
Venus Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"Venus in astrology... gives us our sensory interpretation and understanding of the beautiful wonderful aspects of life."
"Venus is a planet you can work with so easily and give yourself and your life much more happiness just by working around Venus."
"Venus in Capricorn is definitely the energy of old money, family money."
"Just enjoy the beautiful view of Venus at the minute because it really is spectacular."
"The Empress is this beautiful energy surrounded by Venus, the ruler of love."
"It's very rare occurrence for Venus to be born in your fifth house. That's a house of joy."
"The Soviet Union was the first to send a man-made object into another planet's atmosphere, the planet in question is Venus."
"The Venera 4 probe spent about 90 minutes collecting data soon after it melted under the unforgiving pressure and atmospheric conditions of Venus."
"That the surface temperature of Venus is 900 degrees, that's hotter than a baker's oven. Lead would be molten at that temperature."
"NASA's whole thing is to follow the water, and then there's Venus... you could have like a Zeppelin style spacecraft that would float in Venus's atmosphere and support life at the same time."
"Venus is close proximity to the sun made it too hot to sustain liquid water. Instead, its water evaporated into the atmosphere, trapping the heat deposited by the Sun and creating a runaway greenhouse effect."
"Venus rotates extremely slowly, with a sidereal day - a full rotation on its axis - taking 243 Earth days, the slowest rotation of any planet in the solar system."
"The remnants of such a world may hold the key to understanding planetary evolution and habitability."
"We really need new data for Venus to be able to understand what it is that makes Earth unique."
"The planet of manifestation is in a sign ruled by Venus, which is marvelous."
"The discovery of active volcanoes on Venus changes our understanding not only of Venus but also of other planets in our solar system."
"Venus represents our need for love and for the good things in life, but Jupiter's influence could lead us to exaggerate this need, potentially leading to more problems than solutions."
"We essentially know that the clouds of Venus are made that they have sulfuric acid in them."
"Billions of years ago, our nearest planetary neighbor, Venus, may have had oceans and rivers, life-giving habitats, like the ones that graced the early Earth."
"How did Venus descend into this hellish state? And how did our planet, Earth, manage to survive?"
"You'll never see Venus at midnight up high in the sky. It's always just in the edges of dawn and dusk."
"So Venus is kind of the Earth's evil twin sister."
"The contrasting stories of Earth and Venus are central to one of the greatest quests in science today."
"All in a quest to discover what went so terribly wrong on Venus."
"Venus is, in many ways, Earth’s twin. It’s Evil Twin."
"Venus is an example of a runaway greenhouse effect."
"Venus, the second brightest object in the night sky, has been an icon since ancient times: the morning star, the only planet named after a goddess."
"Venus is more than just the planetary equivalent of an angry elder god; it's also a mystery."
"Solving how it became the nightmare that we see today could have staggering implications for our own planet's future."
"The only way for us to inhabit Venus would be to terraform it."
"Venus, a reminder of the wonders and mysteries of our cosmic neighborhood."
"You could imagine a future colony, filled with breathable air, floating around Venus."
"The study of the surface of Venus became possible with the development of advanced radar techniques."
"One question is actually how those microbes are surviving in Venus's atmosphere."
"We might see pivot and sort of being like okay let's send a load to Venus instead."
"They found it was about 20 parts per billion of phosphine."
"Venus is considered Earth's twin, but it's a hellish world."
"For many years now I've been speculating that we're going to find even more signs of life on Venus and well looks like we got what I was asking."
"Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? Venus."
"Venus is hotter thanks to its atmosphere that traps tons of heat."
"Uma was perfectly cast as Venus, the goddess of love."
"Phosphine gas detected in extremely high levels in the atmosphere of Venus."
"Phosphine can be a byproduct of life, specifically by some species of anaerobic bacteria."
"Two benefit planets in the sky, Venus and Jupiter."
"Venus might have been a lot more Earth-like in the distant past, and maybe even hosted life."
"Venus is a planet that has long been perceived to be geologically dead for millions of years, but as active volcanoes were recently detected on the planet, it has brought new questions to the debate about Venus's surprising geology."
"There are craters on Venus as well, but not much. The solar system is almost empty now, but less than a billion years ago, there were still many objects moving around."
"Why that one now if you've seen those stats and wonder why we aren't trying to live on Venus instead well it's because Venus is surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead."
"The discovery of phosphine gas in the atmosphere of Venus was an unbelievable surprise to all of us."
