
Spiritual Journey Quotes

There are 2703 quotes

"Life is a journey towards greater and greater awareness of God's oneness."
"After we leave this world, it's just a beautiful journey higher and higher."
"Self-realization is a long journey worth pursuing."
"My entire life will be spent exploring the wisdom of the Quran, and I will leave this world having only captured a few drops."
"Life is about walking with Jesus, not just wanting to work for Him but not lose sight of what it means to walk with Him."
"A walk with God is endless. You would never have Him figured out."
"Life is not about a walk with a minister. It's about a walk with God, a walk with the Holy Spirit."
"In Advaita Vedanta, the journey is from ignorance to knowledge, from not realizing to realizing your true self."
"Forgiveness. You are on the path of light, love, and forgiveness. Father healing is possible at this time."
"Just say alhamdulillah, think of where Allah has brought you."
"The Way of the Voice is neither wide nor easy. But if you stray from wisdom, then to Sovngarde you will not return."
"Guidance is as much something God does as something God gives."
"Our journey to Catholicism, and it's about to celebrate its 30th anniversary."
"Heal yourself first with your powerful abilities to do so, and then you'll be on your way to transmitting your heart."
"The great search for light, life, and love only begins on the Material Plane; carried to its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness."
"Know ye that ye shall ever go onward, moved by the law of cause and effect until in the end both become one."
"From the unreal to the real, from darkness unto light, from death to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace."
"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
"The search for God is actually the greatest search in history because you're searching for the root of it all."
"By their blessing, may we attain to enlightenment in this life itself and cross over the ocean of sorrow."
"The spiritual journey is not a physical one but a journey from ignorance to knowledge, from not knowing our true self to enlightenment."
"Self-realization is the highest experience you will ever have, it is the highest state, it is the epitome of life for you to find out who you are in there."
"You never stop learning about Wicca; there is always something new to learn."
"Getting us into heaven is not near as great a challenge as it is to get heaven into us."
"Ask Him to forgive you, cleanse your life, surrender yourself to Him, and watch Him do a marvelous work in your life."
"After nirvikalpa samadhi, spiritual life begins."
"You are saved, yet you are being saved. You are delivered, yet you are being delivered. You are free, yet you are being liberated."
"I have been delivered from the penalty of sin. I am being delivered from the habit of sin. I shall be delivered from the presence of sin."
"Moses went up and had this experience, but what actually is most valuable is that he came back down."
"The Dark Night of the soul...is critically important."
"Every Christian on their way to God must pass through a dark night."
"Navamsa shows us the storage of your hidden Karmas, like something that you are to walk on."
"It's a remarkable take understanding of life when you see your life with this soul's journey."
"We are merited and blessed to be part of that journey."
"I'm not looking for the Undertaker; I'm looking for the Upper Taker."
"One of the most valuable understandings of awakening is that we're not trying to get somewhere; it's really more of a relaxing back into what's always and already here."
"He looks at the world with new eyes, connected and whole, realizing that the purpose of his journey was not to disconnect from his physical body and become a spiritual creature, but to find a fusion and harmony between the mind, body, and soul as one."
"The Dark Night of the Soul is a rite of passage, a necessary journey through darkness that leads to a greater light."
"Fight the good fight of Faith; lay hold on eternal life."
"In esoteric astrology, the rising sign holds the clue to the soul's incarnational intention."
"My chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth, and followed thee."
"Disconnection happens multiple times throughout our lives."
"Stage two is called bliss, and this is such a beautiful stage because this is usually the stage of bliss comes right after your wake-up call."
"Stage five is called groundedness. This is when things start to stabilize a lot more after the dark night and after being in the void."
"Awakening is a journey from limitation to freedom, from unconscious to conscious."
"Walking with God often includes contradictions. Faith on one hand, fallacies on another. Promises on this side, problems on that side. The greater the promise, the greater the problems."
"We need to turn our backs on the world and on what it has to offer, we need to turn away from sin and walk with Jesus."
"And as I worship you this morning, I'm going to leap over every hurdle. I got to make it to wholeness."
