
Learning Experience Quotes

There are 427 quotes

"One of those kinds of games where you have to die several sad deaths before you really get further."
"School. I've had all kinds of experiences with it. Sometimes you get a great teacher who can make you excited about learning."
"Don't feel bad if they didn't pick you, at least you learned something from the process. You sharpened your skills, you got better."
"Don't be ashamed of going to school. Let it be a learning experience."
"I had a brief period this year when... I thought I'd take up urban farming... until I proudly sent my mom a photo of the luscious berry bushes I had cultivated, and she informed me that they were poisonous weeds."
"But really you shouldn’t let yourself be a victim of hype because you’re the one who ends up getting burned as a result and I hope cyberpunk ends up being a wakeup call for people."
"I lost probably a hundred thousand dollars of my own money just kind of clicking buttons and paying my market tuition."
"Releasing things, even if they fail, is great. I'm just going to use that as a measuring stick."
"Everything's a learning lesson, so I'm excited to get back into top form."
"If I try something and it doesn't work, it's not like a failure or I'm not a failure. I just think it's a learning experience."
"We'll sort of be exploring some of the stuff you can learn in the course, and I think it's a lot of fun."
"The quality of the educational experience of all the students... depends in part on these differences."
"It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride but we've learned a lot."
"Well, that was about the funniest thing that I've ever learned or read about, and I'm very happy about it."
"Ultimately just relax and understand that you know what happened happens and you'll learn it'll be a learning experience."
"When you believe this experience you've gotten something from it."
"This challenge is going to be a little bit instructional as well as really probably just by far the most challenging one of the course."
"Hopefully you've enjoyed watching this whole process, and I know I've personally loved learning so many new things during this project."
"Spend time alone with God. Now this secret of resilience and this secret of stress resistance may be the secret that you do the least, spending enough time alone with God."
"Matt Fraser surely learned his lesson last year he didn't take any water out of the field with him."
"I regret buying the bath towel, but also I learned an incredible lesson which I'm sure I'll apply to many future purchases and decisions."
"The internet spits on me for that but at least I learned."
"Congrats, we learned so much, you guys should be super proud!"
"Now you're down 1500 bucks so a learning lesson but a tough one for sure."
"It was very rewarding to see the totally different perspective than what you're used to."
"It's efficient militarily but it leads to huge casualties it's a painful time for the British and for the Americans who are learning at the same time."
"What have we learned today in this marathon? I mean, we just birthed an amazing video game."
"I want to be the Star Citizen newbie who doesn't know much about this game and I want you the master to take me on a journey to show me what's cool about Star Citizen."
"I feel like I've been drinking from an informational fire hose all day."
"The tutorial in Breath of the Wild feels like playing a mini version of the game."
"When you sit with someone that can talk about it before it happens and explain the logic behind it and you get to see it experience it, that's mentorship."
"Let's chalk this up to a learning experience and move on."
"So it was the best experience because you learned your x's and o's it put me with veterans."
"It's a learning experience... one that you can learn to benefit from."
"Honestly, every single second of my life has meant, and everyone else's life I think is meant to be a learning experience."
"I hope you guys had a really fun time learning how to make the large off the mat project."
"This is just a learning lesson, let's move forward peacefully."
"I've come to realize that my own sense of myself as a political being is very much linked to the ways in which I've learned how to experience and organize for solidarity with Palestine."
"Prince Keleseth has got to be one of the biggest lessons that the Hearthstone team has learned."
"Jack dropped in and gave me the most unbelievable piano lesson which just gave me the tools to think differently about learning piano."
"You need to put effort into it, it rewards your time. But why would I put my time into a learning process I either don't enjoy, don't learn from, or don't understand?"
"Congratulations for not only being champions but experiencing and learning."
"Thank you to the audience... we definitely learned a lot."
"I try to be like the glasses half full guy where I'm like, man, what a weird learning experience for me."
"This is a bike that's going to teach you. It's, oh my god, this bike can teach you so much."
"Your UI learning experience just leveled up."
"That was awesome, I learned a lot from that."
"It's not high school. You know what? I'll take this one on me. It's all 100% me."
