
Spiritual Progress Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"When you have achieved the faintest glimmering of love, you have advanced in distance without measure and in time beyond the count of years."
"One of the tests of progress in Karma Yoga is the attainment of purity of mind. Another test is reduction of stress and strain."
"Islam is a direction, not just a set of rules. It's about progress and understanding."
"Walking with God implies that we make progress or advances in our spiritual life."
"Keep walking forward, resist the enemy, move forward."
"The kingdom of God advances in the world against the world one soul at a time."
"Focus on your light work and union will come."
"We're never going to be holy enough, but there are signs of progress and healing."
"The light has made amazing progress, it's truth, it's multi-dimensional, it's a mandala."
"This energy is taking us further higher lighter brighter because everything that has been karmically completed and cleared out has created an opening."
"As you embrace this moon, you're moving towards a profound and brilliant transformation."
"God's plan is to keep everything moving and growing and increasing more and more."
"This is you having gotten your wings, putting this boulder over the previous karmic cycle."
"Each step you take in faith brings you closer to the purpose he has for you."
"They're seeing you progress spiritually."
"The hard fact of the matter is that you can't make spiritual progress without renunciation."
"Creating healthy boundaries emerges as the cornerstone in safeguarding our energy and ensuring our spiritual progress remains unimpeded."
"True progress in spiritual science lies in the purifying spiritual warmth of our sensations and our feelings."
"How do I know that I'm progressing in spiritual life? You will understand yourself, and others will notice it."
"Very soon you will find deep peace within yourself."
"You will find a pull towards God. That shows progress in spiritual life."
"We are wasting so much time in the body of Christ because Christians are not turning the page and following the lead of the Holy Spirit."
"Even if you're not there mentally yet, you already are spiritually there."
"We progress on the spiritual journey by a simple combination of the two."
"All the progress of the past leads up to Christ, and all the progress of the future starts with Christ."
"If you have these and if you have a lot of these, you're on the fast track of growing your soul."
"I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I'm not what I will be, but thank God I'm not what I used to be."
"What is it like to be enlightened? How do I know that I'm progressing towards enlightenment?"
"Nothing is lost in this path. What a great thing, as much progress as you make, that is permanent progress."
"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher, it'll move your needle of progress."
"We're supposed to move from glory to glory, from faith to faith."
"We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection."
"The Sun represents spiritual progress and enlightenment."
"It's our capacity to distinguish between illusion and reality, between the outward semblance of things and the inner reality, that will determine whether we will spend our lives progressing spiritually or whether we will waste our lives."
"The human birth is considered very rare and very valuable because we make spiritual progress in this birth."
"Progress from God's perspective is measured from darkness to light."
"You're going from glory to glory."
"Self-giving or surrender is demanded of those who practice this yoga because without such a progressive surrender of the being, it is quite impossible to get anywhere near the goal."
"The major step in spirituality is when you get past this getting and not getting, doing and not doing, having and not having."
"Let's move forward and into the power of God, let's move forward in the grace of God."
"If you experience the faintest glimmering of Love's meaning, you have advanced in distance beyond measure and in time beyond the count of years."
"In the Lord's calculus, He will do everything He can to help us turn our slopes toward heaven."
"Humanity was saturated with evil and disease, and it was crucial that humanity started to progress spiritually if it was to survive."
"It's your process, you're a little disconnected from it, you're more concerned about the 3D world and how that's actually playing out, but I promise you spiritually you are taking off and it's beautiful."