
Spiritual Reflection Quotes

There are 303 quotes

"Forgiveness is in the sleeping mind a reflection of this divine love."
"If we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, who we cannot see?"
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
"Our Blessed Mother reflects her divine Son; without him, she is nothing, with him, she is the Mother of men."
"What is it if you gain the world, but lose your soul?"
"I'm not here because of my goodness nor because of my kindness, but the reality is that we're all here because of the grace and mercy of God."
"I think for me, it was part of my Dharma... it was my life's purpose, to be honest."
"How many Ramadans have we promised Allah that we would change? How many Ramadans have we said this Ramadan will be different, insha'Allah?"
"It yields a sense of gratitude and reverence for being here at all."
"Life is sacred but our time on this world is just a blip compared to eternity."
"You can't rise above the why behind your life."
"When people see you, they see a reflection of Christ."
"As we suffer, we should remember the results of Christ's suffering."
"There are moments where you just begin to think about the goodness of God."
"God is a mirror and when his glory shows up it's a mirror because there's so many things that try to convince us against who we truly are it's all about identity."
"The reason for the season is not consumerism."
"2020 is the year of reckoning, God will humble you quick."
"It was all God, right after we took that picture is when I got the book and started reading it."
"Turn the soil of my soul, break up the fallow ground, cut back the overgrown. I won't shy away."
"Science is the only discipline which I know that has been able to lean us of our spiritually narcissistic need to be at the center of the universe."
"What a gift we were all given when we were given the opportunity to incarnate here now on this planet at this time."
"He now had all the knowledge of medical procedures from his past life."
"The Shabbat is a protection against material slavery, striving after success, prestige, and wealth are put aside so the people can meditate on the spiritual side of life."
"The sorrows of the Blessed Mother were unimaginable after her dying son had given up the ghost."
"In conclusion, the April 8th, 2024 Eclipse stands as a poignant reminder of the dynamic interplay between the Divine and the cosmic, between God's sovereignty and our human experience."
"What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
"This time of year should be about the gift of Jesus into the world that we don't have to be bound to and destined to the consequences of sinning."
"The greatest regret for anyone is to die in disbelief, knowing that the life you led was not in accordance to the wishes of your Creator."
"Rejoice not in what you have done for God, but in what God has done for you."
"The cross is what keeps us in balance and if you ever want to know how much he loves you look at that cross with his arms stretched out wide he says that's how much."
"Every day is a gift from God, and you should live it."
"Life is about intersections and God's timing."
"The rest is in Christ and the symbol of that rest is the Sabbath day."
"Thank you Universe, thank you for allowing me in this full moon to reflect upon who I was, what I want, what I don't want, and giving me crystal clarity in what I want to do next."
"Remember all that the Lord has done; it is in recounting your blessings and remembering what the Lord has done that we find the assurance for our next phase in life."
"Why do we look back? Because we learned lessons of defending the gospel."
"What I want you to ask yourself this morning is this: God, by the life that I'm living, am I pure salt? Am I really making a difference?"
"Your life has become a mirror projecting and revealing Jesus."
"The biggest diamonds were for when I prayed for my enemies."
"We have this reflection shining from heaven that is meant to teach us."
"Do you trust God enough to feed you? How much do we trust God? That's what it comes down to, really."
"The scriptures are not just a window to the past but a mirror reflecting the reality of the present and a lens peering into what lies ahead."
"What would you want your spirit to look like?"
"Thanks to God for everything today, it's been fantastic."
"Pray for the devil, for devils have no reason."
"We're called to make God look great by knowing Him, enjoying Him, and reflecting Him."
"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us."
"There are many plants in the heart of man, but only the will of God shall stand at the end."
"I hope this is what death is really like - we just wake up in heaven immediately."
"I am amazed by the grace of God as I look back over my life."
"If Jesus truly is who he claims to be, it has to change everything for us."
"The Passover and exodus story relates to us even today."
"I feel sorrow that you live in this world and you don't believe the Word of God?"
"Verily to Allah we belong and to Allah we return."
"God is not impressed with your 90-minute week long weekend service."
"May your heart turn in you to reflect how much you're willing to accept yourself and the different thing the Lord is doing with you."
"For those of us who know we don't deserve your mercy, we say thank you tonight."
"Just remember all the things that you have been given and all the answered prayers."
"There's just no love like that in this world. There is no other example of the love of God except God himself."
"The Lord wants you more than He wants to use you."
"Our relationships reflect our bigger relationship with Christ."
"It's only one life that we're on in this planet and it'll soon be passed and only what's done for Christ will last."
"Everything is a reflection of Source Energy, everything is a reflection of the one consciousness."
"The trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of the sovereignty of God over all creation."
"Every crisis is a time of decision making. What are you trying to change in me? What are you trying to grow in me?"
"Girls can rock any kind of haircut they want to rock."
"Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now."
"Father, I thank you for your grace and your mercy. I thank you for peace, I thank you for direction..."
"As the call to prayer echoes through the mosque, it reaffirms the Islamic ethos of peace, unity, and submission to Allah's will."
