
NFTs Quotes

There are 736 quotes

"It'll be very interesting to see where NFTs go over time."
"NFTs are the new way of merchandising digitally so you guys better get used to this, they are not going away by any stretch of the imagination."
"Part of me thinks that if you're still into NFTs, at least you're sticking to your guns."
"The attackers made victims authorize an atomic match request responsible for NFT transfer logics on OpenSea."
"NFTs within video games are going to bring the first billion users to crypto."
"The real NFT culture is just getting started."
"I can't wait for Caspian coin to come out because he has mentioned that they are going to start doing NFTs."
"NFTs or non-fungible tokens are being used to tokenize digital assets including art, creating a market for artists' work where there wasn't one before."
"Who'd have known that trying to push NFTs on people that don't want NFTs would have a negative reaction?"
"NFTs are opening up a universe of possibilities for artists, for creators, for technicians to come in and build something that is digital but provable."
"With NFTs, you're able to create something where the community gets to capture the long tail value of that item."
"I would rather invest in Square because, guess what happens at Square? Square comes out and says, 'Yo, we got Tidal, the music streaming service. We're going to monetize every song on this platform with an NFT. Roll in the dough, folks.'"
"With NFTs, you can now create, sell, and buy digital items that can be completely unique and whose ownership can be traced back to you."
"The true value in these NFTs lies in how deep the relationship is with the fan."
"The world of art and NFTs continue to be a sensitive subject, and we won't pretend that this young industry has this all figured out."
"The Bored Ape Yacht Club shows enticing potential to grow and thrive."
"We are tokenizing experiences using blockchain technology, NFTs, and the Metaverse."
"When people sold a JPEG for 69 million dollars, it forced the world to answer a question: does digital ownership mean anything?"
"Die-hard fans buy NFTs for the same reason that people buy signed jerseys, limited print vinyls, and front row concert tickets."
"NFTs are a speculative asset, designed to be bought, sold, and essentially gambled on."
"I do believe that NFTs with utility are going to be the big next wave here."
"NFTs: The biggest scam of our century or will they transform the world as we know it?"
"Anyway, that's that. I wanted to ask you guys, you know after all of our NFT adventures, we all got paid out some nice coinage."
"You can make all this possible, it's just it doesn't exist yet but there's a lot of things that you could do with NFTs that just doesn't exist now but it could evolve into something much bigger."
"I don't think it necessitates that every NFT game is exploitative, I just think we're kind of in that journey of people figuring it out."
"If this is the level of lack of security and lack of purpose that NFTs will serve that web3 will serve with what's currently being presented about them."
"Bridging TikTok with NFTs... own back the content."
"NFTs are nothing but a fad, a scam, a con job. And people see through that."
"NFTs are just bad news for the future of gaming."
"If you weren't already convinced that NFTs stand to prove incredibly detrimental for the future of video games, then listen to the developers themselves."
"NFTs are one of the funniest easiest ways to make money but also one of the biggest most deadly traps in all of crypto."
"Hopefully this guy is going to show you how to flip NFTs, how to invest long-term in NFTs, and also the things you should never do."
"You do not want to be buying the top if you're getting new to NFTs because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into."
"Find projects that are the first of their kind."
"Invest in projects that are super established."
"Only invest in a few NFT projects at a time."
"The sentiment towards NFTs: in large part admonishment and hard rejection."
"The store of value argument for NFTs is just beginning."
"Whatever happens to the market in the short to medium term doesn't really matter, and NFTs are here to stay."
"Besides Ethereum, which has become pretty much the standard for launching NFTs, there are other Layer Ones that allow for minting, and of these Solana, Tezos, and Polygon are gaining some traction in this field."
"That thing is the Neopets metaverse or basically Neopets NFTs."
"NFTs will completely revolutionize the internet in the future. Most things we own in the digital world will be NFTs: game items, collectibles, cool pieces of art, and even our metaverse gear. All of these have the potential to become NFTs."
"Crypto punks are clearly one of the most significant NFTs and are very often referred to as the holy grail for any NFT collector."
"NFTs, as a concept, have some strong potential utility for art and artists in the long run."
"NFTs offer a particularly interesting option for adult performers."
"NFTs are not dead, they're just getting started."
"NFTs tied to other things like event tickets."
"In the future every sports organization music venue TV film all entertainment will have an NFT component."
"We are at the infancy of NFTs. I guarantee you that they are going to continue building and seeing more usage."