"If you just take this on as a daily discipline, you'll be able to continue consistently developing the spiritual journey of yoga."
"The church venerates the angels who help on our earthly pilgrimage and protect every human being."
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
"Unity in love is an important part of your journey, an important part of your lesson."
"Jesus invites us to be done with all the traditions of man. He invites us to step out from the majority and follow Him completely."
"These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth."
"Staying steadfast is not easy, but because you want to stay steadfast for the sake of Allah, He will make it easy."
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
"You will go through this journey, and eventually, Allah will complete his favor on you."
"Jesus interrupted my life and took me to hell and brought me back."
"In the age of the nafs, the 'me' generation, it has been made hard for us, but Allah continues to be Karib (near), and He will open the doors of His mercy and His acceptance and His unveiling to those who sincerely and broken-heartedly approach Him."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness into light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace."
"He sort of went on a genuinely spiritual journey and he's come to a place where he seems more balanced and more centered."
"Solitude is the journey of the alone to the alone."
"The path of the righteous is like the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day."
"In March 2019, you are gonna know exactly what your divine life purpose is."
"Lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Dark night of the soul accompanies that and dark night of the soul is where every layer of you is peeled back, peeled away, you know, to get to that divine essence of what's inside."
"Moses could not take the children of Israel into the Promised Land because the law cannot take you into your Promised Land, only Joshua (which in Hebrew is Jesus) could."
"We're in this journey until we die and our lives are over and then in an instant we're changed into the likeness of Christ and we're made perfect."
"What God is doing in your life is a continuation of what he was doing in somebody else's life."
"Death is stripping of all things in this life which we hold on to, leaving us only with God."
"I was not looking for fame, I was not looking for money...I wanted His heart and His face."
"I remember having an experience then which started my journey of faith, my spiritual journey, which led to today."
"Writing an essay is actually a spiritual journey...if you're bored writing an essay, it's because you're writing it wrong."
"I'm not who I ought to be, but hallelujah, I'm not who I was."
"The ten ox herding pictures of Zen...is a metaphor or a model with ten stages for the stages of awakening or enlightenment."
"Waiting for a Godly spouse can be tough, but it's worth it. In the waiting, God will be showing you that Christ Alone is the ultimate source of our joy."
"The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day."
"Navamsha can show the mental aspect and spiritual journey of a person."
"A single moment of repentance can bring you all the way home."
"Jesus Christ extends that same invitation to you today. I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you."
"The path to eternal life is narrow, rocky, full of thorns, full of suffering; few follow it. The path to destruction is wide and many are on it."
"It calls us to be intensely vulnerable and fearless in our vulnerability to rise onto the next highest timeline."
"We should go the rest of our life trying to figure out God. That should be an everlasting hunt."
"We can be blessed to move forward along the covenant path, no matter how rocky it becomes, and eventually receive eternal life."
"Our Heavenly Father's plan for safely gathering His children to our heavenly home is not based on worldly success, economic status, education, race, or gender."
"Life in this world is good... but we're not meant finally for life in this world as though this is the final horizon of our lives, but rather as the meaning of our life unfolds, we see it's heading by this trajectory toward radical transformation in union with God."
"Enhancing psychic abilities is akin to embarking on a transcendent journey, one that goes beyond mere sensory experiences."
"Appreciate your journey; everything you go through has an important aspect of how God's gonna use you."
"I kind of felt my way to God... in my feeling moments is when I have more faith."
"As Venus moves into Pisces, you're dropping into the seat of your soul."
"The road to heaven is a relationship with Jesus Christ."
"What's on the other side of this wilderness experience is a Canaan land."
"If I can just get with Jesus I can find my light."
"For Roseanne O'Connor, the pilgrimage was a transcendent spiritual experience."
"Our dearest child, trust in the celestial compass to guide you. It will lead you far across the sea into darkness and into light, but it will always lead you home."
"Suitable for my soul, necessary for my assignment."
"Faith is not just to get what you want, faith is who takes you through the times when you don't get what you want."
"It's a fascinating story of emancipation, spiritual awakening, and perseverance."
"The road to spiritual freedom is paved with footsteps of Truth."
