
First Steps Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Awareness is always the first step in healing."
"But in the end, every great journey begins with one small step."
"The first step to overcoming trauma is safety."
"Openly acknowledging our hurt and emotional pain isn't a Panacea that immediately solves everything, but it can be a first step towards actually being able to deal with the underlying problems."
"If you want to get out of debt, the first step: stop borrowing more."
"Your first step is not to go start performing surgery on an individual that needs it, your first step is not to argue a case in front of a judge, your first step if you work for Elon Musk at SpaceX is not going to be to start building a rocket ship. Your first step is to learn."
"Nobody ever said the first step was easy, but to face the greatest challenge right at the very beginning…"
"I would just take the first step is what I'd say to you."
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
"Getting your depression or depressive mood symptoms treated becomes an essential First Step at a minimum that needs to happen so you have the energy and the focus to start dealing with healing from narcissistic abuse."
"You don't need to see the entire staircase before taking the first step."
"The big thing is like really taking the first step."
"Recognizing a problem is the first step and saying we want to do something about it from like decision makers."
"The first step towards real healing is acknowledging where you were culpable."
"The first step in everything is conversation."
"Recognising a problem is the first step to fixing it."
"It may not be perfect the first time... but that one step you take is the first step in the right direction."
"The compassion and understanding of desires are step one."
"The fear that we're not just talking about, but there really is a discrepancy, and I think that's the first step that needs to be taken."
"The first step in fixing any problem is awareness."
"When in need of emotional or physical healing, the first thing we should do is pray."
"Awareness is the first step to any major change."
"I think the first step is simply to acknowledge that there's a problem."
"Accepting that we're screwed is the first step."
"Start, period. I know sometimes the first step is the hardest one."
"The path to excellence is taking the first step." - Evan Carmichael
"The first step in solving a problem is acknowledging there is one."
"He's made the first step and the journey of survival is the same as any other journey in life."
"The first step is always the hardest right, and it's the most uncomfortable step."
"Starting a blog was like a really good small step towards getting over that initially."
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase."
"Understanding the problems is the first step."
"Lost in the zombified wasteland, I took my first steps on this apocalyptic journey."
"The first step is going to be the most difficult."
"Congrats! You've taken your first step toward understanding the wind bloom festival."
"I just know that you're not alone and that being anxious about actually putting your words into action or trying to get help, that's like the first step is recognizing that you need it."
"In times of confusion, fear, doubt, can't see clearly, begin now, take your first step."
"The first step in solving any problem is acknowledging that there is one."
"Awareness is that first step to really starting to make that move."
"Taking the first step can be harder than the rest of the challenge."
"Talking about anxiety is the first thing you need to do."
"The first step to solving any problem is admitting that it exists."
"Just taking action on anything, like as long as you make that first step, you're going in the right direction."
"The first step is always the hardest to make."
"Taking that first step is such an important leap."
"You don't need to see the whole staircase to take the first step."
"The hardest step is the first one."
"Take the first step to a beautiful outdoor living space."
"...getting your data into this format is a great first step because this is where most organizations kind of are already..."
"People just are so afraid to take the first step."
"That's the first step of fixing stuff."
"The first thing you got to do is stop the losing."
"You can't have a next step until you have a first step."
"That's the first step I would argue towards civility."
"The first step back to God is hunger."
"You've just given her first step. Well done."
"Oh the first step of your life, crawling, crawling, don't be afraid, standing up now, come on my dear, you have learned the way to stand now."
"These first steps are so much more important than your hundredth step."
"The first step to solving a problem is to identify that there is a problem."
"The first step you take, Allah will make you take the second step."
"The first way to start taking advantage of location intelligence is actually to put your location data on a map."
"It always starts with one little step."
"When you get a brand new phone, the first thing you want to do is get a tempered glass screen protector."
"You don't know the last step before you take the first step."
"One of the first steps of solving this problem is raising awareness for this disease."
"Taking the first step is all that's necessary, and then continuing to do that moment by moment, day by day, progress is made before you know it."
"Just surviving is the first step."
