
Social Nature Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"We're creatures of community. That's how we've survived as a species."
"The book is trying to tell you that we're social animals, that our survival, our happiness, our sense of fulfillment depends on our ability to get along with other people."
"Human beings are social animals; either teach them or put up with them."
"We are neurobiologically designed to live, work, play, die in groups."
"We are innately social creatures; we want to feel like we belong, that we're loved and accepted."
"We humans are social creatures; we can't just be isolated."
"Humans, even very ancient ones, are social beings."
"Humans are very social animals; isolation is incredibly bad for our mental health."
"Humans are communal animals and this is, I think, our downfall, but it can also be our biggest support."
"Humans are very social; we need to be connected."
"Human beings are social creatures. We love to surround ourselves with other people and share our personal stories and experiences. We crave connection and interaction."
"Humans are social creatures; isolation is cruel."
"We're incredibly social creatures. That's what separates us."
"Like human beings are social animals, we need other humans to check ourselves, okay? We need interaction with other human beings sometimes strangers for example, so that we know how to behave."
"I don't know if guys want to play a hero. It's not easy to be in solitary confinement. I learned through that time, we weren't meant to be solo creatures. We were meant to be social creatures."
"That just kind of makes sense, we're social creatures."
"Cooperation is our greatest asset. We are social creatures."
"Deep down we are social animals and sociability ultimately is about the body." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Human beings are social creatures, we are designed from the ground up to be pro-social, to take care of each other."
"Humans are social creatures who crave social interaction."
"Humans are wired to connect and enjoy it. We're wired to thrive."
"We live in society, we are social creatures."
"Man is a social creature and is fundamentally a political creature and a coupling creature."
"We admire the idea of the Lone Wolf, the man going his own way, but that isn't real because man is a social creature."
"Humans are social creatures, without socializing you can start to go stir crazy."
"We are born alone, but we go through life in groups. We are social animals and we need each other to survive."
"At the end of the day, humans are social creatures that must work together in order to survive."
"Human beings are actually meant to be interactive creatures, believe it or not. We are meant to actually be social."
"We weren't meant to be solo creatures, we were meant to be social."
"We are made to cohabitate with one another, we're not made to be isolated, we're not made to be just alone."
"Cinemas won't die. They can't die, like bars and restaurants. We are social beings."
"People want to connect with other human beings. I mean that's just how we are, that's how we're built."
"Humans are social as well. We can't forget it."
"Humans have evolved to be social creatures, and if we isolate ourselves, we start to feel bad."
"I think humans are just social animals, and I think it's fun; we're just, it's like natural."
"As human beings, we are fundamentally social creatures."
"Humans are pack animals and when we're conscious and our hearts are open, we're able to be in relationship with each other."
"Humans were meant to live in groups like tribes."
"Humans are made to hang with humans."
"I'm an overly social person, and being told that I had to limit my social life was pure torture."
"Throughout time people have wanted to connect with each other, it's in our nature."
"Humans are very social beings, and we attach emotions and we want to share our emotions with almost anything."
"Human beings, we're wired to want to be communal people, to bond."
"Don't neglect the needs of other people; humans are social creatures."
"We're born to live in groups, to be connected, to enjoy other people."
"Human beings are social animals; we evolved in small tribes and communities. We learn primarily from each other."
"We value humans because they're human; we're social animals."
"We are social creatures and we need each other; being with others is that healing energy."
"We need relationships, that's why humans are here, to be social."
"We are social animals but we have this important concept of individuality and our self-concept."
"Community really is everything for us as human beings; we are a communal animal."
"As a social animal, the inner warmth, respect others' right and sense of concern of others' wellbeing, once we have genuine sense of concern of others' wellbeing, then no room of violence."
"Humans are pack creatures; if you put us in solitary confinement, we go insane."
"We're social creatures; we cannot handle exclusion for no good reason."
"I think it's inhuman to not belong. I think that's what we are as humans, looking for at the end of the day."
"By the end of the day, humans are social creatures."
"We are social animals that who we are and what we do and how we think is very much involved with the other people around us."
"There's a misbelief that cats are not social animals, but that's simply not true."
"We are social beings; we're wired to be together."
