
Warfare Quotes

There are 4252 quotes

"Weakness is what's going to drive us to a war, not striking back with strength and focus on the true perpetrators behind all of these attacks."
"War has changed... technology has brought itself in, altering the battlefield dynamics significantly."
"And just like Western Front battles more than a century ago, Bakhmut consumes men and materiel at a prodigious rate."
"The annual rate of war has fallen from about 22 per 100,000 per year in the early '50s to 1.2 today."
"At the end of the day, it's staying power and adaptability that win wars."
"They want to bleed us dry financially by shooting hundreds and hundreds of drones."
"A duel of assassins is basically a war but it's a war where you're using hitmen and secret assassins to kill one another rather than open all-out war."
"This war was an example of what could happen when kings get greedy."
"The character of war is changing, and the lessons taken from Ukraine stand to be an enduring resource."
"The first person ever who brought dark arts on the battlefield was General Dorl, also nicknamed as Dragon Slayer."
"Ukraine is completely changing the perception of modern warfare."
"The atmosphere here, as it tries to make you feel like you're cramped inside a multi-person walking battle tank surrounded by endless death and intense warfare, is absolutely spot on."
"You can't conduct these kinds of wars around the world, killing innocent people in the pursuit of a few bad guys, and pretend that it's not gonna come back to hurt you."
"The Ukrainian forces... have really given everything. They have fought like devils."
"We're going to bring to you today an incredibly important topic, a topic that we just don't hear much about but is dogmatic and revelation, and that is spiritual warfare."
"Information helps to win wars, and also to win peace."
"Geography always plays an important role in war, both on the strategic and tactical level."
"Here's Napoleon's coming and the cannons are going and the Russians are fighting back."
"We've raised a whole generation that really does believe it's the same thing to shoot a pregnant woman and shoot all four girls and execute them, that's the same thing as blowing apart with an Apache helicopter a mastermind who ordered that. And I don't think it's the same."
"It's not always the biggest or best-equipped army that wins the war; the will and determination of the people embroiled in the conflict have often proven to be the determining factor."
"War as we know it, that's already an outdated concept... The next major conflict is likely to be extremely fast and extremely lethal."
"The difference between collateral damage versus targeting and actually trying to kill civilians is a massive distinction."
"If we're going to get involved through what could barely be described by some as a proxy war, we need to understand what our objective is."
"Even wars have laws. Laws govern war. It's not a free-for-all; you can't just do what you want."
"Indeed, the war in Ukraine seems like it has cast everything into the proper perspective."
"In the 5th century BC, during the invasion of Thermopylae, 300 Spartan soldiers stoically withstood the onslaught of some two hundred thousand Persian soldiers for days on end."
"Incanting the runes and dark magic that power their devilish weapons of war, destruction descends on the northern gate as the Warriors of Chaos undivided march inexorably towards the doom of the city."
"We're trying to preserve as much as we can of the original aircraft that took part in this conflict so that future generations understand what warfare was about."
"It's going to be a tough one because there's propaganda there; it's Warfare we're in fourth and fifth generational Warfare."
"You are king. You lead the army they trust you."
"In 480 BC, an alliance of Greek city-states led by King Leonidas briefly stopped the second Persian invasion of Greece in its tracks, buying enough time for Athens to be evacuated and its culture to be preserved."
"Read my lips: there is not a single person on Capitol Hill who understands modern warfare. None. Zero."
"Everything what American public and political know about war is from the entertainment industry, period."
"Drones are the business card of this war because they turned the field manual and the approach to hostilities upside down."
"Specificity is everything in spiritual warfare."
"This is a video to honor those. These are 12 incredible wars across history that you've probably never heard of."
"The Taiping Rebellion is the third bloodiest war in history. We think it killed about 30 million people, or nearly double World War I."
"It's not just about winning the war, and it is a war, this is also about winning the peace."
"Our prestige is super high, thanks to our abilities in warfare."
"Sell your lives cheaply, forwards only, forwards. We're about to lose. Half a million men died."
"We are not ignorant of the enemy's devices. Prayer is a weapon."
"Every battle is won before it's even fought." - Sun Tzu
"People have so much to say about other people, but you never know what type of spiritual warfare they're going through."
"Warfare and violence can be traced very, very far back in the history of our species, but they're no more inevitable in that body of evidence than periods of peace."
"The Allied Forces were suffering the usual fate of modern mechanized armies that advanced too fast and too far for their support elements to keep pace with them."
