
Anti-discrimination Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"No one should face violence, live in fear, or be discriminated against simply for being themselves."
"If you're trying to fight discrimination, you should be fighting all discrimination."
"Good, places of business should not be allowed to discriminate against people because they're gay or because they're trans."
"You do not have the right to discriminate against people because they are gay or because they are trans."
"You can learn the basics of dismantling your own misogyny, racism, and homophobia pretty quickly."
"Every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love."
"Anti-Semitism is just as awful as racism, and we've got to make sure they're protected."
"You can criticize a British political leader without being anti-British... It's possible to criticize Israeli policy without being an anti-Semite."
"We're supposed to stand up to discrimination. And we're sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers."
"Acts of hate and discrimination against anyone based on their ethnicity or the perception that they are sick or a carrier of COVID-19 will not be tolerated in this city."
"We should not discriminate about color but we should be actually protecting children."
"The justice department must enforce the law, protect religious liberty, and our nation's anti-discrimination laws."
"I refuse to let my Jewish identity be used as a tool to incite Islamophobia."
"One's right to speak or to be must never be based on skin color."
"Nobody should be prejudiced because of the color of their skin."
"Most people would agree with the general rule of thumb that we should expect that they won't be discriminated against based on something that they have like no control over whatsoever."
"The answer to racial discrimination is to stop racially discriminating."
"There's no racism, there's no prejudices. I don't give a [ __ ] if you're fat, tall, short, bald, glasses, green hair, gay, straight."
"I'll take the orange man over the people who want me to hate people based on the color of their skin."
"Britain comfortably outperforms countries such as France in anti-discrimination protections."
"I refuse to be a second-class citizen. I refuse to have them say, based on any race, you are going to face some detrimental policy."
"But I think it's really clear in one point that the American people understand very clearly, they understand that there should be an end to discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions."
"No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or the color of their skin."
"I'm not interested in feuding with the Vice President. If he wanted to clear this up he could come out today and say he's changed his mind, that it shouldn't be legal to discriminate against anybody in this country for who they are. That's all."
"Antisemitism has no place in our country or anywhere else. It's up to each and every one of us to call it out in all its forms because only together can we build a more inclusive and safer world for everyone."
"The right way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"Discrimination based on the color of skin makes zero sense."
"We need to confront the disease of Russophobia by interacting with Russians, treating them as equals."
"We don't criminalize people off their personhood because of the color of your skin or the language that you speak."
"The right answer to stop discrimination of race is to stop discrimination of race."
"Dear homophobes, racists, transphobes, and disablers, haters are not going to hate here."
"The Quran along with the example of Muhammad peace be upon him, it has comprehensive guidance to eradicate racism, poverty, and all the 'isms' which are out there that is breaking humanity apart."
"Stop the hate of all people because they're different."
"It's good to have anti-discrimination laws on the basis of race you know we don't want people saying no you're black you're not allowed in here."
"We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets and or in our hearts."
"Biasing against homophobes would make the world less homophobic."
"It's stupid to be prejudiced and discriminatory because you're cutting off so many potential people who could help you."
"I think it's okay to say that actually no, I don't think you should be able to turn away people from your hotel because they're black. I think that's wrong and immoral."
"I believe in standing up against bigotry, racism, homophobia, sexism, whatever, challenging all of that wherever possible."
"Stop the lies, stop the bigotry, stop the hate. Leave kids alone. I urge a no vote on this awful, rotten Rule."
"Discrimination of any kind has no place at the University of New Brunswick."
"Jews should not be persecuted because of their religion."
"If black people educate our own children create our own jobs and support black businesses then you can begin to build the pillars of power."
"Building your own is the best answer to discrimination that there is."
"I truly believe in all men are created equal I don't believe in inequality and iniquity."
"It does not matter what the color of skin is or what their sexual preference is, it just matters not."
"Being treated as a human and not as a sexual deviant."
"Viacom CBS condemns bigotry of any kind and we categorically denounce all forms of anti-Semitism."
"The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"Anti-Semitism and racism were not allowed on the platform from the beginning."
"It's us against the transphobic people in the world, not us against each other."
