
Gaming Strategy Quotes

There are 7674 quotes

"One of those kinds of games where you have to die several sad deaths before you really get further."
"I think that's one of the main things, is working with a team that knows their weapon and knows timing."
"Pressing the transfer all prisoner button and then by simply pressing done, the game is going to believe that for some mystical reason we donated Sverdorn into the castle, consequently increasing our relation with the person who owns the castle and that actually gives us a whole bunch of charm."
"This fight is where 75% of all attempts ended because if you ever lose a battle, you randomize everything and start a new game."
"He's pretty much a quintessential support character and he fills in a lot of the cracks that the attack can't really get to."
"Ash is the quintessential entry fragger, she has an awesome gun, R4-C, high rate of fire not a lot of recoil."
"Thermite's job is to open the wall... he makes a big effing hole, it's a standing hole, you can get in there."
"Monty's job is to get in there and get map control, and he's not asking for it, he's taking it."
"Stalker is a rare case, maybe even the only case, where I not only recommend save scumming, but I don't know how you could finish it without it."
"This sig, although it looks underwhelming, is one of the best sigs in the game."
"It's hard not to appreciate a move that closes distance so quickly."
"It's got the hitbox, it's got the reversal capabilities, it's got the KO power."
"You can knock people off stage... it's the perfect Scythe sig."
"It's one of the most unique sigs in the entire game, no one has stage control like this."
"Legend upgrades change the way the game plays by giving players different skill trees to choose from mid-match."
"The aim of the game is so that everything does itself, and it's all based on how you set that up."
"With Citrus Berry and Harvest, not knocking out Exeggutor becomes extremely risky as it can heal back up to near full HP if Left Alive."
"We need to use magma blocks down here so that anybody that steps inside this elevator will get sucked right on down."
"Considering the amount of support, positively anyway, this meme of Baby Yoda is receiving online, Epic Games would honestly be stupid to not try and make something of this."
"This is all the farms I'll drop for now, and I'm going to go straight to the Monkeyopolis."
"That's right, today ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be showing off how to get infinite money, infinite park rating, but most importantly, we're going to make it so that our guests can never leave the park once they've arrived."
"All my levels are gone because I combined every last level I had to get protection one books into protection four."
"This deck is so very powerful, providing so much defense whether it's against the beatdown in a golem or a royal giant."
"The Stonefoot Catacombs... it's a pretty good one. It teaches that the slow and cautious approach is often the best one in these games."
"You need to realize how you are going to win a fight instead of just playing the game."
"My favorite part was the blood vial system; it's such a clever idea and it was so much fun to strategize around."
"If you plan on playing GTA Online for a while, this [equipment upgrade] is definitely worth it."
"By the end of this video, you'll be whatever level you want, you'll have the most versatile talismans, you'll have the strongest character buffs."
"Boom, okay, okay, all right, okay, all right, yes, it can hit leads but it can't pop leads."
"Carpet of spikes is a lifesaver because it can hit lead balloons and it can hit camos."
"That first Inferno Dragon being cycled the moment Reuben saw that Princess and The Rascals, he called the oops, and I feel like he knew it was game over."
"The ability to pull success out of the jaws of failure cannot really be underestimated in how much of an impact it can have in play."
"This is probably the single or one of the single easiest builds to play with in the game."
"Injection star power is so much better and helps Byron a lot in team fights."
"The amount of healing that M's can do with Hype is just crazy useful."
"100% of the pros voted for Serve Ice Cold as the better star power for Surge."
"I was honestly surprised to see more pros actually voted for Well Oiled as the better option for Tick."
"Me Leo clutches out that's one versus three."
"The great thing about this strategy is, no matter how bad you're doing, as long as you're going for kills and getting them, you get the XS-1 before the half."
"Make sure you guys have the exit disguise set to NOOSE. This is a must."
"Perry and Dexterity are the two most important masteries in the game."
"I like the fact that Kong Rong goes into a kill frenzy if his wife is challenged to a duel."
"I love it, right. Arm, if you can just go and deal with their champion. Champions are very, very good."
"D, what do I do for the trial? Survive till wave 50."
"The best thing with this build, however, is your ability to stick onto opponents and just the control you get with this build."
"Now, I just need to slap the vulture into oblivion, and we'll be home free."
"I learned so many things in the past couple of weeks playing the heck out of this game that I really want to make a step-by-step ultimate perfect playthrough."
"Never go in front of Reinhardt. If Zen's on the front line, I'm gonna slap you because Zen should not be on the front line."
"Uncompromising prosecution, friendly Militarum Tempestas within six inches improve their AP of their attacks by one."
"Gatekeeper, I think, is another really strong one."