"Phosphine production on Venus is much more difficult due to its hydrogen depletion."
"When we look at Venus, we are not just looking at a world gone wrong, we are looking at our future."
"It's almost as if the cosmos herself has given us this world as a gift, whispering in our ear, go to Venus, but do so with caution."
"Venus has been a mystery to us for so very long."
"Venus was as much about passion and empire-building than love."
"It would also include a flyby, an actual crude flyby around Venus."
"Venus is called Earth's twin because they are very similar in size and are both rocky planets."
"Venus: Home to potentially 85,000 active volcanoes."
"Venus's induced magnetic field: a surprising shield against solar winds."
"NASA found a strange radio signal coming from Venus."
"Recently, we might have found phosphine gas in Venus's upper atmosphere."
"Venus is equated with the creation of the cosmos."
"Alex Howe, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, has proposed an idea that would potentially allow for the terraforming of Venus."
"Venus could have maintained a stable temperature between 20 and 50 degrees Celsius."
"Venus has been terraformed... Humanity has created a third Earth."
"Venus will conjunct Uranus on the same day, increasing your odds for all these amazing things."
"Venus conjuncting Jupiter, the second best day of the year."
"Venus with Love's touch, this is also a very positive year for love and romance."
"Venus here is turning you into a popularity magnet and a favor magnet."
"With Venus, we have Libra and Taurus as well."
"The planet that rules Libra is Venus, the planet of love and beauty."
"Taurus is like the goddess of the forest, ruled by Venus."
"Venus rules love, Venus rules money, Venus rules harmony, Venus rules beauty."
"One day on Venus is almost eight months on Earth."
"The principle of Venus is love and art."
"Venus and Aries is about kind of that raw instinct, that raw passion."
"With Venus influence on first and seventh, marriage life improves; the materialistic and luxurious side of marriage life improves after marriage."
"I may have like Venus in Virgo or something like that. I'm seeing little things. Trust in the magic."
"Venus coming into the lagna is an awesome time for self-confidence to be at number one mark."
"Venus moving into your sign... Scorpios, y'all are going to have a month that you'll never forget."
"Friday is ruled by Venus, which is currently in Taurus... it's a very happy time, a time for relationships, for romance."
"May 25th, Venus will trine Pluto, that's kind of a wealth energy in its own power of love, higher love, deep love, profound love, or deep money wealth in a flowing gracious, expansive way."
"When Venus comes into this part of your chart, it bakes in a very beautiful energy for a very compatible and lasting love story."
"Venus is capable of bringing you a beautiful new romance, a pregnancy, a creative project that really hits the mark, entrepreneurial success, and just more fun and joy in your life."
"Venus is associated with the Empress, so there could be some kind of social justice cause."
"Venus with the south node is a great connection related to the past, and actually very strong."
"The Moon rules cancer and so at this first quarter the Moon is in Libra which means that the Moon is ruled by Venus."
"We have a chemical sensor suite that looks at abundances of certain species near the Venus surface."
"It's amazing to me to think that spacecraft have actually gone to the surface of Venus and taken pictures."
"You could launch a falcon 9 off the surface of Venus and you could carry a little more payload or you could go to a little bit of a higher orbit than you could on earth."
"Part of the journey of Venus in Pisces is understanding that she's going to feel a lot of things."
"Venus is rooted in how we love and accept ourselves in this lifetime."
"Venus in Taurus is a very strong placement. This is, in fact, where Venus is at her best, where she gets to enjoy the best of life and she really enjoys beauty, colors, art, music, anything that's creative."
"Gemini Venus: they're not really worried about your physicalness. Your physical looks like an Aries Venus."
"Gemini Venus: sex and food and good company get a Taurus's heart. Gemini, your mind, your intellect, your brain is what gets to their heart."
"...you're going to really enjoy this part of your um life until the last week of January Aquarius because Venus planet of enjoyment pleasure Harmony Beauty relationships Venus is going to be in this uh in this sector of your um of your chart..."
"Venus enters your house of relationships from the last week of January until the middle of February, making it a romantic time."
"So there's just like graceful and beauty, and ruled by the planet Venus and Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so they're really aesthetically, I think that's where you could say aesthetically appealing to people."
"The climate on Venus is not fun, surface temperatures are around 900 degrees."
"Venus's surface, furnace-like temperatures close to 500 degrees Celsius, 900 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest in the solar system."