"If a squad leader asks for a volunteer to do a logi run, do it so you can learn."
"Every time you start a new world in Minecraft, you grow a little wiser, learn more of its tricks and secrets, and shortcuts to make your experience just a little bit more efficient."
"This is a Bell 206 Jet Ranger. This is the helicopter that I learned how to fly in."
"Midweek felt very much like a coming-of-age performance... That maturity and that kind of experience, that big game management as well that we've learned from midweek, that's going to put us in so much good stead for today as well."
"I think we actually played pretty well and we learned a lot of new things about how to approach the game."
"The pain is the brain internalizing the game. Every time you make a mistake and you feel the pain, you're getting better."
"We've learned a lot over the last couple of months and we're going to do a job like nobody's seen before."
"I hope that you enjoyed it, I hope that you learned something useful."
"Failure is just unpacking the label we've ascribed to it and learning from it."
"You are part of an illusion and learning experience that allows you to become aware of the love and light of the creator in your illusion."
"The winner of a milsim event or a training type of situation is the one who had their brain turned on the most and learned the most."
"It's been a large learning curve, but I'm loving it, loving it."
"This was meant to happen. You've learned, and this is growth for you."
"Games that hurt teach you something meaningful."
"The Phantom Pain, for me, was a lesson in how not to be a critic."
"It's wonderful when you know I Can Walk Away Learning something and having takeaways too."
"I'm just learning something so new every single lap, but it feels awesome."
"Hopefully apex legends never has to go through something like this again... hopefully this is a lesson well learned for the folks over at respawn."
"It's just an honor to learn from the greatest, I am so much better at cooking than when I arrived here."
"Pikes Peak had a great time today learning about stuff. Thank you so much for watching Donut Media."
"I would have given anything to learn like this, this is cool, man."
"If I felt like I left the class and I was like, you know, I felt like I learned something today."
"Audio is very important. Something I had to learn the hard way, but now that you're watching this and if you're learning, invest in your audio. Trust me, I will not mislead you."
"Cheers to hopefully a great learning experience for the next eight weeks."
"I feel like we've learned something from this."
"We are here to learn from this, not to berate anybody."
"I don't know about you, but I've learned so much from this list of topics. It is unbelievable what man and nature can create, not to mention the possibility of aliens!"
"Well, that's a start, but I don't reckon you came to me to learn to fight sarsaparilla bottles. Tell you what, I gotta go chase geckos away from my water supply anyway. Darn critters are attracted to it. Why don't you come along?"
"The big takeaway from sledding down the hills is to always remember the pizza before you french fry."
"It wasn't a mistake if you only did it once."
"We believe that the Gracie Academy learning experience can bring down aggressive tendencies."
"It's definitely a challenge learning simulation stuff but it's really fun."
"As soon as you start having things like speed ramps and whoosh sound effects and combining them all together it can really elevate your edit."
"Well, what did we learn and what's the next experiment we want to run?"
"The important thing is to learn from this experience so that it will never happen again."
"Construction is complicated, that's what we're figuring out. But hey, we're always up for a challenge, how hard could it be, right?"
"You walk away from this game having learned something."
"You are teaching me and inviting me into a world I knew nothing about."
"Ever done something totally stupid that cost you some money that you really could have done without losing? Yeah, thought so."
"Save yourself the hassle and the embarrassment of being like the news Trader."
"My favorite level of all time that I enjoyed learning the most and that I just look so fondly back on is Forest Temple by Michigan."
"Rust is an awesome programming language I've really been enjoying it over the past few days."
"We quickly realized that we had never experienced this before and that until you start to go through something it's really hard to pick up on those subtle signs."
"Our goal is never to let the player think that he was being taught, but to have a fun experience and learn how to play the game while they were doing that."
"Overall, I definitely gained a more robust understanding of what we're gonna be doing day in, day out in Diablo 4."
"Best of luck on it I hope you have a great time doing it here's my best piece of advice right now though understand it's probably not going to be great and that's okay and if it is great bonus look at it as a learning experience."
"At the very least, it's going to be a learning experience."
