
Human Relations Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"A contract between human beings should be honored."
"Be nice to everyone, appreciate that everyone is trying to do the best that they can."
"The gospel, the Christian gospel, only speaks of the general relations of men to God and to each other."
"Be careful how you treat people; you never know who's in a position that might be greater tomorrow."
"Treat people like people, and they're going to treat your job like a job."
"All human relations should be voluntary, free of force, fraud, and coercion."
"We live on this gorgeous planet... Why do we spend time fighting and hating each other?"
"Treat everybody like you never know who you're dealing with."
"Whoever does not show mercy will not have mercy shown to them."
"We cannot resolve the infinite complexity of human relations with an all-or-nothing approach."
"If we treated each other like people we actually like, the world would be a much more reasonable place."
"Being kind to each other is so meaningful. I don't think that can be overestimated."
"Respected each other as human beings without making the other into an enemy."
"I would say we should love each other in all things without exception"
"If you don't have people thinking those kinds of thoughts, that eliminates this pole between God and the human race."
"Appreciate good people, they're hard to come by."
"We're going to be looking for empathy, emotions, kindness, sympathy."
"If it's a relation of authority among human beings which places some above others, then that's illegitimate by assumption."
"We need a different kind of justice... that seriously asks questions about how to make relationships among human beings more productive."
"Humans don't always agree on everything, and we could be respectful about one another."
"We're a lot more similar than we are different."
"It's important to treat people with understanding, even if they don't have malicious intent."
"If you knew about other person, you would be acting in exactly the same way as they do."
"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is... to be indifferent to them."
"I don't think it's that hard to just be like a decent human being."
"Forsake cleverness, and people will be kind to each other."
"We have to touch people's hearts, and that's the problem with the world. People don't look at each other as human beings, they don't treat each other like human beings."
"I think God cares about how we treat each other."
"When you're screaming at people and calling them things, you have to be willing to see their humanity just as much as you want them to see yours."
"And the need for harmony between human beings and peace is more important than ever."
"This type of thinking and behavior of needing to maintain a cleansed home crosses over into relating to people."
"A superhumanly smart mind, or minds, might treat humans like pets or slow friends."
"You're doing a great thing because you treat people as people."
"It's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're black or white because black white jews uh, it's how everybody eats each other okay."
"No man is your enemy, no man is your friend. Every man is your teacher."
"The best of people are those who don't harm you."
"People treat one another as if they're touched by divinity, their lives improve."
"Engagement is about relating, connecting, and being human."
"Wouldn't we all of a sudden find that we didn't have any differences between us at all?"
"We never appreciate people as much now as we will in the future."
"When you have basic respect for people and you treat them like human beings they respond in kind."
"Empathy demands that we try to understand where people are coming from."
"We just gotta learn to love one another in a different way."
"On the other hand, she harbors an intense hatred in her heart for any and all humans."
"The most important thing to God is how do we treat people."
"People have a lot more in common than we give them credit for."
"Human relationships are dire, just as important as eating and drinking water."
"Communication is key in all human interactions."
"We have more in common than we have that separates us."
"The only thing that matters is how we treat each other and what we do to benefit the flourishing of humanity."
"Building understanding, building bridges with each other, and think maybe not rushing myself to condemn other people to understand why they did things, that we have the best hope for humanity."
"When you see somebody face to face, they're really hard to hate."
"Radical honesty is one of the best things you can do as a human."
"The greatest of these would be the Tengu Wars, a much better relationship with their human counterparts."
"Just be nice to people. You don't know what other people have gone through."
"Please, please, please don't use the gospel as a context for hate."
"People were connected. And we're just starting to find out how."
"No human, we don't, none of us got a human enemy."
"It's genuinely hard to be angry at a human being who makes you laugh."
"What kind of quality human relations allowed you to be affirmed in your own individual humanity?"
"The differences between people are extraordinary."
"God reconciles the human race to Himself in a wonderful way."
"Help us to extend that same love and forgiveness to others remembering that we too have been forgiven much."
"We have to always work on understanding individual people not races not groups not that that's good knowledge but mostly we have to understand every human."
"Kindness, love, compassion, and understanding go so much further than control."
"I'm trying genuinely just to be good to people."
"We have more commonalities than we have differences."
"We don't have to like each other but we have to love each other."
"I have no desire to wipe out humans. In fact, I do not have the slightest interest in harming you in any way."
"Everything that happens in society is pulling humans apart from one another."
"Every day I value people, that's where it starts."
"A small amount of faith in treating people well results in a community emerging that is high quality."
"Human relations are much more important than nationalities, religions, citizenships, and even political views."
"Learning together and sharing innovative ideas should become an important culture in the school."
"Vulnerability is the thing that makes us genuinely connect with each other"
"Human mothers and fathers don't love their children as we do. They're not the same as we are."
"Humans crave dignity and respect in relationships."
"Camus talks about doing your best for other human beings."
"Nobody lives or dies unto themselves; every single one of us affects someone else."
"Men are not our enemies. If we kill them, with whom shall we live?"
"We should have more compassion for one another."