"If we stand together and not allow Trump and his friends to divide us up by the color of our skin or where we were born or our sexual orientation or our religion if we stand together we will not only defeat Trump we're gonna transform this country."
"Hate has no place at Ulta beauty or our social channels."
"That ain't salty, that's being my hero. That's a really wholesome way to combat common homophobia."
"Strict law enforcement is actually quite effective at cleaning up the streets."
"Stop discriminating on the basis of race stop discriminating on the basis of gender."
"Wow really you just don't see fat people as human you just don't even see fabulous human."
"Everyone should be treated as an individual, no discrimination in person or constitutionally or legally."
"Never make a decision of any sort based on skin color just never do it."
"This is a broad assault on the rule of law by the left that pretends to be in favor of anti-discrimination. In fact, they're actually promoting discrimination contrary to the law and the constitution."
"My channel is inclusive, we do not allow homophobes, racists, anybody that is not willing to educate themselves or grow or learn."
"To suggest anything else is to perpetuate discrimination."
"I was opposed to bigotry, cruelty, demeaning women, or any other races, colors, or creeds."
"The best way to end discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"Every discrimination based on characteristics is not okay."
"You wouldn't like to be discriminated against, would you?"
"This charity is called the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, which stands for 'Stamp Out Prejudice, Hatred, and Intolerance Everywhere'."
"Hate against alternative subcultures is now considered a hate crime in seven different police forces across the UK."
"We do not want anyone to judge or ban anybody because of race."
"I don't believe in any form of racism. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation. I believe in Islam. I'm a Muslim and there's nothing wrong with being a Muslim."
"There is no logical reason that anyone should be discriminated against because of the texture of their hair or the style of their hair."
"The formula of Lenin and the Bolsheviks was against racism, against discrimination, for equality."
"Anti-semitism is vile, evil, and wrong under any circumstances."
"Jesus came for all races, destroy those lies."
"I'm all in favor of laws that protect communities from being abused and smeared and hatred incited against them."
"Please do not be mean to trans people simply because they're trans."
"Aggressive anti-discrimination rules are crucial in a co-op dominated private sector."
"I'm pro-free speech but against anti-Semitism of any kind."
"Discrimination would not be tolerated on this campus."
"We today stand in solidarity with the Islamic community in this country and all around the world. We will not tolerate politicians or anyone else putting down Muslims and blaming Muslims for a few people."
"Let's Stand Together against hate and discrimination in any form and be the example that we need to be for a better and brighter future for all of us."
"Don't hate people that you don't know because it's not right."
"Teaching the proper history of indigenous people ensures our younger generations will not be discriminated against."
"Senate Bill 17 prohibits colleges from using state money to provide special benefits to people on the basis of race, color, or ethnicity."
"Homophobia is not natural. Transphobia is not natural. Racism is not natural."
"President Biden has signed an executive order intended to fight discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation."
"Thou shall not hate thy neighbors or others that share any similarities in race, ethnicities, interests, or whatever else with thee."
"Remember, there's plenty of seats at the table."
"We're not anti-anybody. We are trying to stop people from being anti-us. We want the law to apply equally." - Al Sharpton
"We will not allow anyone to divide our citizens by race or background. We will not allow them to foment hate, discord, and distrust."
"You want to know what the best way is to end discrimination on the basis of race? Stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"Judicial Watch has become America's number one civil rights organization in terms of vindicating and protecting the rule of law that prohibits racial discrimination."
"No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia..."
"Delta Airlines actively seeking and supporting national and state legislation that fights discrimination."
"Criticism of Israeli human rights violations is not anti-Semitic. Criticism of Saudi violations is not Islamophobic. Criticism of Modi violations is not anti-Hindu. Criticism of Myanmar violations is not anti-Buddhist."
"The more that you put a silence to that sort of discrimination, especially within the home and in those close situations with friends and family, the less it's allowed to keep thriving."
"The government of Canada condemns all forms of racism and discrimination including Islamophobia."
"Discrimination is the enemy that we're fighting against here."
"Your skin color shouldn't be judged any differently."
"Your skin color literally shouldn't be judged any differently."