"Bamboozled by a map purchase, a lesson learned in city dealings."
"Hope you all enjoyed and potentially learn something."
"Looking back now in hindsight, I have to say that was probably one of the best learning experiences that I had ever been through."
"I have hope that you learn not just what to do but also what not to do."
"This challenge was a great experience, difficult, we learned a lot, grew a lot."
"Come ride with us in a day, learn about bikes, take part in competitions, are going on road and off-road, pub quizzes, you name it."
"Disasters are merely learning experiences, challenges to work through."
"There was never a point when I was reading a volume where I didn't feel like I was learning something new."
"I just learned something I had no idea even existed."
"I like it, I like it. It's fun, and I learned a lot about dating and men."
"Just the amount that I've learned across the entire series, not just because I had to learn Blender really to do a lot of my stuff but just the amount I've learned from about YouTube in general from all you guys has been crazy."
"We don't make any mistakes. We have some happy accidents sometime and we learn to work with those."
"The lesson plans were designed by people who understand the science behind Linguistics and the result is a learning experience that feels intuitive and challenging but not overwhelming."
"That's pretty much everything I've learned over the two days when the Livewire was here."
"What an educational adventure this has been."
"Wow, what an educational adventure this has been!"
"Sometimes it's not sort of inspiring, but also, on the flip side of that, I learned."
"I think that's part of the appeal of no prep, like learning a new thing, building a new car."
"Lesson learned and I'm a better nuzlocker for it."
"Failure wasn't failure, it was just a death of an experimental Enterprise."
"A heist with Markiplier is that to an extreme level... it was just like that learning experience from working with a crew of that size."
"Honestly, it feels so good when you listen to something again that the first time around was really challenging."
"Whether you struggle or not, it's going to be a good learning experience for you and the viewers."
"Hopefully, you're learning a lot in the same way that I am."
"I love that she's learning... there's a lot for an actor to draw in and stuff."
"You guys are genuinely testing yourselves; you can see how much growth and learning is happening."
"The biggest takeaway I had from this whole challenge is that yes, it absolutely helps to play people better than you."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"It's very easy to mess up, which I just did."
"The learning curve when raising every individual puppy is different and it's significant even for me."
"Without wasting a single day, I learned a lot and it was really fun."
"This is what I had to learn from him. This is how he closes out games."
"Congratulations, I mean now that I've learned a lot from this."
"This can hopefully serve as an example of an idiot that was able to learn and be better in the future."
"I've learned so much about these games... to see just how much I've grown."
"It's less about the characters and their celebration of Halloween. It's all about them trying to learn how to have a Christmas."
"Practice more tests and get into a habit of identifying key points. Practice makes a man perfect, and practice makes a man experience."
"You're gonna fall, you're gonna crash, you're gonna tumble, but these guys did it in stride, they kept a smile on their face and crushed it."
"You know, this was bound to happen at some point. It's just for it to be my second ever guest is pretty wild that I'm dealing with this."
"I think it's a really, really cool idea and I learned a lot of valuable lessons from it."
"I learned so much from doing this... I'm sure I will be restoring other watches on the channel."
"I respect it, I respected it, and I learned something new about history."
"Embrace failure... it's not that you alone have failed, it's that the idea didn't have merit."
"I hope you guys enjoyed the process and maybe learn something new along the way."
"I've not completely failed, but it was a learning curve, okay? It was a learning curve."
"I mean, I think I just learned a lot, like, I loved hearing all of your y'all stories and I feel sad that you guys, like, feel oppressed sometimes and don't even try, you know?"
"That's overpowered, guys I'm learning so much literally just from this video."
"That was really good for your first time, though. It's my first time. Not bad!"
"While it failed to most people, it wasn't a failure for me because I met so many interesting people that I wouldn't have met otherwise, I learned two forms of martial arts, and I learned not what to do."
"Ever since buying this house I've made every mistake imaginable and I've learned a lot along the way." - Andre
"We've all learned far more than we ever wanted to about logistics."
"That makes you grow, you know, and I feel like that shows a lot more than the mistake you made. Period."
"Congratulations, you've just learned subjectivity."
"I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun so that was very good."
