
Bible Quotes

There are 2141 quotes

"The Bible is a simple book of principles. If you follow the principles, you will be successful."
"The greatest lesson on humility is in John 13."
"The supernatural is real, as taught by the Bible."
"Sometimes it seems that life doesn't make sense anymore, but the Bible scripted the last days and has let us in on the end game."
"Trust in the Bible, the unchanging word of God."
"The Bible is God's word; that means it's God talking."
"It's time to get back to the Bible... The 66 books of the Bible are packed with discernment."
"The word of God is something that is supposed to bring healing and refreshment, not enslavement of the mind."
"Thank God it doesn't say all things worked together or all things will work together, but the fact that the Bible says in the present tense, 'All things work together,' this gives me great hope."
"The Bible is the world's first hyperlinked document."
"The narratives of the Bible move from a state of competition to a solution to that competition, embodying the essence of competing brothers."
"Every time I read it, the Bible is criticizing me rather than my criticizing the Bible."
"Joseph is working his way through the translation of the Bible and comes to the book of Revelation."
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)
"The Bible is the book of life. And it doesn't become the book of life by studying it. It becomes the book of life by living it."
"To get to know Jesus Christ better than ever before... there are more attributes, more descriptions of the character of Jesus Christ, of exactly what He's doing today, than anywhere else in the Bible."
"How anybody could learn what we're going to learn today and still not believe in God or the Bible is just unfathomable to me."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork."
"The Bible is a circle; it ends where it begins. Jesus is beginning and end."
"For the word of God is quick, quick means alive, it's quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword."
"Everything that has a beginning also has an ending, and it's all outlined in the Bible."
"The most important source of information to understand what is going on in our life and what is going on in this world is the word of God."
"It's not just a book, you know, with ink on a page. The Holy Spirit causes it to come alive to us; it's spirit and life to us."
"I've started to look at the Bible as like a survival manual."
"The Bible is the word of God; the Bible reveals Jesus Christ; the Bible is a resource for every believer who seeks to know God."
"The basis of all discernment is the Word of God."
"We don't try to squeeze things or fit things into God's Word. We start with the Bible and use it to explain the world around us, including dinosaurs."
"Real science confirms what the Bible clearly says."
"You can trust this book; it's right about the past, it's right about the present, it's right about the future because it is God's Word."
"The Bible is very much at the core of our cultural heritage."
"The Bible is not a history book... It's a personal story about you."
"The Bible... is an allegory of metaphysical activities and influences... it contains hidden teachings, insights, lessons, and instructions concerning the origin, growth, and destiny of our non-physical souls."
"The Bible says, lean not on your own understanding; when you read the Bible, the Bible doesn't give you understanding, it gives you information."
"Smart guy talking about the Bible is turning on these young people; that's a sign of hope."
"Muhammad did not say the Bible is corrupt, that's your misreading of the Quran."
"The Bible is our invitation to the biggest event in all of history."
"The greatest and most trusted source of knowledge for this life and the life to come is the Bible."
"Every chapter in the Bible can change your life, but I've never found another chapter in the Bible with as many life-changing truths as in the eighth chapter of the book of Romans."
"The Bible has been my comfort in sorrow, my counsel in decision-making, and my unwavering companion in day-to-day life."
"The Bible offers advice for daily life, answers important questions, and gives people comfort and hope."
"The Bible exercises all controls over the life of the church. The Bible has all authority over all ministry, all preaching, all discipleship, all evangelism, all mission efforts."
"The Bible seems to be a story of choice all the way through."
"The Bible...seems strongly to give the impression that I could have done otherwise."
"The Bible is the software that our hardware was originally designed to run on."
"When you read the Bible, it reprograms your software."
"The whole theme of the Bible is freedom from slavery."
"You either believe the Bible is God's word or you don't."
"The Bible is a collection of texts written by different authors over a long period of time, and its composition was influenced by various cultural and literary traditions, including those of the Sumerians."
"Read the Bible every single day...it's God's word to you. He wrote this as a love letter to you."
"Man lives not by bread only but by every word proceeding from the mouth of God."
"Looking at the Bible as a historian might be an even greater threat to religious faith than evolutionary biology."
"In the Bible, the king of birds is the nesher."
"The reason it's in the Bible is because Jehovah gave him evidence."
"Many people fail to understand that the Bible is a very practical book that gives us practical principles for effective and empowered living."
"The basis of all Christian doctrine is from the Bible, and the foundation of all Christian doctrine remains the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"The Bible remains the final authority of God's word. We cannot go out of this holy compass and expect to reach a safe haven."
"The word of God did not leave us in the dark regarding the last days."
"The Bible says that the word of God is forever settled in heaven."
"Fear not, 365 times the Bible says fear not. That's a fear not for every day of the year."
"God's Word is amazing, isn't it? Isn't it powerful?"
