
Directness Quotes

There are 1424 quotes

"It's a lot to take in, but there's no other way. Let's just go for it directly. Why beat around the bush?"
"I'm not going to pull my punches. I'm not going to be mean. I'm not going to be unkind, but I'm going to say the truth."
"He possesses those virtues of being both eloquent and forthright, never hesitating to say directly what he means."
"I'm not doing a long preamble. I'm not giving you my life story. Don't you hate when tutorials do that? Let's get right into the video."
"Ask the reality, no middleman, no secretary put you on hold, dial direct up to the creator and say, 'Guide me.'"
"What a man he was, a direct leader, he liked to lead from the front."
"You're very direct, you say what you mean, and you mean what you say."
"This is not an airport. You do not have to announce your departure. Just leave and shut up."
"Bill Burr is not going, 'What is the most clever take about guns?' Bill Burr is saying how the [ __ ] he feels about guns."
"Trying to provide straight-up value to you guys and this will try and cut straight to the point no BS here."
"It's not gossip if I'm speaking to your face."
"We needed a tough brash New Yorker who told it like it was."
"I don't pander. I don't pussyfoot around something that bothers me or needs to be said."
"At the end of the day, you should be able to tell me what's on your mind. I'm an adult, I don't speak with little hints and suggestions. You can speak your mind like an adult or shut up."
"Cut through all the crap when you're doing self inquiry and get right to the root."
"If you haven't played it yet just do it you stupid baby."
"I want to hit it and quit it, why? Just let me."
"I'm not here to avoid questions; I'm here to answer questions."
"If you want to play church, you're in the wrong place."
"We ain't walking on eggshells. We're letting these folks know what the damn business is."
"You came here for the truth so let me lay it out for you."
"Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds."
"You're going to be very upfront about what you want in either a job situation, a living situation, or a relationship."
"If you're direct, it means you say exactly what you mean and no one can pretend they haven't understood because it's very, very clear."
"I ain't with no kumbaya shit with these folks, no we gonna let folks know who the hell you are."
"It's just a polite way of saying fuck you to be honest with it."
"They want to cut through the illusions, cut through the BS and get to the point, to the heart of the matter."
"I'm not here to inspire you, I'm here to give you real [ __ ]."
"I just want to talk straight to you guys and cut the crap."
"We might not believe in God anymore, but we still feel a sentimental need to be nice to each other. I'm not nice to people because it's sentimental; I'm nice because I'm not a fucking cunt."
"If you don't like it, in the simplest terms possible, do one."
"People just need to respect people's sexuality point-blank period."
"God speaks clearly to Moses, unmediated communication."
"Call a spade a spade, call racism racism, call blackness blackness."
"You aren't stupid, and I'm not stupid. Let's just call it like it is."
"Just show the game. Like actually just show the game."
"With her it's direct here's what happened any contradicting information no."
"Kids don't give a [ __ ] they'll tell you right off the bat."
"The most direct relationship between creator and audience."
"This is bad, this is just not good flat out."
"There's so much violence that is direct it's direct you know it's not we buy from this factory and then there's pollution that goes into waterways it's I'm paying for you to kill for me."
"President Trump isn't afraid to just point at someone and say that is BS, that is ridiculous, don't try any of this nonsense on me."
"If you ask this person, 'Would you take me back?' they would say, 'Definitely.'"
"Why don't you just say that you're on the left is it so hard for you?"
"If you have to ask that, you're probably slow, man."
"Violence is the question and yes is the answer."
"They are headed right for the camera. They are looking right through it."
"I didn't come to coddle your feelings, I came to help you."
"You're being super direct and upfront with this person."
"The evidence speaks for itself. Bottom line."
"I don't play games, but you're asking... so you're saying you're done?"
"Bold and direct with intent means that your words have meaning."
"Republicans aren't just anti-democracy. They are screaming into the sky, 'We are not just anti-democracy, we are openly informing you, we are celebrating our intentions to dismantle democracy.'"
"Let's have a grown-up conversation. The football at Manchester United is abysmal."
"Just make the best video possible. Just do it."
"Be harsh, be honest, be truthful, and say it like it is." - Jared Polin
"We're survivors. You suck at driving. Can I leave now?"
"You need someone who's going to tell you straight up how it is."
"You have a straight-shooter coming in your future."
"Sometimes you can just say information straight to the audience and it can be thoroughly entertaining."
"Go get your [ __ ] money, stop playing games."
"High-quality critique in professional spaces often requires a direct approach."
"I think I'm a pretty direct person, and I think you deserve that."
"Nobody gives a [__] about your philosophy of what you think the game should be like."
"I don't want your money, I just want your sex."
