
Idealism Quotes

There are 3548 quotes

"Authenticity...by definition striving for some idealized self-image is incompatible with being authentically who one is."
"Real youthfulness comes from a worthy ideal, passion, and zest towards achieving a goal that brings out the best in you."
"Utopia is on the other side of the ocean of blood, and you never get there."
"The most evil things that have happened in the history of the world have been done by people that wanted to create a perfect world."
"A victor does not ask how the world is, but rather how it should be."
"The victor should speak of the way the world should be, not the way it is."
"There is a reason that this game was so evocative and so praised for the way that they reconstruct this church because it is not a version of Notre Dame that ever existed, yet it's the Platonic ideal of what we think of when we think of Notre Dame."
"If you don't set the example for what you think the world should be, it will not exist in reality."
"Let's embody the more beautiful world our hearts know as possible, not just talk about it."
"Sometimes I dream there's a greater Foundation out there, a true original Foundation without the endless horror of what we've done."
"Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness."
"The courage to be free. Join the Hell Divers, become part of an elite peacekeeping force."
"My idea of a perfect school is one which there are no children."
"Surely we'd rather be living in a world where there were no racism and no need for Martin Luther King."
"Unity isn't a myth or a lie, and it's definitely not a silly ideal. It's what we would already have if we weren't purposefully being driven apart."
"We need to get back to the idealism of our youth...we are genuinely working for the benefit of all human beings."
"If everyone here were like Ned Flanders, there'd be no need for heaven. We'd already be there."
"Just because it's a high ideal does not mean it's false. It's true right now, does not mean it's impractical. It's practical right now."
"I'd like to today buy a bed and a trash can because in an ideal world I'd like to sleep through the night."
"In its most idealistic form, urban renewal would increase the attractiveness of the city, lower unemployment, raise tax revenues, create opportunities for disadvantaged communities, create parks and other needed infrastructure in dense urban areas, and replace outdated, potentially unsafe housing with modern housing that's up to current building codes."
"We were preparing not peace only, but eternal peace. There was about us the halo of some divine mission. We must be alert, stern, righteous, and ascetic, for we were bent on doing great, permanent, and noble things."
"America has stood as that shining city upon a hill that beckons the world over."
"What would our ideal ordinary week look like on our calendar? It's like an ideal week because it's what we would like it to look like. But it's an ordinary week."
"We can create the world we deserve when we work together."
"It would be great to live in a world where we can just accept who we are, however we are born or whatever, and love ourselves that way. Yeah, it would be perfect. But we don't live in a perfect world."
"The conflict of One Piece is built around the idea that there cannot be an ideal government for the nations of the land until the celestial dragons are defeated and the world government is reformed."
"An ideal world would be one where everyone has complete freedom but where no one would abuse their freedom to impose their will on anyone else."
"The story of Superman is a beacon of hope. It's the prescriptive ideal of how we should be."
"Co-create your own reality, co-create heaven on earth."
"It's idealistic, but I think it's achievable to bring about a new way of reorganizing our current economic society even at the global level."
"The anarchist dream is the dissolution of unjust hierarchy."
"America is an idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant."
"I don't share the culture's mania for hope. I care more about doing what's right."
"If everything we did went perfectly, what would the world look like?"
"The gap between the way the world is and the way the world could be is far wider now."
"There's no such thing as the Russian dream or the Japanese dream or the Chinese dream; there's only the American dream."
"Normal people are the roadblock to paradise."
"Sigma males are idealists who see the world in a unique way."
"Superman represents everything humanity can become."
"I think if we could figure out a system to ensure all people have access to health care, that'd be awesome."
"We have literally all the money in the world that can be spent and directed towards making us the society we pretend to be."
"INFPs are dreamy idealists in the pursuit of the perfect relationship."
"Faithfulness to something, for instance, you could say you're faithful to the ideal of world peace, which means that you not only believe it will happen, but you're sort of working for it as well."
"So, in some crazy ideal world, it would be awesome if we could all take our games and just drive the polish through the roof early on."
"To spend a lifetime devoted to an idea that you could possibly drop in a split second for someone or for something much bigger than yourself."