"The first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging that it's happening."
"The first thing you should do when you get a data set is plot it."
"The first step towards loyalty is trust."
"The path to peace starts with a single footstep."
"This has to be the first thing you do when addressing any type of pain."
"The first step to spearing a fish is to actually see the fish."
"The first step and the most important step in finding a solution to any problem is understanding the problem."
"Understanding that if you start off with the GS1 issued barcode, it's probably the best step."
"The very first step to fixing this issue is to decrease your overall body fat percentage."
"The most important step is the very first one."
"The first step to getting anywhere in your life is being honest with yourself."
"It could be just as simple as that, guys, just taking that one small step."
"The most important step to creating an online store is taking that first little step."
"The first step is always the steepest, and after that, it gets much easier."
"That's the first step of relieving ourselves from the oppression to begin with."
"The robot swung her left leg forward, then her right, and just like that, she was taking her very first steps."
"In order to make money in real estate, whether you live in the home or you want to flip it, you have to buy it first."
"Take the first step even though it sounds really scary."
"To create a portfolio, the first thing you need to do is register."
"Sometimes getting started is the hardest part."
"The first step toward everything is awareness."
"First things first, you need to familiarize yourself with what's going on."
"First thing in any restoration is to have a plan."
"This is basically the first step to deploying your app."
"The first step in any machine learning problem solving is to visualize the dataset."
"I took a deep breath and then I made my first move."
"The moment you can clear your mind, that's the first step."
"Let's start with step number one, which is get your own domain name and web hosting."
"Correct identification of the pests is always the first step for effective control."
"The very first step needs to be identifying your waste streams."
"It's the first step to making meaningful carbon reductions."
"The hardest part is probably making that first phone call to the home office saying I want to claim asylum."
"The first step in solving a problem is to admit that it exists."
"Acknowledging the deep-rooted challenges that we have socially is the first step."
"Recognizing a problem is the first step towards solutions."
"This is day one of building the Townson Homestead; we're working on this very primitive cabin, the first structure on the site."
"It's a really great first step because people rely too much on how web apps work."
"For taking the first steps, you know. You've told your family and now, hopefully, they'll be able to get some justice."
"The first step is getting away from all the negative."
"You'll never know how far you can go until you take that first step."
"I remember my son... he takes his first steps, walks right over to me."
"The first step of anything is being aware that there's a problem."
"Opening eyes is the very first step in making positive changes."
"The first step of handling anything is gaining an ability to face it."
"Putting up boundaries is the first step."
"These are the first steps to freedom."
"Good job, now it's time for you to take the first step on this path and launch your own job or website and your own business."
"So the first thing that we always need to do is check out the website."
"The first step towards your dream is making sure that you're incorporated."
"From day one, we got to treat it like it's day one and take the first step."
"All fortune starts with the first step."
"Build self-trust... that is the first step to building massive self-trust."
"Take the leap of faith, I know you have an idea, just start with the little baby steps."
"Hand in hand, the girls put their nerves aside and take their first steps towards independence."
"She kind of took her first step in the park, which was cool."
"You have learned the way to stand now, oh the first step of your life."
"We saw a little elephant take its first steps."
"The first step to miniaturizing a tree is getting the tree in a pot."
"Just taking that first step is really important."
"I think getting out of your comfort zone and taking the first step towards finding something is key."
"Getting the containers is really only step one."
"First step of anything is admitting there is a problem."
"When I have an idea, I want to think about the first step and the first step only."
"Come on, I'll hold you. You got to take one step, buddy."
"My love for you was already complete before you spoke your first word or took your first step."
"The first step is to understand the challenge."
"What is the first step I can take to bringing balance and healing to this?"
"The first step into figuring out a solution is to identify the challenge."
"Every extraordinary journey starts with a small step."
"Break things down to the smallest parts and just take the first step."
"That's the first step to really securing your file."
"As soon as you make that first step, it was just like this huge weight had been lifted off me."
"Putting that first ad on their blog is the first step to earning a full-time income."
"Every journey starts with a simple step."
"Take your first step towards something new."