"The beings of Venus were acutely attuned to the vibrational energies of love and unity."
"Venus is all about pleasure and entertainment."
"The bizarre exoplanet is even more reflective than the shiniest planet in the solar system, Venus, which reflects around 75% of sunlight due to its thick clouds."
"Venus really taught us a lesson that if you have a blanketing gas, a greenhouse gas, it can warm up the atmosphere tremendously."
"With Aries Venus, it's actively and directly going after what it is that you truly want."
"Leo Venus is about romancing what you desire, feeling it in your chest, and being dramatic about it."
"Sagittarius Venus is about visualizing the desire without the details, going after the big picture, and seeing what synchronicities pop up."
"But only time will tell. What do you think about going to Venus? When will Humanity try a manned mission there?"
"Dr. Paul Byrne discusses the mysteries and potential of Venus in an interview."
"If you have Venus in Cancer, you're gonna experience personal joy in raising children, cooking, cleaning, even serving your husband the way he likes."
"Out of bounds Venus creates quirky, unique beauty."
"Venus in Taurus: Investing in Relationships"
"Venus in Taurus: Simple and Traditional"
"Venus rotates backwards play the music."
"Venus gave the world balance and harmony and other words would you like to use to sell shampoo."
"What happened to Venus? Was there really life on the planet? Could there have been a human-like civilization that was destroyed by a global catastrophe?"
"...do not make any drastic changes to your physical appearance Venus rules Beauty and so again we're not having the full powers of Venus at this time"
"The Vanera missions represented a significant technological achievement and provided invaluable insights into the nature of Venus."
"Humanity's maiden voyages to both Venus and Mars were launched during their respective windows of closest approach."
"Havoc, a high altitude Venus operational concept."
"Venus is difficult to reach and a very strange world when you get there."
"The atmosphere of Venus is very dense, 97% of carbon dioxide, with a very strong Greenhouse Effect."
"Venus is not just a goddess of sexual love, she's a goddess of desire."
"Venus is a natural laboratory right next door to Earth, very close by."
"How does a planet go from this environment that was wet and comfortable and perhaps habitable, how does that evolve over time into this dry, hot, inhospitable Venus that we know today?"
"Fascination, man's fascination with Venus has been around for millennia, right?"
"Venus is almost exactly linked with a 13-year cycle for Venus with an 8-year cycle from Earth going around the Sun, almost to the second."
"So every eight years on Earth, we see exactly the same pattern in where we see Venus in the night sky."
"But if we don't know the difference, if we can't tell why Earth evolved the way it did and Venus evolved the way it did, how would we ever be able to tell the difference between Earth at any point along its evolutionary path and Venus?"
"So we really need to understand why Venus turned out the way it did."
"But what we see on Venus is that there's no evidence at all for plate tectonics like we have on Earth."
"I'm just like what I like, that is your Venus speaking."
"Venus more than anything just wants to be liked and wants everyone to be at peace."
"Venus in Libra is very much in love with love."
"Venus in Libra wants to leave everyone they meet with a good impression."
"Equality is very important to Venus in Libra."
"Venus in Libra is like the perfect diplomat."
"Venus is like the Earth, and with the same mass, and gravity, and yet it went completely different."
"The fly past of Venus... can provide the first scientific close-up of the bright planet that has been called the Earth's twin."
"Venus is the planet of beauty, love, romance, romantic relationship, even physical relationship, a planet of marriage, marital relationship."
"That is Venus up there, it's a little dot up to the top right of the balloon up there is Venus."
"Venus is there to improve your life, to make you more sympathetic, more optimistic, and it has a positive influence on your charisma."
"It's always nice to go through a period of time during which Venus transits our sign; it makes us more lovable and also more loving in relation to other people and life in general."
"Mariner 2 passed within 21,647 miles of Venus, making the mission the first successful mission to another planet."
"The hottest planet is Venus due to the sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide."
"Venus is about value, our sense of inherent value, and therefore what we find valuable in relationships."
"Whoever assumed that Venus had anything to do with love had clearly never been to Venus."
"Venus has a day that's longer than its year."
"The beautiful planet that sort of hinted on the existence of potential bacterial life in its upper atmosphere."
"Because of these unconfirmed discoveries, there have been a lot of speculations about a potential future mission to Venus."
"We have the mechanical parts worked out, we have the potential idea for a rover that could land on Venus and possibly function here for a few months or even a few years."