"I want a better world. I want people to live free."
"Meritocracy doesn't exist but it should, so I will try and contribute any little way that I can."
"You are idealistic and must feel useful to be happy."
"We have to be better, and you, Superman, were supposed to be the best of us."
"Wouldn't it be awesome if everybody just loved one another and saw each other as equal?"
"Plato thought that mathematical objects, shapes, numbers, and the relationships between them belong to their own ideal world, separate from ours."
"A promised land... is that idea that we're not where we need to be but we still act on the faith and the belief that we can get there."
"If we put in the effort, if we stay focused, if we reach out, then we can get closer to the idea."
"Courageous idealism, optimism, and enthusiasm could bring about substantive political change."
"Don't hide things in the fog. Lay out an ideal. You should pursue an ideal."
"The great adventure of life is to be struggling uphill with our burdens towards the highest possible ideal."
"The idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly."
"To be able to balance art and commerce and to create a path where you can keep your idealism alive is the way forward."
"Education must lead us to idealism and not to materialism."
"World peace sounds good until you see the cost."
"A lot of times they're making the perfect world decision; they're doing amazing things that you don't expect them to do."
"Never accept the world as it appears to be. Always dare to see it for what it could be. I hope you do the same."
"Utopia is adjacent to where we are right now. We can step out of the illusion whenever we need to."
"The idealised vision of yourself on an autumnal campus with a clothbound copy of a classic novel in your hands has a uniquely heady appeal."
"It's not the writing that I care about, it's fantasizing about a better world than this one."
"It's very disturbing that people think we could create a world where people aren't mean or cruel. That is complete impossibility and insanity to think that we could suppress the human will so much that people will just be nice all the time."
"I think Star Trek is special. It's always dared to be different, to be hopeful and optimistic, to create a tapestry of idealism and a belief in a future history where the galaxy strives to make life great for everybody."
"I don't know if I'm being incredibly 1960s Counter Culture, but war is a bad thing that we should be ending and looking for peace because it's always better for everyone, and it's where we'll arrive eventually."
"I believe that beautiful earth, which is full of biodiversity, all forms of life, abundance, fertility, respect, and love for all sentient beings... exists right now, but we access it by shifting our frequency to that level of consciousness."
"Everything's perfect, like you know how you would imagine it. Like the sun is shining, it almost looks like a cartoon because everything's perfect."
"The idea that one day you're going to find the perfect partner, and you'll never be lonely again, or you'll find that perfect job and never be bored at work again, or find the perfect workout routine and be forever fit, it's not going to happen."
"In the Golden Age, human beings live in harmony with planet Earth instead of destroying Mother Nature, they protect it."
"Imagine all the people living hand-in-hand... it's never gonna happen."
"It's a liberal's dream come true, but of course, no, it's everyone's dream come true."
"The chivalric code...redirects the same intensity of the Warrior Ethos for things that are better, things that are more noble."
"Ideals are fickle. Ideals are something that you have to personally hold; you can't have other people hold them for you."
"Don't ever full-out ignore idealism, strive for your goals, set lofty ambitions, and don't limit your ceiling."
"Imagine a California where you don't have to worry about rising crime or wildfires threatening you."
"Vinland exists not just as a place, but as the value of the dream of a better future in a different, faraway land where something can exist somewhere else, and that's where things are perfect."
"We all want paradise, but please, let's try and work towards it."
"I'm a system idealist, and I believe in due process."
"Socialism is the way forward for Humanity... we can build a better world."
"America was regarded as the citadel of liberty, but I feel that if America is going to lead the world, she must get back to this more idealistic approach to liberty for all countries."
"We can pursue a new Utopia together inwardly, outwardly, communally, and globally."
"He always believed the country needed a symbol."
"He couldn't handle the uneasiness of the world and despite being powerless he wanted to make the world a better place."
"I love how he starts off as this completely idealistic kid and he's frickin epic."
"Just because the world is rotten doesn’t mean we should give up the fight to make it better however hopeless the odds may be."
"Being committed to your ideals means doing the right thing even when it's not convenient."
