
Parental Involvement Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"I always tell people what they can do...be involved in their kids' education."
"The answer to your child's education is you being involved."
"Thanks to COVID, parents are seeing what they're getting taught... a rude awakening."
"We need more parents to get involved in school boards because you guys know what's best for your children."
"They're learning Greek and Roman history and it's because you have a program that's run by parents that care about their children and are investing in their children."
"We're winning. Come August 15th when these parents go to school, when their kids go to school, and the parents see what these kids are being taught, they're going to lose it."
"I think parents across this country are going to be stunned to learn... that if they show up at a local school board meeting... you are attempting to intimidate them, you are attempting to silence them."
"It's troubling that there's a push to force parents out of their kids' lives in education."
"Transparency for parents so they can... make it easier to educate our kids."
"2024 is going to be the year when the parents across this country finally fight back."
"He doesn't seem to ever interact with his children from what we can tell."
"I couldn't forget moments like that, you know, I never want my kids to, you know, I'm saying, so I try to stay on point with all their birthdays."
"Empowering parents to make that decision is going to be great."
"Parents should know exactly what the curriculum is. Parents should be given the syllabus."
"This idea that all these dads just desperately want to be involved in their kids' life so the moms are just keeping them out is such a wildly [__] take."
"Feeling emboldened, their parents will come in to check on their handiwork."
"We need children growing up believing that their involvement in their future children's life is critical."
"Even with Penelope being gone, um I want to do it. It just felt right to include her parents in this."
"If the real [__] ain't being taught in the schools... is it on the parents to start?"
"That's why no one will ever remember your name."
"So if you think about it the big thing that stands out is that socialism in practice has led to terribly just devastated lives."
"Most importantly, I want parents to know that I want to work with them as a team to help make sure their student is successful."
"We have a movement in Arizona. This was not some force thing. This was moms and dads, I called them my mama bears and papa bears and students and grandma bears."
"Let's build a culture that stands up for these kids, that produces parents willing to go to war for their children's well-being."
"Are you concerned about what your children are being taught?"
"More parents are taking charge of their children's education and homeschooling them."
"Tiny minority of people think that parents should neither be informed nor have a say. It's up to the child."
"Parental authority for the education of their children belongs to the parents."
"Terry McAuliffe got mauled last night. He doubled and tripled down on parents not having a say in their kids' education."
"It's not about being absent, it's about being involved."
"I support school choice let the money follow the child I believe parents are smart enough to pick a school that is going to best educate their child to read write speak and think."
"I'm in love! Shows how involved the parents are and how supportive."
"The real heroes right now in this country are the parents of every race and class all over this country who are going to those school board meetings and standing up against this nonsense."
"I read my babies bedtime stories in bed, you expect for me to really believe you read to the children?"
"Parents would like to be in charge of their children's education."
"Parents must be vigilant about what's happening in their children's schools."
"How simple is that just a little bit of curriculum transparency which if you're a parent right now whose kid is in school they should be doing this for everything that they're teaching at the beginning of the year."
"You really do want more people involved in decisions that you make with your children."
"Real education is provided at home, but parents must be ready to spend time with their children."
"Being able to do the cooking with my kids because they have all the pictures on the menu, they help me pull the ingredients together so it's a nice family time."
"We do need more parents to be like levar ball Trustin we need we need the brothers brothers we need you we need you you got to be there."
"This man had also made contact with at least two of the parents of missing girls, it might have even been three but it was definitely the mother of Amber Schwartz Garcia whose name was Kim, and the mother of Michaela Garrett who is Sharon."
"As parents, we have a right and a responsibility to be involved in our children's education."
"But it does require parents being involved and being engaged."
"Everything I've done in the past year has been to prove to you that I'm ready to be in Rachel's life."
"Even though I wasn't there for Drew's first steps, I'm glad it happened."
"I am also as a parent simultaneously in favor of age-appropriate reading list for kids inside of schools."
"Being a good dad, being present, engaging with your child's upbringing... that's a lot of beneficial effects."
"Look how happy that little girl is. She'll remember that for the rest of her life."
"Parents need to get involved in their children's schools."
"My mom's like, 'Yeah, and obviously my dad didn't really care much so I was able to do a lot.'"
"Do you guys think it was the parents or do you think it was whoever those fingerprints belong to?"
"After years of been giving the run around about the college one day Bart Halderson, Chandler's dad decided he was gonna call the college."
"Mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys, it's just growing their relationship more and more."
"Every day, like, I take him to school, and we have lunch together."
"I am not out to get anybody or hate anybody or treat anybody different just because their child is good or gets some opportunity because that's why we're all there."
"It felt like I wasn't a participant in my children's birth."
"Segregating students by race at any age is immoral... families should make their displeasure known."
"Vanessa's parents feel like they really had to make a fuss and they had to protest and they had to stand outside of Fort Hood."
"I appreciate so much the effort that my parents put on being involved in our lives and not just resorting to movies and video games to be a babysitter."
"They're declaring war on moms and dads at school board meetings for a very specific reason... They need a distraction."
"Parents aren't... as active in their kids' lives as they should be... all part of the deterioration of the nuclear family."
"There's just no question about it: any idea that local school districts don't have control over how their kids are being taught is going to set parents off."
"The moral of the story is don't have your Karen mom fight your teacher... karma catches up with her and she gets arrested."