"Alright, now here is the most interesting question: How do you imagine the future with NFTs?"
"Starting focusing on metaverse NFTs is probably a way that most people will have more success."
"We just happened to be around when this NFT thing happened and it is going to gamify everything."
"Holding a V Friend... it becomes an asset builder, right?"
"I feel like a lot of these people are susceptible to getting dumped on when the secondary market collapses for your next hot potato NFT gain."
"You know what really surprises me James? What really surprised me and it really opened my eyes was NFTs."
"NFTs are not inclusive of all of our community and create a scenario of the haves and have nots."
"When looking at the Board Ape collection, I find myself now wondering if their entire thing has a coded hidden meaning."
"We're going to create an NFT bot that lets you mint NFTs directly to your wallet."
"XRP Ledger close to having native NFT functionality."
"NFTs are just one of the best use cases of the blockchain thus far."
"Sega says it'll ditch NFTs if it's perceived as a simple money-making scheme."
"I think NFTs are really going to take hold on the digital world."
"The moral of this story: I started touring with a full joke about NFTs here, that industry collapsed before I could finish the joke."
"Babylon's is a next generation NFT marketplace with low cost minting, weekly rewards, and governance that puts the power in the hands of the community."
"NFTs are attaching scarcity and value and trust to an asset digitally."
"NFTs are game-changing for the music industry."
"When you can put your own things on a blockchain and sell them directly to your community as NFTs, well, then you've got a direct relationship with your community."
"I think this is something that's unbelievably cool. What a great time in history for this to happen while we have NFT technology that is blowing up."
"You have to make that leap into NFTs, or you'll be left behind."
"NFTs will emerge as an alternative asset class... mainstream adoption."
"NFTs are all one-of-ones, so there is a scarcity aspect to them driving demand up."
"It's different for everyone, but there's a lot of people that made enormous amounts of money with NFTs too."
"Nike-owned NFT studio to release self-updating clones in 2022."
"This NFT craze is gonna last throughout this entire bull market... gaming is gonna be such a big focus."
"I believe that NFTs I hold are going to be bigger than crypto itself."
"Any market out there has cycles, so with these NFTs, they're going to be cycles for the price of the NFTs."
"Ethernity Chain, huge NFT project, massive names linked to it."
"Let's talk about my second favorite NFT project."
"Influence can happen across all NFTs at any given time."
"I don't want you to buy any NFTs unless you're already a diversified investor."
"Love them or hate them, NFTs are probably here to stay."
"NFTs and crypto art... definitely a movement that you should be familiar with because it has a huge influence on the type of art that's being produced."
"NFTs: unable to be duplicated, replicated, one-of-a-kind."
"NFTs are literally saving artists financially."
"A single NFT can involve dozens of transactions and potentially more...this single NFT's footprint is equivalent to an EU resident's total electric power consumption for more than a month."
"Ubisoft's NFTs initiative has been overwhelmingly negative."
"NFTs are all about ownership, that's their whole point."
"NFTs have become the calling card of the L1 instead of just a sub-niche community."
"Statistically speaking, you can't show any data supporting the idea that NFT prices have to fall if ETH goes up."
"You don't need to spend a million dollars to get into NFTs, you could spend a few hundred bucks and get a really good thing."
"I think Board Ape is showing themselves to be the supreme, the Nike, the Yeezy, whatever, the rockstar must-have brand."
"I've been banging the table about board apes since June... there's still a lot of room left to run here."
"It's just gonna be like, oh you want to buy my house? I'm going to give you this NFT and you prove ownership."
"NFTs are kind of counter-culture, anti-establishment, right?"
"It's exciting to see people who have been priced out of buying a punk, who can now still participate."
"The real power of NFTs is being able to validate ownership of something."
"NFTs: The ability to transfer ownership effortlessly without any trust, without any doubt."
"I love the idea of NFTs, I really did, and I really wanted to find a way to participate."
"NFTs came out of nowhere and surprised everybody back 12 months ago."
"Ethereum, the denominator for NFTs and top platform for tokenization, is becoming the collateral of the internet."
"I don't buy JPEG NFTs... I look for use cases that create economic value."
"The most important thing is learning by doing... try and create your own NFT and see what's going on."
"The value of the NFT is in verifying who's the owner."
"There's so many cool ideas to do with NFTs and blockchains."
"Digits are a new way to experience cosmetic items combining the fun of playing with AAA quality assets and the thrill of owning NFTs that represent unique collectible pieces of Ubisoft game worlds."