"The war against the Draven lasted for 160 years, only ending when the great grandchild of one of the adventurers who first failed to prevent it struck the final blow, avenging their father using an ancestral fighting technique called having a big stick and bashing a monster over the head with it."
"This war turned out really nice. We gained a ton of territory, not just from the Velandians but also the Western Empire."
"Every aspect of them, however crude, degenerate, and unsophisticated, is nevertheless finely tuned to achieve bellicosity, endurance, and a sustainable yet exponential expansion."
"Naruto is by no means a pacifist; he has basically been partaking in war since he was 12 years old."
"Russia is not in a position to win the war as Putin would have liked."
"We're in the middle of a war in this country, and we need a commander-in-chief who is going to lead us to victory."
"Accuracy enables safer warfare. If you have a moral government, being more precise is better."
"Hypersonic missiles reduce the time that you can see the missiles because they're traveling so fast."
"War was never to annihilate your enemy unless absolutely necessary."
"Chemical and biological weapons cannot and must not be used in war."
"If we were being repeatedly bombed in a sustained military campaign and had boots on the ground of a foreign government in our country, you better believe that we would understand quite clearly that these were acts of war."
"Bombers would take warfare right into the heart of the enemy's territory. They would be impossible to stop."
"A war of numbers, men, ammunition, guns, ships, aircraft: quantity is the difference between victory and defeat."
"It would be in this darkness that the Romans would find their strength, warfare was endemic in Italy, this constant fighting between neighbors meant that only the toughest could rise to the top."
"The fires of warfare provided the heat with which Rome's legions were forged."
"No matter how many battles you win, the ultimate goal of a battle is a means to an end—to win the war strategically."
"The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the ultimate expression of total war."
"Industrial nations are incredibly resilient in their ability to carry on things like a war."
"Don't underestimate how much ammo you need on a daily basis for a real war."
"Battles, however, are not fought with only steel and flesh but in the halls and courts of nobility."
"This night will be very difficult, and the enemy will use all available forces to break the resistance of Ukrainians. We have to stand ground."
"All too often, we remember the Roman wars without considering the Roman peace which followed."
"Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10,000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner."
"For the first time in the history of war, the Russians used robots, robot-tracked vehicles, to actually conduct military operations."
"Stuxnet was the dawn of a new chapter in cyber warfare."
"At least she ended the war... Yes, by stopping a peace treaty by getting all of the war-hungry generals together in order to declare peace."
"I don't know what weapons the third world war will be fought with, but I do know what weapons the fourth world war will be fought with: sticks and stones."
"Hearts and minds is not something that has been practiced in Rhodesia for a long time during the war."
"There is a real cyber war that is happening behind the scenes that we don't even know anything about."
"Fantastic, everything is a claim and with that, we go to war."
"You rarely win a battle by killing every person on the opposing side. Most often, they will break, retreat, or surrender. People don't want to die."
"The mantle of Knighthood rests heavy on their shoulders, for they will soon face some of the most bitter enemies of humanity in a galaxy ravaged by endless war."
"Battles and wars really do matter. If this had gone the other way, we might well be speaking a language today with a Greek base rather than a Latin base."
"Strategy is the most important thing in a war and you can have the best weapons and the most money and you still lose."
"If you ever want to have your mind blown about what our ancestors were able to do...these naval battles, there's like 600 ships, right, wooden ships, big ships."
"Putin's goal of launching the war was creating a new world order, one where he could hold all of Europe at nuclear blackmail and begin recollecting the countries of the old Soviet Union, but that only happens when you win."
"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy’s country — anything. Put white against black, old against young, I don’t know, wealth against poor, and so on. Doesn’t matter. As long as it disturbs society, as long as it cuts the moral fiber of the nation, it’s good."
"Looking off into the distance and seeing a massive frontline firefight light up your screen is a truly cinematic spectacle."
"The Great Northern War completely changed the balance of power in Europe."
"Out of this war, you definitively saw England and France, possibly the most important countries in history, come out of the forge of this war as modern countries that would then embark upon changing the rest of the world."
"You see a lot of thinking about how they should approach the war and how they should approach the fight, trying to be ethical."
"Scripture is clear that we are in a spiritual war. We're not immune to the activity of the demonic as Christians."
"The bravest and the wisest general wins the war without ever firing an arrow."
"If the West continues pushing, they will find out what total war looks like when Russia wages it."
"Highly mobile, deadly at range, and strategically swift compared to infantry armies, the horse archer, when used properly, could be the master of the medieval battlefield."