"I would love to live in the world where we don't have to do things this way."
"The way to grant the marvelous liberated life to the maximum number of people is to get sustainable at the level that humans can live indefinitely on the planet."
"What we have here is the idea of what the American ideal could become."
"We got painted as these sort of Iraq deserters fighting for truth justice and our own personal version of the greater good."
"What could be more noble than dedicating your life to unplugging people from The Matrix?"
"Every town that the train goes through is out of a freaking movie or a postcard."
"The Milwaukee socialists existed in a time where they believed it was quite possible to perfect a city, a state, a nation, the world."
"We expect our political leaders to be Jesus—we expect them to be 100% noble and righteous."
"Love is the ideal because it is transcendent."
"The ideal world is where everybody in society can theoretically choose to do the things that they want to do with minimal pushback from other elements of society."
"This is a time where we have to start living all the changes we'd like to see in the world."
"Katie Holmes is the ideal candidate, you know she's got stars in her eyes."
"Make the world a better place, that's the goal anyway."
"If Democrats keep playing this game where they think that radicalism for radicalism's sake is going to be the victorious notion, they're actually missing the appeal of their own appeal, which is a religious appeal in nature."
"People do things all the time that don't make sense in the name of something bigger than themselves whether that be God or country."
"What crime would you not commit and what lie would you not tell to bring about the kingdom of heaven on earth?"
"Captain America... He always is himself and he stays true to his ideals."
"America has the potential to actually be the greatest country that ever [ __ ] existed."
"He truly believed that communism will make for a better world."
"Eliminating poverty is the dream of the world."
"Find empathy, find the power within yourself, and create a magnificent world."
"In a perfect world, I wish people could treat each other nicer."
"It's the story of an idealist, someone whose moral values always were put before his own good."
"The idea that there's only one perfect match for each person? That could result in dismissing many suitable guys."
"In a perfect world, we don't go to court. We come together, talk it out, Maya culpa, we move on."
"If everybody was able to do this, I think it would be marvelous."
"America is good and great, and everyone who truly grasps our founding understands this."
"Freedom. Liberty. Democracy is still a sacred cause."
"Your ideals are within realistic grasp." - Narrator
"Taiwan represents an example of what China could be... without the Communist Party."
"A world without war, suffering, violence, or hunger is worth sacrificing the essence of what makes us human."
"We only Build a Better World if we're doing it together."
"The greatest want of the world is a lot of men or women who cannot be bought or sold."
"College campuses are the perfect place for that to happen."
"Think about it, no more conflict or disease, no more suffering. Don't you see them giving the second chance?"
"Humanity is stagnant, dying. I would give it one body, one mind."
"Politics should be boring... politics should be about making a difference, not power for power's sake."
"Design idealism: by choosing a perfect vision, you can get close to achieving a perfect application."
"Idealism without action is useless. Love without action is irrelevant."
"If we can learn to embrace peace and implement my high ideals worldwide, we can dramatically shift the world away from this dismal game theory-esque trap we inhabit."
"This is not a world built in your image, no, it is a better one."
"The proper aim is to reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible."
"Embrace the romantic honor in fighting for a hopeless cause."
"My hope is that it creates world peace... it may sound a little bit ridiculous..."
"The ideology of being a perfect person to make it into some Heaven is a farce."
"I think they had a very idealistic view of this country. They thought America was supposed to be an example, a shining example of what human beings could accomplish through self-governance."
"There's a humility there, a Christ-like humility."
"The desantises will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness."
"Pure love, not the kind we put romantic stories around."
"We can take heaven and the model in heaven which is perfection and transfer that to the way that we live in this world."
"So if you want to play a flame-wielding Knight that's looking to create his own ideal country then Persal is your ideal pick."
"Don't martyr yourself, live as the ideal instead."
"We have the ability to collaboratively build a more peaceful, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable world. All we have to do is do everything they say and everything will work out."
"Design a day that you would most like to have."
"More people listen to you the world would be a better place."
"He's a product of this system, he's an American cowboy, all cowboy aesthetic. It's such American dream shit."
"Crazy is about tilting at windmills full sin and expecting the windmills to fall."
