
Speculation Quotes

There are 14178 quotes

"It'll be very interesting to see where NFTs go over time."
"If you had the wisdom you have now back then, how many championships do you feel like you guys could have won? 'Seven. Seven,' Co said. At least 10, we asked him. He said, 'At least 10.' Yeah, said seven and ten. 'If it wasn't for the Spurs,' that's true. No, that's true."
"This combination of the monumental success they had as teammates, the limited time spent together, and the successes each player had individually following their split made this one of the biggest 'what ifs' in NBA history."
"You got to really wonder what the true motivation is for canceling all the shows."
"What life would be like with the person that you're thinking of."
"It's not crazy to think that for the first movie, he'll start off with the classic iconic Superman logo in a Kingdom Come style."
"What will Earth be like in one thousand years?"
"Are we alone in this vast cosmic desert just flying through space?"
"Are we the Martians? It has been speculated that we could have come from Mars, we're the aliens."
"Could you imagine how people are going to become so dependent on this?"
"The identity of the Antichrist or the first Beast has been a subject of intense conjecture."
"We got this. Maybe he got hot-fixed. Maybe Blizzard's in here and they hot-fixed him."
"If controlled backwards time travel was possible today, where do you think your matter or information would travel?"
"We could advance as a civilization for a million years without destroying ourselves; it probably wouldn't happen."
"What if we only live in the reality where the world doesn't end?"
"If David is still alive somewhere, he'd be 43 years old in March 2024."
"In an alternate universe, do you think like, I think there's endless possibilities."
"Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, I do wonder 'what if?'"
"There is a world of difference between critiquing the observable homophobia of an industry while supporting those who have come out with testimony about their struggles and using this knowledge to speculate on individuals' sexualities and relationships."
"What if aliens visited Earth but only briefly, they never made any contact with humans, and when they left, they left behind a bunch of alien junk?"
"Once summer can change everything... again hinting that potentially Stranger Things is going to pop into Fortnite."
"These might be the true mutant Rainbow Friends."
"It's almost like they feel like they have something they want to say to you or a point they want to prove."
"I think we'll have a new man at the helm next season, unfortunately."
"Imagine what we could do with that kind of money if it was being spent correctly."
"If Michael Jordan played 22 years, we don't know."
"What if I told you that alien technology is not just in the realm of science fiction, but potentially right under our noses?"
"The government's acknowledgment of these videos as real unidentified objects is a big deal."
"Spare a thought for the possible reptilian inhabitants beneath your feet."
"Time travel has always been something fictional, but what if Time Travelers have been among us for a long time without us noticing?"
"The frontal lobe is where you demonstrate free will, where you invent, where you speculate possibilities."
"Tyler the Creator might be very entertaining."
"Spencer from iCarly might be a top three contender here."
"Coyote Peterson's gonna have some crazy-ass stories for me."
"I think he'd (Martin Luther King) be motivational; he'd make me feel better about any situation I was dealing with."
"The best way to understand the metaverse is to experience it yourself, but it's a little tough because it doesn't fully exist yet."
"What happens to society when the velocity of money in the new system is vibrant, people are speculating, taking risks, doing stuff, because people are spending money, selling things, buying things."
"You know what, maybe he was the serial killer, maybe he was evolving."
"If it was actually revealed in the canon of One Piece that Buggy does have the will of D, I can imagine Buggy's response to that would be like, 'Why?'"
"Many people have wondered about the true origin of these sightings. Could UFOs be a sign of external forces?"
"The question is, what would happen if the government said, 'It's true, they're here.'"
"At its best, we've always thought that sci-fi was a genre of ideas, of speculation, of dreaming about what's next."
"We've got 10 years now, I think, to prepare for the departure of this senior species, type 3 civilization, and the return of the Sakhar and their allies."
"Is this a premonition from the universe showing you what you need to see, or are the phones just listening to us?"
"Let's not try to speculate too much, but let's stick to the facts here."
"I've been paying very close attention to the comments here on social media, and one more time, we're not going to report speculation, theories out there."
"There are three concepts that you have to understand: excess speculation, risk, number three inflation. And they all tie in together."
"We're all sort of descendants of dinosaurs, aren't we?"
"What if the reality is they actually discovered how to unlock psychic powers, and we're just like, 'We better not tell anybody'?"
"I do believe that sometimes demons will try and give people stuff to make them fall deeper into things."
