
Spoken Word Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"There's power in the spoken word, but there is longevity in the written word."
"It is the spoken word of abundance that brings abundance to you most quickly."
"For the first time in human history, the spoken word has the same reach as the written word."
"Decrees should always be given aloud, for it is the power of the word that is able to create, resurrect, transmute, and perfect."
"The spirit of God moved, but we didn't see anything created until God spoke."
"God created the world with his words and we create our world with our words."
"When you speak the word aligned with God's will, it produces power."
"The power of life and death are in the tongue."
"When you say it, you're speaking it into existence."
"Speak it out loud and you will bring it into existence."
"Success has to be first spoken into existence. Your mouth carries full command of the realm around you."
"The miracle is the word. If I told you you can do it, everything in your atmosphere would obey you."
"The union of the movement of the spirit and the spoken word is what produces the miraculous."
"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning."
"The reason why we use the oral traditions over the written traditions when it comes to who we are is because we have to speak a thing into existence."
"The power of spoken word is more relevant than ever."
"A spoken word challenges a life to align themselves so that that word can come to pass."
"I think the word the spoken word is the most powerful tool there is no one's ever going to argue that really."
"There is power in the spoken word of faith."
"I was surprised by how Dawkins' spoken word made me feel, it was very emotional."
"...spoken word is just not the crowd pleaser a lot of people would expect out of a talent show so when it's executed this well, I'll eat my words and be happy that she was in the top."
"Prayers are a lot more effective when you know what you're praying about, and you speak to these situations, there's power in the spoken word."
"God can only fulfill what is spoken."
"The spoken word was superior to the written word because it was less likely to be corrupted."
"Your world is shaped by the Word."
"Speak the word only, and my servant will be healed."
"He's very intelligent too, the best by far the best I have ever met in spoken word, he is a spoken word genius, man."
"We can use our own words of faith to speak things into existence and to create our own physical reality."
"Amidst all the chaos, he was able to translate his angst in very relatable ways through his spoken word performances and books."
"Death and life are in the power of your words. Make sure the words you speak are life-producing words."
"You have authority, you have power in your tongue; you can move the mountains."
"The worlds are framed by the Word of God."
"The worlds are framed by the spoken word of God."
"I actually really like the spoken word section in the bridge in this song; it has the potential to be a moment."
"Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud."
"The blessing of God is His spoken favor over us."
"A blessing is not a thing, but rather it's the spoken favor of God."
"I love the tone of this especially for spoken word."
"You take your authority and like Jesus said in Mark chapter 11 verse 23, you speak to the sickness, to the pain, to the problem, and command it to get out of your life."
"You can speak these things into existence."
"The power of life and death has been given to us in our mouths."
"We are to believe according to what was spoken, and not according to what we feel."
"The power of the spoken word in historical memory is very often overlooked and downplayed by modern historians."
"We speak the things that are not as though they were."
"The power of life and death are in the power of the tongue."
"Claim and speak the word of assurance, for your word actually goes out and creates."
"Preach the word; the spoken word has power."
"Rhema, the spoken word, has powerful creativity."
"I was part of the Spoken Word Community years before I even started doing YouTube."
"Anytime we speak the Word of God in the will of God and we speak it with faith, that releases the power of God."
"Thank God for the spoken word, the inspiration that is granted to us."
"Lastly for spoken word, I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this."
"Our words, when they are His words and Holy Spirit leads us to speak them, also release divine power."
"Speak the word of God and watch it make healing, speak the word of God and watch it make Deliverance, speak the word of God and watch it make success in your life."
"Nothing is more powerful than the spoken word."
"I write it as I speak it over the mic."
"The Rhema is the word uttered, spoken-word, what has been declared."
"God creates His world with His words, whatever God wants, He says it, and then it becomes what He called it."
"I used to dance, but when I started on the mic work, my words are now dancing for me."
"The word of God in your mouth is just as powerful as it was in Jesus's mouth."
"The creative power of the spoken word is of such importance."
"Speak the word to control and rule your whole body and your whole life."
"Exclusively for you, black man by Sister Helen, it is a poetry book of spoken word pieces."
"This is probably as good as I have seen for spoken word."
"The spoken word has powerful creativity, and its proper usage is vital to a victorious life."
"Faith in God's word is the principle for discovering the correct basis for the spoken word."
"It's a story that celebrates storytelling and the tradition of storytelling through the spoken word."
"When you say something, it comes to be; you have this ability to manifest something really quickly for yourself."
"No word of God is void of power, only powerless when it is unspoken."