
Political Polarization Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"We need more conversations. It doesn't need to be 'I'm on the left, I'm on the right.' It's like, what do you actually think? What do you actually believe?"
"Abbott's emergency declaration sent shockwaves through the nation as it marked a significant escalation in the ongoing political polarization surrounding immigration policies."
"The polarization continues on the left and the right, and it will change American politics."
"We're coming to a point now where people are trying to acknowledge that we're potentially going too far right or too far left."
"The way out of our current state of idiot political polarization isn't the final establishment that one side is right and the other is wrong but to engage in sophisticated long-form discussions to deal with the actual problems that are producing the polarization."
"We live in completely alternate realities; there's no similarities between the left and the right anymore."
"Ideological polarization is now a mainstay of American politics."
"I want to stress what really matters is that people on the left and the right don't see the world the same way anymore."
"If the left is only talking to the left and the right is only talking to the right, that's kind of a bad thing."
"Politics has become sports where it's like you're blindly rooting for your party."
"America is more politically polarized than ever before."
"Trump represents a bunch of people they hate even more than they hate Trump."
"I feel like if the right and the Republican Party institutionally goes down this road of trying to match the left punch for punch on the culture war, it's going to undermine other fundamental values it has."
"Trust in just about everything, whether it's the media, politics, social identity politics, partisan politics, left versus right, media, trust in so many things is palpably changing right now."
"We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share."
"The reality is both sides have been pretty unhinged for quite a while."
"America can't seem to understand anything beyond red versus blue or this team versus that team."
"During the 2020s expect more riots... more political polarization... more chaos."
"This is a real-life unintentional impact of the self-sorting that's come to define modern American politics."
"The left has gone far left leaving me standing confused in the middle of a field."
"Normal citizens are good with each other; it's such a polarization between those who hate Trump and love Trump."
"The Democrats are gone, they're so far left I can't even see them anymore."
"As your lawyer, I'm advising you to keep doing this [__] nothing polarizes people against the far right quite as much as seeing Nazis marching down Main Street."
"Real grievances drive political derangement on both the left and the right."
"The continuation of this polarization is only gonna make our politics worse."
"About half of both Republicans and Democrats view the other side as enemies threatening their entire way of life."
"How it got to be that if it was a scientific accident is it's conservative and if it came from a wet market it's liberal."
"Most content produced is either politically left or slightly to the left."
"Many people on the left are in a cult. They believe insane things."
"Newt Gingrich is a villain in that he instituted changes in Congress that greatly ramped up political polarization."
"It's not just winning, it's the other side. It's seeing the other side lose, you know, hearing them cry, they're losers, they're snowflakes. There's nothing they love more than a Democratic politician complaining or something like that."
"The left will say Trump cheated, the right will say Democrats stole the election. There's no middle ground."
"I think part of what happened in the Trump election was that the level of general distrust in American society rose substantially because of political polarization."
"The extremes on the left and right are trying to defeat a two-party solution for partisan purposes."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"You're the ones that are being used the worst because you believe this, the rest of us at least have our eyes open and we can have we have the tools to fight back but you're in the most danger Trump supporters absolutely."
"Even if he got back in another four years, he's president; it's you have in this country roughly half of the country this point you know being pushed towards a very far left position."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"Trump derangement syndrome has hit levels now that are beyond anything any of us could even have comprehended."
"It's not even a matter of policy debate anymore. It's like this whole different worlds that we exist in to where, like, I don't even really fault some people for things that they believe in."
"This country, there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. There are elements that are really pushing polarization for political ends, and I'm concerned about where it's leading."
"If you think that everyone on the left is the problem or if you think that everyone on the right is the problem then you are the problem."
"We know he's a lot of mouth and not always much action."
"I have come to the conclusion that there really is such a thing as Trump derangement syndrome... but I am now also convinced that the opposite exists."
"It's not even a question anymore between right and left... it's normal versus crazy."