"The brilliance of Jesus reflected in the dwelling places."
"Let this beautiful story of redemption fill your thoughts as you sleep in quiet rest and trust."
"Giving ourselves permission to not know is a big thing too because so many times we're like, 'God, I should have known.'"
"Fasting expels toxins in the body but also exposes transgressions in the soul."
"Look at the cross and say, 'You have really suffered for me. My sufferings are nothing compared to yours.'"
"The soul of a good man is reflected in these paintings. That is what's real."
"The glory of God puts the pride of humankind to shame."
"Thank God for your breath, thank God for your life, thank God for your strength, thank God for the people that you see all the time in the comment section."
"Gratitude mirrors our life because of what Jesus did for us."
"We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to us than I ever would have imagined."
"I think we may spend an eternity trying to understand what it really cost Him that we might be there in fellowship with Him."
"We long in our souls for a restoration of truth and of purity goodness dogma charity hope faith."
"The way we are with people is how we should expect Allah to be with us."
"And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced." - Zechariah 12:10
"Most people believe God's promises but don't have the results they expect. Is something missing?"
"You can look back and remember all that God has brought you through."
"All of the pride rebounds back... anchored in what scripture has to say."
"Be thankful today for another day of life, thankful for your family members, thankful for friends, thankful for a good church, thankful if you have a job today, thankful if you're eating, thankful if you have a roof over your head."
"What's the scroll in your life that you need to sit down with Jesus?"
"You gotta remember we're all flawed people, but God uses flawed people."
"Would you have the courage today to say, 'God, what would you have me to do?'"
"Sometimes you do have those moments where you remember that talk we all love: Sunday will come."
"Every single day that I wake up, I'm going to remind myself it wasn't always like this, but God has been good."
"So many times, God uses relationships in our lives to mirror Him, to restore that, right?"
"What you have that's worth losing your soul over?"
"We deserve God's wrath, we do not deserve mercy, but what happened to me was I found grace instead."
"Proper self-loathing says I'm going to go to God he's the only one who can help me in this."
"I know this might sound religious or whatever, but come across enough of these scenes and you start to really believe evil does exist."
"Sometimes giving a man a chance is just giving him an opportunity to waste more of your time."
"Anything that helps us remember the equalizer of death more is a good thing for us if we're productive with it."
"I am a black woman minister who is queer and Christian and as I look back over my life I realized that my blackness and my queerness offered to me a secret cup of gladness."
"There are a lot of difficult things in scripture that can really affect us, but what has Jesus said about him that tells us who he is?"
"Urging contemplation on the divine narrative embedded within these revelations."
"Jesus went through incredible lengths despite insulting rejection, beatings, death on the cross."
"Let communion also be a way of reminding yourself what He's done in your life."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"Are we or are we not followers of Jesus? Is this or is this not the way he told us it would be?"
"When you draw close to Jesus, you see the motives and the thoughts that are inside your head and heart."
"It's that time of correction for all of us to quickly reevaluate. My peace has not been coming from the Lord in truth."
"How do we reflect Jesus' character towards our neighbor? That's the test of Christianity."
"Holiday is really a holy day isn't it? It gets us out of our routine and you see things that were for the first time."
"The number one thing that will change your day today is if you meditate on the greatness of God and get a clear and real vulnerable view of your sin and lay it before the Lord."
"Embracing silence in a noisy world: 'Be Still and know that I am God.'"
"Psalms 92: Rejoicing in the works of Yahuwah, our strength and righteousness."
"Repentance is always an invitation back to God; it's not an insult."
"Sometimes separation is preparation for our eternal destiny."
"Other than creation and Christ's time on earth, we have no bigger miracles."
"Take time to withdraw and look at the Lord with the eyes of the heart."
"Let others see Jesus in you and allow your life to reflect Christ."
"You need to reinforce your weak areas. What's your fundamental sin? What's your fundamental temptation?"
"Their gratitude was palpable as they thanked God for his love and forgiveness."
"In their moments of reflection and prayer, they found themselves drawn closer to the right path, the right people, and the right opportunities."
"New Foundation characters give us an interesting meditation on personal faith."
"You owe it to yourself to find out why God let you live. There's a reason God passed over you and your family."
"The way you pray affects the way you believe."
"Jesus has to be represented to the Christian before the Christian can properly represent him in the world."
"It's ridiculous to set up unrealistic goals."
"God probes us, asking questions to make us think out loud."
"Life has but one aim: to return to the source."
"Take one thing from this video: spend two or three minutes reassessing your life in the light of Jesus Christ."
"People are so scared of losing what they have, they forget the blessings they God gave them."
"Understanding the severity of hell makes you appreciate your salvation more."
"With each passing second, each minute, every hour, we are edging closer to an appointed time when we will stand before God and give an account for what we've done with our lives."
"If the righteous are barely saved, what will become of the godless and the wicked?"
"They devoted themselves to the Lord's Supper, and I always looked at that I thought, well, you know, now would you say, well, let's just do it once a month."
"The book, the Scriptures, is a mirror that goes past your exterior."
"Makes me appreciate Jesus Christ all the more."