"There's a reason why the Bible didn't just say 'just do these things'...it's far more impactful to listen to the story."
"Remember what the Bible says in John 1 verse 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"You see, God is his word, and the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 4 that the word of God is alive and active."
"The Lord is speaking, his voice still has power. We simply need to open his word and listen."
"The whole Bible is a love story. It starts with a wedding, Adam and Eve, and it ends with a wedding, the last book of Revelation."
"But it all changed for me one day. I got serious about the Bible and the things of the Lord."
"In a world filled with pain, disease, suffering, and death, I want to give people what the Bible calls a living hope."
"I read that Bible all night... I like fell head over heels in love with Jesus. I was like, 'Oh my God, you were here this whole time.'"
"The Bible is not a religious book; the Bible contains the communique from heaven. It is a memo from God... to reveal to us His plan for mankind, His plan for planet Earth."
"Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the Old Testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories."
"No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
"The Bible is the only religious document in existence that provides more than 2,000 prophecies that validate its historical claims."
"You can't fight the devil with your experience; you fight him with God's word."
"In times like these, we need the Bible. In times like these, oh be not idle. Be very sure, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock."
"The Bible is the most widely purchased, most thoroughly revered, and probably most broadly misunderstood book in the history of human civilization."
"The Bible can be a difficult book to interpret and understand."
"For all of us, I think, the Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization."
"The most exalted privilege we can get is to know Him. And that's what the Bible really is all about."
"The Word of God... is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit."
"The Bible is a root of wisdom, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment."
"Studying the Bible's literary brilliance has influenced countless writers, poets, and artists throughout history."
"The Bible is the world's perennial bestseller, with close on 100 million new copies printed each year."
"The Bible never returns void, meaning it is a book that is not simply just a book but it has underlying power."
"The Bible was written to be read at the mass."
"So why I am NOT a Roman Catholic? Because I believe the Bible."
"It's drawing people to Christ, it's drawing people to want to read their Bible."
"They had the Bible translated into English, which gave many people access to read it."
"The Bible is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable."
"Your success this year will be in your applying the bible not just knowing the bible."
"Study the Bible, write some verses down every day and read them."
"Go study the Bible, go read it, it's mind-blowingly powerful."
"The Quran is true, the Bible has not been corrupted."
"You can't read the Bible too much, no matter what language it is. It's not gonna hurt you."
"That's why we don't accept Bart Ehrman and that's why I love my Bible."
"Stick by your good old-fashioned King James Bible."
"The Bible is my guide because it governs, rules, and dominates."
"Understanding the Scriptures: should we take the Bible literally, figuratively, allegorically, or as poetry?"
"The New Testament, like the Bible, is a library of books."
"It was the one book that did it for me and that's the Holy Bible."
"The Bible has all your answers, religion does not."
"The Bible is not a tool for political agendas."
"Turn to my word when guidance is needed, open your Bible, seek wisdom."
"Folks, we are seeing some change in Israel that should not surprise any student of Bible prophecy."
"The Bible for me is a journey, a guiding map to the person that it reveals, Jesus Christ."
"We can take the Bible seriously in this scientific world."
"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible."
"The book of Revelation is not necessarily in chronological order, and when you decide that it has to be, that's when you start forcing things on it."
"Previously the Bible was in black and white for me and now it's in color."
"I believe the Bible because of the power that it has, the joy it brings my life, the better man it has made me, the strength it has given me in my relationship with Yah."
"The Bible is a tool of control only if it is read and studied personally by the individual."
"Read the entire Bible, 72 books of the Bible written by 40 authors."
"The Bible speaks of itself, that it's full of life, truth, and power."
"Translating the Bible into other languages reveals different readings."
"Come on back to Bible, viewers. Come on back to Bible, that's right."
"But it says in Psalm 37 fret not yourselves because of evil doers do not be envious of wrongdoings for they will soon fade like the grass."
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." - Psalms 23:1
"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." - Psalms 23:2
"Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow you."
"The Bible is not an ordinary book. When you and I open the word of God, we are opening the word of the living God."
"The world needs to understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus."
"Jesus was prophesied in the beginning of the Bible."
"The Bible is God's manual to help us navigate life."
"That's the beauty of studying the Bible, it's a multi-leveled book."
"The Bible will come to life right before your very eyes."
"For me, I keep my liberty centered around following the Bible and trying to keep God's laws."
"Every detail in the Bible is designed from cover to cover."
"What is truth? The Bible gives a clear position on different subjects."
"Christians love the Bible means that they actually love evidence which implies that Christians don't necessarily think that faith and evidence are in conflict."
"The Bible is so pliable that men of every opinion can historically have found verses and passages to justify every behavior imaginable."
"Life is uncertain, but the Bible is a reliable source of information about the future."
"It's just truth, you know what I'm saying? And there's just so much truth in this Bible right here."
"We must go verse by verse, chapter by chapter, sometimes now word by word in the book of Romans."
