
Gaming Critique Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"It's like a pretty, I'll say, realistic take on the RPG genre."
"This game would be amazing because it's so good, it just needs those minor gripes fixed."
"When the best game on your worst games of the year list is 'Forspoken', you know that year was jam-packed with some of the worst garbage ever."
"It's insulting to the PS2 and Xbox era to say that this game is some kind of homage to them."
"Alola's biggest and most unanimous flaw is the overbearing hand holding."
"It's not bad; it's just disappointing from Rocksteady, pioneers of single-player story action, chasing already outdated multiplayer trends."
"Only its soundtrack disappoints, but I can't hold that against it when everything else is this well done."
"Triple A doesn't mean shit to me other than I can expect it to maybe look good on the surface and be shallow beneath it."
"Meaningless collectibles and shallow rewards have incentivized the deeper task of going to get them."
"Honestly this game plays tragic its disrespectfully bad it's disgustingly bad actually it's just not on."
"Here's one way to tell if a class sucks: if people are putting extra points into a basic skill, it sucks."
"Something about that just doesn't scream nazi zombies to me not exactly sure what it is but still i think the apothecan servant is a fantastic wonder weapon."
"World quest 2.0... it's hard to know personally I think that world quests are pretty bad."
"It's awful balancing in the case of strike a Titan though it's borderline slapstick."
"The audio escape, like the most criticized portion of them."
"If it's free, it's difficult to complain about. You being bored, you can complain about parts of the game that aren't working properly."
"I want to slam on Nintendo for making such a lame port, but dude, this game is so actually good."
"But if you weren't also complaining about the hyper unrealistic women in games, why would you have an issue with this?"
"One thing I would criticize about the game: there is secondary objectives and you get a star which is basically the sort of system they use to unlock activities. It's quite important to get stars as many stars as possible."
"The fact that this is a finesse shot simulator, it's super super unrewarding to play this game on a game to game basis."
"It's still like a poker machine... it is gambling to a degree."
"I liked the game but I do not think it should have been an Assassin's Creed game."
"Absolutely no need to remake the original Last of Us."
"Attributes on gear in Immortal are less interesting than in D3, particularly because your main attributes are the most important."
"It just takes what it first seems like a more complex and interesting system and just boils it down to chasing one very specific thing."
"This game didn't need multiplayer. What a waste of development."
"Pokemon contests, much like the underground secret bases, have been gutted and are nothing more than a hollow shell of its former self."
"It's a fucking sequel, of course we're gonna compare it to the earlier games."
"All the complaining legitimate or not does not mean a damn thing if you turn around and you buy microtransactions."
"It's very rare that a game sees an inversion of this scenario... where almost all of it is terrible but the gameplay side of things is awesome."
"But Mirage isn't this. It's a lukewarm attempt to reheat the classic formula using an engine that was built for a Viking simulator to rake in your money while they work on their next Odyssey RPG and game about [___] witches."
"There's something stopping me from saying it's a good game."
"I dislike these challenges so much... they're like the complete antithesis of what makes banjo-kazooie nuts-and-bolts such an interesting and unique video game."
"Mediocrity is worse than bad. A bad game is entertaining; a boring game is torture."
"Many consider The Sims 4 a step backwards compared to the third iteration of the game."
"Crafting is a complete mess and that this particular reality has yet to dawn on quite a few people I see who are currently praising the game."
"If the Batmobile wasn't here at all, Arkham Knight would have probably felt like just another Arkham game."
"Thunder's biggest problem is that Gaijin always thinks they know best."
"The game is forcing me to use its stupid roulette mechanic which I need to pay coins to use. This isn't strategy, it's literally a pay-to-win system."
"Honestly outside of that what is very unique about Dark Souls... the only unique thing about the game is that it's so fucking difficult."
"The game is even so broken and arrogant in how it presents itself."
"Game looks like a joke but the main thing that makes it something I never want to touch again is the control."
"I think my only real complaint is that Boros, they just kind of shoehorned it into, 'You love equipment, don't you?'"
"Sekiro just seems to be the apex of everything that they've been building towards for like 10 years now."
"The single biggest complaint I have about this game is the fear factor. It's just bad. It isn't scary in the slightest and it tries far too hard to be an action shooter free from any horror that the previous installment instilled within you."