"In hindsight, that was not a smart decision."
"Every time you try something a little different, you're gonna get a little different result."
"That was our first battle, not bad. Yeah, we won. Those peasants don't though, well you know what, they learned something, but their sharpened sticks aren't that sharp."
"Learning a new trick, there's no greater feeling."
"But guys, I had just an absolute blast removing the bees. Adrian taught me so much, and if you ask me, was it worth it or not? It was definitely worth it in the end."
"Monumental disasters play out in slow motion, or learning experience."
"Building a computer sounds like fun or it's interesting where I'd like to give it a try but I'm nervous or scared because I've never done it before."
"Before this, all I knew about IQ tests is that they existed and the I stands for intelligence. I've never looked into IQ tests before. Coming here today, them saying the EQ. That was the first time I've ever heard that term in my life."
"Trying your hand at something new can also yield unforeseen results."
"For the amount of fun I had and the knowledge that I got from doing this project, I think it was completely enjoyable."
"VPN has saved me a handful of times after I had to learn the hard way how accessible your personal information is."
"Things we wish we knew when we started cycling."
"You guys get to see the trial and error process."
"Making a risk is worth it even when it doesn't work. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it's that good."
"You don't experience this kind of level of fight, you will see and you will learn."
"I hope you've enjoyed this and learned something."
"This experience is gonna be so much more valuable than the money that you're gonna make with that first product because you're gonna be able to replicate this."
"Well, we've learned a lot here today. I will say actually, at a very high level, this is quite a wonderful collaboration."
"Something for the next generation and of course we enjoy doing these things too. It's a huge learning curve but it's been amazing."
"Spectacular fight great fight great fight great fight by both guys a lot to be learned in that fight they both show that they were in supreme condition."
"Thank you everybody so much for watching. This was an educational experience. I don't know what we learned, but things are different."
"She panicked when they burnt and then added water... which altered the taste."
"We're gonna learn some things as we get into it."
"I learned a lot and I enjoyed myself, and I am proud of this one-of-a-kind creation."
"So, we were putting in the rudder too fast, and it was causing us to flip over. That always happened if you put in the rudder too fast."
"Learn from your mistakes and strive to improve."
"Join us as we turn our beautiful blue water cruiser into a wreck and share some of the lessons that we learn along the way."
"You guys are actually watching me learn how to fish a lake like this today."
"While Lynch's 1984 attempt was a failure, it would eventually be integral to the development of the most successful adaptation to date: the computer game."
"It's been a very strange stream. I think we've learned a lot about ourselves and each other."
"It's just a wealth of stories and I learned a lot about the C7 Knack."
"This has taught me a crapload and is amazing and mind-blowing."
"You don't truly learn anything about fighting until you actually spar someone."
"This has been a wonderful learning experience and a hell of a journey."
"Learn two valuable lessons that day: one, always do as you're told; two, document everything."
"It's been a privilege to take your class this week."
"Failure is a reflection that you're trying to do something in your life."
"I'm sure that with knowledge you can make this process of change a pleasure, just a good experience of wisdom."
"Together both of your lessons learned are leading to a new beginning."
"The best part of my experience was getting raw and uncut information along with knowing that not everyone blows up overnight, it takes time and persistence."
"One of my favorite things is learning through failure."
"Even if something I make doesn't work like I've envisioned it, that doesn't mean it's a waste of time."
"You know, one of the reasons I keep the camera rolling is I want you to see this happens to me too. I am NOT an expert, I just have some experience."
"Wow, you really learn a lot when you watch Hickok45."
"The key is just wanting to work with other creators because you're gonna learn from each other, you're gonna have awesome experiences and it's just gonna be a ton of fun."
"I aspire to be a Pokemon guy. I got to learn a lot more about Pokemon playing this game."
"I feel like I learned things from this that I can incorporate into other projects and designs in the future."
"Together they all taught me that pretty much anything is figure outable."
"You're developing the skill, and second of all, you should notice that you're actually gonna enjoy your interactions more."
"It's really awesome... you get to learn something new."
"The whole point is to experience diversity. We learn and grow from each other instead of hating each other."