"If NA wins worlds, which I think can definitely eventually happen, it's going to be with two imports, maybe more."
"I don't know if humans are capable of ever getting to that point, but what if you were able to?"
"Is not an alien force already among us?" - Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the USA.
"What will the future of theme parks look like?"
"Honestly, I feel like low-key we could end up with a romance between these two."
"As long as people are having fun and not harassing anyone, I hope they can keep digging and searching for clues."
"Is this the final nail in the coffin for globalization?"
"It's going to be very interesting based on what we've seen tonight, the behavior that we have witnessed."
"We can't be the only people in this universe; there must be something else out there."
"Whether or not this is a new normal, that's kind of up for debate. But traditionally, rates trend down."
"The claim that Navalny was murdered by the Russian authorities, whether true or not, is going to be believed by a large number of people."
"How could ancient people who lived thousands of years before the supposed invention of the airplane have acquired knowledge of advanced aeronautics?"
"What if Earth is like a chicken coop, and aliens are just watching us, live streaming?"
"Investors use the Forex Market to speculate on changes in currency prices."
"The reality seems to be that in the world of One Piece, immortality has already been achieved."
"It's been suggested that maybe they're seen to walk to the afterlife."
"On the other end of the spectrum, they might be everywhere, and we cannot or are not allowed to see them."
"One of the fascinating aspects I find of the Fermi paradox is that it is so productive, it brings in so many different aspects of science."
"Theories include a military cover-up, a KGB operation gone wrong, a Bigfoot attack, and of course, aliens."
"What would our world be like if no one ever took a chance? What if everyone played it safe?"
"Are we looking at a glitch in The Matrix, or is there a more logical explanation for the whole thing?"
"This footage suggests that there might be other creatures living among us that we don't know about."
"The unsettling presence of this colossal silhouette gave rise to speculation."
"This fear that this is the Titanic, you know, and just the beginning of a fleet of crashes, I think is a little overblown."
"I do think that ads in the future will be unskippable in one way or another and it could be in a way that we have not even imagined yet."
"Imagine all of this... is one giant coincidence."
"We don't want to find out [if Putin is bluffing] because then it's too late, then we all die."
"Well, I guess we know what the big event that's going to shake the world is going to be now."
"It's more interesting to speculate on compromises that could actually work than trying to divide people further than they already are."
"We may very well see something unprecedented."
"The main gamble with the stock is that it could, in my opinion, be a 70 to 100 stock."
"Who's next? Which corner of the world is set for a similar dramatic rise in the coming years?"
"This could be White Diamond activating her ship, this could be her implementing mind control to possess Yellow Diamond, or it could be another option entirely."
"Online sleuths have posted images of pyramids in the icy landscape of Antarctica, and it has everybody wondering who could have built them."
"You will communicate with non-human beings, at least angels. Who knows? Maybe there are elves."
"Len Bias's death completely changed the entire course of history, maybe more so than any other in the history of sports."
"Until we discover a way to peek into alternate universes to see what actually did happen in the event that he lived, this is all just speculation. But we do know for sure that Len Bias would have changed everything."
"Do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials?"
"For many people, the concept of wormholes and interdimensional portals seems like the realm of science fiction."
"For me, the biggest thing you need to learn, and I think that witnesses need to do, is one, don't try and make the fish bigger than it was, stick to the facts, write it down, and don't speculate what you think it is."
"What do you think? Is it actually possible that we're living inside some sort of digital simulation?"
"I cannot like, that is our solar system. Like, literally, how can we possibly be the only ones in all of this?"
"What if Janice... is really Chandler Bing's soulmate?"
"We could be heading for a crash of civilization."
"Life-- is It rare in our universe? Or is space a galactic zoo, teeming with all sorts of creatures?"
"I'm talking about life as we do not know it. What about non-Earth-like life? Could life use something else besides water or something else besides carbon as its backbone?"
"Have you ever wondered if alternate universes existed?... You can't ever prove it, so does it even matter?"
"We can't rule out that this planet once spawned a prior technological civilization."
"A lot of people believe that CERN is responsible for some of the Mandela Effects."
"Is it possible that an advanced civilization existed on Earth over 10,000 years ago?"
"Jebel al-Laws is as good a guess as any. It might even be the best guess. It's definitely better than anything in the Sinai Peninsula."
"Could she have survived, could she have made it back, could this operation have happened?"