"Strength 5 AP2 and damage two that ignores Lookouts and Mortal wounds on sixes, so it's actually pretty credible at killing characters."
"Hopefully, between two rounds of shooting and potentially two rounds of combat, he might well have justified his 50 points."
"Minus one damage makes them a significantly more tanky unit."
"Suddenly an Echo flies around to another side...then things get a little bit crazy."
"Playing for a checkmate-like win condition and not always playing for the big flashy plays, the perfect counter Ultimates."
"You see the difference of playstyle when there's only one minute left."
"Echo pokes at a hero, and then Tracer, with instant mobility, can chase down a target and kill."
"A mobile game is all about the objective, not kills."
"You have to be fast, but you can't be too fast, or else you just get beamed."
"It's always better to make the opponent play reactive to you."
"I like to live a clip-driven philosophy in this game."
"I think this character is insanely good, in terms of offline theoretical maximum potential."
"We're going to buy the speaker spider for 20 gems, boom, and then we're going to sell it for 50 gems and we're going to make money."
"The idea here is we're looking at power variants for the open world; they're the most efficient, they'll get the quick kills."
"So, let's imagine that lightning bolt, giant growth... another player in the game goes, 'Oh, I'm going to Counterspell the lightning bolt.' You could go, 'Okay, let the Counterspell resolve. The lightning bolt's not on the stack anymore. I'm gonna Misdirect that giant growth over to something else now.'"
"This is literally how you fight Delirium; you just go in a giant circle and hope that she doesn't go mom leg."
"Following the basic principles, you unlock the Archer Queen at Town Hall 9, she is a priority to build."
"Okay, wait, how do we fight the warden? We need to not fight the warden; that's how you fight the warden."
"You've got your two DPS, you got your Bastion paired with your Orisa, you got a nice Rip Tire coming out from your Junkrat, and Rip Tire is statistically the most powerful it's been in the game."
"We just completely dominate with six supports."
"The core of the deck, like Waste Not, Burning Inquiry, Wistful Thinking, those are the centerpieces of the deck that really makes it crunch."
"If you play normal, the average raid will give you one Totem of Undying, and if you're playing hard, then on average, you'll get five Totems of Undying."
"Your graveyard essentially becomes an extra hand."
"Having a 5/5 deathtouch indestructible on the battlefield after a board wipe feels pretty good."
"As foretold is one of those cards that's insane on a paradox engine level because it's cheating of mana costs."
"You don't need to attack to kill everyone else."
"When the threat comes down and is able to deal with other threats immediately, that's what makes a really good commander."
"Be aware of your surroundings and don't hard scope unless you have to, and you just saved yourself an entire weapon slot you can use for something that's actually good."
"It's fine to just kind of play to improve, try and stay calm and wait for the next game."
"Getting extra lands into play, as we always say, is one of the best ways to sort of win games of Commander."
"You pay 20 life, you give it 20 extra power, it's a 22, hit someone for that much, it's unblockable, and then you find a way to have it leave the battlefield... you're gonna gain that life right back."
"These metrics are: Activation: 'Is the perk easy to activate?' Versatility: 'Does the perk have many use cases?' And Power: 'Does the perk have a strong effect?'"
"The value of knowing where your allies are and what they’re doing should not be underestimated."
"Don't just build the 'stop everything' deck that has no way to win."
"Try to practice and watch people who you think are better than you. Watching better players gives tons of insight into angles and game mechanics you may have never considered."
"I'm excited to see what it does to the meta with these being relevant in the power game again."
"Holy tactics, Batman! It's all based on a demolisher, which is kind of boring, but the attachments here are just super cool."
"Solving the puzzle of the game, finding the efficient way to play, or the way to beat a problem within the game was also a part of the gaming experience."
"I began my journey to turn the relaxing tranquility of Stardew Valley into basically an eSport with a timer and spreadsheets and steroids."
"This is gonna take a hot minute. This is gonna be tough but we're gonna try our best."
"Swampert anchored pretty much every team style in the metagame."
"Communicate with your team to adjust your strategy in real-time and respond to the dynamic nature of the game."
"The essence of a good attack is to push the defenders into uncomfortable positions and capitalize on it."
"You never know what's going to be meta... nothing feels better than having something in your Vault that turns out to be meta."
"Accuracy is the most important stat because if you do your abilities as you're meant to you've actually got a chance of winning."
"Trying to keep people playing forever is the wrong mentality; it's not realistic because nothing lasts forever."
"Take your time with your first playthrough, do all the DLCs, do every mission."
"Fundamentals matter. Playing meta champions matter. And improvement matters."
"The moment we make our crafting table is the moment we unlock Minecraft, the hard story of the game."