"The keys to healing echo the ways or nature of love itself."
"All of the knowledge about God should finally lead you to a relationship with God."
"The Kaaba symbolizing the heart, symbolizing this inward journey."
"When God appoints you as a chosen one, you gotta expect to lose family and friends."
"You are on a path of ascension and awakening that is more rapid than most people ever choose to experience in a single lifetime."
"You have to crawl, you have to bow your heads in humility, and enter a different world."
"You're on the right path when you become set apart, departing from your old ways, having true Holiness."
"You'll return changed, free, whole, and holy blessed by the moon."
"Follow your heart, that's the first step of the spiritual journey."
"It's like when we get there, are we going to go into the day rooms or are we gonna shower at the venue or are we going to just you know hit the hot spots and let God do his work?"
"Jesus goes through these Temptations and then is able to then go public."
"Coming to Christ is the beginning, not the end of the journey."
"It's not an easy road we are traveling to heaven."
"We all started with God and we returned to God eventually."
"As soon as you step on the path, we will meet you there."
"Every place where God allowed us to go, and I mean every place."
"Together, let us Embrace this journey eager to see where it leads and how it will shape our understanding of the world, our faith, and our place within the vast creation God has entrusted to us."
"You are going to find yourself on a sacred path."
"God is the force that calls you out of your father's house into the unknown."
"Those who do not abandon the way are called realized beings."
"The presence of the lord has to go before us."
"Spiritual awakening is a gradual process... it really just depends on our own awareness, on our willingness to surrender and allow it to unfold of itself."
"You will incarnate in places where the truth is most resisted, aiding evolution."
"Jesus doesn't want passive followers; he wants us to passionately pursue him to the ends of the Earth."
"We're actually now, we went so far past Eden, we're actually now back in the garden."
"You don't limp when you follow Jesus, you run."
"I'm a man very much drawn to that [marriage], but I felt in my heart that he was saying I want you to go out into the world because you really came from it and I've drawn you out of it with so much mercy."
"Faith requires a steadfast heart, one that trusts in God even when the path is not fully clear."
"The great search for life life and love only begins on the material plane, carried to its ultimate its final goal is complete Oneness with the universal consciousness."
"Anywhere the spirit of God leads you, it's worth going."
"That's when the actual walk started to happen, really, Christ."
"You're gonna start getting provoked in 2020 to come off the shorelines of unbelief and step into deep realms of faith."
"You experience a lot of spiritual Evolution and transformation on your own, but then it also turns to this Dynamic where you experience and influence people's Evolution people's spiritual transformation."
"Most who come here are drawn to the Himalayas hoping these mountains will heal their soul."
"I hope insha'Allah that you take that opportunity to gain that knowledge, benefit yourselves, benefit your community and get yourselves on the Sirat al-Mustaqim on the way to paradise insha'Allah together."
"Part of the growth that's going to take place as He's moving me somewhere else."
"Perhaps the real design for god's womanhood was the friends we made along the way."
"Help my unbelief - faith is not always without doubt."
"When God gives you a word, it's not a robotic command; it's an invitation to search His word and seek His revelation."
"The whole key of the Ascension process that we're in right now is about how to keep running, how to keep everything on track, and be challenged by the vagaries of the world without losing your spiritual focus."
"God is not done with you, He's just getting started with you."
"You will go from glory to glory in the name of Jesus."
"That AEW ring becomes my realm, and it'll be my chance to open hearts, open minds, and open third eyes."
"I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord. He's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven."
"I felt this calling... I need to become Catholic."
"When God is ready to give you a new experience with Him, He will allow you to be put into a situation that only He can get you out of."
"Surrendering to heavenly guidance is a profound journey of relinquishing control and opening ourselves to the wisdom of the universe."
"If you're between me and my creator, I can't cancel you, I've got to go through you."
"Embrace the journey that lies ahead for with the Divine as your guide, there is no height you cannot reach, no challenge you cannot conquer, and no dream you cannot bring to life."
"You came to this planet to learn and help, you agreed to take this journey because you can assist both the Earth and humanity to evolve."