"Our home is a reflection of our gratitude and faith."
"All I can wonder is why, then I feel a new emotion that is being emitted by God, this emotion is absolute patience."
"The men I see in the mosque looked more like the men I read about in the Bible than the men I saw in church."
"All praise is due to God for all conditions, whether they're good or bad."
"The essence of dua is more precious than the actual fulfillment of the dua. When the dua is fulfilled, you may lose the intimacy with Allah that the delay brought."
"It was clear to me then just how much God actually loves us."
"If everybody loved you, you would be of this world."
"This life is but a mist... it just evaporates... and in a millisecond of time in the scope of eternity."
"Linger in God's presence until the unhealthy things in the heart surface."
"I do pray sometime and say I don't know why you still got me here but I know it's for a reason for sure."
"He shows more Mercy than if he merely spared his life by exercising some decree."
"It'll help you reflect on the amazing things God is doing."
"Remember the past loving kindnesses of the Lord, and as a result, we may endure."
"Scripture that lives rent free in my brain: 2 Timothy 2:23-26."
"Some people like to look at it as my life almost ended, but I looked at it as God saved me again."
"Eternity is forever and it's a long time to spend in the wrong place."
"In embracing its significance, we're not just recalling an ancient event, but tuning into the heartbeat of divine love and purpose."
"Is that vain glory so important that it's worth losing your life worth losing your soul?"
"What breaks your heart tells God who you are, what makes you laugh tells God who you are."
"It's a very special time where we remember the death burial and resurrection of the Savior."
"God doesn't need any of us to do what we do, and yet He has chosen us."
"Neither I or any other human being is excluded from that unity and from that love... all that horror that is being perpetrated comes from people who are cut off from love."
"Your dream is actually a reflection of either the things your soul is engaged in or the bondages that are happening to your spirit and your soul."
"What is the sign of repentance? That you hate sin."
"Thank you, Lord, for your sacrifice. Thank you for dying on the cross for me."
"Guru Nanak Dev Ji is that 'Hakk Hakk Aiena' because they reflect the light of Akaal Purakh."
"Thankfulness causes us to remember what God has done and it positions us to partner with Him for what He's about to do."
"Moses's disobedience by the rock reminds us of the human flaws that bedevil us all."
"We come to you tonight just thankful, humbled, Lord God, at your provisions."
"Helping other people is key. I truly believe it all my heart. When we stand before God... what did you do for your fellow man?"
"Goodness and mercy have been following me all my life."
"India is your Homeland but it must also be your holy land."
"We really need to sit back and rethink what it is we are choosing to put in these bodies that we know are God's temples." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Trust issues shift—what do you do when you keep on praying for Rachel and you roll over to Leah?"
"Isn't it extraordinary that after laying out the most horrific sense of abandonment that Jesus felt, the message of the song goes on to say, 'But I will declare thy name unto my brethren'?"
"We're being called upon to reflect on the needs of the divine masculine."
"When I look at the skies and the stars and the planets and I look at the world and I go wow, God is so glorious."
"At some point we have to stop everything we're doing and say who is Jesus to me? And where have I seen him lately?"
"I remember when this story came out... and hopefully the truth is revealed amen."
"Whenever God doesn't give you what you want, recognize that we're wanting the wrong thing."
"It's hard for a rich man to get to heaven. When we feel like we don't need God, then we forget them."
"We are watching the word of God real time and we are alive to see it happen."
"We call to mind the ways we've offended love and ask the Lord to bring His love into our hearts."
"Your existence is to reflect the light of Allah."
"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"
"So everything in your life is a test. Everything."
"How do you respond when someone else is blessed with what you've been praying for?"
"Our souls demand Purgatory, don't they? Would it not break the heart if God said to us, 'It is true, my son, that your breath smells, your rags drop with mud and slime'?"
"Only by conquering himself will he conquer evil."
"The beautiful thing about God showing us who we are in His image, yeah because if we can't give ourselves that Grace and we can't see ourselves and be like man I right."
"The gravity of such rejection underscores not just a momentary lapse but a fundamental misunderstanding of the love and sacrifice that Christ embodies."
"Folks, when we take the Lord's Supper, we need to not only look back at the cross for it is a reminder of the great sacrifice of Jesus."
"The treason illustration: Jesus first, we see he's hungry and he wants the fruit of the fig tree."
"Put that on God, that's coming out of you. It's your desire, you're being enticed, you're being dragged away and enticed."
"Peace on Me on the day I was born and on the day I die and on the day I am raised to life."
"Suddenly Christ's deity is the most important thing you ever imagined. The cross is the most important thing you ever imagined."
"Thank you for being faithful to us even when we've been so unfaithful to you."
"Love even reigned during the darkness, which is why you get to Romans 5: 'While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.'"
"Can you still trust that he is good, that he is faithful?"
"Reflect on his goodness and just think through what you have to be thankful for."
"I admire their beauty and am reminded of the providence of the Father."
"I love him from the perspective of the divine but I'm not for him."
"And it's a reflection of everything you just spoke about right now, amen."
"May I rest in the knowledge that I did all I could with the time you gave me, God."