Jew. His first followers were mostly Jews. They were steeped in the Old Testament and believed Jesus was the fulfillment of God's promises to his people in the ancient Scriptures."
"One of our biggest challenges is how to unite in fighting anti-Semitism without making it the one definer of Jewish identity."
"We're so much more than money. Jews are so much more than business. There's a story that defines my Judaism."
"If the priority shifts from God to a person, you have turned away from God, you've turned away from Judaism."
"When mashiach comes, of course, the world will be perfect but not of itself. It will have been made perfect by our efforts and by our mitzvahs, by our sacrifices."
"The return to Zion, the reconnection of the Jewish people to its ancient homeland, stirred something in the Jewish soul."
"A new mystical Judaism is potentially in the midst of being born."
"The Zohar is I think one of the most amazing books in Judaism and in world religious literature."
"I think the best advice I could give to myself and to others is not to be afraid to be a Jew."
"This idea is going to have an enormous impact in the history of Judaism."
"All the mitzvos that we do in Judaism is basically to help yourself remain plugged in. That's what it is."
"Jesus as someone who was not out to throw out Judaism, his agenda was not to rebel against the Torah."
"He meets a couple, a Jewish couple in the synagogue, they had been in Rome recently, they got kicked out of Rome, so they moved to Corinth."
"Christianity is superior to every form of Judaism and all the elements in Judaism and is in fact a fulfillment of the Jewish religion."
"The spread of Christianity is an extension of Judaism, fulfilling biblical prophecy."
"It's easy to bring a Jew from galoot to El sakurdish but it's very hard to get the galoot in many cases out of the Jews mind."
"Jews were therefore used to the idea of two and one before Christianity and could embrace the theology."
"I was shocked to see, to be honest, without exaggeration, between 30 and 40 people who are converting to Judaism came to my lecture."
"I just want to keep putting out good music and making Eden happy and make them feel good about being Jews in the Yiddish kite."