"A mature woman is direct about how she feels."
"Just shut up, look, not to be mean, but like I'm gonna stop reading after that first part where you're like I think it's very good but..."
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"ISFPs are very straightforward in their approach to communication."
"It's better to address things head-on completely without taking any shortcuts."
"The easiest way through something tough is straight through it."
"So still less, but more infants says I'm landing direct impacts now."
"If it's reasonable, always aim for the head."
"Know thyself is much more a kind of direct participatory knowing. It means understanding how you operate."
"I prefer this kind of professional blunt direct statement over the modeling Sakura nonsense of fucking scum like csgo in the fucking eyes with dollar bills."
"Let's just call that thing a thing and be honest about both."
"You're the one I'm talking to, I'm not talking to those of you who are still unsure and you got to go figure this out, but there are some of you who are like nope I know exactly what you're talking about and this message is for you."
"Harry directly speaks to us, dropping bombshells of useful information."
"You have decided you're just going to say anything."
"Show me the evidence. No more kind words, no more buzzwords."
"You can talk the good game, you can talk shit, you can say, I'm tough. Results, that's it."
"Just leave the person you're flirting with in no doubt that they're at the front left and center of your flirtation."
"It's much more real, it's much more direct and I think it's much more honest."
"I'm a straight shooter. If you don't want to be told the truth, don't ask."
"Gravity is not trying to shame anybody, gravity is just [ __ ] gravity." - Alan Robertson
"I just speak it as it is and as I see it and let the chips fall where they may."
"There's something refreshing about them just being like, 'Yeah, oh yeah, we're doing that.'"
"Motivation is both. This is such a blunt video, I'm so sorry. Everybody has motivation. Let me guess: you clicked on this video because you were like, 'I'm gonna have a lifestyle change tomorrow.'"
"She kept it 100 with him, she didn't waste his time."
"Sometimes being direct is not a negative thing."
"I don't sugarcoat stuff; that's when change happens."
"This is action, it's racist, it's dead point-blank racism."
"I say what I mean and I mean what I say." - Boosie
"Triggering the left brain is a straight talk to your conscious mind, not asking for its opinion."
"Mike Pond Smith's response was brutal, precise, and to the fucking point: it's my game, so fuck off."
"The reason why we all respected President Trump was that he recognized this and was number one not afraid to say it and say it to people's faces."
"I'm not gonna try and sell you anything. I'm not going to pitch you anything to buy from me or pay me for something."
"I do my talking in the ring, and time to talk is over."
"I want my money right now," 50 made it clear.
"I feel like the way they flirt is very direct and also the way Aries might flirt is that they might kind of brag towards you too."
"Talk is cheap so I'm not into the talking I'm into the doing."
"Sometimes it's just the elephant in the room so I address it so we can move on."
"Very straightforward communication is important. You don't have to be cruel but you do have to be direct."
"Being straight with people is not an enemy... Bluntness is not an enemy."
"If what you're trying to communicate is a feeling, do it directly."
"Saying the quietest part out loud: the Green Berets are badass."
"I don't want to wait to try to go through the friend zone to get in your pants."
"You either support it or [] off. Apart from that, sound up the [] Reds!"
"Direct verbal intent: being confidently vulnerable."
"You have to be really strong and you have to be very direct about what you want."
"Yeah, all you're getting is four. That's it."
"Show me the money honey because that's what the complaint is going to be about."
"Time to stop picking around the bone and actually get into the meat of who we're talking about here."
"Who the [] you think you is? All right, cut the [], let's get down."
"I'm a real [ __ ] so I'm going to pipe your with BBC there's no itan buds about it this [ __ ] talking about oh."
"I'm not trying to waste those time so let's get into it."
"Skip all the fluff, get straight to the good, no BS."
"X gonna give it to you plain right now, that's the only way to set this tone."
"You don't love her, tell her." - That's right.
"Level of the totem pole, the only thing I'll say to that though is I think what makes Barstool Barstool is that like you've always said people can like walk right in your office and call you out or write a blog and say what they feel."
"They are very expressive, they communicate what they're thinking straight up."
"You want to be on my website pay me you know simple as that."
"Sign the contract, just sign the fucking papers."
"Why you need all these middlemen if you're going directly to your people?"
"Christian, no blindfolds, no games, no bullshit. Straight-up 1-on-1."
"They're super sharp, they don't hold back, they just spit out whatever the hell they're feeling."
"If you don't appreciate being one of the first to hear about the tea before it's official tea, then scram, boo."
"Normal people can either say, 'F you,' or try to fix it."
"Let's stop beating around the bush and get to the actual reviews."
"Being direct in communication is important to them."