"You have a special light to share and a particular spiritual vibration to live."
"Your determination in the face of challenges has proven your devotion and faithfulness to me. I began a transformative work in you and I promise to see it through to the end."
"Trust yourself. This is your spiritual journey."
"Surrender to the will of the universe and start manifesting the impossible."
"Your connection is a higher dimensional experience, a path of ascension to come out of this plane of duality."
"Most people find the broad path to hell. Do you find the narrow path to heaven?" - Jesus
"What's meant to be will always find its way and when you both have evolved you know appropriately in a spiritual sense and an emotional sense on your personal journeys you will naturally come back together and the Sun will heal all of things."
"This new emotional space is the beginning of our new spiritual story."
"When the Lord calls us home, nothing can stop us."
"Start with that first step, ask him to guide you and then use the tools that he's given you and the truth shall be made clear."
"Your journey is getting easier. You are meant to earn an income from your spiritual gifts. True soul mates coming in to support you, to help you starting your own business. So blessed."
"He will bring you to the Son and the Son will bring you to the Father. Hallelujah!"
"You've got two ways of progressing in the kingdom: the violence of faith and receiving as a child."
"The path you're about to walk down is not known by billions of people."
"The only way is to take up the cross, put that self to death, and put Christ on the throne of your life."
"Every stop in this journey, there's only one conductor, and that's not me. One conductor, and Jesus is He!"
"Enoch's journey takes on even more awe-inspiring turn... profound insights into the workings of the Divine realm."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"You are worth it because God created you... You are beautifully and wonderfully made."
"That's when we begin to make that transition into realizing 'Oh, I am my Father are one.' But only when we surrender the false, can we have the true."
"We are both the initiate and the initiator, creating the initiative and the initiation."
"The only way you and I are going to heaven is by the same way Nicodemus was going to go, and that is to be born again."
"Stop complaining about where you are, it's preparation for where He's going to take you."
"I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I won't look back."
"There is no path to holiness beyond the path of suffering, the path of the Cross."
"I'm ready to see that hollow place come to holiness."
"Why did they get scared? Every bit of your personal identity spins away into nothingness. You'll feel terror."
"And out of the dark, you will come into the light, and from the light, you will return to the dark."
"Wishing you a beautiful journey through this Eclipse energy."
"In his search for a cup that would bring him eternal life... finds that real immortality has been there all along."
"A Libra lunar eclipse that is truly a deeper invitation into your soul."
"To embrace the luciferian impulse is to accept the challenge of navigating the fine line between the pursuit of spiritual illumination and the allure of self-centered ambition."
"We can either stay within the Christianity we have domesticated or journey to reality where God is present in every person, community, and creation."
"The light will win, we just have to walk through it."
"Near-death experiences generally follow a pattern... a broader experience... a peak experience they've never had before."
"I appreciate your faith, and it is faith, you know. It's faith of stepping out and trusting God no matter what happens."
"Life with God is a constant revealing and unveiling, a journey of being constantly revealed."
"We are coming out of great tribulation and have washed our robes clean."
"You might be in the eye of the storm but you are untouched and you can discover this core weakness inside so it's very spiritual."
"God's calling me personally to a baptism of anguish."
"When he found you, he didn't leave you in your brokenness. He took you on a journey."
"We can invoke true healing into our life when we choose to walk away from darkness and move ourselves towards a brighter light."
"What inspires me the most is that God chose me to have this experience to be able to vocalize something very profound in our consciousness and in our time on earth as humans."
"Realization occurs when you stop wanting to achieve."
"It's not an achievement, it's a realization."
"By staying focused, seizing opportunities, and remaining true to their intuitive nature, Pisces individuals can make significant strides towards achieving their professional goals and securing a prosperous future."
"You don't have to go on an Epic Quest to claim the world's most precious treasure - your Soul's gold."
"That inner voice may be guiding you away from this connection, but it is all happening for a reason, and you do need to trust where that voice is directing you."
"I'm one of those people that's not tied to any denominational system. I've changed several views throughout life simply because I discovered I'd been wrong."
"Live your soul's purpose what doesn't serve your highest purpose must fade away."