"Man is a social animal, even if you don't like other people, you stay alone too long, you go crazy."
"We are literally social creatures; we're supposed to desire companionship."
"We are hardwired to be social animals; we only survive in groups."
"Nobody's an island, no matter how independent we say we are."
"Humans are social creatures, and the absence of human interaction can be incredibly challenging to endure."
"Humans are social creatures and want to see what other people are thinking."
"We truly are wired for connection."
"The Creator would indeed have been a bungling artist had he intended man for a social animal without planting in him social dispositions."
"It's okay to depend on each other; we're social creatures."
"We are very, very social creatures."
"We are gregarious beings but cannot always be comfortable alone."
"Humans are not logical creatures; we're social creatures."
"An essential element of our being is the 'I'... but we're also social animals, and that we really, really matters."
"We are social animals, and we have this special brain, intelligence, and warm-heartedness combined."
"We're social creatures, human beings are social creatures, and we do rely on each other."
"We're social animals, and we care what other people think, and we care who other people are."
"Humans are social creatures, these are not going away."
"She was so precious and so sweet, very outgoing, she wanted to be best friends with everybody."
"The human being is a social animal; he needs stimuli."
"We're social creatures; it's in our DNA, it's in our makeup."
"Being the social creatures we are, most of us would do just about anything to find that one special person with whom to spend our lives."
"Human beings are social by nature and most all of us crave some type of social interaction, especially with people who share similar interests."
"We are social creatures; we are supposed to be around other people."
"Humans are pack creatures, we survive in groups, which means we want to preserve the groups in society."
"We're deeply social beings, most of us need support in areas of our lives."
"It's important to say it again that humans are very social animals."
"Aristotle once said, 'Man is by nature a social animal.'"
"We're social creatures; we need a connection."
"The brain is a social organ made to be in relationships."
"We are all in this together; we genuinely are social beings who need to act from a social basis."
"Guinea pigs have evolved to be social animals just like us and it remains hugely important for them even in a domesticated setting."
"Human beings are social people; we need other humans around us to interact."
"We are social animals; we don't thrive best by ourselves, we thrive best with somebody, a close-knit group of people, a tribe."
"Isn't it incredible, our need for connection? That we just find a way round it."
"Humans are incredibly social creatures."
"Human beings are social creatures, and we do best in relationship."
"We are wired to be social creatures and we are meant to be in relationship with other people."
"We are seeing a return to two things in society that we know well: Homo Faber, man as creator, and man as a social animal."
"Humans are social creatures and that we need each other."
"We are social creatures who care for one another."
"We're communal creatures; we thrive within community."
"We also have a social brain; we are the most social species of all."
"We are generally social creatures, we are generally supportive of each other."
"We were created for relationship, we were created to connect."
"You have made us relational beings, you have made us social beings."
"You're gifted as a human being; we're social animals and our source of our power is that we are the supreme social animal on the planet."
"We're a social species so I would expect that we would have developed feelings like guilt and obligation and things like that fairness."
"Human beings are social animals... friendship is a necessary condition [for happiness]."
"We're highly social creatures as humans."
"Human beings are fundamentally social creatures; we are interdependent."
"Solitude is definitely not mathematically the best option or anything like that. A person is a group animal."
"We are creatures of company; we want companionship."
"It's an essential part of what and who we human beings are."
"We are built to be with other people."
"We are pack animals, we need companionship, we groom each other, we hug each other."
"We're social critters, right? We're animals, and we need each other."
"We are designed as humans to be collective."
"We are social animals, and our very lives depend on our relationships with people."
"We are social creatures and so experiencing love and being deprived of love are important."
"While interact with other people, we find ourselves."
"We are the most social species on the planet, and that is exactly the same as saying we are the most dependent species that there is on the planet."
"Humans are social animals at heart, and we do a lot of these things."
"Humans are social by nature; we start as a family, then clan, then tribe, then nation."
"We as human beings are designed to be in groups, we are designed to bond with other people."
"We are social animals, we are social beings."
"We're a gregarious species; we like to do things that other people like to do."
"We all need connection; nobody is designed to be just a loner."
"We belong in communities; we were made to be social creatures."
"We humans are social beings and in order to survive, our brains have created ways for us to stay together."