"Boring, safe, and repetitive game design is the Kryptonite of Call of Duty."
"OverWatch 2 feels like a rushed attempt to cash in on the popularity of the original without understanding what made the first game special."
"Polish is obvious, I mean…Sonic games have notoriously…not been that in history."
"There is no legitimate reason to have this here. It doesn't benefit the game."
"But what I hate the most by far is that under the surface, this is a really, really good game with a lot of heart and soul and some super deep systems."
"Games don't need to be this grindy. Games aren't jobs with week-long initiations or hazing rituals. You don't need to put the new player through 10 hours of grueling crap before you finally say, 'Well done, here's the fun part.'"
"Thoughts on 2.6? Pretty bad deck in need of a buff, to be honest."
"The worst part about this ending is that other games before and since have done it better."
"They've wasted it and this game is not in a good position and the people running the game have no [ __ ] clue what they're doing."
"The law of averages dictates that somewhere in the hundreds of games of the Mario name attached to them, there is a small collection of absolute abominations that must be documented so that future generations learn from these mistakes."
"NO! It wasnt. Now you may be thinking: But Act Man, I think the req system is just fine the way it is! (Laughter) Youre funny! Do you honestly think the req system couldnt have been improved in any way? REALL?!"
"So, is that it then? Just a gun at the end of the campaign? Nothing else? You know the answer, let’s go!"
"MLP games might not be the best things on the market but there's worse."
"But the best way I can describe combat Jedi fallen order is if Sekiro sucked."
"It's interesting they didn't include the gameplay elements within combat as they had in last of us part two i feel like that would have been a worthy inclusion and heightened the gameplay aspect of this remake"
"That hype can’t overshadow the potential and apparent problems Sonic Forces has."
"Criticizing a game is not an attack on the developers or the company behind it."
"It's just the most [ __ ] brain dead unkillable champion in the whole League of Legends video game."
"The characters actually look significantly worse than the items they're wearing..."
"The Phantom Pain, sadly, ends up feeling like the most restrictive MGS game to date."
"It's not that the game copied Smash too much, it's that it didn't copy Smash enough."
"It's simple! Kind of a problem I have with Doom Eternal?"
"I remember people are saying how can you have an opinion about Fallout 76, you just played the beta. And I was like dude if you played the beta, you played the whole [ __ ] game. Betas today are just early access."
"Classic was far from perfect, but it offered that MMORPG feeling that so many felt have been gradually eroded away from other titles." - Narrator
"This game should be embarrassed of itself right now."
"Spawning just doesn't feel brilliant right now and we've also got to talk about the UI I don't mind the in-game UI at all that doesn't really bother me but the front end menus and stuff are really not that easy to navigate..."
"So no, I’m not making this video as a spiteful, hate-driven 180 against the game..."
"With 50 million people already quitting, the damage has already been done."
"Robo-baby is kind of sh*tty... does such little damage that it's effectively meaningless."
"It's just a big I win button. It's so incredibly troll. There's no skill required whatsoever when you're driving this machine and firing this ammunition."
"The undying warlock spell list is a little lackluster... nothing that you would take above what's already presented."
"What is Starfield? Starfield is essentially a dog's dinner of many science fiction games tropes and mechanics all stuffed into a sack that says decades old game engine shaken about until it feels sick."
"Less is more: Battlefield games have added a lot of unnecessary bloat to the gameplay."
"I'm actually baffled that Gotham knights was not the games as a service game that's the one that seems like that's a single player game that feels like a service game right."
"Pokemon Legends Arceus is a step in the right direction for the aging series even if its technical limits isn't always supported its ambition." - XGN
"We live in a world where they literally put out a buggy mess that was purposefully gutted to try and sell skins."
"I'm not a fan of shock waves or crash pads... they allow you to exploit."
"It's wave after wave of for the most part tanky enemies or shotgunners rushing you... it's not even fun." - M
"The Division has no potential... but I acknowledge that there is potential."
"Underneath all the nonsense, this is still a fallout game."
"How can any year that has Elden Ring be the worst year ever for gaming?"
