
Daydreaming Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"You're the one that's always running through my Daydream."
"Daydreaming on purpose is the simplest way that I know to evoke a relaxation response."
"I feel like this person is spending a lot of time going inwards, thinking about you, daydreaming about you."
"A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream."
"Reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts."
"Our daydreams, especially those with great feeling attached, largely dictate our reality."
"Something very powerful happens when you, in your Consciousness, go within yourself and daydream."
"I can't believe that when I have nothing going on or when there's nothing to distract me, my mind keeps wandering towards this fantasy, towards this future."
"They dream about you a lot, daydreaming fills their thoughts."
"I daydream about you... I'm in love with you."
"Most successful people spent a great deal of time daydreaming."
"Take some time to sit back, daydream, and visualize."
"I'd also love to spend a day with uh, Robin Captain Robin because I love the idea of pirates."
"Daydreams are not a waste of time; they're the precursor of every invention."
"Your future is so bright, you'll almost be daydreaming about it."
"Make time to daydream and imagine the possibilities."
"I've always wondered what it would be like to be on the Thousand Sunny eating Sanji's amazing cooking every day."
"They're daydreaming a lot about the next time with you."
"I think people spend too much time thinking about what they want to be rather than just being what they want to be, you know? I'm saying, like, yes, people do, and that's okay to daydream, but you usually got to do it."
"If you could wake up one morning and have the perfect day, what would it look like for you?"
"They're doing a lot of daydreaming about the future with you. They're examining all the possibilities and thinking ahead."
"I'm not proud of it but I space out, I just wander."
"Who doesn't love looking at big expensive homes they'll never be able to afford themselves? It's fun to daydream."
"This power that I have is incredible to me because I can reimagine my entire life all of those daydreams I had as a kid all of those times that I felt far from the world because I couldn't consume reality I can just repaint it."
"This person daydreams about you, they think about the potential what you two can be."
"Wrapped up in daydreaming about her crush that she spaces out even in the middle of conversations."
"Every time, any time, this person is daydreaming about you."
"There's a lot of daydreaming this person does about you."
"Daydreaming opens up your creative space."
"Daydreaming as a step to execution."
"Daydreaming helps you reach goals."
"This person is someone who does have dreams about you, who kind of goes into little daydreams thinking about you, imagining you, talking to you, you know, just everything about you being on their mind. And I feel like, like I said, it is 24/7."
"It's gonna give you something more positive to daydream about."
"There is something that you're daydreaming about thinking that all you're doing is daydreaming while actually you're manifesting it."
"Someone is definitely daydreaming about you though, possibly even reminiscent."
"They daydream about you speaking to them and possibly even singing to them."
"They're daydreaming about how your relationship would look and feel like if you got together."
"I think I used to just Daydream and I think that was a form of manifestation I didn't know how I was going to get it I just knew that I was not going to settle for mediocrity."
"What are you daydreaming or manifesting right now? I want to manifest a new home in Brooklyn."
"It's like daydreaming but you're here in body as well."
"I wonder what a 10 out of 10 is anyways. I'm just gonna download it offline now and I'm gonna imagine us swindling through the Rubicon in the Mini Cooper whenever I don't have service. That's going to be my new daydreaming."
"I just love a good quiet time sometimes just to like Daydream or whatever."
"Maladaptive daydreaming is when the daydreaming is so attractive to us that we struggle to stay present in our regular life."
"They spend a lot of time daydreaming about you."
"They're a Daydreamer for sure. They love to daydream, this person is stuck in their fantasies a lot, and I feel like they have a lot of fantasies about you."
"They are daydreaming about you a lot."
"Give it back. Oh, here's the thing though, I think it's so fun to have a crush. And as soon as you know, as soon as you get the answer, he's no longer a crush, then it's just a situation you want to keep daydreaming, keep fantasizing."
"Maladaptive daydreaming was something where I effectively was addicted to daydreaming and I just could not stop doing it."
"My dreams do not influence my movies. But I love, as I say, dream logic. Dream logic is so beautiful. I like daydreaming."
"When you find yourself drifting and you know, okay, I gotta stop daydreaming now and actually like pay my bills and keep a roof over my head, right?"
"Life is much better than daydreaming."
"You're Daydreaming too much, they said. But those who manifest their dream life, they escape into their own little bubble where they imagine."
"Daydreaming is so important for people. If you actually think about it, visualize it, and hold yourself to it, you can actually make it happen."
"Now, where does your mind go when you let it wander?"
"They view your photos or go to your page, and they have vivid thoughts of you, daydream about you a lot."
"Whole life can turn into something daydreamed about."
"I'm currently daydreaming, but I'm still manifesting it."
"There's something about my demeanor that seems quite serious when in fact, although I am serious, a lot of me is daydreaming."
"You can sit in the chair for the rest of the day, and all through the night if you like, relaxing, dreaming."
"Literally all day, I just think about getting in the bathtub."
"Fantasize about a life with no stress."