"The morning sky becomes the canvas for a celestial ballet as Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars will all align in a captivating display."
"My name is Venus, and I'm the hottest planet but the second planet from the sun."
"Throughout all of June, Venus and Mars will be on the same astronomical line."
"Did you know Venus rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets?"
"Venus is the second planet from the Sun, so why is it the hottest planet in the solar system?"
"This greenhouse effect makes Venus the hottest planet you will see in the solar system, even hotter than Mercury."
"Life can't exist here now, recently scientists think they found a Goldilock Zone in the atmosphere which would be perfect to support life."
"Venus' upper atmosphere is as close to Earth's environment as there can be in the solar system."
"Venus possesses the power of binding things together and harmonizing that which has been separated."
"Venus is going to be the highest in the sky that it ever gets and it's going to stick around for longer after the sun has set."
"Venus can make us look better too; when Venus is in your sign, you look better, you're more attractive, people are attracted to you."
"The main purpose of this observatory actually seems to be observing the planet Venus."
"Denying Libra love and romance is almost a sin to the universe because that's your sign; you're a Venusian that's all about love and romance."
"Venus ruling love, beauty, money, self-esteem, the Sun brings this giant Spotlight."
"It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete a rotation around its axis, but it takes 225 Earth days for the planet to orbit the Sun."
"Venus, the sister planet of Earth, where scientists recently made very intriguing discoveries."
"A year on Venus passes faster than a day."
"In the clouds of Venus, about 50 km above the surface, the overall temperature and the overall pressure surprisingly is extremely similar to planet Earth."
"Life on Venus right now does have a very high chance to maybe exist."
"Venus is a planet that gives comfort, that allows us to understand the most worthwhile path to take within this embodied existence."
"Just like a ship can float on the top of the water, we could build colonies that would just float on the top of Venus's atmosphere."
"The Moon can give skills and education as well when related to Venus."
"She herself lay under a canopy of golden cloth, adorned like Venus."
"Venus, the second planet from our sun, has a hot hellish surface, yet strangely, its clouds, which hover at an altitude of around 30 miles, bear temperatures that may be habitable for life."
"Mariner 10 launched from Cape Canaveral on the 3rd of November 1973, embarking on a perilous Voyage to Venus."
"Venus entering your sign is beautiful because Venus is a benefic, this is where you look your best, you may feel your best."
"Venus as a planet represents the principle of enjoyment, desire, union, harmony, balance, and justice."
"One of the places we could colonize is the upper atmosphere on Venus, we could build like floating cities."
"The crescent moon represents the lunar calendar, and the five-pointed star represents the 584-day cycles of Venus."
"Venus, our celestial neighbor shrouded in a thick atmosphere of mystery, has long hidden its secrets from the prying eyes of humanity."
"Venus is our closest neighbor in the solar system and shares similarities with Earth in terms of size and composition."
"It's really pretty if you had a gaseous planet like Venus, where it's just a gas planet, but that all the cities just sort of float in the clouds of gas."
"Venus serves as a strong warning for Earth, highlighting the devastating effects of greenhouse gas accumulation."
"Each new mission was like turning a new page in a book, unveiling more fascinating information about Venus."
"The discovery of phosphine gas on Venus suggests the possibility of life existing on the planet."
"Venus, as terrifying as you would have been, would also have been magnificently beautiful to watch dance through the sky."
"There's obviously been a lot of talk about life, extraterrestrial life, a little bit closer to home, for example, on Venus or on Mars."
"We know more about the surface of Venus than we know about our own ocean floor."
"There has not been war on Venus for six hundred thousand years."
"Venus has an incredibly thick atmosphere which is 100 times denser than the one we have on Earth."
"Venus most likely used to be covered with oceans from 30 to 1,000 ft deep."
"Venus is a inhospitable place; we wouldn't want to live there."
"Venus itself relates to how you love; we don't all have the same concept when it comes to romantic love."
"The spiral light of Venus, rising first and shining best."
"Love is not fundamentally represented by Taurus, but Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus, and Venus is the goddess of love."
"Venus, the third brightest light in the sky, is the morning star and the evening star."
"Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system."
"If you wanted to go all the way to Venus, it'd only take you two minutes and 18 seconds to get there."
"When Venus transits your sign, presents are coming your way, and life can be very generous."
"Venus is actually quite a good warning for us because it does show us what happens when CO2 goes out of control."