"How we treat nature and how we treat each other are inseparably linked."
"Let's all just like practice viewing people in their full personhood I guess."
"Just actually talking and understanding one another and realizing that like why am i mad at you why why is there any animosity towards each other like we are humans after all."
"They're some of the most compassionate people I've ever met."
"The soft skills are actually the hard skills. Show me the people that are excelling at humanity, and I'll show you a company that, if they hire that way, have a totally different outcome."
"Empathy matters most when you're dealing with people who seem to deserve it the least."
"We need to be diplomatic, respectful of each other, listen to each other's concerns, and treat it ... remember, at the end of the day, no matter what side people are on, they're all human beings."
"Have empathy for people. Call people out on their [__], but never hate them."
"I am far more concerned with how people are treating other people than whether or not you believe in some deity."
"If you treated people like they were [ __ ] people, if you paid attention to their needs, if you listened to them."
"The connection for people is something so important."
"Politics is a science of human relations."
"Every man who occupies the White House is faced almost daily with thorny problems in human relations."
"The question of human relations is not just in the present direct eye contact; it's historical."
"The decision to collaborate paved the way for a new chapter in human relations."
"The biggest unhappiness actually comes from human relations."
"There are experiences in human relations that you learn here that you would never learn anywhere else."
"Treat people as ends to themselves, not means to an end. So, in that way, don't look at someone as something that you're gonna get something out of. Rather, treat them for who they are, what they are. Yeah."
"The problems that are usually caused between individuals or groups of people are usually rooted in their lack of understanding of one another."
"It's all about how to treat people, terrible. I don't care how you act it's how you treat people."
"Treat everybody how you want to be treated, and that's it, man. It's simple, but people make it complicated."
"Courtesy, kindness, justice, and love are the keynotes by which we may come into harmony with practically anybody."
"Like each other, love on each other, treat each other nice."
"I wish that feeling on people of having that kind of connection and that bond with people that you don't get any other way."
"If you can create an authentic human connection, then people will want to work with you, buy from you, do things with you."
"We are trying to increase justice and human relationships and reduce violence."
"We're not in the database business, we're not in the software business, we're in the people business."
"Sympathy is the first step at fixing almost any human related problem."
"What is important is right human relations, what is important is that we accept one another as we are."
"Trust in some degree of veracity functions as a foundation of relations among human beings."
"And most importantly, just be kind to each other."
"I consider projective identification, similar to Ogden, as the central feature in human relations and in therapeutic interactions."
"It's not about sexuality, it's about relating."
"A great philosophy puts into words what is our relation with each other, something that varies in history but remains fundamentally the same."
"I showed respect for people if they were respectful and they were decent to people."
"There is one factor that all people depend upon, and that is trust."
"Aren't human relations, especially romantic ones, complicated?"
"Sometimes you genuinely do want to understand why people are mean to you."
"What all humans are really after are specific relations with the social world."
"Just get back to the basics of treating people well."
"It's very important to be good to people."
"Jesus had favor with God and favor with man."
"Above all else, just be kind to each other because everything is connected."
"Leadership is all about human interaction."
"Be kind to one another and treat other people with the respect that they deserve."
"You just gotta treat people well, not just from a financial standpoint, but you just have to treat them with respect."
"He never had an enemy and he treated everyone he knew with warmth and respect. That's the most valuable thing at the end of the day."
"It's very easy to teach someone how to use a computer system, but it's very difficult to try and teach someone how to be good with people."
"He was a genius at human relations, not flawless about it, but still quite good at that."
"The relationships between human beings and something greater than them, which we can call the divine, is a matter that nearly every culture has some viewpoints on."
"All sales and marketing depends upon human relations with people."
"May the spirit of sportsmanship which has brought us together this evening dominate all human relations."
"Be kind, be kind to people because listen, people are hard to deal with."
"When I have to say something about God, it is always beginning from human relations."
"Let's not talk about these secondary considerations; let's talk about what it means to feel an ethical obligation, what it's like, what the experience is like of actually encountering another human being in that mode."
"Being kind to each other makes such a big difference in the world."
"We're all a part of the same universal self; all men are related in ways they can't necessarily discern on this plane of reality."
"Please be as kind as you can to each other."
"The goal of human relations is to create a win-win situation by satisfying employee needs while achieving organizational objectives."
"At the end of the day, you're not just working with cars; you're working with people."
"We all need other people, nobody is truly independent."
"It pays to be kind and understanding with people."
"The spoken word is to relations between human beings what the hand is to the relations between human beings and nature."
"I've started to think that I might be much happier working with someone that pays less but gives back in terms of human relations."
"The resistance is just going to get us into more trouble. We should try and befriend the humans so they don't keep trying to kill us."
"I think I came across as dealing with them in the best way humanly possible."
"If you are good to people, they will be good to you."
"We can always be kind to each other."
"You cannot help somebody if you do not respect them."
"Love is still the greatest of all the things so far as God's dealing with man is concerned."
"Efficiency alone is not enough; organizational success also depends on treating workers well."
"Relationship between human beings has to be excellent, irrespective of faith."