"What does he eat? How does he breathe? Moving the muscles of respiration would be like catastrophic earthquakes."
"Maybe it's Galactus, maybe the Silver Surfer is going to make an appearance, or maybe, dear God, maybe finally we're going to get Dr. Doom."
"The terrifying sounds from the sky are described as a mix of deep rumblings, metallic screeching, and haunting wails."
"Some believe they could be signs of something big, maybe even the world's end."
"It won't happen, but imagine if they took the story out of The Force Unleashed and turned him good, making him the protagonist."
"I think it's a bit presumptuous, not arrogant, for us to believe that there's no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe."
"It's going to be a very interesting dance around whatever Trump does in the next few days."
"Imagine this: if we all got Neuralink, Elon Musk's brain connection thing, and then clicked into this internet where you can just think and see what people are thinking, whatever they decide to put out, it would be Twitter on crack."
"It is often speculated that central banks or large financial institutions may manipulate the market, creating scenarios that deceive traders into believing they have a clear understanding of price action."
"The Baltic Sea anomaly... features a circular disc-shaped formation adorned with straight lines and right angles, has become the focal point of fervent interest and wild speculation."
"The idea of a multiverse... there's a universe that could be just beside us right here."
"It sure is fun to speculate and pursue it though."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if aliens existed? What would they look like? How intelligent would they be? Would they be friendly?"
"It is dishonest to assert baseless speculation as though it were a matter of fact, and it is unethical to teach what no one has any reason to believe is even true."
"Why hasn't the U.S housing market crashed yet, and could we be seeing a repeat of what happened right before 2008?"
"Could The Money Pit hold untold riches and secrets, or is it all just a wild goose chase? The answer may lie buried deep within Oak Island's past."
"Even in these speculative scenarios, even in the apocalypse... there are still things that humanity cares about."
"You never can tell what goes on down below; this pool might be bigger than you or I know."
"There might be no fish, but again, well, there might, because you never can tell what goes on down below; this pool might be bigger than you or I know."
"No one has any clue what the world is going to be like in 20 years, in 30 years, and 40 years."
"Some of you making a lot of money. Monies. But how's that gonna happen?"
"Can you guys imagine if you were his girlfriend?"
"Our economy is just based on speculation and not people actually creating products."
"We had a lot of fun, we had some laughs speculating... but in hindsight, all that speculation was probably pretty painful for a family already going through this health crisis."
"Yo, this is wild. Hope y'all are ready for what this means in the future."
"If we haven't already seen it, why haven't they done it yet, and what would they be doing instead?"
"This stock is pure speculation. No part of this movement in the stock price is attached to fundamentals."
"He knew something existed out there in the lost sands of time."
"I don't know what weapons the third world war will be fought with, but I do know what weapons the fourth world war will be fought with: sticks and stones."
"It's going to be an interesting year to say the least."
"What if the Roman Empire never fell, remaining the dominant force in the region until the present? How would that affect history, culture, borders, and wars until the present?"
"Wagner's silence and the speculation surrounding Wood's death is a complex tapestry of grief, mystery, and the burdens of fame."
"Have you ever wondered what would happen if we went into a worldwide apocalypse?"
"Who knows what he might've achieved if only his potential had been properly nurtured?"
"Bitcoin, if this works...we're talking about a 20-30X type move again, something you don't see throughout history."
"Somewhere in this general section running out to here, somewhere in the core that was shot out of Kylo Ren, there was probably something pretty important."
"We often picture vast mega-cities in the future and wonder if they will be utopian gardenscape arcologies or horrid hives of filth populated by gangs of mutants and cannibals."
"What if that Photon or particle is making an actual conscious choice because everything is conscious?"
"This was certainly pretty interesting to put together and honestly a lot of fun to be a little speculative about what we may be able to do or want to do within this scenario."
"The official Russian government line is that an investigation is now ongoing, and that it would be much better if everyone stopped speculating."
"We don't know what they are. It could be space aliens. It's a national security threat."
"Maybe an intelligent civilization is watching us and waiting for the right moment to make contact."
"Fighting is a very subjective sport because we always can speculate, 'Oh, this guy is better than this guy,' because we don't really have the data, you know?"
"In the end, time will tell, but I’d still put my money on the Moon as the best shot, of course I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong."
"But could this undetectable flying cylinder really be a secret weapon system or a UFO?"