"Sagittarius: 'They will shower you with attention and just straight-up tell you.'"
"When you're pissed, straight to the point, even done with and move on, you understand?"
"Who confronts people in the moment who are treating her poorly, who doesn't wait until later to be a backstabber."
"It's not about being angry, it's about being direct and not letting women walk all over you."
"Nobody wants to have this conversation, y'all want a bunch of fluff."
"Let's kill the conversation, let's kill the fake drama."
"Just call the damn thing 'All You Need Is Kill,' please just call it 'All You Need to Kill.'"
"It's not even harsh, it's just truthful advice."
"No sugar-coating, no spin, just raw and honest facts."
"Don't wait a year to ask her out just ask her out then and there."
"If it wanted your ass, it would have taken it and it wouldn't have said anything to you."
"Just good, not great, alright? Just get out of here, Carlos."
"Look man, y'all are idiots. Doesn't have to be real with you, you're idiots, that's just how I feel."
"I'm gonna pay you a little compliment. I ain't got time for that kissing and roses nonsense though."
"I don't know when you sent that but that was quite a unique direct I have to say."
"All they want to do is marry you and give you this and then put a baby in you, Scorpio."
"I find it impressive I prefer it personally I prefer it I prefer a realness bluntness to the point what you gonna do for me what can I count on you for what do you believe would you not believe in thank you good backhand gonna make my mind up."
"I'm gonna tell you something harsh, 'cause I already care about you."
"Don't just clean the cobwebs, kill the spider." - Pastor Paul's father
"Black agenda needs to start off being [expletive] black."
"When this guy speaks it's just like the statements are so plain the statements are so direct the statements are so you you just can't come back everybody."
"You're answer's so easy. How do you build a team? Hire some fuckin' people, bro."
"Life's too short to deal with your bullshit."
"Direct communication is so important in relationships. If you want or need something from your partner, ask for it."
"I like to speak to people and not just about people."
"You just walk up and be like 'I like you, I don't know if you like me back, let me know.' My friend is smart."
"Destiny is like Kimmy for me. She is so rational, logical, concise, direct, there is no room for ambiguity."
"If my wife comes home and asks me a direct question... that's not good."
"We need to call a spade a spade and speak the truth, even if it's against our own selves."
"I'm just gonna tell the truth, shoot from the hip, and tell exactly how I feel and where I'm at."
"My whole thing is this: just pay him his bread."
"I'm the bad guy in a way, just no BS, straight and direct."
"If you don't support Bernie Sanders then get the hell out of here."
"I hope you're not tuning in for like sugar-coated powerpuff comments. That is not my style."
"I'm not really bloody interested in clean sheets, to be honest with you. I want to win."
"I'm a little too honest, I'm blunt, I'm direct almost painfully so."
"If you have to ask what you are, you are not in a relationship with him."
"Who jumps at somebody from the back? You come see me face to face."
"So I'm going to be straight with you from the get-go."
"Actions have consequences, and this is like a direct consequence of that."
"Stop the games, stop the childish behavior, be direct, be mature."
"I meant what I said, I said what I meant, okay."
"You need to know this is a sexual connection."
"You are what your record says you are." - Brian Campbell
"Nobody likes a long intro. Let's jump right in."
"John is evil, John is red. Thank you very much."
"No small talk, just get right down to business."
"Just get it out, just say it, just do it, get it over with, rip the Band-Aid off."
"You need to figure out okay, what kind of love it is that you want and be direct about that."
"I'm going to give it to you straight, I'm going to give it to you honest, I'm going to give it to you critical."
"Caleb's murderer wrapped his giant hands around Caleb's neck and strangled him to death."
"Fuck your decorum. I care about fighting for the people."
"Don't just fuck off, sell me a goddamn product."
"I'm here to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear."
"I refuse to give up on taking my home nutrition supplements and vitamins."
"It's better to just come out and resolve your problems right then and there."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"Lay it all out on the table so we can cut through the [ __ ], take it or leave it. This is who I am."
"He's gay for God's sake, just say he's gay! This is clearly a story about him being gay!"
"Give me the money. Give you give me the money."
"I just feel like summer is just more straightforward."
"Blackwater was the most controversial private military contractor or PMC during the first decade of the war on terror."
"They are rich and they're not pretending to be."
"Can you point him out? Boom, that's it, that guy did it."
"Why can't we just say what we mean and mean what we say?"
"If we want something, why don't we just say it?"
"This is not your show. You need to slow down and not take what you see as opportunities to further the message you are wanting to further. And instead, only answer the specific and exact question you have been asked."
"Confrontational brother, we need some confrontation."
"Say what you need to say and get stuff done."