"Blow bys, good Lord to be bad at NBA 2k 18 you basically had to suck at video games in general."
"The ultimate boner killer: monsters reduced to math."
"At the very least it would be tough to argue a case for this game not at least being the greatest Capcom vs. SNK or soba game of them all."
"Good graphics doesn't always mean good gameplay."
"The gear system is laughably bad like Avengers level bad for real."
"Cosmic is bad hands off with starts it has a dreadful loophole that's just nothing that this Pokemon really adds going for it."
"The lack of a stealth button: I know, really nitpicky, but that's what we do."
"Sony exclusives might all fundamentally play the same, but I gotta take a well-crafted complete single-player game with absolutely zero microtransactions."
"The problem was that there was no content; if Shadowlands had the amount of content that BFA did, people would have been fine."
"Wow at its worst feels like a lifeless collection of systems and content. Like all of those things is the cure to that problem hopefully they nail it."
"It is not cool to sell us multiplayer only games stripped of features that the game used to have filled with micro transactions."
"This game is very rough and basic compared to later entries."
"Oko is not about synergy, it's about generically absurd."
"It's insane, literally that fans make better Pokemon games than the Pokemon devs."
"Adventure Quest 3D: Monotonous quests and lack of in-depth customization may not appeal to everyone."
"If you've played one pokemon game you've played them all."
"If it weren't for the absurd level of trolling fromsoft did with the final arena this would be the undisputed worst boss arena in the franchise."
"Star Fox Zero tries too hard to be like 64 without the charm or soul."
"One video game franchise that goes above and beyond royally wrecking humans. Well, you people are sick, depraved, and honestly pretty metal."
"Forces really can't be considered a bad game. It's not badly made and it's not badly designed."
"The Witch Queen is a beautiful package that almost couldn't have been done better."
"I still wish the AI was a little smarter, just spread it out like that dude over here has zero people and you guys stacked three deep on the other one."
"They're not healthy for the games industry, they're not healthy for the players."
"The worst part about Dominaria Remastered, in my opinion, is well, I don't see any extreme Lottery hidden cards."
"Let's tackle that question: our tools in 5e? Kind of garbage, my friend. You need to see all the possibilities for tools."
"Blizzard missed the most open of open goals."
"The dynamic between Kratos and Atreus and how that relationship goes from point A to point B is a better written game than The Last of Us in my opinion."
"Just give me some good items that I can use and maybe choose to use, but all the different rarity types, it just plays into that whole sort of addictive collecting mindset that people have, and I just... I don't like it."
"For all the missteps and wasted potential, this game has a lot to give."
"The only thing it's missing now is RPG mechanics and it really will be the most generic [ __ ] game ever made."
"The armor system having three different tiers for each set feels kind of weird to me."
"Babylon's Fall encapsulates nearly everything wrong with always online live service gaming."
"My only problem with Fortnite is that it doesn't allow for wackiness."
"Every year there's always a handful of easy targets when it comes to talking about the worst game of the year."
"Feels like I'm playing something in early access," plagued with bugs like cars vanishing and perpetual animation loops.
"It's just idiotic stuff that I see, and then these game modes promote needing to win and needing to play this way."
"I've always believed that this is one of the best games ever from a storytelling standpoint."
"Thank God we are finally done with Megaman X6. Jesus this game sucks."
"Nobody say Warhammer is not arcady and dumbed down ever again."
"I love the looter shooter genre but why the [__] are all their games so bad literally bro just take Borderlands and copy it and make it bigger it ain't hard."
"Let's talk about the game... the game suffers from a number of different problems... the actual progression system itself."
"And if that isn’t the biggest sign of all that, even with its flaws, this is the return to form the series desperately needed, I don’t know what is."
"This game tricked everybody from every angle."
"Out of every perk that there is in cold war zombies this is probably down there as the most pointless to use."
"I literally hated this mission there's nothing happening so far from actual history and it's just plain bad and boring as a game."
"Calling Starfield an RPG feels generous, and the number of narrative choices you get to make are pretty slim."
"But yeah that's been kind of my you know little rant and kind of discussion and opinion about this part of the game."
"This already makes Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Definitive Edition among the worst user-rated games in Metacritic history."