"You can almost predict somebody's every step if you have good game sense."
"Never take the same peek twice. If you're holding an angle and someone peeks you and you miss, don't come back and peek the same way."
"If we can cast [Approach of the Second Sun] twice, we just win the game."
"This should be a signal to you, you need to be playing more interaction in your deck."
"Cycling is a little bit better than it looks because the ability for you to have it in your hand and be like, 'I don't actually want this effect right now, let me just cash in for another card,' is very flexible."
"If you can cast this and then cast a one-drop and get some value out of it the turn you cast it, that's where the one-drops are really gonna shine."
"Mana ramp is also very important in general, so these are by far the best ways to go about it."
"In Smash Ultimate, it's not how you start, it's how you finish."
"You ban the Io, which dominated in Game 1, we just come back with the Seb classic Magnus."
"I want us to double down on the story of WoW and really invest in some of the characters and have long-term planning across multiple expansions."
"Our position is looking a little bit dangerous, but we've got them encircled."
"It's interesting, when it comes to hero matchups, it's a combination of thinking critically about the game and then just sheer experience."
"If you constantly were playing between bottom and mid, pulling, getting your level six pretty early... this game's free."
"Strength in this context means the likelihood of winning a tournament, no matter how fierce the competition is."
"It's definitely way more efficient than running a bunch of goods in your inventory to and from nodes but it's definitely a lot more dangerous."
"We want to use deadly low-level monsters to pose an interesting challenge to the players and get them to think about their strategies and tactics in different ways."
"If you think you're the next Westdoor, pick your Fizz blind into Faker."
"Scavs are an amazing way for new players to learn the maps, try new things, go for kills, and get free loot."
"The hammers are what going to be what determines what kind of run you're going to have."
"No more paying for maps and modes... You stratify and segment your audience... and that's always sucked."
"A good rogue player is efficient with their finishers, making critical decisions on whether two points in Slice and Dice is better than three, or if a four-point Eviscerate is sufficient."
"We're talking the ability to break the AI in trade deals, we're talking about the ability to take over the entire world via pacifism, and even more excitingly, we're going to do it with large quantities of cups of tea in hand."
"Soft synergies encourage players to evaluate the interplay between their cards and rewards them for finding interesting connections."
"The difference I've experienced in the power level of my deck since I started really paying attention to mana curve is the biggest single change I think you can make."
"The most important thing to take note of in the early game is, uh, not dying."
"Look, sometimes you gotta go for the Joker teeth first. You can't focus on the people, come on."
"Always, always, always check what players are selling for before you go into snipe them."
"You can't have one without the other; you can't give out a bunch of loot and simultaneously destroy all incentive to go flawless."
"We're gonna be aggressive. We're gonna farm and push. That's what we're doing. That's my specialty."
"Focus on getting every single module to level one. All of the level one upgrades are invaluable in one way or another."
"NA is more centered around the strategical aspect of the game."
"The beauty of using dragons is that dragons are good against dragons because dragons are good against everything because they're dragons."
"It's not all about the stat total ever. If it was about stat total, Mons like Deoxys...it's not just about that."
"Swampert with energy is one of the deadliest things in the Ultra League meta."
"Back in BTD Battles 1, this was the best and ultimate late game strategy of them all."
"The main reason as to why the strategy was so successful in battles one was because of the stalling aspect to this strategy."
"One-tricking a champion is the best way to climb the ranked ladder the fastest."
"The most successful 4v4 combo is to go with the two best cavalry and two best archer civs."
"Give it the ability to cause terror so at the very least it's like a shock piece."
"This map here if you guys play this, you will develop movement like none other."
"No team has ever first-tried an encounter that is new to them... Learn the encounters, make it part of your journey."
"We did it, we did it right. Yes, we got the silent assassin. We didn't kill nobody."
"Thankfully, I did save a backup of this world before I went into the Nether, just in case."
"You're still placing dice here, but it's a smart way of upgrading your dice."
"If you're brand new to the game and want to run things down with horses, play as the Khuzaits; if you want to play a little bit slower paced but you're also kind of new or you're maybe a returning veteran and you want to really enjoy some strong playthrough, play as Vlandia."
"Huntress has an insanely high skill ceiling. I think Huntress is one of the only killers where you can get almost infinitely better with her."
"Trapper... has traps that could shut down tiles with good placement."
"Legion... you're almost guaranteed at least one free hit on survivors."
"It's not about combos; it's about neutral and reads and conditioning and that type of stuff, which is way harder to do against the good opponents consistently."
"Steve is like low-key the best character in the game, just not there yet."
"Before the age of hyper balance, where everything must be 100% even with each other, there are items that only certain professions could use and they'd give you a monstrous edge in both PvE and PvP."