"What is it? The dog man? Bigfoot? Or an entirely new Cryptid?"
"We can't be the only ones sitting on computers of some kind wondering the same thing, sending out signals. But it's so quiet. The Fermi Paradox attempts to explain this, and to date, no one has been able to solve it."
"Is liberalism dead at the end of this thing? You know, this is my life's work."
"Absolutely beautiful. I wonder if the days and nights are the same as they are on Earth."
"Imagine if we are all just living in one big back room."
"There's definitely a lot more behind the actual meanings of these posts and maybe John is actually trying to tell us something."
"Are we alone in the universe? Well, that question may be tantalizing and produce different answers from different responders."
"Always focus on risk, always ensure that you are investing rather than gambling or speculating."
"Scientists still aren't exactly sure, but they think it might have to do with outgassing."
"Are we at that razor blade Edge where if we could be introduced to actual intelligence that doesn't want to destroy us take anything they just want to see us evolve in a positive way could eight billion humans respond I don't know the answer."
"There's also it might not be Batman which okay so this is a common theory that I've seen people floating around."
"I wonder what the nine are saying about this, I wonder what Magenta has to say, I wonder what Jen Magenta's feeling that's coming up for the end of the year." - Tara Love Perry
"As believers, we cannot help but wonder: Could it contain evidence of extraterrestrial life or perhaps prophecies of the end times?"
"But we all secretly know they have a time machine or a TARDIS or something in the writing room, but they just refuse to tell us."
"The most straightforward answer is like this was an attempted assassination."
"Will King Charles III or George VII mean the end of the monarchy?"
"Maybe Russia is inevitable, one day to rule the world."
"What systems and platforms will Grand Theft Auto 6 release on?"
"As morbid as it may sound, I feel that our mysterious blue substances all together must be something man-made."
"Trump is doing the right thing, whether or not the ban will actually happen."
"It's absurd. The question is whether this is the people who are striking back at the bad guys or whether they're actually just sort of gaming the market for fun and giggles."
"The royal family is kind of the epitome of all those shows... it could be."
"I've got to imagine this means that it's returning within this expansion's patch cycle, right?"
"The left love science... What they like to do is speculate about science and then use the weakest possible scientific findings in order to push the idea that public policy should be shifted in their direction."
"What I'm seeing in the market last time I saw this I made 15 20 X's."
"Let me know your theories in the comments below."
"There's obviously something that man's done, man could have."
"They're just friends, guys comment down below prove the doctor wrong."
"Every alternative you look at for Jadon Sancho, you are not going to get because it is just paper talk."
"I think the balance of probability is that we are not alone in the universe."
"But when a UFO sighting has no known explanation, could it be an extraterrestrial craft?"
"This is the first time in a very long time that I've seen so many people share a unified voice about optimism about an abundant future."
"I feel like a lot of these people are susceptible to getting dumped on when the secondary market collapses for your next hot potato NFT gain."
"It's certainly looking like this is an area or a target of therapeutics."
"How long is that going to continue on? I'm not sure."
"Is it just the girl who was butthurt that she got dumped or ghosted by a celebrity?"
"Could they have helped to form the very identity of the civilization that later inherited them?"
"I'd be shocked if she doesn't after hearing all the evidence rule against Donald Trump and keep him off the ballot."
"Who's actually behind all of this? It's really Joe Biden."
"There's just very few people that think Durant is gonna be in this building next year."
"Anything is possible... awakened our imagination and in turn led to speculation about our true origin."
"I think it would actually kick ass, and hell, maybe I'm wrong."
"Megan believes that the crippling economic effects of an oil crisis will increase crime exponentially."
"The mistake that people make here... they start to speculate in their mind about what consciousness might be."
"Maybe it's only when he's shrouded in complete and utter darkness is Blackbeard able to use his fruit to its fullest extent."
"It's not just nighttime; we're talking about complete darkness here. No single light source around you."
"Is it possible that other Prothean stasis pods exist somewhere in the Galaxy?"
"Without Stan Lee, who knows where it would be today."
"Nobody knows the future. It's honestly a matter of when."
"I mean, I don't know what he was doing offscreen, right?"
"Could this object be an interstellar alien craft?"
"Could it be an attempt of an intelligent alien civilization reaching out to us?"
"Is Sally a demon? Is Sally a little girl? Is the darker entity here that does attack people just a ghost?"