"Pisces could be considered daydreamers just because they're always absorbed in their thoughts they're very creative they really like to feel grand things and escape into huge worlds."
"Their Daydreams involved themes like violence, power, and Escape."
"The time to daydream, think of what you want out of life, and just enjoy yourself."
"I keep zoning out, thinking I'm somewhere on the Mediterranean, in the Algarve in Portugal. Feels like a holiday, doesn't it? It's holiday-wise, it's summertime."
"They daydream and fantasize about approaching you."
"Daydreaming is a powerful attribute of the human mind."
"I don't think I'll ever be able to buy a hypercar so I like to fantasize every now and again about the thought of doing so."
"It's amazing how this show, like its inception into my brain, I dream about it, I think about it in the middle of the day at random."
"We're just enjoying a nice lie down and thinking how good this would be for an afternoon nap, just peacefulness."
"When you Daydream, you create new and complex worlds and interesting ideas."
"This song is for the romantics, this song is for the daydreamers."
"Learn to procrastinate, learn to imagine, learn to daydream, learn to indulge fantasy and mystery."
"I'm quite happy in my own space, and I can daydream forever and a day."
"...the kind of daydreaming one does about a life to come."
"I'll spend the afternoon picturing you."
"I laid down out in the middle in the cold and daydreamed, just watching the snowfall."
"I often let my mind wander, and I daydream about what our married life will be like."
"Most people sit in their offices nine-to-five, dreaming of spending their holidays in a tropical island paradise."
"I know nothing but what I've glimpsed in my most hopeful of daydreams of a world without end, amen."
"I just dream of fishing while I'm going through my workday."
"I couldn't help but daydream of all the undisturbed moments I could have there."
"I shut my eyes trying not to speak, pretend that I'm dreaming."
"The thought of cloud9 seems so sublime."
"I daydreamed a lot. I escaped by daydreaming, creating my own reality, an alternative reality in which life was different."
"You sit at your desk and dream of a tropical paradise a thousand miles away from all of your problems."
"...go for a walk, let your mind go wherever it will, daydream, let spontaneous thought arise because that is truly giving your attention system a break."
"My head is in the clouds, it's beautiful."
"People are prone to mistaking their own daydreams or wishful fantasies as memories."
"I was daydreaming, I was thinking of a better life."
"She had the luxury of daydreaming about her future."
"It is so easy to be hopeful in the daytime when you can see the things you wish on."
"I'm having all of these flights of fancy and whimsy, daydreaming of all the magical things that I'm going to do as soon as I leave the house."
"Going through the motions, I'm dreaming of the ocean as I swim above a river bed."
"If money was no object, what would you do all day?"
"It's so easy to just daydream about your life with someone, and it can be so perfect in your mind."
"Clouds mean so many things to me; it's like daydreaming, a successful feeling."
"I was daydreaming about what my baseball career might have looked like if I had Antonio's tenacity."
"If you buy a ticket for fun as the price to pay for the ability to daydream about what you would do if you were to win, then by all means, go for it."
"Daydreaming about my life in general and just kind of putting out there positive thoughts about the way I want my life to be."
"Reverie is a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream."
"Somebody's been daydreaming about a future with you."
"We all live partly in our daydreams and partly in the real world."
"Her head is always in the clouds. She's always looking up. She's ambitious."
"Those who dream by day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
"God would allow us a little daydream. It's good for the soul when you work hard enough to deserve it."
"The house person is going to have daydreams about the Venus person; they're going to idolize the Venus person."
"I was a big day dreamer when I was a kid."
"Visions of a new earth, daydreaming of what earth could be like."
"She often gets lost in her imagination."
"A page of cups is like dreamy feelings, head in the clouds, love thoughts about love, feelings of love."
"People buy lottery tickets because they love to daydream about what they'd do if they won the lottery."
"Adults spend as much as 47% of their waking lives letting their minds wander."
"It's kind of a fun scenario to daydream about."
"I'm going to go have a good old daydream."
"I just get lost in a little daydream sometimes."
"I used to fantasize about him coming back one day."
"I was daydreaming about a double scoop of salted caramel ice cream."
"I think about you morning, evening, and night. It's such a wonderful day."
"You often drift away into daydreaming about various ideas or scenarios? Strongly agree."
"It inspired thoughts in me about visualizing it for myself, and I found myself really daydreaming about it."
"If I was ever to be a lady, I'd give him a sky-blue coat with diamond buttons," Emily dreamed aloud.
"It's not about pressure, it's about daydreaming about the things you want."
"Human beings love to invent things; people spend a certain percentage of every day fantasizing about things that don't exist."
"If you've ever had your head stuck in the clouds, then this one's for you."
"They're daydreaming, fantasizing, nostalgic, thinking about the past, love on the brain."
"What a day for a daydream, it's one of those days for taking a walk outside."
"He's always daydreaming; he's in his own little world."
"I just let my imagination run away with me again."
"I sometimes when I'm sitting here, I like to daydream about sort of floating on a little cloud in the sunshine."