"It's not just an investment in the child, it's also an investment in the parent."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"Parents thank you all for you know bringing every uh bringing the kids out to you know attend this triy out."
"How many parents sat down today and asked their children how they're feeling?"
"Your mom was basically the president of the school."
"I've been so involved with the kids' lives that I myself had basically become a kid, and it sucks because I'm 33."
"The mother is always there to coddle these boys, okay? If they get in a fight at school she's there to yell at the principal instead of to yell at the boy."
"Knowledge is power, and if we want to achieve our goals, we have to start by taking over the educational process of our children."
"You can make sure you're active at PTA meetings and you speak with your kids."
"Children need caretakers who can provide them with active quality time, positive communication, affection, feedback, and support."
"We must intervene. We need every single parent in this country to speak out and to continue to speak out."
"Parents need to be in the driver's seat of their children's education." - Heidi St John
"Parents should design the educational system."
"I really think parents should look at where their kids are being led. I really think parents should start getting involved in the education system."
"Putting cookies out for Santa, my parents are a big fan."
"We gotta put families back together, we gotta get dads back in the homes."
"My father said only a fool would sit back and allow his enemy to teach his children. If we want change, we have to be willing to do the work ourselves."
"Democrat and Republican gubernatorial candidates declare that parents shouldn't have a say in what children are taught."
"Make sure you're in your children's life man, make sure you're in your children's life."
"I can't relate. All three of my kids' fathers are in their lives and they pay my bills."
"Parents tried going to these school board meetings, making their voices heard, they got attacked for doing so."
"It's all up to parental Bond, we might still have this."
"Listen to your kid, hear what they have to say, let them say what they need to say, and then work with the other parent, with the school, get involved."
"So it's like you either support it and you be a part of your kid's life or you don't and they make the options that you may not be a part of their life."
"Gregory, you're a nasty boy and you need some parents."
"Parents in my area and at our school decided... Our kids are there, so distancing... And there's a lot of protocols in place."
"You as a parent have to be at least one of the parents to actively participate in that child's education."
"Both me and your mother are gonna be following you around. No, you don't want that."
"Parents need to butt out... I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."
"Parental and legal guardian attendance has become really common in traveling for competitions for kids sadly if they're competitive to a high level that travel is constant it's genuinely a selecting Factor."
"I'm not suggesting a police state I am suggesting a heightened level of awareness and a heightened level of parental involvement."
"That's my final word. I always felt really bad for kids in like Elementary School that couldn't get their permission slip signed."
"I want my kids to know that I was there, you know what I'm saying, not just financially but as a support system."
"Parents need to step up. When enough parents go and speak, they have no choice left."
"People care about what their kids are being taught, and they don't like being told by the government that it's none of their business."
"I cannot imagine being a teacher seeing children struggle with emotional issues and feeling like well i'm not the parent but i don't think the parents are involved or maybe they don't know or whatever it is but yet there's this problem."
"Call a parent to obtain more information."
"You know this man likes your daughter and your daughter has no possible feelings for this man."
"What's protection? Asking the child how's your day going, what's going on at school, what's with your friends."
"He really cared about their education. He wanted the parents to be more involved and get serious too about their kids' education."
"As long as you try and you put your all into educating your child, you are going to give them a decent, good education."
"A child can succeed in any school system as long as a parent is paying attention and taking an active role."
"Parents and Science educates parents about science and provides a forum to learn about emerging discoveries and to engage in an intellectual exchange with scientists and with each other."
"This program is free, it is done in the home by the parents, although having a support group is very helpful."
"The more of a role the parent plays in the child's life, the more tools the child is going to have when they go off to kindergarten."
"Just take your child to school and that's all, everything else is catered for."
"When my son is our age, will I be like, 'Son, give me the goggles, let me help you with your metaverse'?"
"Homeschooling is so much bigger than the books; it's all about capturing your child's heart."
"Respectful courtship is okay with parental guidance."
"If you want your child in your life, you should have your child in your life."
"Empower the community, get parents involved, work with them collaboratively."
"The kids who make the most progress are the kids who have parents that really carve out time just one-on-one to work with their children independently."
"A parent should be able to read a kid's IEP and... people should be able to know... just by how detailed it is about his likes and his dislikes and his background."
"The fact that parents are involved is not a negative."
"It's really rewarding and it really makes a huge impact on your child's involvement in their school."
"It was the first time a doctor ever told that to my parents with me in the room."
"It also now includes a home fun book clip each level which helps bridge the gap between home and school and involve parents in their child's learning."
"Know what really matters. Know about your kid's school, and know about your kid."
"It's not enough to love your child; you've got to be those books."
"Kindergarten is the only program or the only school year that you actually have the teacher or a parent working with the children directly all year long."
"Those kids that are truly homeschooled are actually smarter than everybody else because those parents give them one-on-one attention."
"To be successful with music lessons you need the parent's support especially with the younger students."
"The education plan should be developed with input from the parent and designed to give the child the best possible chance of success."
"We really need to work collaboratively with parents."
"The classroom is the most important environment to learn to read; however, parents, tutors, and the community can all help a child learn to read."
"I believe parents should be in charge of their kids' education."
"Please do not only think the education that your children should get should come out of the school."
"When parents are reinforcing education at home, children benefit."