"No matter how effective the support weaponry becomes, I think warfare always comes down to who's got boots on each little bit of ground."
"It will always be a grunt with an individual weapon that is ultimately responsible for the outcome of a war."
"The only way to stop communism is nuclear warfare."
"A town founded on warfare became known across Europe for creating a product used extensively in warfare."
"The failed war with Ukraine, which has revealed the weakness of Putin and his state, could very well be the spark that ignites The Frayed Timbers of Russian institutions."
"You don't fight a strong nation from the front, you fight it from the inside."
"There is a war going on and it's for your minds."
"In the face of such a terrifying enemy, the foe breaks, clawing over each other in desperation."
"This is a spiritual war that we're in right now, and we must be careful because the enemy wants to bait us into a physical war."
"Tactical Warfare is what you do in battle strategical Warfare is what you do in a war"
"If the Ukrainians don't get significant artillery ammunition at scale um in the coming months um things could go really wrong quite quickly and it's already extremely expensive for the Ukrainians in terms of lives."
"A simple but highly effective demonstration of the power of psychological warfare."
"The Aztec flower wars served a far darker purpose than merely the slaying of foes in combat."
"Is Russia shelling Mariupol? Yes, Russia has just claimed control of Mariupol. Now you're saying that Russia is not killing people?"
"Would the U.S go to war with the second most powerful Nation on Earth over two islands with the total population of 400?"
"Even with U.S ROK counter battery fire an estimated 40 percent of the city would be destroyed in the opening hours of a new war leading to catastrophic economic damage for the south."
"Maybe it's time for us to create a ranking of the most beautiful destruction of Russian tanks by Ukrainian kamikaz drones."
"These clones were already having doubts before they even experienced a real exchange of blaster fire."
"There will come a day when your friends will fall to your right and your left, and you will be in a hailstorm of bullets and not a hole will pierce your garments."
"Cluster bombs... are evil, obscene, and illegal according to 122 Nations."
"That is substantial. You get nukes on the overworld. Goodbye forever, Wood Elves – nothing will be growing there again."
"It's not a clear violation of international law, it's also a clear declaration of war."
"The best way to win a war is to win psychologically."
"The reason why the government is talking about these UFOs now [is] getting ready for the next level of war."
"If our population knows that we're at war and knows what we're at war against, that's gonna help us better in the long run."
"What right do we have to kill somebody in some other country who we don't like?"
"Wars are won as much in the factories as on the battlefield."
"At their heart, wars are often a test of will and logistics."
"Scotland’s champion now had official sanction and support of at least some of the nobility; he would need it, as if Stirling Bridge had achieved nothing else it had provoked a unified drive in the English to crush the Scots in 1298."
"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."
"Ukraine has lost around 50% of its heavy equipment since the start of the war... speaks for itself."
"Wars have a way of not going as planned and there are consequences that are hard to foresee and there are dangers and threats that can spill over." - Concerns about potential escalation
"World War II saw modern industrial nations descend into once unimaginable cruelty."
"Energy has become a weapon of war for Putin."
"This will be a significant blow to Putin's war machine."
"Ukraine suffers Russian air attacks, pleads for more air defenses from western partners."
"We're launching the largest military force in galactic history against the Reapers."
"Many even credit him as being the father of modern warfare, as his innovations, like the reference to combined-arms, are still relevant in warfare to this day."
"Sometimes you'll suffer for no apparent reason, an indication of spiritual warfare."
"The art of war is of vital importance... a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin."
"The moral law causes the people to be in complete accord... regardless of their lives."
"The Ukrainian Army is doing a masterful job on the PR/propaganda front of this war."
"To go to war, you have to have a reason, an excuse, a casus belli."
"The use of any chemical weapon directly violates international legal obligations and norms of civilized conduct."
"You gotta have a strategy. Wars are won by strategy."
"The reality is that war, not peace, is normal over history and is really constant, and people will always wage war and they just happen to justify war with whatever matters to them at the time."
"In order to be successful in spiritual warfare, you must wear the armor of God."
"Achieved peace by having the most destructive war machine."
"Tesla believed that such a thing would put an end to warfare."
"All warfare is deception, and warfare is not about who has the biggest tanks."
"Weapons powerful enough to turn the tide of any battle."
"But nothing gives us the right to flood this country with weapons, to destroy it and leave it in ruins."
"The end of big wars bring big changes... we're gonna change the map."
"It's going to be a more brutal conflict than some people do, than some people on the Russian side believe."