"Mass Effect 3's ending was bad. It made no sense in the context of the story, disregarded user's decisions, and left plot holes."
"The DLC adds nothing of value and highlights the worst aspect of the game."
"I love the person in chat actually I don't it was like game should have shipped this way."
"The main conclusions I reached about this game were this: It's a decent enough video game, but designed entirely around separating the player from their cash."
"The main game limped over the finish line with the DLC trying to put a band-aid over a decapitation."
"The only thing Borderlands players in the past six years have been excited for is [ __ ] text on your gun. Isn't that mind-blowing?"
"God of War Ragnarok is one of the best and most complex story-driven games in the AAA space of the past few years."
"I feel like that took away from Call of Duty rather than adding on to the success of Call of Duty."
"Punishing healers is a very stupid thing to do."
"Make no mistake, this is the most balanced Tekken has ever been."
"Starfield doesn't give as much of a reason to care about outposts despite there being a massive resource investment to actually build one."
"It may not look like much, the graphics are pretty bland and the music is nothing to get too excited about."
"Does this look like fun or engaging gameplay to you? Like, does anyone seriously think that bullet sponges are fun?"
"I believe in God used Supremacy, I don't have her because her gameplay kinda sucks."
"For the fifth time in a row, we have Shelley as irrelevant as possible."
"It's kind of like Charming in like an elix way where like you know that like there's a lot of Jank here and you really want to like stick an ice pick in the Jank and like kind of de-encrust it and like pull it off and talk about it."
"Frost is straight up the worst PvE spec in the game by a big old margin."
"Don't buy this game, you're only funding and encouraging terrible computer games."
"It's a fantastic game full of heart. Hey, I guess that's why they named the remake 'Art Gold.' No? Anyway, I think it's the game I enjoyed playing the most in the last 30 days."
"Gamers just need so much hand-holding these days."
"The lack of an easy mode shows a stunning lack of respect for players."
"I think it's really underwhelming for three elixir... just doesn't fulfill anything." - Colton W83
"Despite my misgivings with the story and the open-world areas, this is worth getting."
"Ultimately, the main problem with gaming was capitalism."
"It's designed to extract money from people who already paid for the game."
"Vanilla Destiny was borderline insulting as a game."
"I haven't bought any bundles over in Vanguard... the game is absolutely in shambles."
"Between these 8 games there is a ton of fun to be had and loads of great game design to see."
"This card's nuts. Game Knights editors hate it. Cathars Crusade is a real headache."
"Another year, another Sony cinematic slop game that everyone's going to pretend is a masterpiece."
"Oblivion managed to give us really the best combat system that the Elder Scrolls has to offer."
"The game is so unrewarding, that anyone can win, like guys who aren’t good can win in FIFA 20 and no one enjoys playing it."
"We have to fight, fight, fight... to make sure that Joe does win."
"Before I get started can I just say how glad I am the tikis somehow managed to be a truly fantastic character."
"The fact that it was that handle it like just the solid two stock, the call out on like the half fully charged forward smash, we get it Leo, like I don't think this is very good."
"You know, the one thing that's not really too impressive about this game is the menu. I respect the minimalism but, yeah, no, no."
"This is a very broken low-level killer build especially on this tileset."
"This game usually we'll sit here and be like this, there's such complex amazing story. The story this game is almost non-existent."
"This character is great, but this is just a worse version of the seventh anniversary LR's... This is a slot two character that they want to get hit seven times. Ridiculous. It is horrible design."
"Honestly, if this was a launch title for the console, I think it would have been a much better hit than one to switch."
"Most people are sitting here critiquing the game just like I am based on what we've been given as information, and the only way we can really validate that information and understand it properly is to play the game."
"Splitting up your player base into situations where they can't interact with each other in 2021 is a bad system."
"That's just Mindless bro, like there's no other way to describe Halo in its current state other than they just don't understand their audience."
"Is it a terrible game, or is it actually a gem on the NES?"
"Do I wish the villagers had a shred of life to them? Yes. Do I hate the new music they wrote for it and desperately want to have the old music back? Yes."
"Your game doesn't have the chow garden, you lose, bye bye."
"I take no money from any game developer for any reason; that way, I can give you my honest opinion and not my wallet's opinions."