
Government Involvement Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We're not anti-marriage; we're anti-divorce. We're anti-government getting into your marriage and deciding what you can or can't do as a man."
"Space exploration started at the government level and has been glamorized in many movies and TV shows, so it enjoys a higher degree of social acceptability."
"The best way to control the research is to fund it by the federal government, because then you create rules."
"I really just don't like the idea of government getting involved...very concerned where that's going to lead."
"The widespread interest in UFOs is not limited to conspiracy theorists; the US government and reputable researchers are surprisingly invested in learning more about these sightings."
"Imagine having the government so little involved in your life that you don't care who's in charge of it."
"Government should be the last thing that's getting involved in all these things."
"Government cover-up and the censorship at Big tech companies - his lawsuit that broke the story wide open."
"The phenomena in the Uinta Basin has been going on since before the United States government existed."
"When government gets involved in everything, I feel like it's amazing to me... I think things are going to go badly because the government from a political perspective cannot just step back and let things go."
"Ford reconciles with McGucket, encouraging him to reconnect with his family and submit his inventions to the government."
"It's because to me and me and all my friends we are certain at this point that governments are knee-deep into the Bitcoin space."
"CDC is very much involved in everything we've done. The director of CDC said that protests against Al Mars are not helpful."
"What we have here are a couple of ideas which, taken together, seem to suggest the need for some degree of state involvement - both to boost funding and to counteract monopoly."
"Colleges and government are officially in bed together."
"Both the UK and U.S. governments are taking aliens seriously maybe more seriously than ever."
"Nick Pope who used to work for the British Ministry of Defense and was tasked by the government to study and further gather information and research relative to unidentified flying objects."
"As a pro-choice pastor, I've always believed that a patient's room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States government."
"These are very serious allegations and if the Biden Administration did in fact attempt to coordinate with a foreign government to influence the U.S election that's something the American people deserve to know."
"Refining the notion of the 'everything bubble'."
"Almost every time the government gets involved in something, it tends to end up creating problems."
"Ripple to launch US stable coin... this just gave the US government something that they need so desperately."
"Nobody thinks that government should stay out of our Lives completely unless you are an advocate of there being no government unless you are actually an anarchist."
"For this whole situation to come to some sort of resolution, it really has to be kickstarted by the government."
"No American students should ever be trapped in a failing government school."
"This massacre was a domestic act of terror, government sanctioned."
"Chile has shown that a serious and open official investigation of UFOs can be conducted in a serious and scientific manner."
"This isn't just work of governments, it's work of our peoples sharing their innovation and insights."
"You just don't want all three branches of government involved in a coup-like movement."
"He's got the full weight of the feds bearing down on him."
"When we chalk everything up to, 'that's their culture,' we have removed any and all responsibility of our government and 20 years of context we, as the media, are also responsible for."
"So what can we do about this? Well, let's think back. Who was in charge of the seed and patent system when it worked? That's right. The USDA."
"It is kind of going mainstream right and you have bipartisan Congressional members meeting in these classified skips and discussing it and getting read into it more than ever."
"It's absolutely insane to see. We're at such a level where we have individuals like Jeffy Epstein who used the government who used the FBI who used tax dollars to essentially traffic thousands of children."
"Child sex trafficking, child slavery in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry and the government is facilitating it."
"One giant leap for mankind brought to you exclusively by the United States government [ __ ] terrifying."
"The influence of a parent on a child cannot be replaced. It certainly cannot be replaced by the government."
"Imagine if an Internet Bill of Rights enforced by the government."
"I wish the government would care less about me and my family and more about protecting my rights."
"This isn't a conspiracy theory you can look at Janet Yellen in the digital dollar and you can see it is a fact."
"The populace left is for less government in your life."
"What can you do? You can go to the border, as the president’s counselor on women and families and children, and you can stand there and wait until something is done, step up."
"Government-protected monopolies are the ones to fear."
"The defendants were constantly repudiating what the government wanted them to do and really what this comes down to as is entrapment as a matter of law."
"I do think I would like to see more regulation from government about things like loot boxes in games."
"The involvement of the US government shows that politicians too are starting to see the importance of such projects for our future."
"The second they say 'I do,' the government's involved. And now he could be in trouble with his assets and money if they get divorced."
"No doubt in my mind, he was definitely working for some government establishment."
"The government was involved in the conspiracy to kill Malcolm X."
"Governments do get involved, but how much governments get involved varies quite considerably."
"The greatest landmark in UFO history took place... on that day the United States government started to bring the UFOs out of the clouds."
"The national government has become increasingly involved in education, health care, transportation."
"The biggest areas of concern right now are the geopolitical risks and the risks associated with higher government involvement in economies."
"The Superman Theory, like the government created superheroes because they all come from America."