"Once we're told World War III has started, that's just the public statement about it."
"If you care about people being killed illegally in Wars then yes, but you know what the world's like and you know how we are deluged with propaganda."
"Superior numbers and resources don't win wars... effectively utilize those numbers and resources."
"It's a way of War where the only way to stop you is to kill you completely."
"President Trump is the first president in the last 39 years to not start a war or to enter a war that's already been in existence."
"You go to war with weapons you have, not the weapons you wish you had."
"You don't get to wage war and then once you start losing or fear losing come and beg for a ceasefire."
"War could be reduced to a mere spectacle of machines."
"There are fears that Russia is about to massively step up its assault on Ukraine including its major cities using heavy and indiscriminate bombardments."
"This war, as far as Russia is concerned, is to liberate Donbass from Ukraine."
"Winning this war is essential for Ukraine, but it's also essential for the world order."
"Putin's invasion of Ukraine has changed Russia, Ukraine, and the world forever."
"The Europeanization of this war has made a significant step forward."
"Russia's devastating wars against Chechnya throughout the 1990s."
"This is a war on consciousness, and these plants are our bio weapons."
"A battle is won logistically before it is even fought."
"The morale of the British is to be broken by mass bombing under cover of darkness."
"The more successful that the Ukrainians are on the battlefield, the greater the chances of Russian escalation."
"The chances of nuclear war have never been higher."
"There's only one way this war ends, and that's in a Russian victory."
"War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity."
"America from this point on has to be prepared to fight a nuclear war against any adversary."
"His legionnaires, brave as they almost certainly were, did not stand a chance against a naval bombing."
"Despite the enormity of the Russian war machine, Ukraine's strikes on Russian stores and resupply routes could turn the tide."
"Can anybody tell me any war we've been in since 9/11 that has a positive outcome?"
"These are not soldiers nor warriors. This enemy is an act of murder-given flesh, and they will not stop until terror is the only thing that lives." - Captain Jeff the Cull
"Utterly dominate their enemies, striking without warning when they're unprepared and eliminating key command locations while retreating if they encounter a sizeable force."
"The scale of the damage done... is on such a scale that I personally cannot imagine that this was done by anything else other than a missile strike."
"An eco-friendly war, except for the rockets."
"Future wars will be defined by artificial intelligence. Whichever nation harnesses AI first will have a decisive advantage on the battlefield."
"We'll continue to win because we have something the enemy does not: feelings."
"Nelson's tactic: 'If you meet two enemies, do not each attack one. Combine both on one of the enemy...'"
"World at War is just a blast to play through."
"It's far cheaper to deter a war than it is to fight one."
"Russia alone bears responsibility for this war."
"Stuxnet could have potentially continued to cripple Iran’s nuclear ambitions from within for years, perhaps even decades, before detection."
"Full scale cyber warfare isn't a dystopian vision of the future; it's happening right now."
"Churchill regarded gas as just another weapon, he did not see much point in distinguishing between one form and another."
"Victory in warfare involves knowing the enemy."
"Industrial-scale warfare consumes munitions at an industrial rate."
"For us children of God, we do not engage in warfare so that we can win over Satan. No, rather we're in warfare to retain the victory that our lord Jesus has gotten over Satan already."
"The Antichrist gathers troops and wants to do war with heaven."
"In this war, the fight, we need more time, we need more patience, we need to be wise, we need to do our job the best we can to gain the victory." - Ukrainian President
"Estimates vary between one and three years, shortening the war considerably."
"Thus, war broke out and continued through multiple phases even after Chinese and British diplomats reached an agreement."
"Putin's war was fought because they thought they could win it."
"The summer of 2412 is memorable as a turning point in interstellar war fighting philosophy."
"The Ukrainians have captured enough tanks already to outfit two US armoured divisions."
"This campaign was a masterful example of the principles of strategy of annihilation and Bewegungskrieg."
"Using nuclear weapons is not off the table for Russia in winning the war in Ukraine, a terrifying prospect for the world."
"We've almost completed this war, what a glorious success."
"You need sometimes to start preventive wars to survive, especially if your enemy is stronger."
"We should all hold ourselves, our Allied Forces, and even an adversary to a higher standard, especially ourselves, to one of competence at winning War but also the one of Law and Order and empathy."
"Unfortunately for Wall Street, we cannot fight Wars with dollars and derivatives, we need weapons."
"Warfare drives along technological change, a bit like the space race did."
"An anointed proclamation is God's atomic bomb in the mouth of every believer."