"We could stay awake all night and have dinner in bed, slowly watch as the sun rises, I'll fall asleep instead."
"It's kind of fun, one of those mundane tasks that's kind of an opportunity to daydream where a lot of genius-level ideas come from."
"They love fantasizing about you; they spend a lot of time daydreaming about you."
"Sometimes when I'm doing something dull like walking home from college or hanging up laundry, I like to imagine that I am her."
"It's a lot of daydreaming. You sit and you develop a story that's not in the script."
"Fantasizing about it being summer again."
"She doesn't mean to be selfish; she just gets caught up in those daydreams and fantasies of hers."
"You have waves of energy that wash over you at times, and through those waves, you feel like you're daydreaming of a future of something you desire."
"While she's walking through the clouds with a circus mind that's running around, butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales, that's all she ever thinks about, riding with the wind."
"Daydream with me, let your mind explode all the things we were created for."
"Imagine me and you, I do. I think about you day and night."
"Sometimes I just imagine how awesome it would be if you won the lottery, like all that money, what you could do."
"I wasn't that great in school, I couldn't focus, I was a daydreamer."
"I used to daydream about that, I knew I'd be on a plane."
"Marshmallow clouds keep drifting."
"Most of the time, cats spent his life on the sills of the windows, flicking his tail in the air, daydreaming about being out there in the vast beyond."
"Your mind goes far away, sort of thinking about that person."
"Let's just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes."
"This particular person may actually be daydreaming or fantasizing about you."
"It's such a nice day, I feel like I can stay like this forever."
"She let one of her fingers delicately trace the mark, admiring it and allowing herself to daydream if only for a moment."
"I daydream a lot. I think of things happening that haven't happened. Like I pretend they're happening."
"I daydream about a future together, going on adventures and growing old together."
"But we said we'd find me offline, sunny day dreams, and we up now."
"I'm a huge daydreamer, massively, and walking is my ultimate time to daydream."
"You are given those daydreams, you are given that imagination for a purpose."
"I'd rather keep living in my daydreams."
"Keep daydreaming and keep assuming that it is actually coming."
"She daydreams so much, she's got this really rich inner world."
"Love in the open, daydreaming, hope melting in her make-believe new world."
"It gives you a day of imagination, thinking like what would I do with all this money."
"A girl can dream, but right now I'm gonna put my sweatpants back on."
"I'm different when I'm with you, and just thinking about the little moments we can share has me feeling like I'm floating on the clouds."
"It's nice to have goals, it's nice to have ambitions, it's excellent to daydream."
"If you ever want to just walk around and daydream about living somewhere amazing, come walk around Primrose Hill."
"If the Daydream as you call it is one which attracts to self, this then becomes reality to self."
"He's letting his imagination wander."
"Daydreaming, this will bring... He dozed off and had the craziest dream."
"I felt like a wonderful secret that I could revisit in the middle of one of Sylvia's boring lessons or another long day in the women's room."
"You know how sometimes you stare off daydreaming, then all of a sudden you catch yourself and snap out of it? That's the type of energy this is giving me."
"Daydreaming feels so nice though, it's like you're somewhere else."
"I feel like my body was here but my mind was still at the beach."
"You can manifest things in your life very easily by daydreaming."
"Daydream the way you want your life to be."
"That sounds so romantic; I wish I could have a guy sweep me off my feet like that."
"If you're a daydreamer, this is your perfect energy, this is your perfect transit."
"Daydreaming but leave new worlds; Whispering Winds bring the remembrance."
"I'm just daydreaming of being in Italy right now, just drinking wine, hanging out."
"Do you ever have a dream that you like keep thinking about throughout the day?"
"Daydreaming is important. It's a powerful way of manifesting."
"I am constantly on Zillow, Realtor.com, just looking at places I will never buy."
"Play around in your imagination, flights of fantasy and your daydreams clue you in on what you need to do next."
"They're thinking about you heavily, almost daydreaming of a life with you."
"I like to spend a good bit of my day just staring out the window and daydreaming."
"They kind of fantasize about just like having a life with you."
"I was lost in a daydream of films then."
"I think this will be really pretty somewhere with a cocktail in my hand, which is all I'm dreaming of at the moment."
"They've been fantasizing and daydreaming about you a lot."
"Cloud9, it just makes me feel like sleepy just thinking about drifting along clouds."
"You're daydreaming about something that makes you really happy."
"They daydream about being in a relationship with you, moving in with you, and what it would be like to tell everyone that you guys are together."
"You fill my head with roses, I can't help but dream away."
"They're thinking about you 24/7, fantasizing about you, daydreaming about you."
"I have a very boring dreamland; I constantly fantasize about the craziest things."
"You're the one that I dream about all day."
"I used to daydream about sitting on a window seat reading my books."
"Dreaming about what could be, dreaming about the life that you want to have."
"We have at times been daydreaming about buying a bigger piece of land."
"Fantasizing about passion, they also see the possibilities of a relationship."
"I can't help but dream away, standing on the fields with you and flowers everywhere."