"Millions of human beings are living in dream palaces."
"As long as there's good in the world, there is a Superman."
"They dream about the prosperity and sophistication and freedom and wonderful life and freedom from corruption."
"For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, promised to be kept. There's nothing more important, nothing more Destiny."
"That's what you want to hear: riding off into the sunset into Candyland."
"Imagine having the government so little involved in your life that you don't care who's in charge of it."
"Good really can triumph if enough of us stand behind it."
"What an incredible community and an incredible world this would be."
"I think there's a hierarchy of objectives for a life well-lived and the highest ideal that we should ascribe to..."
"You're a fool, Donald. You always were. Principled? Idealistic? A champion for the people? What did you ever actually do? Nothing."
"It was never supposed to be like this. I came bearing gifts of safe childbirth, hungerlessness, disease immunity."
"Utopia may be unattainable, but we must reach for it."
"She was blind to class and color and country."
"This love will be true and it'll be the romance of a lifetime."
"I'm a freedom extremist... What would life be like? It would be a [__] utopia."
"But generally speaking, when an invasion happens and then, you know, the country who did the invasion says like, 'Oh, well, we were doing it for this idealistic sort of ideological reason,' I generally make the assumption that the idealism."
"I just wanted to be a part of that. You're perfect, the perfect relationship."
"In Fantasyland, we really start to see Walt Disney's idea of a fair and a place of hopes and dreams, facts and fantasy all in one, begin to take form."
"Protagonists feel called to serve a greater purpose in life, thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them."
"The Jaya arc takes the themes of dreams and wonder to combine them and explore faith versus skepticism as well as idealism versus cynicism."
"If everyone was Christ-like, this world would be a better place."
"I hope I will not offend you if I say that you seem to me to be in every way the visible personification of absolute perfection."
"The greatest 3DO you could possibly possess."
"America is still the shining city on the hill."
"Bitcoin is the money, the perfect money, it sells itself."
"Anybody who picks up the mantle of those ideas, I'm for."
"I want to live in a world of Star Trek where money, you know, the pursuits to better ourselves is the pursuit of humanity rather than a pursuit of accumulation of wealth."
"If you're saying America was never great compared to the Utopia that we shall create, that's Messianic thinking."
"Honor and integrity will replace conspiracy and fascism."
"At the end of the day, we're just Americans trying to make the world a better place."
"There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness."
"True human beings with love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, wisdom, compassion."
"This country is an idea, it's a verb, it's a beautiful idea." - Brian
"We've actually started to build community the way it's supposed to be."
"Robin Hood isn't a person, he's an ideal, an idol of warmth with which for hundreds of years people have used to huddle around when the world feels cold."
"Every time you denounce something from a position of Consciousness you announce a new utopian possibility."
"Strongheart does not just stand for a better world but is the medium by which it is made manifest."
"Imagine being in a place where it all makes sense, where they don't have to waste their lives on the struggle." - Dr. Mahmoud
"We want a world where other countries don't invade."
"In an Ideal World I'd like to think that this type of thing would be embraced with an open mind."
"But you can allow everyone to have an open voice that is possible and I think that that would be a good thing."
"The world is our playground to establish the kingdom of heaven here and now."
"Stephen Crowder wants to create something new and ideological that is... idealistic."
"When I look fear in the face I'm capable of doing things that I previously thought were impossible, and that's the essence of how."
"If we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance then nobody in the world is going to defeat us."
"If we want to claim that the United States is the greatest place on earth, we need to make it that way."
"I maintain a state of mind based on the premise of the fulfilled ideal."
"Abolition is less about what we don't want... It's more about the world that we do want."
"We're gonna save the world, kids, and we're gonna do it as a family."
"Katsuya Suou: 'Katsuya absolutely believes in justice to the point that it seems almost like a religion to him, and he has difficulty understanding and accepting anybody who would think otherwise.'"
"I'm a sucker for the 'ride off into the sunset' kind of thing."
"Embodiment: How would the ideal self do this?"
"Why not make the universe a better place, a better reality for everybody who's here?"
"They embodied the best about American exceptionalism."