"One thing I hear a lot from friends on the left is you know the real extremism right now is on the right."
"I have great pity for the people who believe that half their countrymen are deplorable and irredeemable."
"Why does everything immediately need to devolve into a partisan issue?"
"We too readily fall into the tribal mindset of right versus left."
"It is what it is, it is what it is, it is what is, and we have to somehow try to fix the country when more and more Americans are immune to persuasion and immune to facts."
"The breakdown of a shared reality... Both sides seem not to be able to process that they're speaking past each other."
"They're talking to an echo chamber that is amplifying the extremes and to be honest the right is too that ends up producing far less cooperation and common ground."
"Sometimes a disaster is so overwhelming that it shocks people out of their political corners and brings really big problems into focus."
"They've got this radicalized base and it's being fed by multiple sources, this separate hermetically sealed information universe."
"The more that Sarah Palin was attacked by the left, the more that she was embraced by the right."
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"The culture war is what people are hit with in the face every day. They're not hit with policy every day."
"I think they're doing so intentionally to kind of foster that narrative. It's unfortunate that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin became politicized."
"The leftists think the right is contaminated and they don't want to catch it."
"Does the right not realize what's happening or are they so tribal?"
"Possibly my all-time favorite example of this was when ahead of his interview with milo yiannopoulos dave criticized the left for shouting other people down."
"We're entering a political system where one side thinks they need to own the other side."
"You are watching a hyper balkanization, the country is not politically polarized, it is balkanized."
"Just lighten up, especially now. The left, they are shrill, they are angry."
"If we can stop fighting about being on the left and being on the right and look to the man in the middle, divisions disappear."
"If the left wants the right banned, well, if you don't, the left leaves. So what do you do?"
"Everything on the left is just as crazy as everything too far to the right. Let's meet in the middle." - Mainstream media narrative
"Whether your political beliefs are on the left or the right, we all exist within our own echo chambers."
"My parents still stand up for Trump. It's honestly sickening and disturbing how warped misinformation has made them."
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"One-third of Republicans say that violence may be the answer."
"When both the populist left and the right want all of congress gone, we have a problem."
"There's the divide from the left and the right."
"When both sides are convinced they are right, how does this stop?"
"One whole party in our two-party system and one whole side of American media has chosen to actively or subversively embrace the breakdown of American democracy and liberal values."
"The idea that what so many people in the Democratic orbit have become as people who will really become the mirror image of their opponents driven solely by hatred of Trump."
"It's bipartisan, both sides think we are headed towards another civil war."
"There's a healthy percentage, if not 50%, who disagree strongly with her perspective on the so-called right to terminate her pregnancy."
"The hyper partisanship of the media creates these partisan divides where there aren't any."
"Has there ever been a more polarizing figure in all of politics than Donald Trump? I don't think so, at least not in my lifetime."
"When we let it go, when we convince ourselves we're so right that the other side can't argue, when we say the New York Times is so bad that they should be shut down."
"Political affiliation emerged as the most divisive dictator of opinions on the trial's outcome."
"Isn't it just the communist countries and the dictatorships that are doing this? This should be rejected by both the left or the right."
"If you have too much hate for the other side, you become an idiot."
"The left thinks we're all the same. The left thinks there's no difference."
"We're playing out a game whereby left and right are becoming more polarized and people who have always voted blue or always voted red some of them are really digging their heels in and it's becoming more and more extreme."
"The only real downside to channels that are go go go Ukraine and lose lose lose Russia is that if you only watch them, you might lose your ability to engage with people who take a very different position."
"If you can afford to, if it's something you're capable of doing, absolutely yeah, leave far-right areas to go as far left as possible because these people are [__] unsustainable on their own."
"Much like this is the same dynamic that happens with sort of political Twitter, which is you are exposed to a lot of people who think just like you and you are also exposed to people who have the extreme opposite view."