"Once I hear it start blowing up, I'm going to summon the destroyer. He is spawning on that single block, and he instantly dies."
"Avoid mid if you don't ward or understand positioning."
"Teamwork and comms are going to be so so important."
"Strafe shooting is a movement technique that allows you to be evasive, hard to hit, yet accurate while shooting."
"The playstyle... can be broken down into three separate areas: the first is where they want to take their fights... closing distance... and most importantly, the undertone of this whole composition, area-denial."
"The deck functioned well, it worked well, we ran pretty well, our Saurons were good, the deck was good."
"The most important stage: the account build. You're gonna want to build the most powerful account you can possibly create for its combat level."
"Taser has always been strong because it takes some of the strongest units in the game and just throws them together in an electrocharge team that spams quick and frequent damage."
"Once those five turns are up, Regigigas is very, very powerful."
"The only custom tactics that are good custom tactics are your custom tactics. They are the most overpowered, strongest custom tactics in the game."
"Let's make it Ultra offensive, a challenge to ourselves."
"In conclusion to the Mistweaver...this is a spec that requires some more thought."
"This is FM analytics. This is telling you, out of a scientific test, what tactic is the best. That is so rare in the Football Manager universe."
"It's a very fun, exciting system. Very accurate system. Very data-driven system. And what more can you ask for when you're trying to unbiasedly test these tactics against the mean?"
"Our goals in this challenge are simple: defeat every gym leader and the champion, leaving no one to stand in our way."
"Playing well will reward you with some crazy AoE damage and some pretty strong single target damage too, especially if you talent for it."
"PA is one other candidate that I want to keep an eye on because... you don't really care how the game goes because once you get your farming item and your fighting item, like Battlefury BKB, you kind of just do too much damage."
"Mobius the Frost Monarch... for only one tribute allowed you to destroy up to two Spell or Trap cards on the field... without having to banish a whole bunch of cards from your graveyard as an extra cost."
"If you can get this thing to 100% uptime, it is very powerful and definitely worth the equipment slot."
"Wraith's kit offers extensive versatility. She has a true skill gap."
"Caustic is the ultimate offensive and defensive legend."
"This is how you get these builds that are absolutely crazy, that are maxed out and basically unkillable gods."
"The more impact an item has in the early game, the better it is."
"Nameless King... once you know his tells and attacks, it's a lot easier to handle."
"This is unbelievable. I broke the game. I have found a meta build that literally is impossible to not die to."
"It's being that problem solver with just the obscure spell list."
"Yarla able to snatch the game from the jaws of defeat to keep it going and perhaps swing it."
"That's huge the relentless pursuit allows him to actually crash through this tyrion he's on the clock now."
"Hold down your choke points, you're gonna win every time."
"Silly with the great shots... that's all he has to do, he has the entire right side of A."
"These are the Baruch Prime builds using his Desert Wind to nuke steel path and a different take to make previous Baruch build pretty much the same concept but this is more efficient in several situations."
"It's pretty helpful to be able to jump towards the boss plus it allows you to easily apply stasis whenever you need to."
"Lupine ferocity gives us 60% increased damage while we're in grizzly rage."
"We're actually speed running, I know, bro!" - Sunny
"As long as the ticks from the damage of a time are giving you red health faster than you can swing your weapon and heal it back up, you have a hundred percent uptime."
"I think our armor looks really, really sick and our swords are super strong."
"Is it the build limit? Oh, wait, then how do we do this?"
"I'm serious, if we make it far enough to where our shotgun needs to come into play, then we've already done well enough in my opinion."
"Bank heist is one of the few opportunities we have to increase the difficulty without also increasing the required loot and therefore lengthening the heist."
"Theoretical time save from stealthing a heist can be cut down to the point of being negligible due to stealth requiring slower and more patient play than loud gameplay."
"Nightclub is another heist that can really be trivialized by ECMs or saws."
"Remember, there's a lot of variables in Total War: the luck of army composition, matchups, and of course, the inevitable downside of being a human: errors and bad decisions. Everybody makes them."
"Once you get those buffs in the bank, like there's no stoppin' this lad."
"Drain life, something that also feels really good."
"Just being able to one-hit kill with - strike would be more than strong enough for this card to be worth a slot and to be her best but with the other perk this card is just insane and you need to be running it."
"This card is essential as that 20% extra damage will benefit you every single time."
"I feel like I have to aim at every single enemy, if they could take out even one or two it's a lot easier for me."
"With a lot of good strategizing and patience I am able to take out King Frost."
"It's very op if we can get that, we could win."
"The transformation spell is extremely good...transforms enemies into explosive barrels that do massive damage."