
Campaigns Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Perception is often half the battle with an election campaign."
"The booster campaign has never been more vital than at this point in time."
"And this is where we get campaigns like this. Milk, it does a body good."
"We play a Dungeons and Dragons campaign as well as a Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign."
"This is such a fun campaign, really enjoying this."
"McConnell's going basically full Seinfeld, waging a campaign about nothing."
"Labour's poll ratings grew from around 25 percent to 40...probably the biggest campaign growth by any main party since polling began."
"This campaign is going to be even more fascinating than I thought."
"No one has won a campaign in modern political history without winning on the economy."
"The difference now is that we are getting into the final stretch of the campaign season."
"This campaign will go down as one of the best FPS campaigns of all time."
"The trials are the campaign." - Michael Tomasky
"Think of what you could do running on popular issues Republicans we needed his campaign to show that and you are welcome."
"Simone Bolivar led military campaigns to free Latin American countries from Spanish colonial rule."
"A striking feature of the Teutonic Knights and their campaigns in the Baltic was how they used rivers in order to move more rapidly."
"Social ads are a versatile advertising option that allows you to build specific campaigns on different social media networks, each tailored to meet a variety of different business goals at relatively low cost."
"Now, let's start by going through the different types of Google Ads bidding strategies that you can use on your campaigns..."
"All the anti-bullying campaigns, like how hard they went, like there was a level, right, of like bullying that is appropriate, like say we were here, and they brought us down to like [__] right?"
"Campaigns are also part of marketing activity for promoting a particular product or service."
"ChatGPT can write product marketing campaigns for various products and services."
"The idea that the existing elite or the existing government is corrupt... is a significant feature of their campaigns."
"A great way to research keywords for your campaigns is to use the keyword planner."
"We run pretty extensive ad campaigns to make sure there's broad awareness of the tools."
"We're shooting spring summer campaigns here ladies and gentlemen."
"They've worked on campaigns national ad campaigns for every company out there - Gatorade, Reese's, BP, Facebook. They do TV shows, they play songs in TV shows and movies, and on all the major networks."
"What is this anti-trans campaign which frankly attracts people from pretty disparate political perspectives?"
"For all Google Ads campaigns, especially shopping campaigns, you need to remember that we're not only using keywords in order to target different ads."
"Campaign experiments allow you to test different settings, different tactics, all sorts of things against the control."
"They're going to be replaced by Google's new Performance Max campaigns."
"Campaigns: design effective emails easily."
"Replicate past campaigns effortlessly."
"Harry's promo campaigns are criminally underrated."
"Morale was not good among veterans of the Ardennes of Guadalcanal and other campaigns."
"No one has written The Playbook yet about how to execute a perfectly strategic campaign when it involves representation, social issues, or any type of group where it might cause some type of a ruckus online."
"Right now it's been the zeitgeist but like I apparently Peter last month alone I've started like three campaigns with a bunch of comedy people who have never played right so like that's if it sure."
"One of the things that I've done over the campaigns I've run is very often I try and make things personal for the player characters."
"I commend her for not editing the crap out of all of her campaigns because it's a refreshing take that we don't often see in the beauty community."
"We shouldn't be getting ahead of ourselves...sometimes in these campaigns things get a little bit out of hand."
"Presidential campaigns are basically a form of startup."
"Each campaign has unique maps, troops, weapons, and all kinds of various historical details to unlock and play in."
"If you're doing lots of long tail keywords, you're going to have more profitable campaigns."
"Think of campaigns as like the main container of your ads."
"Create successful YouTube campaigns."
"Education campaigns and awareness raising can help to teach people practical ways to reduce the food that they waste."
"We think the empowerment campaign tells the people that these kinds of things are untrue and should be changed."
"Good year for campaigns, definitely one that a couple of things ended up getting delayed just a little bit here and there, but overall just a great set of changes."
"We provide a safety net for new and exciting progressive leaders at all stages of their journey, helping them run efficient, strategic, grassroots-driven campaigns while feeling supported throughout the process."
"The beauty about magnetic marketing is it contains really fill-in-the-blank done for you lead generation campaigns."
"Email marketing is essentially the skill of selling services or products through email campaigns or through a series of emails."
"Wherever they put up these campaigns of billboards and print ads, meth use among teenagers goes down by like 50%."
"The campaigns that are targeted and personalized allow us to see the ROI in real time for our campaigns within the system."
"Most of our clients actually launch their campaigns and start seeing immediate results."
"Every year, Pokémon always has some kind of special campaigns or special merchandise to get everybody into the spooky spirit."
"The spirit of both campaigns is pure Broadway and while they may evade their own harsh realities, their hope and optimism is undeniable."
"This is the number one thing you need to do if you want to be able to optimize your campaigns."
"The tragedy has prompted campaigns for catfishing to be made illegal in Australia."
"This star is the face of the biggest designer brands' campaigns."
"Marketing generally tends to appeal to quite creative people because you need to be quite creative to come up with these campaigns and these ideas."
"Your campaigns will rise or fall on your ability to research well."
"Negative campaigns work because we're hardwired to notice negative information."
"Nonviolent campaigns outperform the violent ones by over two to one."
"Fundamentally, the work that I do and my team at the DNC does is centered around delivering data as a product to Democratic campaigns around the country."
"Euro games don't have to ignore storyline; Euro games can have big epic campaigns."
"We identified efforts targeting the Trump campaign and the Biden campaign."
"For some reason I will never understand, a lot of phone service companies enjoy having spokesman characters in these long-running ad campaigns."
"You can send your campaign right away or you can schedule your campaign at your recipient's time zone or at an optimal time."
"I love the month of guest campaigns, but boy howdy, I'm pumped to be back."