"It seems America is more polarized than ever."
"Palin, Trump, they didn’t create this divide, but they, more overtly than anyone since George Wallace, have on a national scene sought to activate it and exploit it for their own political purposes."
"The left has already seated the free speech position to the right which is baffling and now you want to cede objective facts to the racists."
"The American people have lost trust in a lot of the press because so many of the press are desperately just repeating whatever the Democratic narrative is."
"Trump had that effect. He made it very difficult for anyone on the left to actually take these problems seriously."
"Media and political bias are dividing our country."
"The left...peace and love...unless you're Republican...then they want blood."
"The political divide... seems to be about people who believe in Law and Order..."
"The reason she takes that step is because of the rage that is directed at her from liberals and from the democratic party."
"Republican leaders in the house and in many states have now turned belief into conspiracy theories and lies about stolen elections into a litmus test for membership and running for office."
"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials."
"Political polarization and capitalism has caused people to fall in these Echo Chambers."
"These guys aren't Republicans, Joe, these guys are extremists. This is about the exhausted majority of us Democrats, Republicans, Independents who have to confront the extremists in this country."
"It's fascinating to hear how both sides have a very warped perspective of the other by dehumanizing anyone it just hurts yourself like ultimately our end goal is unity."
"Trump is the most hated. Nine times out of ten, you are never going to see the media attack another president like this again."
"Both left and right are destabilizing our ability to know ourselves."
"Politics has now become more like sports and less like us as a common group trying to find some future together."
"I genuinely believe that outside of the conservative bubble your average independent not even Progressive just a regular totally politically disaffected American would watch this and think what the."
"Your country is polarizing in a way that's not good."
"Attacks on higher education have been fueled by a shift in how conservatives see colleges and universities."
"Politics in America feels like two extremes, but the people aren't extreme."
"Middle America is not going to support AOC at all, they absolutely hate her."
"We got so divided, it's black and white and political. Republicans are bigots, libertarians, if you're liberal there's riots in our streets."
"The left wants to erase your constitutional rights, the right wants to keep them."
"Why are ratings for conservative outlets absolutely destroying left-wing outlets?"
"The difference between the left and the right is over America itself."
"I feel like the biggest issue that we have is people are they sort into these different like Phantom worlds to where even if you live in the same city there are totally different worlds that exist between liberals and conservatives."
"It's literally American democracy versus fascism."
"The media has gone so far to the left that is creating this alternative reality."
"And now with the left hating Elon Musk it looks like the right is accepting him and promoting him."
"For the first time in modern history, we are at a point where hating each other, the other side, is the primary driver of voting."
"Maybe if each of us fails to view the opponent in quite such a kind of black and white Manichaean enemy-friend way, we can each begin to get back to something a little bit more normal."
"If you pro it the virus, I mean it goes right down along political lines."
"Polarization of media and then social media."
"It's happening on the left and it's happening on the right."
"Race is the most distorting factor in taking people who share a set of left of center policy positions and making them vote for team right."
"It's interesting because again the mainstream liberal media has been covering this Trump indictment because again they have Trump derangement syndrome."
"You can't vote for the extreme left and the extreme right and expect to get anything but extreme left or extreme right. It doesn't make sense."
"The Trump era has polarized people in a unique way."
"Both sides are going to accuse each other of cheating and unless there's a landslide I'm not even convinced in a landslide things will simmer down."
"In an increasingly politically polarized world, so much animus is being purely invented in the minds of partisans."
"We have to stop fighting this Left Right game."
"We're at a point now in this country where half the people are convinced that the CEO is trying to kill them."
"I'm so tired of the weaponization of political opinions."
"We did it here in that polarized blue-red state way."
"Nearly all American voters live in communities where they are less likely to encounter people with opposing politics than we'd expect."
"One of my regrets is the degree to which polarization and the nasty tone of our politics has accelerated rather than waned over the course of the last seven and a half years."