"The entertainment industry is not immune from lawsuits when they discriminate against people based on their race, gender, or sexual preferences."
"Teach your children not to judge people and try to stamp out hate wherever you can."
"Never again is not exclusive. It's for Jews, Muslims, for anybody."
"Title VII prevents discrimination in the workplace. You cannot be discriminated against because of your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your disability, and yes, your religion."
"We have to make sure we don't have discrimination inside these police departments."
"I refuse to hate anyone because they are Mexican, black, white, or LBGTQ. I refuse to hate someone because they are a police officer."
"Don't be racist, don't be sexist, and don't be homophobic. Also, please no transphobia. Don't do that either."
"Just because I'm black does not mean I cannot call out and stand up for Asian brothers or sisters being discriminated against." - Reesi
"Nexus mob website update, they've made an official announcement that they will stand against transphobia bigotry and their platform has no room for hate any mods that promote this will be removed."
"We've made and are making a number of important changes to improve our policies and procedures to ensure there is no place anywhere in our company for discrimination, harassment, or unequal treatment of any kind."
"You cannot coerce speech under the guise of protecting certain groups from discrimination."
"There is no place in our country for discrimination driven by fear or misinformation." - Justin Trudeau
"We welcome all players to Call of Duty. Hate speech, racism, or toxic behavior won't be tolerated."
"I don't want anyone to be excluded from a game because of their race, gender, or sexuality."
"The whole point is to experience diversity. We learn and grow from each other instead of hating each other."
"Now you see it's good to not like serial killers or conservatives that's a good quality it's bad to dislike trans people because unlike serial killers or conservatives trans people as a rule don't hurt anyone."
"Bigotry, I hate bigotry, I hate prejudice, I hate discrimination."
"It's cool how transphobia just starts to dissolve when you spend time with us, shockingly, right?"
"I'm opposed to any form of discrimination against individuals."
"I decided to pass multiculturalism to finally truly end discrimination in all of Russia."
"Please stop using my photo to promote your transphobic agenda. Thank you."
"We stand united being against any form of discrimination for any group in our society."
"If you are a racist or if you are an anti-Semite you have no quarter in my movement."
"Dehumanizing Palestinians is not acceptable; we're all humans and all lives matter."
"Anti-semitism and hatred in any form have no place in Canada."
"I vehemently oppose anti-Semitism; any form of discrimination is the definition of brain rot."
"Stop the Asian hate. Report as a hate crime. Bye."
"Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a lender or a real estate agent who assists a seller in qualifying a potential buyer may not ask the buyer borrower about his or her religion or national origin."
"I do not support any act of hate, racism, or discrimination against any Asian American, specifically islanders. It is absolutely not okay, it's disgusting."
"I can't think of literally anything that would justify treating somebody different on the basis of their race. I literally cannot think of a single example of when that would be morally acceptable."
"I am completely against racial discrimination."
"Stop looking down on someone because of their culture and their background."
"Can we, like, not hate certain groups of people for being who they are?"
"The purpose was to protest against discrimination and to demonstrate that the Italian community was united."
"People supporting people, whether it's women supporting women, people just supporting people, period, is important. It just really is. It's what we're called here to do. We're not here to spread hate."
"I refused to raise my children in an environment that fostered and normalized negative thoughts about any Community."
"Discrimination against Asian Americans is wrong. It's bad. We do not condone it at all."
"There can be differences between different species and people, but that is not the reason to hate anyone or push them away."
"I stand by love only and don't tolerate any hate, racism, or discrimination."
"I can't let someone hate someone because of who they are."
"There should be no place in this country for discrimination."
"Muslim discrimination is wrong, there is no place for it in our society."
"I don't see color. Yes, you do, and it's fine to notice color, just don't judge people based on it."
"There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services…without regard to race, color, religion or national origin."
"No one should be judged because of the color of their skin."
"It's weak to disparage women, it's weak to disparage Hispanics, it's weak to denigrate the disabled."
"It had fought and fought successfully. It had done it with pride. It had battled against discrimination."
"An ally is an individual who speaks out and stands up for a person or group that is targeted and discriminated against."