"The adoption rate on this is coming quickly, guys. NFTs and crypto gaming will change the space."
"I think the NFT macro technology is one of the most significant things to happen in the last 25 years at the consumer behavior level."
"Until there's actually utility to the technology of NFTs, I wouldn't really put my stock into it."
"If you want to buy NFTs, it's your choice. You earned your money, you spend it the way you want to."
"If Michael Jordan wore this shoe, it's now non-fungible."
"It's a new world out there, NFTs are still taking over."
"I think you're going to find that value will be perceived in a generation that's growing up with NFTs in a way that you couldn't even forecast."
"We're at a point in human history where NFTs are being brought to the mainstream audiences."
"Downloading a JPEG from the Internet is illegal and what you paid money for was in fact the nft which is not the image itself just the thing that says you own the image."
"They're planting so many trees they're actually green like every NFT, you're actually like helping the environment."
"Jay-Z enters the NFT sphere, rapper lodges blockchain and smart contract."
"I think the future of identity is literally like NFTs that prove things about yourself."
"The world's first NFT house is now for sale, a futuristic dwelling designed to promote mental well-being and calmness."
"Yield Guild Games' strategy is to essentially buy premium NFTs, lend those out to gamers to play with them and then take a cut of what the gamers earn."
"It's a loss all I know is we sold one f nft I made an ft of me doing a pizza review it sold for 140 000 that's [ __ ] crazy."
"NFTs aren't inherently wrong or evil but the application in which they're being used, I would argue, is evil."
"It really has been incredible to watch how the individual folks in crypto have embraced NFTs as a way to tokenize the value that creators can bring to the world."
"XRP joins the NFT boom with a $250 million creator fund."
"NFTs are in their early adopter phase and we will see a massive influx in usage over the coming 12 months."
"NFTs will be a common lexicon like mp3 started off funny."
"NFTs are showing us that this is possible right so I think something is changing."
"Visa is buying CryptoPunks, what more do you need to see?"
"Hashtag a or hashtag and for nft um it seems like everything's a nft these days."
"You know if we look at Ethereum where we look at Solana, you can look at either of them when NFTs are doing well the price of the project tends to do well as well it gets a bump."
"Once NFTs show that there's product market fit and there's real revenues to be made, I think it was pretty obvious for everyone in gaming, in entertainment, and like content creation that that's a place to build your next business."
"People don't hear how ridiculous they sound when they're promoting NFTs. It's so cultish the way they speak."
"NFTs... the core definition... is just like a data file that has information in it and it's on a blockchain."
"We want to make sure our community has a chance to get a hold of these NFTs first."
"You have to be so stupid, just from a purely logical financial standpoint, to have believed that was a genuinely good opportunity to be buying NFTs."
"Taco Bell rides NFT hype train with collectible digital tacos."
"NFTs stand for non-fungible tokens and use blockchains to verify ownership of unique assets."
"The NFT market just hit 2 billion on OpenSea in a month."
"NFTs are very unique in that you can't really price discover it very well and so all NFTs have to have a community around them in order to give it meaning in order to give it value."
"NFTs could be a sick way for influencers to interact with their fans."
"We are still very early to this overall, even earlier to the NFT space."
"Because to be honest this Binance partnership is pretty massive along with the fact that they're doing some really interesting cross NFT universe work."
"Imagine being an artist and monetizing your audience through NFTs. This is huge."
"Interoperability is important, and I think NFTs and the blockchain will hopefully unlock that."
"Non-fungible tokens enabling connections between creators and fans."
"Reddit is getting into the NFT space, hiring to create their own platform."
"Even now in its early stages, some artists are making a ton of great money selling their NFTs."
"NFTs are a lot of things, that's why they're so big."
"Blur declared the start of a war by moving their fee to zero percent for a limited time."
"I think this is going to have huge ramifications for the NFT marketplace space in the future."
"There's a reason why I think that they might have to expedite their token and airdrop plans in order to compete here."
"If everyone who's working on NFTs can deliver something meaningful beyond just price spikes, I think the conversation will start to change dramatically."
"Last month was the most profitable month ever for NFTs by a long shot."
"The gaming industry is booming because there's a massive use case for not only crypto but also NFTs in the gaming space."
"Non-fungible tokens if you're involved into that congratulations you're way out of the curve even way ahead of me." - Mike Novogratz
"I don't see how the NFT space does not continue to grow and absolutely explode."