"History and the Bible obliterate that whole pessimistic, fatalistic mindset."
"The warnings in the Bible were accurate, now we're seeing them come true."
"Why not go to the Bible and seek out religious understanding of this?"
"Come to the real book, that's the Bible, and the real man, that's our Lord Jesus Christ."
"God is consistently giving the prophecy in the Bible and fulfilling it just as it is written."
"The Bible is God’s never-ending love story for us."
"Let’s believe in the prophecies of the Bible all the more so we can receive God’s protection and salvation without any fail."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Most Christians only read the back of their Bibles and never read what's in the middle."
"Only Michael is designated as an archangel by the Bible."
"God loves a cheerful Giver and Malachi 3:10."
"You're going to find out folks the Bible's truth they'll find it out they'll find it out the hard way..."
"The Bible talks about this genetic manipulation, the first instance of genetic engineering is in Genesis chapter 6."
"The Bible speaks plain, it is given unto you."
"When a man tells you there's no mystery in the Bible, he's admitting God don't use them."
"The Bible predicted Christ's life, crucifixion, and burial."
"The Bible is still the world's best-selling book."
"When the Bible is so real that you can laugh."
"God has given us the instruction book in the Bible and it gives us the order for humanity to make things work properly."
"The King James Bible was largely based on the most common manuscripts available at the time, particularly the Byzantine family of Greek translations."
"The time will come when people don't want to hear what the Bible has to say."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"The Bible describes Leviathan...it's clearly describing a crocodile."
"Everything about the behemoth describes an elephant."
"I'm going to take it back to the Bible y'all where it belongs."
"In the Bible, he would become the one we know as Moses, the wielder of the serpent staff, the teacher of his people."
"There's no amount of reading the Bible that's going to make a mind control Spirit go away."
"The Bible is absolutely perfect infallible and if something is perfect and infallible it means that it should never be changed."
"Let the Bible speak, let the Bible define, let the Bible interpret."
"Never in my life have I received more comments on people who are reading the Old Testament commentary."
"The Bible is not a book about religion; it's a book about life, a guidebook for life."
"Either the Bible is keeping you from sin, or sin is keeping you from the Bible."
"Thank you for these programs. They make me want to start reading the Bible again."
"Get better with the Bible, get better in every area of your life."
"The ultimate goal isn't physical health or financial stability; it's about what the text actually says in the Bible."
"In the year 1684, the Vatican removed 14 books from the Bible."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"The Bible defines the relationship between Good and Evil."
"The fact that you focus on that [trick], rather than the fact that already we've shown that it is possible and encouraged by the Bible that you can buy slaves..."
"For me cruising around the Holy Land the Bible was coming alive in new ways."
"The Bible in its prophecies not one of them have ever been wrong."
"If you just blow away the dust on your Bible and sincerely and earnestly learn what it says, you will soon realize that most of mankind's answers to life and their greatest questions can be found right in the Word of God."
"Our theology should come from the Bible, not the Bible from our theology."
"The Bible is like a letter. It's God's Word. It's something that can shape your whole being."
"The blueprint to our best life is in the Bible. We need more than excitement, we need instruction."
"The Bible will renew your mind." - David Jeremiah
"The Bible will rejoice your heart." - David Jeremiah
"All I cared about was where did I come from Who am I why do other people not seem to care about these things"
"Forget about the whole Bible, and that is a miracle only Islam can claim."
"I don't see why I even care about the Bible anymore... if I want to take the Bible seriously."
"You have to be an avid reader of the Bible because the word of God is the food for the spirit."
"Remember guys, the Bible has answers to everything everything okay, basic instructions before leaving earth."
"The Bible lays down many principles and guidelines for government and for those exercising governmental authority."
"Life is very brief. The Bible says it’s a tale that is told. It’s a weaver’s shuttle. It’s a flower that fades. It’s like the grass that withers."
"The word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
"The Bible is the world's first hyperlinked document... everything in it refers to every other thing."
"The Bible is the most famous book in the whole world, the most read book in the whole world."
"The story of Moses leading the people of Israel out of Egypt out of slavery is arguably one of the most important events to take place in the Bible."
"The Bible... is an excellent guidebook for the circumstances we find."
"Although the Bible does not provide many details about this period, it is clear that there was strong technological and cultural development."
"The Bible is a lamp to our feet, light to our path."
"Revelation is a book to read, it is in the Bible, therefore it is obviously for our edification."
"The Bible says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
"If you need to find the general will of God for your life, you read the Bible."
"What a shame it is that we have to convince people to read their Bible, but I'm grateful for the people that are engaged in that work."
"God gives us the Bible to Enlighten us to the spiritual World which we have not yet known about."
"I can't think of a better example for how archaeology confirms the reliability of the Bible than the site of Nineveh."
"The New Testament gospels are the most reliable documents we have for information about Jesus."