"Racism, racial discrimination, and employment has been outlawed since the 1960s."
"The equal justice initiative has initiated major new anti-poverty, and antidiscrimination efforts that are intended to challenge the legacy of racial inequality in America."
"Look at the person, not at the color the person is; look at the person, not the language we speak."
"I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind."
"We have to understand that we're not each other's enemy. We have to stop discriminating against each other due to class and due to race and due to location of financial position."
"Stop the hate. If you close your eyes and just listen to someone's voice, you can't tell the difference like their skin color or whatever."
"Of course I condemn any form of vicious racial discrimination in this country."
"I've completely emphasized the issues that unite us instead of the discriminatory social issues that hurt our community."
"Discrimination is a disqualifier; inclusion is a victory lap."
"I want them to understand that they can succeed because of who they are, not for what discriminatory politicians tell them they're supposed to be."
"We want a nation where men and women are judged on the basis of the content of their character and the ability, not their ethnicity."
"We might support different teams, but we are all together against discrimination."
"We do not condone hatred or discrimination carried out in the name of our religion."
"Stand up against homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, and aphobia whenever and wherever you see it, especially in your school."
"Treat them with love and compassion, and don't let dog discrimination be your gateway into thinking that people who don't look like you are genetically inferior."
"Race is never an excuse to just be mean to someone and be rude."
"There will be no discrimination based upon race in housing selection throughout the city of Seattle."
"Discrimination is never ever okay."
"I hope one day we can look back on this video where any and all discrimination is seen as just the stain of the past."
"Executive Order 8802... prohibited discrimination in the defense industries."
"We reject hate, we reject discrimination, and we stand for one playing field for all, one America for all."
"If we know how discrimination works... we can become immune to all of this stupid hysterical messaging and we can start to connect with each other and find our common economic interests."
"If you're against racism and sexism, you should probably be against speciesism too."
"The Rumford Act... prohibits discrimination in housing establishments."
"We all still live together, you know, no discrimination, anything like that. Don't be racist."
"God makes lots of people in all colors, shapes, and sizes; he loves them very much, and what we need to realize is that calling people names because they're different is wrong."
"No one deserves to be discriminated against for loving someone."
"Adidas is selling remaining Yeezy products already in stock, saying it will donate a significant amount to selected organizations working to combat discrimination and hate."
"If you want equality, if you're fighting for fair treatment of everyone, it is very important to address discrimination targeting any race."
"Our basic law prohibits discrimination based on race or ethnicity."
"She learned the value of not discriminating against people who are different."
"It's not right to discriminate against anybody based off their race."
"We're building communities and fostering relationships against discrimination for the marginalized people."
"I think everyone should be able to express their opinion and sexuality freely without being hated or negatively labeled."
"An economic rights frame grounded in justice that is actively anti-racist, actively anti-sexist."
"I'm not letting bigotry in my house."
"We should not discriminate against people because of their language, because of their color, because of their race."
"It is absolutely not okay to lump all Jews together and attribute certain characteristics to the Jewish people as a whole."
"Section 1557 is a healthcare anti-discrimination law that protects patients based on their race, color, national origin, age, disability, and sex."
"Be safe out there, be smart, make good decisions, man, and duck the penitentiary, man, and stop hating on any race."
"We don't support this discrimination; we don't support this slavery."
"Promoting equality and eliminating discrimination when setting the curriculum."
"Anti-discrimination law refers to laws on the rights of people to be treated equally."
"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act states that it's illegal for organizations to discriminate in any way based on a person's sex, race, national origin, color, or religion."
"Actively working against discrimination... this was related to greater team satisfaction, higher quality work, and performance, and more equality."
"Right to live and work anywhere in Canada, right to a fair trial, and right to protection against discrimination."
"If someone says something transphobic, I just block them. I just move on."
"They've wanted to prove to other Americans how wrong it is to judge a man by the pigment of his skin or the shape of his eyes."
"Now more than ever, we must work together to end discrimination of all types and against all people and communities."
"I think discrimination anywhere is wrong."
"Show love, especially when you want to fight unfairness."
"He's not disposable, he's not a burden, he's very much loved."