"NFTs were exciting for artists... but it's another example of a thing's potential already ruined by the ultra rich."
"I ended up purchasing one of Logan Paul's NFTs, and that's why he retweeted me."
"I've been a real critic of NFTs, okay? I've talked a lot about why I don't believe in investing in digital JPEGs."
"I think when you take DeFi and you take NFTs and then you sprinkle, like I said, a little bit of EIP1559, then you get the most powerful narrative in crypto."
"But I do think that they're doing all the right moves right now. I do think their ecosystem is growing with DeFi, with NFTs. They have some big players, they have their bridge and they have many other things going for them, such as coin burning."
"Non-fungible tokens are blowing up right now."
"NFTs are an invitation to an exclusive party."
"What I like most about VV's NFTs is they're not reinventing the wheel, they're just buying invites to parties that billions of people around the world already know exist."
"I think NFTs are [ __ ] dumb. Hot take, I know."
"Enjoy your free copies of all of your NFTs on pulsechain.com."
"This is a new ecosystem for creating content, trading valuable film NFTs, and streaming shows."
"NFTs are an actual consumer use case for the blockchain."
"Roblox has updated their ToS to ban NFTs and I believe other items such as third-party toys with codes. Curious what's going to happen to Pet Simulator since they sold both NFTs and plushies with codes attached."
"That's a perfect example of why you shouldn't purchase Roblox NFTs. Yeah, you're kind of just throwing your money down the drain if I'm being honest."
"The game Soul Reborn has been illegally minting NFTs."
"The rise of NFTs has taken the world by storm, attaching a non-fungible value to a specific digital asset and now it's tradable."
"NFTs are a meaningful culturally significant thing... the sources of future demand are stacking up every day."
"Every single person on the internet pushing NFTs is just trying to find a bigger sucker. That's it. That's all it is. Every one of them."
"NFTs will come to be seen as the most contrarian, highest risk to reward, most asymmetric bet in crypto land."
"NFTs are just like that, they're hot right now."
"Gaming and NFTs: a perfect match reshaping the industry."
"This is massive, greatly increasing the accessibility of NFTs to the world."
"NFT ownership and collecting and immersive metaverse-like experiences are a match made in heaven."
"You can own these in-game NFTs which represent these Heroes that you can use within the game."
"We're so early into NFTs no one really understands the potential of it."
"He bought these two board eight NFTs and spent a ton of money."
"The ability for NFTs to really make that more of a reality is more true today than it ever has ever been."
"Spatial reality essentially allows you to put these glasses on, or maybe contacts when they get to that point, and the digital assets that you buy, let's say it's NFTs, you can now actually have them in your real world."
"So there's a beautiful thing that's going on right now. Pay attention to the NFTs from a high level observer's standpoint."
"Akon's plans for NFTs in the music industry."
"I think the biggest reason I've gone so hard into NFTs is for me subjectively and intuitively I believe that it is the biggest consumer shift since social media and web 2.0."
"NFTs are a medium for storytelling and engagement."
"Everything is being driven by NFTs NFTs have showed the world what blockchain adoption can do and how quickly blockchain adoption can actually take place."
"NFTs are becoming the absolute biggest, most important way to create community and create value here in the crypto space."
"NFTs are just fun and cultural, and they allow you to be a part of something."
"Owning an NFT is like owning one very specific digital image in a world where digital images are screenshoted replicated and shared on the daily."
"I think a lot of us are also aware that NFTs probably aren't gonna stick around with the same sort of cultural punch to the gut impact as we're seeing now."
"You're able to bring people into this world that aren't in it, and that's why these [NFTs] are going for so much."
"NFTs for knitting patterns are just unnecessary."
"Guess who can magic money up? Blitz her out of thin air, that's right. Now, Rang's about to mint some NFTs!"
"So for me right now, I would be looking at gaming plays because I can see that the gas that is being burnt on the biggest protocol in the world, Ethereum, is being used for NFTs."
"The nft wave made 100 X's against ethereum of all things as ethereum was tooth relaxing throughout this bearish trend and now we're getting altcoin Mania just as promised as delivered here."
"People want scarcity, and I think that's the beauty of NFTs."
"I think nfts are much bigger than almost anybody understands... every single thing we do is a contract."
"We're engaged with some really awesome brands and exploring some opportunities in the NFT space so I'm extremely excited about what's coming."